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    Tuesday, October 23, 2018

    Just a friendly reminder to backup your files. web developers

    Just a friendly reminder to backup your files. web developers

    Just a friendly reminder to backup your files.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 04:03 AM PDT

    Should I specify that I am a junior level developer on my resume?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    Hello WebDev.

    I am finally in the market for my first job in the industry, and I've gotten a fair amount of calls from recruiters and companies in the area without yet putting out applications. This has mostly been through linked in and Dice.

    The issue I am having is that on my resume, my current job title is Quality Assurance Technician. It is not a technical role. I literally taste protein powder and count pills all day. Some of the recruiters are offering me QA positions that I do not believe I qualify for because of this. I do mention on my resume that it's mostly physical product testing with only minimal database management.

    I am re-writing my resume before I start rolling out applications, and while my resume does highlight some personal projects, I am wondering if I should mention somewhere that I am only a junior level developer. I do not want to mislead employers.

    submitted by /u/konobeat
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    As a self-taught developer trying to land my first job, at what point should I stop focusing on one language and start learning another?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 06:30 AM PDT

    I'm trying to make myself more marketable because jobs in my area are mostly JS, PHP, or both. Also, some of the phone interviews I've had so far have asked the question "What other languages do you know", so I feel like only knowing one counts against me.

    I've been teaching myself JavaScript over the past year with the MERN stack and, for what it's worth, Pluralsight says my JavaScript IQ is 201 which is the minimum for their "expert" level.

    Is it worth learning PHP with the LAMP stack or should I keep expanding my JS skills? Would learning the basics of PHP and then returning to JS be sufficient?


    submitted by /u/NarcolepticPyro
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    I'm currently reading Eloquent Javascript - now I'm wondering if there is some nice book like this for PHP

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 09:00 AM PDT

    I'm a junior back-end developer and in my spare time I read about Javascript. The best recommendation for a book about this programming language was Eloquent Javascript which I'm currently reading, and I'm enjoing it a lot. I would like to know if some dev would mind to reccomend me a good book about PHP, which is the next subject I would want to know more about.

    Any recommendation is welcome. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/DarrozX
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    I feel like my company should be using git, but maybe I'm wrong...

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    I current work as a "intern"/"temporary employee" as a web developer. And we don't use git, and I'm making this post to see what reasons why a company would not, or what is out there that I don't know...

    The "development department" that I work in isn't 100% web-based. The company has "shared-drives" for what seems to be every city there is an office. So if you are on the network you are connected and can access these drives. The main office (mine too), has our shared drive, and its seemingly divided up into directories such as: HR - Marketing - Contacts - Development and of course the Development directory is where all the dev work goes...

    Inside JUST THE DEVELOPMENT directory in the drive, are hundreds of other folders and terabytes of files

    • Half are individual-folders: where every developer puts all their work.
    • Half are project-folders: where the developer puts their projects when done so others can access.

    1) Foremost, I hope its all backed up. But I really do not know. I could delete anyone's "personal directory" in the shared-drive, or any company project within 1 second. I could just totally screw over a long-term company client deal by deleting the folder that contained all the projects for that client... I would HAVE to assume its backed up, right?

    2) Everything is supposed to go into these shared-drives, but no one is consistent with it. half of everyone's "individual-directory" is empty because everyone works locally. Can't be having my IDE running files from a shared-drive, that slows the IDE down WAY TOO MUCH.

