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    Friday, August 17, 2018

    What skills do you need to know you're ready for a career in Full Stack Development? Ask Programming

    What skills do you need to know you're ready for a career in Full Stack Development? Ask Programming

    What skills do you need to know you're ready for a career in Full Stack Development?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 02:12 PM PDT

    What do you like to do in your free time for fun, or just unwind?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:40 PM PDT

    What's a good tool for incorporating javascript variables into a template for an AJAX response?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 09:31 PM PDT

    I'm sure there has to be something out there like this..

    Let's say I have an a result returned for a celebrity..

    <div>Name: ${Name}<br /> DOB: ${DateOfBirth}</div> 

    And then I want to loop over movies they've been in, and whether their role was a starring role as Yes/No? Is there an engine that handles this well?

    <div name="Movies"> <looptag length="${MovieName.length+1}"> <div>${MovieName[i]}; ${camelcase(asyesno(StarredIn))}</div> </looptag> 

    So then this is my movieprofile template.

    I know how to do this server-side, that's a breeze. I know how to do this in javascript (a for loop adding a div for each), but I always hated writing HTML with JS (it gets so ugly), and without a sort-of template parsing engine, it's difficult reuse the same code.

    I can, and have, written my own system to do it but it doesn't do amazing at handling nested functions and the like, nor is the parsing of loops very well done.

    It works, it's just not very portable, and before I invest more work into it, I'm curious if there's something better

    submitted by /u/socksarepeople2
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    Hosting a server for a turn-based game.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:32 PM PDT

    I want to make a simple turn-based multiplayer game that connects players and then sends each move they make to a server. I have made a turn-based game in school before using an SQL server, and another time using Firebase, but in this instance I want the server to receive the data about the move made and process it, instead of simply storing the data in a database and having the clients retrieve and process it. I want to host the server myself, and I plan to write the code in Python, but my issue is that I know almost nothing about hosting a server, and most of my research has led me to information about web servers/http servers, which, unless I am misunderstanding, is not what I want. I should also note that the data being sent to and from the server will likely be very small, and I also plan to have both a desktop and a mobile interface, written in C# and Java respectively. How should I go about creating and hosting this server, or what resources can I go to in order to learn more?

    submitted by /u/WhyOfCourseICan
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    Do you use trees and graphs at work? If so, what's the use case?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 08:59 PM PDT

    I am a little confused about APIS and their wrappers.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 08:57 PM PDT

    I am learning about apis and wrappers so that i can make better use of the site www.predictit.com They have their own api and instructions on how to use it, found here near the bottom. https://www.predictit.org/About/FAQ

    They only tell you how to check current prices on certain markets. (This site lets you bet on things happening in "markets.")

    I found a Predictit wrapper on git hub https://github.com/kcinnick/pyredictit that uses links of the predict it api that show things like your account balance and people even use the api to make trades. How is this possible? Are there hidden api urls these people got that let them check thinks like their current balance?

    And my understanding is that a wrapper is used to do more through an api. But how would you make trades through one?

    Thanks, i am sorry for all these questions but just trying to gain a better understanding. I may consider making my own wrapper and just didnt understand how to find all the things the api can do and how i would go about getting it to do what I want. Obviously i would have to learn python or some language. I have already learned ruby i think a few years ago for fun but never did anything with it. Thanks for all the help!

    submitted by /u/CatboatThemHolyJew
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    Those with a CE bachelors degree and a masters: what did you do your masters in?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 10:01 AM PDT

    Or, those who are currently doing their masters: what are you doing your masters in?

    submitted by /u/JerksToSistersFeet
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    Is there a better way to enter and store data other than by creating a structure in C++

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 06:20 PM PDT

    I'm doing a personal project so I can practice C++ more and was wondering about the best way to store data. So to begin with this i'm just calculating the values for a cycle around a steam plant. I had the idea of putting steam tables in their so people just have to put in two variables to get an answer. So my current plan is to create a Structure and store different things in each Array I create.

    submitted by /u/_Spanish_Inquistion
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    Dynamic instead of recursion ?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:24 PM PDT

    After learning both, I find that dynamic is the better version of the same thing. Is there a scenario where only recursion is the recommended method?

    submitted by /u/ElonMuskIsAnAlien
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    JS Question

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 11:14 AM PDT

    i have div in corner of screen that contains 48 smaller children. i made that children randomly float in parent div with animate() and setInterval() method but when i try to make some changes on the rest of the page it is so so slow because of that two methods. Any suggestions? Replacing that animate() with something else?

    submitted by /u/ultimate__broccoli
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    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:12 PM PDT


