• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 2, 2018

    Hacking MMO designed to help you learn how to hack, program and code learn programming

    Hacking MMO designed to help you learn how to hack, program and code learn programming

    Hacking MMO designed to help you learn how to hack, program and code

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:30 PM PDT

    Hi, we're (defun games ()) and we are working on a hacking and espionage MMO called Spycursion.

    Although we are aiming to make it accessible to people with zero hacking/coding skills, we want to make it rewarding to those who already have some degree of expertise. We want it to be a good tool for people to develop their skills. We also hope it will encourage people to develop more of an interest in the field.

    We would love your feedback on the hacking elements of the game.

    For more info, see our website: https://defungames.com/

    To stay up to date on the latest updates and developments follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefunGames (@DefunGames)

    Thanks for reading, and we hope you'll check out our exciting project!

    submitted by /u/uberunit183
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    Would people still be interested in programming tutorials from scratch on youtube?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:44 AM PDT

    I'm a computer science student and thought it would be fun to create videos teaching a programming language with a more university-like approach. With this I mean just explaining a concept in depth and giving some examples and afterwards give some questions and exercises or even small projects.

    I also want to do this because I feel like a lot of videos on youtube about learning programming just consist of making a small program that uses a lot of the fundamentals but they don't really explain in detail what they are doing.

    Would people still be interested in this?

    P.S. with university-like approach I don't mean that the videos would be like lectures, I want to make them fun and entertaining to watch.

    submitted by /u/softwarePhile
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    Snake Game Video Tutorial in Python 3 for Beginners

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:12 AM PDT

    Hi there. I just finished uploading a Snake Game Tutorial in Python 3 for Beginnersto my YouTube channel. It uses the turtle module for graphics. You can download the finished code here if you want to check it out. I hope somebody finds it helpful.

    submitted by /u/wynand1004
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    Anyone know about a free IDE that'll let me save on Mac?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:45 PM PDT

    I've just recently switched over to using a Mac from using Windows for god knows how many years... I've found that while yes there's decent support for programming as it's bult for it, the IDEs like SublimeText and Notepad++ I'm used to using aren't available (or require a license to use for some odd reason). I don't remember Sublime requiring a license to save documents when on Windows but I could be wrong. Is there a built in MacOS IDE that I'm missing out on?

    submitted by /u/Internsh1p
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    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:15 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I am looking for students to teach python language for free if you like my Efforts and you are learning something new then you pay me but it is not compulsory.


    We will have the session via skype and we will use text editor like atom or vs code for real time collaboration

    If you are interested then you can contact me Skype id (amazing python).

    I bet you will really enjoy learning it.

    submitted by /u/sahilbanno
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    How can I prevent burnout from studying programming while working full time?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:14 AM PDT

    I work full time as an engineer about 40 hours a week. When I come home some days I do manage to find the discipline to study, but sometimes feel burnt out. How can I prevent or reduce this?

    submitted by /u/chicity_kid
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    Git bash is fucking awesome

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    Ever since i started using Linux, I've been frustrated with windows. Today I was working on a project in windows and I needed git. It came with a tool called gitbash. And holy fuck. I can use ls, mv, which, type in that tool. It feels just like Linux! It's really awesome, I'm so happy!!

    One thing though, what's with its file structure? If i do
    ls -l /
    It shows this linux like filesystem. But my C drive is located at ls /c/

    It's just confusing. It it using symbolic links anywhere? What am i missing?

    EDIT : $ ls /

    submitted by /u/auaa
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    Is it okay to look at answers when you're completely stuck?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:38 PM PDT

    I've been taking a course online and self-studying but many times I am not sure where to start and proceed on a problem. Because of this, I often look up the solution and work through how it works myself. Is this okay for learning concepts/problem solving because many times I spend wayyy too much on problems. Thanks

    submitted by /u/liquidcarbs
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    Is there any free online resources that teaches people, step by step, how to recognize and break down a dynamic programming problem?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:14 PM PDT

    Been grinding leetcode for several months now and I thought I got a hang of dynamic programming until I face a problem that just shatters my confidence. I read other people's solution just fine but I cannot understand their reasoning behind it. I feel like I am walking in circles and that I actually have not progressed as much as I thought. How do I recognize when a problem is best solved with a DP approach? How do I figure out the overlapping elements in the problem? How do I know how to break it into subproblems? When to use top-down vs bottom-up approach?

