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    Wednesday, October 17, 2018

    Scamming developers for review Steam keys to sell is getting pretty professional

    Scamming developers for review Steam keys to sell is getting pretty professional

    Scamming developers for review Steam keys to sell is getting pretty professional

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    What are some good gamedev vlog channels?

    Posted: 16 Oct 2018 09:26 PM PDT

    I love watching game development videos, unfortunately game development takes a lot of time so each person I follow only posts around every month. I wanted to know if you guys had any suggestions for good ones.

    Here are the ones I watch now:

    ThinMatrix, this is one of my favorites right now, he's making an evolution/simulation game

    Hand made hero, SUPER in depth tutorials live on twitch to code a complete game from scratch.

    Armitage Games currently making a roguelike iirc

    Nimso Ny, I like his tubby super cat videos + a lot of his others.

    Flow Graphics is just some random guy making a small game

    Obviously some are better than others but I would love to know the ones you guys know of :)

    submitted by /u/BeautifulPiss
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    Art style like 'Starmancer' - Any tips?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 09:00 AM PDT

    Since I saw the Kickstarter campaign of a game called Starmancer, I fell in love with this art style.

    So, it is basically pixel art tiles slapped on polygons, right? Are there any useful tutorials? How do you even call this kind of art style? Pixel 2.5D?

    What are the challenges if you decide to make a game in this art direction? I'm only used to pixel art and have no/very little experience in 3D modelling.

    submitted by /u/thejungho
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    Level Design Workshop: Blockmesh and Lighting Tips

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 09:32 AM PDT

    We surveyed 200+ indie and jam games to figure out the relationship between musical genres and game genres.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 08:57 AM PDT

    You can read about the results of our research at http://melodrive.com/blog/music-style-genre-indie-jam-games/

    submitted by /u/MelodriveMusic
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    My 3 Hour Game Challenge (x-post from /r/Unity3D)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 09:51 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    this past week I challenged myself to plan and build a full, publishable game in 3 hours or under. I worked under a time limit so I would stay focused and understand what its like to fully finish a game, with ads, screenshots, the google play dev process, etc.

    Overall, it was a valuable experience. Here's a bit about it:

    • Core Game Development:
      • The idea was simple: find a simple addicting game that could be built quickly, without too many assets (cuz I suck at art). The mechanics had to be super simple but satisfying.
      • After I thought of the core mechanic I moved on to "game feels". Camera shake was a quick way to make the game that much more satisfying.
        • Another way to keep the player on their feet was to make the game get faster. As the game gets faster, the player can also move faster, which allows more "skilled" players to get higher scores.
    • A near miss system is also implemented to allow the player to benefit from taking risks.
    • Polish
      • just some camera effects, finding fonts, particle systems, etc.
      • The dynamic color palette
      • This stage took a lot more time than I'd thought, however it really brought the game together and made it more like a real game. Its so important to nail camera effects and details (I barely delved into it, the smallest changes made the biggest differences), it really changes the game.
    • Ad support:
      • I made sure that I had the most time to deal with ads, as I had never dealt with them before. I couldn't get unity ads to work for me, so I switched to admobs. It was super easy to use, and I (along with users) prefer the banner ad for this type of game. It was an awesome experience testing the ads and figuring it out, and seeing numbers popup on my AdSense / play console.

    I've been playing with Unity for about 5 years now, purely as a hobbyist. Until now I've been just building small mechanics and mainly focusing on the code/game mechanic, and never experienced creating a complete game. I realized that while I was not passionate about this game in particular, I was passionate about game development, and that was a major factor to completing this game- to learn about the process of releasing a game.

    This is not close to what I can accomplish in unity, and there are people that can build way more in 3 hours- but I think that even though this isn't my best work, it is a valuable experience to "finish" a game. For the people out there who are way more experienced than I am or just beginning, if you haven't done so already, I highly recommend just trying to put out a game for the sake of finishing one- it could take you less than 3 hours.

