• Breaking News

    Monday, October 22, 2018

    Github is in read-only mode right now. web developers

    Github is in read-only mode right now. web developers

    Github is in read-only mode right now.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:09 AM PDT

    I just did my first developer interview from the other side of the table

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:11 PM PDT

    This was my first time interviewing a candidate, and honestly, I want to get better at it.

    Minutes before the interview, I was told about it because the Dev Lead who was supposed to handle it had to go home for a family emergency. That's fine, but it meant I really didn't have the lead time to figure out how I should even handle it. Here's what I asked and roughly the candidate's responses.

    1. Tell me about yourself and some of the projects you've worked on. (This was just to get a baseline of what technologies he was familiar with) He went into a long-winded list of frameworks and languages, but really didn't provide any detail beyond basically being an HR buzzword list.

    2. What is your approach to solving a technical problem when your first attempt doesn't work? Overall, he did fine on his saying he'd consult the documentation, then ask coworkers, then check Google / stack overflow.

    3. You mentioned sass and less earlier, which do you prefer and why? He dove into it saying sass is what he preferred because he liked how they handle mixins and for loops better.

    4. When you get a service level error, how should you handle this in the front end? He wiffed this saying it should be handled in a try / catch block.

    Then did the standard, "do you have any questions for me?" where he asked about the application he'd be working on.

    Now, overall, he seemed okay, but how can I get more concrete, less bullshit answers and tell whether or not they know what they're taking about? Personality wise, he was fine, but what should I be asking potential candidates for a front end position?

    submitted by /u/j0be
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    I, a freelancer, have been asked about updating a number of sites to meet WCAG 2.0 AA compliance. What am I getting myself into?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 08:33 AM PDT

    I'm just now beginning to Google about what WCAG 2.0 AA entails and am trying to get a sense of the scope of this task.

    These will all be pretty simple brochure sites - maybe a few dozen pages each but no complex functionality. They're all basically small municipal government sites.

    So far in my few minutes of Googling I'm sensing that these standards are difficult to meet and that people don't seem to understand exactly what they entail in all circumstances. So, it's looking like this could be a pain in the ass.

    Anybody have any resources they could share re: learning these standards and implementing them? Anybody have any experience with making this happen that could help me understand what I'm getting myself into?

    Bonus - anybody want to venture a guess as to what it is reasonable to charge for these updates on a per-site basis? I have the opportunity to do a number of these and I really don't want to take a bath on them but I don't have a good sense of what this service typically costs - I assume there are probably shops that specialize in this?

    Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.

    submitted by /u/Dmitri_P_KaramazovII
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    How did GitHub outage affected you and how'd you overcome that?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    It is rarely that every deploy/release/CI flow has a back up plan, despite "We're not responsible for any loss caused by our downtime" in every service ToS.

    At one startup I work for we've decided to not release anything today bc of obviously broken pipeline, except for one small yet critical feature that was manually deployed via Heroku dashboard. Heroku downtime is a completely separate topic, btw.

    But I imagine some of you guys are having pretty shitty Monday because of this long downtime, so share your stories to help others.

    How was your day today?

    PS: ass-on-fire aspect aside, it is funny how git was intended to be distributed system and now everything is failing because of single point of failure

    submitted by /u/hmchk
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    A good breakdown of common backend features

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:12 PM PDT

    Gave my first conference talk! HTTP caching 101. Would love any feedback.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    WebAssembly’s post-MVP future: A cartoon skill tree – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:34 AM PDT

    Can someone help me understand how this sample app created by jHipster works as its very different to any ReactJs and Redux tutorials I've seen

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 04:09 PM PDT

    I have the following starting point for a ReactJs application, I have been trying to replace the Home.tsx component with a Material-UI responsive drawer component but this results in rendering errors that I think are a result of mixing reactstrap and material UI. I wanted to get some insight from more experienced reactjs devs on how to properly make use of this sample application or should I just ditch the sample app and try develop the UI from scratch, how will this effect jHipster?

