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    How to actually stay motivated to learn how to code learn programming

    How to actually stay motivated to learn how to code learn programming

    How to actually stay motivated to learn how to code

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 03:17 AM PDT

    Hey Reddit, Learning to code is a bitch.

    It's never been easier to learn to code, with so many resources available to learn from. But getting your ass to actually do it is as hard as it's always been.

    I'm not going to pretend like I'm any different. Back in the day I decided this would be the year I would get serious about learning to code. And the year after that, and the year after that . . . you know how it goes.

    If you've ever committed to learning something big, you know how hard it is to keep yourself motivated through the long slog. How do you do it?

    Make something

    Don't take so many tutorials. They're good for getting an overview of something new, but after that you have to get off your ass and make something.

    You could make another to-do list app, but who wants to do that? You don't have to make any of the simple beginner projects that everyone says you have to make. (Making tic-tac-toe in JavaScript is pretty badass, though.)

    Build something you want to make. I'm sure you're a creative person. Think of a small project or app that would help you out, or at least look cool. Put it online. Get some feedback from people. Fix some bugs. Just do something.

    You can show it off as a cool project to potential future employers. Nobody cares if you made another to-do app. They will care if you make a website that shows your ability to turn a fuzzy idea into something tangible.

    Or better yet, don't get a job. Make an app or website that you can charge people for and make some money off that. Be creative. Or maybe you'll make something cool, it'll go viral on Reddit, and you can position yourself as an expert in the space and get some new freelancing clients. Think outside of the box.

    I recently launched Unbokeh, which is a bunch of blurry backgrounds you can use for designs and wallpaper. I made it because I like blurry wallpapers, they look cool, and I wanted to make a cool resource others could use. It's not a million-dollar-idea, but I'm proud of it. I learned a lot about Gatsby and GraphQL I didn't before. I put it on Twitter and a lot of people liked it.

    Plus, putting something online that you worked hard it feels good, doesn't it?

    Get a job

    One of the my favorite ways I learned to code was by having people pay me to learn. If you put some effort into it, you can get some small jobs on a platform like UpWork and make some money while you're at it.

    You don't have to be an expert—you just need to know enough to get the job done. If you know how to sell yourself a little, they're not going to care if you're a beginner. You just have to prove that you can get the job done. If you made a cool side project like I told you to, you have experience already.

    I learned how to develop WordPress themes by cold emailing local businesses and redesigning their sites. I learned JavaScript from building a splash page for another small business. I got better at React by making some pages for a startup.

    You don't want to do anything completely outside your skillset. But by pushing the boundaries a little and taking on a real project, you'll make big progress.

    You're not trying to get rich here, but the extra experience from real-world projects is worth it.

    Get connected on Twitter

    One thing that helped me was to join Twitter. It's where all the developers hang out. You can follow a bunch of developers making cool things and get inspired. Follow some industry leaders and learn about new tools and tech. Once you fill your feed with interesting articles and people talking about JavaScript, you'll be a lot more motivated to keep learning. Post some articles you learned from or a new code snippet you thought was cool. You're part of the community now.

    Of course don't waste too much time on it. You're here to learn more and be part of the community, not get distracted.

    One big motivator for me was to join the #100DaysOfCode challenge. The premise is simple: You code for at least an hour 100 days straight and tweet about your progress every day. You won't want to break your streak. #CodeNewbie is another nice hashtag to get connected with people on Twitter.

    It's great because you get access to a community of other people learning to code, same as you. Tweet interesting things you're working on. Get some people to follow you and follow them back. DM them and ask what they're working on. Make some friends. If you're part of a community, it's much easier to build the habit of coding. Soon, it'll be part of your identity—you're a developer now. It's just what you do.

    Just fucking do it

    In the end, it's all up to you. You just have to commit to it and get it done.

    Understand you're in it for the long haul. It's cool to see success stories on Twitter about how this dude landed a six-figure job after learning to code for 3 months. And he's 18. They're always 18, aren't they? But they're the exception, not the rule, and if you want to fix your life fast by learning to code, you're not going to.