    Here is the link for those who are curious: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.GKDev.cuberunning

    Feedback and questions are highly appreciated.

    My next challenge will be a 12 hour game!


    submitted by /u/GKDevGkdev
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    Controllers And Demos

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 07:56 AM PDT

    Hi all! I'm new to this sub reddit (and reddit in general)! I've been developing my indie game The Moon Fields for over a year and a half now. TMF has an 8p local multiplayer mode, and I've been to a ton of public showings, so I'm always in need of controllers. I'm curious what you guys are using to 1) develop 2) showcase/demo. Cost is important, but quality is important, too. I'll post about my experiences here, and if you have any experiences with these same OR ESPECIALLY different controllers, please let us all know.

    *So I don't have to post about it in each section, just know I use Unity + Rewired Input Manager. I strongly suggest Rewired especially for multiplayer games, but YMMV. I will also try to mention XInput for the XBox360 style controllers that use it.

    **These are my current price/performance USB micro cables.

    Dualshock 4 - if you can get this going in Unity, it's pretty rad. I started development for my games with DS4s + Rewired, and at the time I'd bring my laptop to a cafe and bust out a PS4 controller. I had bought cheap USB micro cables, though, so they would lose charge and it was very annoying. Out of the 5 PS4 controllers I own the only problems I've had were 1 of the controller's left analog "covers" was destroyed at a demo and the combo of cheap/broken USB micro cables and wireless dropping at big demos meant I stopped using these guys to demo. But thanks to the USB micros above I started again, and the PS4 controllers have been pretty functional to demo with. Kinda scared people will pocket them, though.

    edit: please see my note below for DS4 vs XB1

    XBox 360 wired - I never tried wireless because the dongles were 3rd party and the XB360 was moving out of style, but the wired here are amazing and of course they're XInput. It's next to impossible to find these at a good price, especially amongst a sea of imitators, but if you have'em they're probably the best controllers to demo with. Also, people can't pocket stuff with built in cables. I've bought 7 of these guys, one of them is fully broken, and another one has given me problems, but is currently working. Tldr these are the best of the best and super functional and amazing. Their lack of availability is really disappointing. Tip: call a local used gamestore and tell them that you'll buy any of their wired XB360 controllers that come in. Usually that means $20, but I think my local gamestores are onto my scheme, so you might want to increase that price for their convenience (and yours).

    PDP Rock Candy 360 - These guys are cheap, XInput, and feel better than the cheap Logitech wired controllers. I've bought 4 of these, but one of them did break. If you can find the more obscure colors, I think it might be worth it. Also, I am curious about the XBOne versions, but they're not as cute, and the whole point of the Rock Candy line is to be cute, so I'm not as interested.

    XBox One - these feel nicer than the XB360 wired controllers, but they 1) use batteries 2) are expensive 3) are wireless. I'd demo these with USB micro cables and keep an eye on them. Of the 4 that I have, 3 are perfect while 1 had a broken analog stick. I was able to open this controller pretty easily and repair the broken analog temporarily. The stick itself spins around its axis, but is functional otherwise.

    edit: please see my note below for DS4 vs XB1

    Switch PDP Faceoff - these controllers feel really good. Tbh, I think they feel as good as the XB360 wired controllers. They don't sync up with Rewired as well as I'd hoped. I think you could make a Rewired profile for them, but that hasn't been my focus. There are also at least 3 variants of the PCBs here, so you'd need to make 3 different Rewired profiles --- all of them seem to work with my default option selected. Also, while there is a cable at the base of the controller, it seems like these would be very likely to be pocketed at a demo.