    3) Even the "project-directories" are never up to date and you have to go to the dev to get the latest files if you take overlay

    4) Futhermore, these shared-drives aren't the only place the project files have to go. They need to go to other drives for testing purposes and that means you'll have at one given time three versions of a project (the two shared drives, and your local version)

    It's made clear I'm just the intern here and don't know enough, but this seems like a terrible idea to me Here are some questions/concerns I have, and maybe there is something I'm missing that I don't understand

    • Due to potentially having three different versions of a project across three different hard-drives why not use git? this seems like the perfect reason too. Maybe its because you don't want to have all the files in remote repos like github? idk

    • Being able to just delete others project files IN THE MAIN SHARED HARD DRIVE to me... not a good idea

    • Everytime you update a version of an old project, you have to create "deprecated/archived" folders to put the old files in just in case you need them. Over time this will exponentially grow and can be fixed with VCS

    submitted by /u/Death_AllHisFriends
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    As a front-end dev, what stack should I use for a Simple Mobile/Web App?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 11:11 AM PDT

    I'm a front-end developer with a bit of back-end experience, but to call me full stack would be a lie. I'm working on a small application that will need to read and write to a backend. The tech stack I was hoping to use was: Prismic.io for data storage, Netlify Functions (i.e. AWS Lambda) for a simple model/controller layer, and Vue.js for the front end (this part I've got down). For this particular app, I wouldn't need login credentials, just a user key is sufficient. I like the Prismic.io interface, but it doesn't allow writes, so this stack isn't viable.

    Primary considerations:

    • User friendly content type creation

    • Ability to read and write

    • Easy interface so a user with low to medium skills can manage content

    • Use Javascript only (apart from maybe config files and the like)

    • Little to no dev ops

    • I want to focus on the front end experience, not the backend (as much as possible).


    • Boilerplate Vue.js instructions, or vue.js plugin

    • Easily add login in the future (though this could just be an additional item to the tech stack)

    Thoughts? Do you have something to replace Prismic with? Should I consider a completely different stack? Is there something I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/boona
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    My first try at react - Laptop Shop concept

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 12:19 PM PDT

    Pure CSS Toggle Buttons as a Web component

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 05:24 AM PDT

    I made a website to analyse your messenger data (offline, in the browser)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 06:03 AM PDT

    Does anyone know of any jekyll or Hugo theme that supports iframes without needing too much technical knowledge?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 03:24 PM PDT

    I want to create a website and host it on github pages or netlify. I only have basic knowledge of Javascript and CSS and also don't want to spend too much time on learning as I want to focus on my area of expertise. I was able to setup Ankake theme using hugo but it is more suitable for blogs with text posts. I want something where I can embed iframes easily. Is there a Hugo or jekyll theme in which we can embed iframes easily? Thanks in advance!~

    submitted by /u/mdocvar
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    Stuck on Interview Question please help

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 03:23 PM PDT

    I need to create a canvas dynamically inside a div, then on click, draw a circle then second click will shoot bullets to mouse position, if I click again on the point it deletes it and again if click, will create a new one.

    I made an object containing all the variables to create a canvas and save it's position. and function to keep update and animating the bullets that would be fired. but the problem is in the draw, it does not draw anything, even the circle.

    if anyone can help me solve it, will be much appreciated and could get me a good job. thanks.