    Here is the whole application:


    Here is the app nav bar, can someone explain how lines 66 to 70 work? how can a add a drawer menu to this bar?(Something similar to a Material UI drawer)


    Can someone explain how this login logic works and how it triggers that route to '/' once successfully logged in? how does contentKey=home.title and the other content keys work? is home a prop?


    What is all this middle ware doing in the store? Every example Ive followed of reactjs and redux have told me to interact with the store in a very different way to this, could someone explain to me how to update or call variables in the current store state here?


    submitted by /u/AllHailTheCATS
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    How to autogenerate forms in React and Material-UI with MSON

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:47 PM PDT

    Is there a word for a part of the URL's slug?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 01:13 AM PDT

    For example, the slug is: /products/wheels/wheel-x

    So, 'wheels' is part of the slug. Is there a single word for this? Slug-part or slug-section is what I could come up with.

    submitted by /u/krazzel
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    Current web developers...how are you generating complex PDFs for your web apps?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:20 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm doing some research on PDF generation options for work but have reached a bit of a crossroads. I'm looking to check off the following boxes:

    • Has full styling control (needs to support SVGs, images, borders, custom fonts)
    • Has some support to handle charts (could be checked off by above if charts are converted to images)
    • Can intelligently handle or allow for manual pagination (i.e. page content doesn't bleed over pages or get cutoff at weird points)
    • Can be built dynamically based on parameters given

    From my research previously, I ended up using the PDFMake library which has been pretty flexible but is a bit cumbersome when the layout required gets complex. The other drawback is that it's limited to client-side for generation.

    I've looked into Chrome's headless browser Puppeteer and also Rails Wicked PDF but both options feel like they don't satisfy all of the required elements above for various reasons.

    Since the PDF I'm working on requires a logged in user, Puppeteer ends up requiring a potentially insecure and hack-y security flow with a global user that must login on the headless browser and download the PDF report on the client-side. And with Wicked PDF, it seems support for styling is rather limited and the workflow generally very clunky.

    Furthermore, any server-side PDF generation option means having to keep both the frontend web app and the PDF report in-sync both stylistically AND in formatting (i.e. stuff like consistent number output for rounding).

    Essentially my question is - what are you currently using/seeing used on web apps that you work on for PDF generation? I'm feeling a bit lost and hoping that there's a better option out there that I've not considered yet.

    submitted by /u/blunatic
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    (Angular) Help on Lazy Loading NPM modules and services

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 03:15 PM PDT

    What causes annoying page reloads and autoscrolls?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:56 PM PDT

    This happens to me on reddit and other websites.

    1. I think the page is loaded but then the page moves up. Or new images pop up.
    2. The loading icon on mobile or desktop continually shows the pages has finished loading, then starts loading. This in an of itself is not bad, but I am paranoid to use the page because of #3.
    3. I scroll down, the page finally finishes loading and it moves up ( or down!?).

    Also, is #2 just to increase time on page or is this a real design flaw?

    How do I avoid these flaws when designing pages? I am reluctant to use image blur up and other useful tricks because I am worried how they will affect users on crappy mobile networks.

    submitted by /u/Mobely
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    Hosting a node.js backend

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:50 PM PDT

    Hi, What is a cost-effective solution for hosting a small web app (with node.js backend)?

    I went on lowendbox, picked a VPS and set that up with nginx reverse proxy (for assets) and node.js running in the Linux VM, with Cloudflare CDN on top for caching.

    It's kind of overgrowing that setup now. Ideally, I'd like to set up a second server somewhere in Europe (because it looks like the app is very popular there) with (geo) load-balancing.

    1. Is Cloudflare the right choice for load balancing and CDN? (I have a lot of small image assets that never change, plus js / css bundles that are updates weekly or so, the rest are dynamic / REST APIs). Is there a better / cheaper option?

    2. Reading more about VPSs, it looks like they're used a lot for shady purposes; is there a list of reputable VPS providers to focus on? (since VPSs run in a shared environment by definition, I'd prefer to share the resources with other legitimate users).