    Gamecube Controllers - these are a great draw for demos. People love picking these up. I use the Mayflash Gamecube Adapter because it's on the list of supported adapters by Rewired. Tbh, it's clunky for development because you need a big adapter. I also don't really like the Gamecube Controller (sorry!). I think it has to do w/ the analog sticks not clicking in and the small amount of strain on my thumb kinda hurts. I love the big main A button, though. Holy cow do I love that big button. I also think the value of the Gamecube Controller might go up with Smash 5 and it being the cheapest of the controllers still being produced by the big 3.

    XB1 PDP Controller - I tested this for less than five minutes at a Gamestop. They feel just like the Switch versions that I have, and they're also XInput. The deep recessed cable also means I can treat these guys just like detachable wired controllers (with the small possibility of being pocketed, but most likely not). I have four in my Amazon cart and I'm really excited to pull the trigger here if anyone deving for XInput can rec these guys.

    There are a ton more controllers I'm interested in. Here's a list of them that I'm curious about:

    Switch Pro Controller. Hori Switch Controller, Switch JoyCons (can we get analog signals from these yet?), Pretty much all 8Bit Do Controllers, definitely Amazon Basics XBox 1 Controllers, this Madcatz PS4 Fightpad I just found, this PS4 Mini by Hori/Sony, these really weird SNES-y HyperKin XB1 controllers, and any kind of 3rd party replica controller ESPECIALLY the N64. Oh, also anything that's XInput + cheap + feels good + reliable is very highly on my list.

    Thanks for reading my first post in r/gamedev! I hope it was worth it. Cheers.

    Edit: As far as DS4 vs. XB1, there are a few factors. DS4's all connect to your PC's bluetooth. Only the non-black-topped XB1S pads released with the X Box One S will bluetooth to your PC. To note, XB1 Elite controllers are original black topped XB1 controllers. With a dongle, I find the XB1 (both versions) to be more reliably connected to my PCs. Also, the XB1 dongle is super convenient with syncing possible purely through the device AND use Win10 bluetooth menus vs. only going through bluetooth menus in Windows 10. I have no experience with this in earlier versions of Windows or non Windows PCs, sorry!

    Also, I find that demoing with wireless controllers is risking drops. If you must do a wireless demo (e.g. at a show!), make sure to have emergency USB cables and power extenders. Also, uh, make sure to thoroughly test these extreme situations at least once beforehand and at least once at the event/venue. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/_interdimensional
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    Boyfriend Dungeon’s $272k Kickstarter Postmortem: Everyone Wants to Kiss Swords

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 11:26 AM PDT

    Courses or master courses in videogames development in Europe

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 09:12 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a italian master degree student in computer science. looking for a course about videogames development in Europe. In Italy there is this master course in Verona, however i'm curious to find out others courses in europe like this and decide which are the best for me.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Jaeger1987
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    Game Dev From Zero - Part 1: Hello, Rust-Lang

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 08:56 AM PDT

    What has been the hardest thing you've ever tried to program?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 04:15 AM PDT

    Simplest possible advice for a brand new game developer.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 11:21 AM PDT

    I frequently get emails from first-time game developers about how to get started. I've finally distilled the advice down to three lines:

    Use GameMaker to make your first game.

    Make a very small, very simple game. Spend a week or two on it. Release it to the public.

    Repeat with a slightly bigger game each time.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/jasonrohrer
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    A raw library for acoustics simulation?...

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 04:41 AM PDT

    I am trying to start up make a prototype, I will NOT use a game engine neither for the prototype nor the game itself because they don't work for the kind of game I want to make.

    However I need real time acoustics in 3D environments, basically.

    1. I generate a 3D model as simple geometry based on procedurally generated blueprints, and I feed it to the library.
    2. I place a listener given some x,y,z coordinates and a p,0 angle.
    3. I place sound generators given some x,y,z coordinates; just like light I should have radial sound generators with falloff and directional sound generators.
    4. I should be able to move the sound generators around while they generate sound, as well as rotate the directional ones.
    5. I should be able to move the listener around as well as rotate it.
    6. I should be able to replace the geometry in real time (I assume I must be efficient and not load the entire map at once)
    7. I should be able to remove, mute, pause, volume up, volume down, add effects, or whatnot any sound generator at any time.