    If you want to get a job or build a killer product, you're going to have to work hard at it. All the success stories you see are just the results, not the long, boring hours before that. It's going to help you get through the rough spots when you feel dumb as shit and that you'll never get the hang of this. Trust me, there's going to be a lot of spots like that.

    Don't do it halfway—if you're not really into it or passionate about it, it's probably not going to work out. But if you want to put in the time and effort, and a little bit of blood, sweat and tears, you can do it. Now get back to learning.

    If you liked the post, you can check out my website here: https://ericnmurphy.com/motivation I post interesting things about JavaScript and learning to code, maybe you'll like it.

    submitted by /u/ericnmurphy
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    I just wanted to say this to anyone that wants to work in this industry.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 03:00 PM PDT

    I hate that there's this idea floating around that "coding" is an actual job. You don't just learn to code. The logic is way more important. When I first got into it I struggled the most with turning real world problems into something that can be either true or false.

    People say "Hey everyone! Try to stay motivated! Just do it!" like it's a fucking exercise video.

    I was an alcoholic and I wanted to build a resource for other struggling alcoholics that are looking for help. I learned how to use ruby to scrape data about times and places of aa meetings in my area. It worked but if someone changed their site, I wouldn't be able to get that data.

    So I had to learn how to make a database that would constantly update. I had to speak with people in the community that were running these websites to allow me to update my database whenever they give me new information.

    I'm going to wrap this up, coding isn't some magical career path that will make you rich with just having some knowledge about x language. You have to know why and how to use computers to make solutions. Writing code is easy and boring. It's only fun when you use it to do something that your passionate about or feel like you're helping someone.

    If you have that wonder and feel passionate when you learn about how we managed to get to where we are by using technology. Then this is a good choice for you. It still blows my mind how we created a global network and are able to produce new knowledge every day.

    We're now able to help so many people. The internet has connected struggling people with a massive amount of knowledge at their fingertips. I'm so grateful that i get to contribute.

    If you go into this field thinking like that, you will live a fulfilling life. If you're just in it for the money, you're days are going to be spent yelling at your computer because something that should work isn't working.

    Edit: instead of linking to a blog post or something here's a link to donate to Wikipedia.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_HOG_PLZ
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    How do I help my junior developers succeed?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:17 PM PDT

    I suddenly became the manager of 2 junior developers around 2-3 months ago. I was the only developer on a startup for a couple of months and I finally was able to convince the founders to hire new people. We didn't have a lot of money to spare so we were only able to hire 2 entry-level developers. This was their first or second programming job and I believe they only lasted barely a year during their first job, so I had to treat them as people who are new to programming. I didn't mind mentoring our new hires because I've conducted a lot of corporate training in the past and I have a decent amount of experience myself (7 years professional experience), so I thought teaching wouldn't be much of a problem.

    Most of what I had them do during their stay in our company was learn the basics about some of our stack (Ruby on Rails and React. I was hoping to teach them Elixir, but I think that might be too much right now) and some simple tasks here and there (that would have been just busy work to me) to make them apply their knowledge. There were times when they were really stuck and I had to finish the tasks myself, but I always made it a point to teach them how I've done it when such things occur.

    It's been 2-3 months now and they're still struggling with the complete basics. It takes them days to finish something that I would have done in less than a day. There were times when they've asked the same questions over and over even after I've answered and explained it to them in detail. They tell me that they've understood what I taught to them, but then struggle to finish whatever task I've given them that I have to spoon-feed the solution to them at times. It's getting frustrating for me because I feel like development would have been faster if we just didn't hire them in the first place. Of course, I know that it's better for us in the long run if we invest in our junior developers now so I'm asking for help how to reach out to them.