    submitted by /u/mrTang5544
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    How popular is pseudo-code?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:18 AM PDT

    I find that I write a lot of pseudo-code (a large part of which doesn't make its way to actual code) while I'm brainstorming. I outline a whole program with this and try to create a grammar for the task at hand. Like thinking up of a "mini-grammar" for it. I don't draw diagrams except a tree occasionally, just write stuff like

    • Check if the indexed strings mach word-to-word
      • If they do delete the previous one
      • If one is a subset or super-set of other merge them

    Is it pat of the normal programming process? Is there a formal way of doing it?

    submitted by /u/programming_student1
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    Language programming

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:59 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I want to start with programming web and I would choose language which will be easy to learn and let me find job.

    submitted by /u/lucifer1337
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    How can I go about learning OpenCV?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:34 PM PDT

    I've actually had some exposure to it with a brief video lecture I found online that utilized the Jupyter notebook for running code. I downloaded and installed the Jupyter notebook with the Anaconda package which includes some IDE's and other tools I'm not experienced enough to understand. But because my laptop isn't particularly powerful, I felt the anaconda package slowed it down. I've tried book pdf's where they give instructions on what to install and download but have experienced trouble installing everything before I can even utilize the OpenCV Library. My question, more specifically, is what is an easy way that I can install and use OpenCV ? Is there a specific book you found useful? What IDE or text editor did you use?

    submitted by /u/mattbros
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    What to do when a card (e.g, King) has a card number of 13, but a stored value of 10?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:06 PM PDT

    Let me know if this is confusing, because it's 1 am and I am frustrated and should probably go to bed.

    I'm trying to write a simple blackjack game for my first project, but I'm stuck on the Jack, Queen, and King having different values than their card number (ex: King is 13, Queen is 12, but their actual value is 10).

    I want to make it so I can have one variable that will display what the player's hand is (not the face value of 13), so that when I go to add up the hand I don't have to have multiple equations, some adding the actual face value (ex: 9) to another literal card number (ex: 6), and then some equations where I have to manually input 10 for the King, Queen, and Jack to be able to add these cards.

    Also, I'm using Java.

    submitted by /u/keroana
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    Can someone please explain the concept behind this code block? I have explained my incorrect thinking logic. Looking for someone to please teach me the correct logic.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:03 PM PDT

    I have been using Java for some time now. But never really tested myself of the very basics. I was in for a surprise when I couldn't properly evaluate the correct answer to the program below.

    class X { int m = 1111; { m = m++; System.out.println(m); } } class Y extends X { { System.out.println(methodOfY()); } int methodOfY() { return m-- + --m; } } public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { Y y = new Y(); } } 

    My wrong understanding:

    When we construct the Y object in the main class, control goes into the initializer block of Y where in it calls the super() constructor by default. Which means control goes into the initializer block in X. Where value of m is 1111. But gets incremented to 1112. So my guess is it should print 1112 since m++ comes before the sout line in the initialization block in X. Then it should implement the methodOfY() which means it should return back m-- '+' --m to be printed. Which evaluates to:

    1112(because it was incremented inside the X initializer block) + 1111(its a postfix operator --m so 1112 becomes 1111). And the output should be 2223.

    My incorrect guess work output:

    1112 2223 

    But the correct output is:

    1111 2220 

    Can someone please explain what concept am I missing to get the incorrect guess? How should have I though through the code to get the correct output?

    submitted by /u/BelizeTourismOffice
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    C++ program randomly pausing and ending

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:58 PM PDT

    In my program I have two structures:

    struct REG_node { struct REG_node * first_neighbor; char first_label; struct REG_node * second_neighbor; char second_label; }; struct REG { struct REG_node * start; struct REG_node * accept; }; 

    But when I try to use them here:

    REG_node node1; REG_node node2; REG * REG1; REG1->start = &node1; REG1->accept = &node2; 

    The program pauses for a second and then stops at REG1->start = &node1; Everything previous to that works fine as far as I can tell. And printing &node1 does give an address. I can't seem to figure out what's going on here, can someone point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/Lirnitless
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    Best C++ resource to supplement with my Computer Science class?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:17 PM PDT