    Does anyone know a library that fits this kind of description?... the closest I've found is http://evertims.github.io/ but I am not sure, I was also hoping it worked in mobile.

    submitted by /u/EvilKittyBoy
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    I love creating. Does anyone else step outside and see VR LUSH trees?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:27 PM PDT

    I was a ballroom dance instructor when one of the teachers came to and asked me to be apart of his development team. Mind you, I had ZERO experience. I couldn't even honestly put on my resume that I was proficient in Microsoft word.

    2 years in, my co worker (and dear friend & PhD.) taught me how to put a computer together, use Unity, do Mocap, and soo many other things! It was hard for me going from someone who only interacted with people to someone who stares at a computer until 2am trying to finish a milestone. The reason I was asked to be on the team was because we were creating dance lessons in VR and he felt like I was someone who could 'get sh!t done'. We started doing side projects (unrelated to dance) to fund the passion project, and this is were I learned a ton! I love the feeling of making something people enjoy. I thought it was like playing the SIMS game back in the 1990s LOL, but like the adult version.

    submitted by /u/dancevirtual
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    Over 50 free graveyard themed models for use in your game (public domain) ��

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:23 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Got a new 3D package of game assets; the Graveyard Kit! Includes over 50 models of coffins, tombstones, pumpkins and more. I've also been working on delivering better quality models and more options;

    • Includes 5 file formats (FBX, OBJ, DAE, GLTF and STL)
    • Better quality 2D sprite renders (isometric and side)
    • Instructions on how to import in the most popular engines including Unity, Unreal and Godot.

    License: CC0 (public domain), completely free to use in personal, educational and commercial projects (no permission/credit required). Download includes license file.

    Consider purchasing one of our bundles or doing a donation if you plan to use the assets, those are much appreciated and ensure that there will be plenty of more assets in the future (6 years and counting!)

    submitted by /u/KenNL
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    Would it be appropriate to ask a game studio for work experience?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:00 PM PDT

    tl;dr 15 yr old kid asking if it makes sense to do 1-2 weeks work experience in a game studio

    In my country you can do an optional year in school where you focus less on school work and more on preparing you for life.

    I have to find a career that interests me and ask a company to take me for work experience. I can do two weeks in the same company or one week each in two separate companies. Would it be ok for me to ask a game studio or does that just seem a bit odd?

    submitted by /u/12373-7
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    Experiences from indies with publishers?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 11:56 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm incredibly new at this so I'd like to hear about whats the experience of contacting and furthermore getting funding from a publisher.
    What are your games and how did you go on with getting published? Did ya have a big juicy demo, a video, few screenshots? How along was the game actually made? Did you play the field or focus on a specific publisher? How much funding is the norm for your type of game and how much did you ask? Stuff like that
    Sorry if there's already a similar post. I did read a lot that the subreddit already has, but I'm kinda interested in the personal experiences people had, just so I can get my head on straight

    submitted by /u/Headwyn
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    What are some good tools for a beginner artist?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 11:23 AM PDT

    So i've recently gained an interest in small game developement and wanted to work on making games in my free time. Ive barely started learning the basics of coding, design, art, ect.

    I got GameMaker Studio 2 and spent the whole first night creating a sprite with an animation (no tutorials yet). Long story short ive realized that ill save a lot of stress if i focus on growing my skills in one area (art).

    What would i need as a complete beginner to work my way up to freelance jobs in video game art?


    submitted by /u/Needlessspace
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    My new game for iOS coming soon - Need testers and tips.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm currently doing a platform game for iOS, I'm about to publish it, I'm missing sounds, finish some goals, competitors' races and details, but if you want you can try it anonymously and totally free from TestFlight, if you're interested I still have 200 places available to try it for free. When I finish it, the game will be published for 3 or 4 dollars, the only payment for the game, I wanted to offer a game without in app purchases, after a lot of effort I am now (we are with a friend in reality) to realize that dream.