    Here's what I've done so far:

    1. I started by putting them in separate ends of our stack. I assigned Developer A to Ruby and Developer B to React. Developer B looked promising at first because they were able to do understand the code base enough to come up with solutions by copy-pasting stuff that has been done in another area of our code base. Developer A, however, struggled with the complete basics of Ruby on Rails, MVC, HTTP, and just web development in general.
    2. I decided to assign Developer B to our Ruby stack as well. I figured having both of them learning the same thing would result in them asking questions to each other which, in turn, would result in faster learning. Unfortunately, Developer B struggled to learn Ruby on Rails and it also resulted in Developer A's productivity to drop because he went out of his way to teach Developer B everything he knows about Ruby on Rails to help out. The good news though is that I think Developer A has improved his knowledge on Ruby because of this incident.
    3. My latest move right now is I had both Developer A and B do our frontend instead (React). B seems to be glad to be back to doing React because their productivity has improved, but they still seem to not understand how React and Redux works. Naturally, Developer A is back to square one because they haven't touch React before. My goal this time around is to have Developer B teach A their knowledge to force B to understand whatever they had learned before.

    I've observed some issues that I think are the reason why things are still not going our way:

    1. Our work is completely remote. We don't have an office, but I require my developers to work at my house once a week. This makes teaching harder because we're not in the same physical location and we can't look at the same screen. We do a lot of screen sharing when the need arises though.
    2. I've known both of them personally before they started working with me, but they're really shy about asking questions. I keep telling them to ask me anything if they're stuck, but it doesn't happen. I'm usually too busy with my own tasks, so I forget to check up on them. When I do, they tell me they've been stuck for hours and are only asking for help when I'm reaching out to them.

    What should I do? I want them to become better developers, so I'll have an easier time managing them and it's for their career growth as well.

    submitted by /u/outtascope
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    Stopping page from redirecting when using post request?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:17 PM PDT

    I can't figure out why but the following code redirects me to a page with the post data appended to the current url. Can anyone help me figure out why?

    <html> <head> <script src="/res/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <script src="/js/main.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/home.css"/> <script> function sendMail() { $.ajax({ data: 'email=' + document.getElementById('email').value + '&name=' + document.getElementById('fname').value + '&message=' + document.getElementById('content').value , url: '/cms/mail.php', method: 'POST', success: function(msg) { alert('Sent!'); } }); } </script> </head> <body> <div class="inline-content"> <form onsubmit="sendMail()"> <label for="name">Name</label> <input type="text" id="fname" name="firstname" placeholder="John Doe"> <label for="email">Your Email</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="name@example.com"></input> <label for="email">Messsage</label> <textarea id="content" name="email" placeholder="Say Hi!"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </div> </body> </html> 
    submitted by /u/limbwal
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    How to get better at programming

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 04:28 PM PDT

    I am taking a beginner level CS course and I am struggling, a lot. Our primary language we are using is Java, and each week we are assigned a new project to complete. I am trying my best to keep up with the lectures, assignments and whatnot but every time we get a new weekly assignment, I am always so, so lost. Sometimes, I stare at the assignment for hours on end and still can't think of a solution. I'm beginning to think maybe this isn't my major, even though I find it so fascinating. If any of you could give me some advice on how to improve that would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Pinchdoodle
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    Bash Aliases are something everyone must use

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 09:44 PM PDT

    Bash Aliases

    Bash Aliases are like shortcuts that we can create so tedious Command I feel like if you are a beginner programmer you should definitely learn about bash aliases as they can help you save a lot time and they look cool like a simple key can perform a long command.

    This might be helpful if you are new to bash Aliases Bash Aliases And I even wrote a post about it Checkout Post Here

    Btw I'm just trying to teach something new if you are new to programming I love teaching something new

    submitted by /u/mraza007
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    Are there Python equivalents to the 'You don't know JS' series?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:37 AM PDT

    After meticulously learning everything I could about Javascript, trying to get my foot in the door as a web developer, I've been hired as a software developer using python (specifically stdin, stdout, and json parsing). This is great because I was only learning web dev to get into the industry and software is more where my interested fall.

    However, I neglected learning Python while I honed my JS skills. The 'You don't know JS' series really helped me understand JS under the hood and I would love to read something similar with Python being the main focus. I'm working through "Automate the Boring Stuff" which is a great resource to get up and running on Python but I was interested in something that went a bit deeper. Any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/carstenjanckerisgod
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    Solving problem strategies.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:40 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    I have been trying to create algorithms to solve problems using Divide and Conquer and Dynamic Programming strategies. I am new to this.