    I'm currently taking a class in Uni on intro to computer science and we're using C++. I'd like to know some of the best resources to supplement with the reading in the class. We're reading a Tony Gaddis book, and at times new concepts can be difficult to understand from just reading alone.

    submitted by /u/AutumnSail
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    Sites like InfoQ for keeping up with software trends?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:13 PM PDT

    I took a break from work for a couple of years to do some traveling. Now slowly getting back into software. So I'm looking for websites like InfoQ that other engineers/architects are reading to keep up with the latest trends, development, etc. So what are you reading to keep up with software/programming/architecture?

    submitted by /u/crackerasian
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    Should I ignore these folders in my search program, or find a way to search them? (C#, Windows 10)

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 09:10 PM PDT

    I was bored and thought since part of my eventual goal was to programatically reorganize my computer, it'd be nice to see how many files, and of what type there were. I keep getting to System files and getting an unauthorized error. My question is, should I ignore these files, I don't really intend on doing anything more than just looking with this program. Or should I find a way around this, and do the searches anyway? For those that know C# I have tried to add a try catch block that caught the unauthorized error, but it ignores it and throws the exception anyway, how do I implement this properly?

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    Project ideas based on OOP

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:52 PM PDT

    I am a second year computer science student. I have just studied object oriented programming in C++. To strengthen my knowledge I want to make a small project that covers the major aspects of OOP design such as abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism etc. and should be implementable in C++.

    submitted by /u/mindlessCoder
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    What to do when you're unable to do a programming assignment?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:46 PM PDT

    I'm currently taking Data Structures and Algorithms, and the professor gave us our first programming assignment. It was to use an algorithm set from the professor to determine 2-N is a prime number or not. I had to use online resources to see the answer because I would sit there and not to be able to do the assignment because of a foundation issue. My logic is there, I just wouldn't know how to get to my goal. When taking programming courses, I had friends help through my assignments and now I'm super worried I'm not good enough because my professor said the assignment should take an hour, if longer we need to drop the course. Any advice to fix foundational issues along side tackling tough programming problems?

    submitted by /u/DataAI
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    MongoDB + Python/Pymongo + Visual Studio - Can't get output of count - interactive outpit is "In [9]"

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:22 PM PDT

    So just testing out pymongo, I can insert just fine into my local DB.

    I wanted to grab count so I thought db.collection.count() would be OK but the python interactive shell 3.6 and 3.7 as well as anaconda shell give me

    In [number]:

    where number is 0-9 incrementing by 1 each time I run it.

    import pymongo from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient() db = client.mydb tesla = { 'manufacturur':'Tesla Motors', 'year': '2013', 'creator': ['shawn','alex'], } tesla_s = { 'manufacturur':'Tesla Motors', 'year': '2015', 'creator': ['shawn','ben'], } array = [tesla,tesla_s] db.automobile.insert(array) db.automobile.find({'year':'2015'}).count() 


    submitted by /u/YoshiLickedMyBum69
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    3 points to remember before picking new technologies.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:14 PM PDT

    Using java program (or data from program) on website

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:57 PM PDT

    So I wrote a program that performs well but isn't realistic in terms of being interactive so the next step for me is to use some of the data calculated and created by the java program on a website. Is there anyway to access the data I need without having to convert my entire program to JavaScript. If so, will the java run every time the website is loaded (what I want) or will it be a static thing that only will refresh when I manually do it? I am decent at HTML and CSS and a noob with JavaScript. I know that I can write to a html document within my java program but I feel that this would be sloppy and in poor practice. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/TheSecretSaus
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    Best Front+Backend Combo for simple ebay site?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:05 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm currently working in an ebay like site, more simple, just face to face sells using the site to make the relation between 2 guys(to start). I was working in Laravel and VueJs but I leave it as standby project, now I'm working in a college project developed in Ruby on Rails, this thing is magic and more easy to work, so I'm having trouble making this decision, frontend is not my thing but I want to learn it. What you guys recommend to do that? Maybe learn some bigass frontend framework like Angular or ReactJS. (sorry for my english)

    submitted by /u/alexaxms
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