    I am currently using a g810 Orion spectrum keyboard by Logitech and I can program the F1-12 keys to anything I want

    so basically I created macros for easy commands (Console.ETC) but for example if I set the macro for F1 and press it while in visual studio 2017 it will open up chrome and send me to the help page

    is there any way I can bypass it for example: disabling my F1-12 keys solely for macros and not their actual purpose

    submitted by /u/giku360
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    Encryption flow

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 01:19 PM PDT

    I have never used encryption before and cant work out how best to generate / transfer a key to use to encode & decode. The app works as follows

    The app is a IOS / Android app that is written in Nativescript / javascript. The app allows users to take a photo with the camera then encrypts the base64 as AES (using crypto.js). This AES is then sent and stored on a small Go lang API. Another user will then open the application and will receive the AES and will decode.

    The aim is to as securely as possible have a key which can be used to encode on phone A and then decode on phone B. The current way im thinking about it would be the API creates a key and sends to phone A, however the app would not be secure with a man in the middle attack.

    submitted by /u/exploit332
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    Need help creating a project

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 04:42 PM PDT

    I have been given the following assignment for java and need help creating the basic classes:

    A public library requires an information system to hold and manipulate information on books and journals available for borrowing by members of the public. The system should be able to perform a number of operations including, holding the name of every item (books and journals), allocating a numeric code (number) for every item, working out the cost for overdue items, showing the availability, returning the total number on loans etc. The system also should be able to add and delete items, to loan items and mark the items that are on loan. Furthermore, the system should create an account for every member, store the name and address of every member, the names of borrowed items, date of returning the item and any penalty charges. It should also add and delete member and return the total number of borrowers. Members of the public should be able to view the available items, search and reserve a specific item.

    Any help would be appreciated

    submitted by /u/shadowmaster850
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    What is the point of the @ in a file path? [C#]

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 10:24 AM PDT

    I've seen online many examples of a file path like this |string path1 = @"c:\temp\MyTest.txt"; |
    Why is this any different from something like |string path1 = C:\Program Files (x86)\temp\MyTest.txt";|

    submitted by /u/Legacy_of_Preston
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    Email question. If I send an email, can I make the From: anything I want or will spam filters complain?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:52 AM PDT

    Say I have a website where someone registers and my server emails them when this happens. I've been setting the From: as noreply@domain-where-my-mail-server-is.com rather than what I really want to set it to which is person@my-company.com

    I figured people's email would mark it spam if I didn't do it that way. Is this fear unfounded? I have my mail server SPF records setup right.

    If it doesn't matter what From: is set to then why does Reply-To: exist?

    submitted by /u/redditor100k
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    Recommended lesson to web-development HTML/CSS

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 10:05 AM PDT

    Recommended lessons to web-development HTML/CSS


    submitted by /u/Flex-start
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    Want to make a text converter that I'd eventually host on a website. What language should I do it in

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 01:23 PM PDT

    Or does it not matter? Similar to this:


    I want to make one of those essentially. Was gonna do it in Ruby or Java

    submitted by /u/habibitee
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    How to include a comma in an SQL item?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 01:21 PM PDT

    So here is the statement in my sql script: INSERT INTO [dbo].[tblCAPSS_Articles] (Article) VALUES ('BULLION, INGOTS')

    I am trying to use a c# console application to run the script on a local database but I am getting the following error:

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Unclosed quotation mark after the character string 'BULLION, IN'.

    Incorrect syntax near 'BULLION, IN'.'

    I have tried searching online and most articles say to enclose the comma in quotes, but doing that didn't address the issue. The point of that insert is to keep the comma in the item name.

    submitted by /u/Legacy_of_Preston
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    Does anybody have any experience building an app or website? What are some absolute basics to learn and where to start?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 12:33 PM PDT

    I’ve been hacked. Involves an Nginx server acting as VPS, compromised home network, iCloud, google accts and much more....

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 03:28 PM PDT

    Look above for the specifics. But I can't get into any of my personal home computers desktop or Mac. I can access computers on the same network that aren't mine.

    I have procrastinated on asking for help regarding this but how should I proceed? All home computers have been bugged and monitored, they have access to my iCloud and i have found it difficult to reset or change any password right now without them knowing.

    They are most likely bypassing my home router password with ubuntu. I really know nearly nothing about computer programming at all.