    A lot of the time, I get stuck and unsure how to proceed. What are good strategies to go through when trying to solve a problem using either strategy.

    Thanks for your time.

    submitted by /u/thebatmanbeynd
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    [XSLT] Firefox: Cross-Origin Request Blocked

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:48 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I am having a bit of an issue with an assignment I am working on with transforming an XML document to HTML using XSTL. Every time I run my .xml the browser outputs all the .xml information in a run-on sentence with none of the xsl changes. Looking at the console I receive the error Cross-Origin Request Blocked (Reason: CORS request not http). I have scoured the internet but I cannot seem to find a solution to this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Inconspicuous_Pigeon
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    Creating a Yahtzee game In Python using For Loops.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:46 PM PDT

    I am attempting to create a simplified Yahtzee game.

    It basically uses a For Loop to allow two players to roll 5 dice using import random. It then outputs the results of those 5 dice in a list for each player.

    In round one, it asks "Let's see if you can roll some 1's". It then checks if any 1's are in the list and adds them together.

    It does that for both players separately and then outputs their scores so far.

    In round 2, it asks to roll 2's. It checks to see how many 2's and adds those to the score from the first round to each player.

    This goes on for 6 rounds.

    The highest score after round 6 wins.

    I could program this using a While Loop I think, but I am having problems starting it with only For Loops.

    Any advice to start this program would be great.

    I could add what I have already coded but it's complete trash.

    Thanks for any tips or advice.

    submitted by /u/Inspired2244
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    Is it possible for a CPU to address less than a word of memory?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 11:07 PM PDT


    Can a 64 bit CPU address in a single instruction, say, only a single bit of memory? Or can this CPU access like a 15 bit isolated chunk of memory?


    submitted by /u/reebs12
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    [C++] Struggling with undefined reference error with sub classes

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 10:35 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have a question. I have been trying to get this to work but I cannot figure out when I am doing wrong. When I making the objects for the LoadedDice class within main i get "undefined reference to 'LoadedDice::LoadedDice(int)'

    I don't understand why though, I believe that it exists and works correctly. When I try and do it with the parent class of Dice then it works like it is supposed to. If anyone knows the solution to this that would be great.

    Code in question:

    class Dice{ public: Dice(); Dice( int numSides); virtual int rollDice() const; protected: int numSides; }; Dice::Dice() { numSides = 6; srand(time(NULL)); } Dice::Dice(int numSides) { this->numSides = numSides; srand(time(NULL)); } int Dice::rollDice() const { return (rand() % numSides) + 1; } // Take two dice objects, roll them, and return the sum int rollTwoDice(const Dice& die1, const Dice& die2) { return die1.rollDice() + die2.rollDice(); } class LoadedDice : public Dice { public: LoadedDice(); LoadedDice(int numSides); bool tf = (rand() % 2) != 0; int rollDice() { if (tf == true) { return numSides; } else if (tf == false) { (rand() % numSides) + 1; } }; }; int main() { LoadedDice Dice1(3); LoadedDice Dice2(6); for (int n=0; n<10; n++) { rollTwoDice(Dice1, Dice2); } } 

    submitted by /u/HailToTheVic
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    Best practices when testing code that uses/modifies external services, like queues and containers?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 10:06 PM PDT


    (Using Go, if that is relevant)

    I've written a service that uses a queue (RabbitMQ) and automates running/removing containers (Docker).

    Although I understand unit testing, and sorta understand mocking, I'm not sure how to test code that relies on external services.

    What are the techniques here? Do we spin up "dummy" queues, and test on there? Do we somehow mock the queue and docker daemon? What are the approaches?