    var shooters = []; function Shooter(shooter) { var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); shooters.push({ parent : shooter.parent, bulletColor: shooter.bulletColor, borderColor: shooter.borderColor, bulletPos:{x:0, y:0}, mousePos:{x:0, y:0}, bullets:[], isDown : false, canvas : canvas, dx:0, dy:0 }); // set from object shooter.parent.style.borderColor = shooter.borderColor; canvas.style.width = '100%'; canvas.style.height = '100%'; canvas.width = canvas.offsetWidth; canvas.height = canvas.offsetHeight; shooter.parent.appendChild(canvas); requestAnimationFrame(update); } function update() { shooters.forEach(function(shooter) { $(shooter.canvas).mousemove(function(e) { shooter.mousePos = getPosition(this, e); }); $(shooter.canvas).mousedown(function(e) { shooter.dx = shooter.bulletPos.x - shooter.mousePos.x; shooter.dy = shooter.bulletPos.y - shooter.mousePos.y; console.log(shooter.dx, shooter.dy); if(Math.abs(shooter.dx) < 10 && Math.abs(shooter.dy) < 10){ //shooter.isDown = false; } else { if(!shooter.isDown){ shooter.bulletPos = shooter.mousePos; console.log('creating'); shooter.isDown = true; } } }); $(shooter.canvas).mouseup(function(e) { shooter.isDown = false; }); if(shooter.isDown){ var dist = Math.sqrt(shooter.dx * shooter.dx + shooter.dy * shooter.dy); // get the distance. shooter.dx /= -dist * 0.4; // normalised difference shooter.dy /= -dist * 0.4; shooter.bullets.push(new Shot(shooter.mousePos.x, shooter.mousePos.y, shooter.dx, shooter.dy)); } draw(shooter); }); requestAnimationFrame(update); } function draw(s){ var canv = s.canvas; var shots = s.bullets; var color = s.bulletColor; var ctx = canv.getContext("2d"); var cw = canv.width; var ch = canv.height; ctx.fillStyle = color; // clear the canvas for this frame ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch); ctx.fillRect(s.bulletPos.x, s.bulletPos.y, 5, 5); if (shots.length == 0) { return; } var a = []; for (var i = 0; i < shots.length; i++) { var shot = shots[i]; shot.x += shot.dx; shot.y += shot.dy; if (shot.x >= 0 && shot.x <= cw && shot.y > 0 && shot.y <= ch) { a.push(shot); shot.display(canv, color); } } if (a.length < shots.length) { shots.length = 0; Array.prototype.push.apply(shots, a); } } function getPosition(canvas, event){ var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: event.clientX - rect.left, y: event.clientY - rect.top }; } //Object, which should be the position of the bullet. function Shot(x, y, dx, dy) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; } Shot.prototype.display = function (canvas, color) { var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // make fillstyle blue if it's not already blue if (ctx.fillStyle !== color) { ctx.fillStyle = color; } // draw the shot on the canvas ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, 5, 5); } 

    the html contains the two divs and two call for the shooter function.

    like this video: youtube link

    submitted by /u/ht2k9
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    Methods for paperless / PDF web apps

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 11:34 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I'm looking for suggestions on my paperless intranet app.

    I have a paperless intranet system that uses barcode labels on the document input side. The labels minimize the amount of typing the input employee has to do, so it makes things easy for them. Right now they put in the customer number (which tells me all I need to know about the customer) and the type of document and that info ends up on the barcode labels, which is then stuck to the paper before bulk scanning.

    For various reasons, I'm trying to find out if there are other ways to handle the document input side that don't require barcode labels to be decoded in the web app. It works great as it is now, other than being stuck to a commercial Windows Server COM object that handles the PDF barcode decoding. It works great, but it's a boat anchor keeping me stuck to Windows and old legacy CFML code. I want to re-write and expand the system on LAMP/Laravel and to do this, I have to get away from the COM object.

    Why not use something like Zbar? I could, but it means inline conversions to/from PDF, which adds a level of clunkiness I'd prefer to avoid. Also, the COM is *really* good at dealing with crappy scans, large files such as 24x48 inch velum plan documents, etc. We can stick the label anywhere on the documents and it is decoded successfully 99.99999% of the time.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for paperless input, including ways I might get away from the barcodes all together?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Oceas
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    I am reverse-designing the top mobile apps, and turning it into UI guidelines

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 02:50 PM PDT

    Is it standard practice for Web Developers to "own" the domains that clients buy?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 02:40 PM PDT

    I'm very, very new to web development, currently studying it in school. So I've never worked for any web developer or marketing company that works with clients, but I am a support tech dealing with many companies in my local area. One thing I've been told is that it is fairly common to find out that when these clients hire a web design company to start from scratch and secure a domain, build the site, etc, that the client is NOT listed with whatever company is hosting the domain (GoDaddy, Google, what have you) but instead the developer is.

    Here's a hypothetical, just in case I'm not being clear:

    Joe's HVAC hires WebDev Inc. to make them a website. WebDev Inc. secures JoesHVAC.com from GoDaddy, but lists "WebDev Inc" as the site owner, not "Joe's HVAC".