    I leave the link, if you want to try it for free in TestFlight while we are still finishing it, welcome, the truth is a dream that we have been trying to achieve for some time, I hope it is to your liking.

    Obviously you do not have ads or you will have them in the single paid version! Nor do I think we do a version with ads and even less with in-app purchases

    It's exclusive for iOS (iPhone, iPod and iPad with iOS 11 or higher)


    Thank you very much!


    submitted by /u/potencia2001
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    I need some fresh eyes on a piece of code.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 08:50 AM PDT

    So I'm currently using unity to generate 2D planets in the form of circular meshes and I'm getting an error saying " IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. PlanetGent2.generatePlanet() (at Assets/Scripts/PlanetGen2.cs:103) "

    public void generatePlanet(){mapWidth = 360;float[,] noiseMap = GenerateNoiseMap(mapWidth, mapHeight, seed, noiseScale, octaves, persistance, lacunarity, offset); Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[2*mapWidth + 1];int[] triangles = new int[(mapWidth) * 3]; Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[2*mapWidth + 1]; vertices[0].x = 0;vertices[0].y = 0; vertices[0].z = 0; for(int i = 1; i < 2*mapWidth; i++) { float angle = (i + 1) * ((360 * segmentSize) / DetailInterval) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; vertices[i].x = (radius + height * noiseMap[i, 1]) * Mathf.Sin(angle); //The error is happening on this line vertices[i].y = (radius + height * noiseMap[i, 1]) * Mathf.Cos(angle); vertices[i].z = 0;uvs[i].x = ((radius + height * noiseMap[i, 1]) * Mathf.Sin(angle) / (float)(2*(radius + height))); uvs[i].y = ((radius + height * noiseMap[i, 1]) * Mathf.Cos(angle) / (float)(2*(radius + height))); } for(int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++) { triangles[i * 3] = 0;triangles[i * 3 + 1] = i + 1;triangles[i * 3 + 2] = (i + 1) % mapWidth + 1; Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;mesh.vertices = vertices;mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.uv = uvs;Debug.Log("Mesh Generated");} } 

    Any help with this problem will be greatly appreciated.

    [Edit] Formatting

    submitted by /u/KeyboardNinja27
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    How viable is it to break down 1 game into multiple demos/modules?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:32 PM PDT

    I was looking through some articles on Kickstarter gamedevs and successes and most mentioned past projects being a large reason people would pledge money. It showed the developers had experience releasing games and also gave pledges past games for people to look at and judge from.

    While my current project isn't large in scope, it definitely does have 3 main game mechanics or "pillars" that could be mostly separated out from each other. How good (or bad) of an idea is it to develop each main gameplay element as a sort of demo or standalone module before combining them all?


    • small, limited scope by design

    • exemplifies each gameplay element

    • multiple iterations, can improve each time

    • gives hard-line experience and builds portfolio with "past projects" examples


    • possible to obfuscate brand

    • will be missing multiple gameplay element interactions (game mechanic A interacting with game mechanic B)

    submitted by /u/Sabard
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    What roles are there when creating a game in Unity?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 12:02 PM PDT

    Me and a bunch of friends are Planning on our first project in Unity3D. All of us have zero experience with anything to do with game design, programming etc. We wanted to split our roles apart so that each specifies in something different to be more efficient. I am getting started with programming, but I don't know what job to assign for my friends.

    I know theres an Animator, Programmer and thats it. Since I do the latter, what could my friends do? I need at least 3 other roles to give them.

    Many thanks in advance for those who help.

    submitted by /u/xElHusky
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    A next-gen platform where developers get more freedom to publish on their terms is revealed

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 11:45 AM PDT

    How and Why to use Inheritance in your C# Unity Game

    Posted: 17 Oct 2018 11:40 AM PDT

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