    Unit testing stateless functions is super easy, but I'm lost when doing anything more complex. I think this is integration testing?


    submitted by /u/s0ft3ng
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    Python,why isn't the entire string printing jumbled?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 09:46 PM PDT

    Python. I'm trying to write a program that "encrypts" string from a file for an assignment. i've got the program to write the randomized string to the file, but it's not printing all of it contents of the string i put into the list. how do i have it make sure all the contents of the list are put into the file?

    import random def main(): random.seed(125) list_1=[] index=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] file_name=input('Enter a name of a python program to encrypt: ') file = open(file_name,'r') lines=file.readlines() for i in range(0,len(lines)): append=lines[i].strip('\n') list_1.append(append) jumbled=open('encrypted.txt','w') for i in range(0,len(list_1)): i= random.randint(0,9) jumbled.write(list_1[i]+'\n') main() 
    submitted by /u/TheAnimal91
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    CS student for ~3 years but still haven't gotten the over the hurdle into the world of creating and I need help

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 05:50 PM PDT

    Hello all, I am a sophomore in university and started learning how to code my senior year of high school. The most frequent advice for people who want to get better are either Leetcode for interviews and making self projects. I'm able to see improvement in the Leetcode aspect, because I can work on problems and recognize patterns/learn concepts. However, when working on a project, especially those that I think of myself, I have absolutely no idea where to begin. Whenever there is something new that I don't know how/what to do to tackle it and it is not directly google-able, I fall apart. It really sucks and I'm a bit ashamed to discuss projects with people haha.

    Right now I have an idea that doesn't even seem difficult, and I don't know how to proceed. An large part of it is editing the text color of messages on Facebook for specific people, and I have no leads on how to even begin. My ideas have never gotten past the beginning few steps and I am really scared about my inability. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Doorknobsink
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    Are newsgroups for programmers entirely obsolete?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 09:19 PM PDT

    I have Thunderbird installed on my computer and I thought I'd get on a few newsgroups for programmers, or are they entirely obsolete and deserted? Usenet is still around though. I already use IRC for a lot of my questions. I guess the old ways are still the best ways. Whilst we're on this subject, are there good Discord servers for programming? This particular sub needs a Discord, and an IRC channel if you ask me. By going on newsgroups, IRC, Discord, one could maximize his level of knowledge-seeeking.

    submitted by /u/Lithy_Eum
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    Anybody know anything about Get Course and/or Open Classrooms?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 05:03 PM PDT


    I've been trying to teach myself how to program, but I've found it prohibitively difficult. My dad taught me some coding when I was a kid (HTML, C, C++, PHP, CSS), but not enough to be qualified for anything. I've gotten through a fair portion of MIT's Intro to Computer Science through Python course on edX, but it doesn't feel like I'm making real progress and over time I've struggled more and more to keep working on it consistently. I think I need something more structured, and/or with more actual people to help me with things I don't quite understand and keep me on task. Self-discipline is probably my biggest weakness. With external discipline I do great (I did very well in school until I dropped out for complicated reasons), but when I have to discipline myself it doesn't tend to go well. I'm working on that, but for now I just want to get far enough with programming to escape the metal shop I currently work at. I much prefer a more traditional kind of education where I have an actual teacher and classmates I can interact with and ask questions, but going to college to get a traditional degree isn't financially doable for me. I'd really like something with a physical classroom and deadlines to keep me on task, but beggars can't be choosers. I can't quit my current job and go to school full-time to be eligible for scholarships and/or grants that still wouldn't cover all my expenses.


    I saw a couple of ads on Facebook for Open Classrooms and Get Course, which on the surface seem to be a reasonable middle-of-the-road option for me. Not free or even very cheap, but also much cheaper than getting a four-year degree from a traditional school. I'm particularly interested in the Front-End Developer Pathway with Get Course that comes with a 6-month job guarantee. I like the idea of having a mentor providing one-on-one help. I like the idea of being able to communicate with other people taking the same material. I like the fact that I'll be working on real-world projects I can potentially put on a resume, and I like the idea of a job guarantee once I complete the course, since that's my ultimate goal - a better career path than working in a dirty, dangerous fabrication shop. I'm fully confident I have the IQ to do this kind of work, and while I'm not *in love* with coding, I do enjoy it. I just need structure/discipline. I know I could do it if I went to traditional college. What I don't know is if one of these paid online courses would be any better than the free ones available.