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/tekmanro
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    Whats the best way to build a micro site in 2018

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 02:05 PM PDT

    I'm building my company's web app in angular and ive been tasked with a separate 5 pages website and given much more time than i need, so whats the best framework for such a micro site, mainly i dont want it to load between the 5 pages and i want to retain the ability to use libraries such as a js slider without much hassle.

    PS: it's a static site with a form, a slider and fb chat plugin

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_WEBDEV_TIPS
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    What are your thoughts about online mentorship programs and marketplaces?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:01 AM PDT

    I was hoping to enroll myself for a mentorship program like the ones at trydesignlab.com. Was wondering if anyone has any experience with such programs? What's it like? Is it worth it? Feel free to chime in your thoughts even if you are not a designer and might have taken some mentorship program relating to AI,ML, front end, etc...

    submitted by /u/nickchangs
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    Documentation: Architectural Decision Records

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:50 PM PDT

    Does anyone has experience using ADRs [https://adr.github.io/] as a way of documenting your system architecture? I am currently thinking about adopting them into a project that I am about to start. ADRs can provide a 'changelog' for decisions concerning your systems architecture, they can't replace a full documentation but are comprehensive notes on why you have decided for one solution and not another one...

    Every system created now is the legacy problem of someone tomorrow, so my question is: Do they actually make your job better/easier as a future maintainer of the system?

    submitted by /u/maze-le
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    Perform manual sorting by real humans

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:36 PM PDT


    I've got over 23,000 comments in my database that I need to sort by four different categories.
    I can't do that because I don't have time for that. Is there a way to outsource that work?
    Do you know of any cheap way to get such work fullfilled?

    submitted by /u/moloe0
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    Google Adwords Detecting "Malware" in Nonexistent Pages

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    I've been trying to figure this out for a while now. Google Adwords is requiring that we remove malware from my client's website, and we finally got them to send us a list of which URLs are affected. They listed three .html pages, none of which exist on my client's website because all of them are .php.

    I think they are URLs from the previous version of the site, which was removed from the server a couple years ago...

    Can anybody point me in the right direction to get this resolved for my client?? FYI hosting is through Fatcow.

    submitted by /u/thatshiclay
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    Building a HomeAway style map finder

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 08:36 AM PDT

    Does anyone know of any good tutorials on building a map finder tool like HomeAway's? Does anyone have any personal experience building a tool like this? Please post your work!

    submitted by /u/funkdified
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    Should I use write a functional design before starting a big project?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 06:16 AM PDT

    I am currently working on a big project (A dashboard with lots of functionality) and trying to write down everything I am going to have to do complete the project. Normally I would just start working, but I was wondering if there is a beter way to do this. How do you start a a big project? Should I always write a functional design or is it enough to just outline thegeneral functionality in one sentence Use Cases? What techniques should I use? Is there a good source where I can learn this? How do you guys do it? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Michael_mkz
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    Why does Chrome still use Xpath 1.0?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 11:11 AM PDT

    Xpath 2.0 has useful features like lower-case and matching text strings with regex to map objects in the DOM. I think it would be helpful with some Automation I'm working on with Selenium and I've read chrome doesn't actually support Xpath 2 yet. Why wouldn't chrome support this yet?

    submitted by /u/alexlorenlee
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    How do YOU sell websites?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2018 07:08 AM PDT

    I recently left my job as a web developer/digital marketer to do it freelance. I've got a few jobs lined up through existing relationships, but I'm looking for unique ways to expand my client base.

    I've emailed about 600+ local businesses with crappy/non-SSL websites and haven't gotten a single response. I figured this would be the case, but I get sales emails everyday from other companies so I figured it must work if they're all doing it, right?

    I've also reached out to individuals via LinkedIn/Facebook and have also walked in the door of a few local businesses - hasn't amounted to anything worthwhile.

    How do you guys go about getting sales? I KNOW there are plenty of companies that need help with issues/updates/SSL/new websites, but I just can't seem to get in their door and gain their trust.

    submitted by /u/mickdeez
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