    The situation is currently happening to a number of customers of my IT company, which is causing havoc with Office 365 emails, company name changes, etc.

    Is this a normal practice and if so, why? Who does it benefit?

    Thank you in advance, sorry if I posted in the wrong place!

    submitted by /u/TheNerdyMupton
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    What technologies should I be learning as we head into 2019?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 01:34 AM PDT

    Hi Reddit - I'm a junior Web developer, a few years out of my computer science degree. In my current job, I have been learning Laravel 5 and I'm enjoying it but I don't know what the demand is like for it in the industry (UK). I've had some other MVC experience with Java Spring and Rails in the past, and I have some experience with Javascript but I don't know what I should be working on and learning in my free time to improve my skills and meet market demand. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/the_pimp_biscuit
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    Namesilo sale back on. Get domains for $5.99 when you use the coupon "redditdeal"

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 07:00 AM PDT

    Web Development Open Source of the Month (v.Oct 2018)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 08:31 AM PDT

    Considering subscribing to Frontendmasters. Got some questions

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 08:13 AM PDT

    There's a few specific courses from Frontendmasters that you'd like to take, but being that the subscription is quite pricey, I got a few questions for its users:

    • How happy are you with it, in general? Do you use it regularly?
    • Is there a Q&A or active forum section with both teachers and students participating? It's honestly one of my favorite features of the Udemy courses I've taken.
    • From what I see from the trailers, more than tightly edited courses it seems that the format is a-la live master-class? Am I right?
    submitted by /u/harry_powell
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    Accesibly reducing spam?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 01:25 PM PDT

    So, i have this website that is very for accessibility, and open-ness. So I can't add a captcha (not accessible), nor restrict who can submit to just members, or paid members (not open to everyone). But we've been getting a lot of spam recently from a few spammers, who are using vpns to get around ip bans. We have been getting a lot of them, to the point where it's almost not possible to keep up with. How can I reduce the spam, without making this inaccessible, or closed to certain people. (The website is also in multiple languages, and is used all around the world, so it can't be english only)

    submitted by /u/TGotAReddit
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    How Facebook 3D Photos Work

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 07:07 AM PDT

    What are ".event" extensions on web pages?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 12:47 PM PDT

    On Intuit Mint, there are a number of pages that have urls like https://mint.intuit.com/transaction.event?accountId=xxxx. I've never seen a .event page outside Mint. Is this actually a file extension, or just something Intuit uses internally to indicate dynamic pages or something? If it is an extension, what (scripting?) language uses it? I've done some googling and nothing came up.

    submitted by /u/jokullmusic
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    Creating A Custom Map Search Component

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 08:52 AM PDT

    Hey Everyone,

    I've worked with Leaflet maps before for an application where users were able to type in addreses/coordinates, drop a pin on a map, and recieve a set of estimates about that location. If they thought it was interesting, they were able to save the pin and view the location again later.

    Lately, I was thinking that it would be cool to revisit that project and improve the search box to include BOTH the ability to find new addresses, and the ability for user's to 'jump' to a saved location to view it. I wasn't sure what the best way to implement this was.

    The problem as I see it is that my search widget queries a provider for the geolocation data (in my case, open street map). I'd need to somehow have it query multiple providers (open street map and my database) and somehow give priority to items in my database.

    I was wondering if anyone had any tools or experience building something like this, that queried open source information and user specific data to create a hybrid search tool.

    submitted by /u/SadBonesMalone
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    Moving from React -> Ember for new job?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2018 12:29 PM PDT

    I've started thinking about a job search and have taken a few calls. One company that I had had hopes of working for has mentioned that they use Ember and whether I'd be ok with switching to using that over React. I said "ok" at the moment and will continue interviewing to see everything they have to offer, but I don't really like the idea of switching to Ember. I feel this way mainly because I've been having a fun time using React + Typescript.

    Anyone at there make the switch?

    submitted by /u/gimmeslack12
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