    So my question is:

    Does anybody have any experience with Open Classrooms and/or Get Course? Is it just some Facebook ad scam or somehow not the direct, structured path to a career switch I'm looking for? It seems perfect for me from what I've seen, which is why I'm a bit skeptical - usually if it seems to good to be true, that's because it is. I don't want to waste thousands of dollars, but if it's worth the investment I'm willing to make the necessary sacrifices.

    Open Classrooms: r/https://openclassrooms.com/en/about-us

    Get Course: https://go.getcourse.co/oc-frontend-developer-path-us?ims=kxreg&utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=FBPPC

    submitted by /u/HephaestusBlack
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    What language is best?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:41 PM PDT

    I want to learn how to make a web browser game, I was thinking of trying to learn HTML5 but I heard somewhere than I need to also know Javascript in order to make a game.

    Do I need to know HTML? Or Javascript? CSS? Or all of them?


    submitted by /u/MegaMadness
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    in ML, I have a test point, and true points set, how to find the matched closest point?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 08:17 PM PDT

    Hi all

    I have a dataset points in which is the training dataset projected into 1000d space, and one test point, how to find the closest point in the training dataset that matches the test point?

    loss function? or L2 norm or what way?/

    thanks a ton

    submitted by /u/boydbuilding
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    What's next for me in Computer Systems?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 03:52 PM PDT

    So I just finished my first computer systems programming subject, and I really enjoyed it. So, over the holidays I want to further my knowledge on computer systems.

    The issue is that I don't know what kind of stuff I should be teaching myself. This subject covered lots of stuff, namely multiprocessing (with fork/pipe/exec), multithreading and relatively basic TCP network programming.

    What comes next after that stuff? Kernel programming? I'd love to hear some different opinions.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/AlKanNot
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    Would you tell your manager if you automated your job

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 01:32 PM PDT

    Just out of curiosity, let's say you had a job (obvs not programming) which required you to do time consuming repetitive tasks which you could automate using your knowledge of programming. Would you tell your manager or just stay quiet about it and use your work time to do other stuff and why

    submitted by /u/xyzabc123410000
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    Can someone mind telling me why this simple code isn't running in python 3.7

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:23 PM PDT

    I did this before and I don't know how to make it work now.

    for i in range(17):

     print("{} is {} in binary".format(i,bin(i[2:]))) 

    saying int object is not subscriptable.

    What I'm trying to do is get rid of the 0b before every character.

    submitted by /u/wwe20180
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    Question about width vs height of a block of text in a text editor

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:16 PM PDT

    Good morning. Imagine we've got a block of text:





    The height of this block of text is 4, and the width is 8. Now, to find the value of the char in bold, let's say, find(5, 3):

    char find(int r, int c) {

    row = r * width;

    return text[row + c];


    This is what my tutorial suggests. But:

    r * width = 5 * 8 = 40

    That's the exact index of the 0 that we want! We don't need to add +c to it. Why? What am I missing here?

    submitted by /u/Lithy_Eum
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    Having a hard time understanding publisher subscriber model. Please help.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 07:07 PM PDT

    I work as a backend developer in Java and Python and I am trying to learn on the side to improve my skillset.

    I am stuck on publisher subscriber model, almost every video and blogpost about this pattern goes on and on about the real-world analogies by giving examples of NewsLetters or News Feed or Netflix. I understand the analogy but I am not clear on the implementation.

    - Does publisher subscriber come in to picture only when microservice calls another ?

    - How is publishing a message different from sending a "request" of that message ?

    - Does the publisher still hit a REST api end point of the subscriber ?

    - Where are the messages stored after being published by the publisher but still have not been consumed ?

    Please guide me.

    submitted by /u/princenotsocharming
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    Sites for prepping for assessment tests?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2018 06:35 PM PDT

    I've been looking around, and the closest I've found that does what I want is code wars, but I was wondering if there were any more like it, and specifically sites that prepare you for real world stuff?

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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