    I can provide more details but would prefer to do so confidentially if possible. Simply due to the situation. I'll try to provide screenshots although a lot is constantly deleted I'll post some image links below

    submitted by /u/BadenNumbanine
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    Selling a digital customisable digital product based on customer parameters

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 03:53 AM PDT


    I am wondering of anybody can provide a rough guideline of how the below can be achieved. I have basic programming skills , but a willingness to learn if somebody can point me in the right direction.

    I want to sell a digital package containing a spreadsheet and a pdf - but the contents of the 2 files need to be calculated using user input variables. In laymans terms - I'm looking to sell diet plans and workout routines, but customise the quantities based on the height/weight/goals of the user.

    I will be selling through WordPress/WooCommerce, and need the whole process to be automated. I would obviously have template pdf/excel files setup - just need to understand how the variables can be pulled from a WordPress sale (via a user form), and then a customised pdf/Excel file be created and sent the the user (via email is fine).

    Any advice greatly appreciated, either in terms of a solution or a better subreddit to post this question.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/cufflad
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    The Last Slice Challenge 3

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 07:16 AM PDT

    For those not in the know:


    Challenge 3 opened last night at 8 PM EST and there were 7 people who completed the challenge by 11:30 PM EST and now this morning there are at least 10 people who have completed it according to the leaderboard:


    This means that the contest is now over but I still want to figure out the puzzle. Since the IoT kit came with a custom board attached onto a Raspberry Pi 2, help will probably come only from those who have also received one from Microsoft. The email that started off the contest is as follows:



    The race is on. Challenge 3 has officially begun, and the first five developers to complete this final challenge will each take home a $10,000 USD pizza delivery tip.

    By now you received your Internet of Things (IoT) Kit, followed the setup instructions inside and are ready to compete. This time, there's nothing to download from GitHub. You'll be writing the code, and following is the info you'll need to get started.

    Use the following GPIO Connection Guide:

    GPIO -> Pizza Oven 2000

    2 -> A

    3 -> B

    4 -> D

    5 -> L

    6 -> N

    7 -> P

    8 -> R

    9 -> T

    10 -> U

    1. To unlock your IoT device, give Mad Dog and Scorpion 30 lives.

    2. Collect the correct pizza ingredients.

    3. Further instructions will be given through Gordon Bell's first design at DEC. Any submissions made prior to the delivery of this email do not qualify.

    The time has come to determine who will nab the last slice. Good luck!


    #1) Mad Dog and Scorpion are the main characters in Contra and to give them 30 lives you enter the Kanomi Code.

    I have tried to get pins to go off for 10, 10, 4, 4, 5, 8 5, 8, 3, 2 but not sure how to do that exactly. I know I got blinky (http://internetofthing.io/post/hello-blinky-first-lesson-in-raspberry-pi) to work and so its hooked up correctly, just not sure what constitutes "pressing" these pins. Is it cycling it through a low/high, or input/output? Is there one of these pins that is supposed to be a "Start" button to finish the Kanomi Code?

    Any insights would be helpful.

    #3) Gordon Bell worked on the PDP and designed the UART so I assume it has something to do with setting those pins off that are assigned UART (10, 2, 8, 9) like done in number 1

    submitted by /u/HIVnotFun
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    Arduino code questions

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 06:15 AM PDT

    I have seen the following code in a program that reads data from a sensor:

    int16_t AcX;

    //more code that I don't think is important

    Wire.requestFrom(0x68, 2, true);

    AcX = Wire.read() <<8 | Wire.read();

    I have a few questions there... first of all, what kind of variable is int16_t? Secondly, what is the third parameter in requestFrom() used for? And last, what does the "<<8 |" mean? I can post the entire code if needed :P

    submitted by /u/Vicara12
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    How can i make people turn off ad blocker on my shortened URLs ?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 01:39 PM PDT

    I am a link Publisher ... i am make YouTube videos and Publish my links under the videos ... but i face a problem making money out of this because the most of the visitors have ad block enabled .. then i saw this website that advice users to install an ad blocker if it's not detected by this site than it transfers you to the purposed site after you do so ...... .i want a way to do the same but in inverse ... like asking them to turn off/pause the ad blocker then when they do so they redirects to my link ..... note i use Gets URL to shorten my URLs second i don't have any website or any host

    submitted by /u/minanageh
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    I need a way to Learn "jsoup" from scratch

    Posted: 17 Aug 2018 07:52 AM PDT

    have heard of web scraping ...and i came across jsoup but it looked complicated to me ( am an absolute beginner ) it has some css html concepts ( I just know java ) !! I didn't find any "from scratch" jsoup tutorial online 😢 Would be great if someone would guide me on how to learn it ( step by step ) 😬

    submitted by /u/malek_boudiaf
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