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    Tuesday, August 14, 2018

    Terminally ill, but want to build something for my family web developers

    Terminally ill, but want to build something for my family web developers

    Terminally ill, but want to build something for my family

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 12:16 PM PDT

    My family has been going through a ridiculously hard time after I was bed ridden due to a terminal disease a few months ago. Prior to being bed ridden I was an experienced web developer that has experience with RoR and functional languages like Elixir. My family has exhausted a lot of our funds over the months and I'm afraid I'm going to leave them in debt. It has been a very mentally exhausting few months and I want to be able to build some sort of residual income that I can tell them about after I've passed, but I can't think of any ideas to get started. I'm confident in my ability create sites (I did that for 9 years) but for the life of me I can not think of any of the old ways I would have thought of to make money.

    Please help. I don't want to feel helpless anymore and this is something I can at least work towards knowing that I might be helpful. What are some ideas that people use to create residual income for themselves. Ive seen a lot of email funneling sites, but they all feel like a scam.

    submitted by /u/JoeZMar
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    A Brief History of JavaScript

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:18 AM PDT

    Everyone should be optimizing their images. Here's a guide.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 12:19 AM PDT

    Checklist: 75+ Node.js best practices

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 05:26 AM PDT

    Some of these best practices are language-agnostic and might be beneficial not only for Node: https://github.com/i0natan/nodebestpractices

    submitted by /u/yonatannn
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    How to Supercharge your CSS in Under 2 Minutes

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:23 AM PDT

    Call for small help for planning/analysis for a Non-Profit

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:33 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I'm starting a non-profit organization which will essentially re-populate the tree population in various places (where government approves of course).

    For this I'm gonna build a SPA for basic info and a sign-up form (for a contact list and e-mails)

    My background is in Java, so coding-wise I've dabbled with ES6/React and feel comfortable tackling this part on my own.

    The problem I'm having is the planning and analysis part. By doing some research I figured it would be Node/express for the back-end portion which wouldn't be huge, and React for front. Can anyone give me a few pointers as to how set up the project ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Omgsweetlordjesus
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    What under the hood, or behind the scenes, features should every website have?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:49 AM PDT

    What features should every website have under the hood or behind the scenes?

    SEO tags? XSS attack protections on forms? An API? Little tweaks to help admins with maintenance and troubleshooting?

    submitted by /u/RedMushtoom
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    Good tutorials on using CSS Grid in older browsers?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:14 AM PDT

    We are redoing our website at my company and one thing I would like to do would be to use CSS Grid in production.

    About 10% of our users are on IE 11 so I can't just let it break in older browsers.

    I decided to read up on AutoPrefixer and discovered that it's naturally included in webpack in an angular project. (woohoo)

    But I'm finding that while AutoPrefixer does a great job, there are some specifications for CSS Grid that simply don't have a fall back for IE 11 and as a result breaks.

    Does anyone have a link where I can read about using CSS Grid in production. I'm especially interested in any kind of side-by-side analysis of what can safely be used in IE 11 and older browsers, and what can be used safely in modern browsers and IE 11 with a vendor pre-fix.

    Essentially, I want reading material on how to be an expert on using CSS Grid with IE 11 support!

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/iAskDevQuestions
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    Back end for ReactJS and React-native app

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:08 AM PDT

    Hey guys. I'm in the process of building an app with react js and react-native. At the moment, the app connects to firebase for both auth and database. I'm now finding that this may limit me in the future when it comes scaling and potential future projects. As a result I want to take the time to learn alternatives.

    The problem lies in that I'm not sure what to do when it comes to writing my own back end solutions. I have pretty much no experience in this and very little understanding. Is it normally a case of buying a VPS and then installing whatever I need to run the server and the database?

    I've seen AWS spoke of a lot, aswell as Docker, but I'm not 100% where to start

    My use case would be writing my own API using probably express with nodeJs, and the connecting it to a NoSQL database as I'm used to working with this kind of db.

    submitted by /u/csgonutty
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    My Story - Looking for Advice

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:52 AM PDT

    I was always a creative kid. I remember the day my father brought home our first little cigarette-stained computer back in the 90's. I quickly became obsessed with computer graphics and building websites, though these graphics and websites were all built on MS Paint and GeoCities at the time. A few years later my father got me a bootleg copy of Photoshop from a coworker and I quickly became obsessed with that as well. I spent so many nights and weekends in my father's office at our house just making graphics and messing around with websites.

    Unfortunately, around 16 years old, I slowly but surely began throwing my life away for alcohol and drugs.

    I had completely lost focus after I graduated high school ten years ago. I pretty much faked my way through art school, quit after I got my associates degree, and after a year of working construction I landed a job at a print shop working on business stationery and commerce sites. I am still employed there to this day.

    A few months ago, after a stay at the hospital and after my girlfriend of 7 years left because she could no longer deal with my bad habits, I've finally decided it's time to take my life back. It's time to get clean and get back to what I was so fascinated with before all the drugs and alcohol took everything away.

    I'm pretty comfortable with HTML & CSS. I've been studying vanilla JS a lot lately and I use that as well as jQuery on an almost daily basis at work, but mostly to add or remove fields and notes, write some validation functions, and a few other things. Most of my day is spent fixing artwork for print, whereas I'd much rather be working on the websites 100% of the time. I have completed Colt Steele's course and I am currently in the middle of another online video course, about to start the React section.

    A part of me feels that I would really benefit from the environment and structure of a bootcamp, but quitting my job and moving to go back to school at 29 aren't the easiest things for me to do (though I believe I could still manage to make it happen).

    So here I am today, 63 days sober and a lifetime to go, looking for any kind of advice, guidance, mentoring - anything to help me achieve my goal of landing a job as a full time web developer.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Boogeydude
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    Looking for suggestions and strategies to help with the ever-changing landscape of social network integration

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 07:47 AM PDT


    We have a couple client sites that have integration with FB, LI, and Twitter. The big one is a online news site, so there are lots of articles and automated/scheduled publishing that shares content as soon as it goes online.

    The apis keep changing and the share counts, which our client feels are important, are being gradually removed.

    I've been thinking about using a third party tool for this (we are definitely open to a paid service) , but there are so many small elements to consider that I'd really like to hear from a range of people on the topic.

    submitted by /u/throwaway_lunchtime
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    Indexing web app for searchable help

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 08:09 AM PDT

    Couldn't find any recommended practices on how to handle this, but I want to put a "help" text box at the top of my web app, and have allow it search the app for a variety of topics. Seems like such a common thing, I figured there would be some techniques out there for indexing web apps for this. I noticed Material UI's website uses Algolia to accomplish this, but I was looking for something open source, or even home grown if I have to.


    submitted by /u/cobbs_totem
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    Doing an activity with my high school web students and I'm looking for good (and bad) sites as we discuss Human Computer Interaction. Any recommendations on good and bad websites to evaluate?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 03:13 PM PDT

    Send recaptcha response through REST client

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:01 AM PDT

    Are there any ways to pass recaptcha response token through API request as header value using Insomnia or Postman clients?

    I know that response token is generated after recaptcha widget is loaded and user interacted with it. And response token is being refreshed after each time module is loaded.

    Maybe there are some addons for these REST clients which can generate response token based on public recaptcha key? Or other REST clients which have these feature.

    P. S. Now I have to comment block of code which is responsible about server-side recaptcha validation.

    submitted by /u/Tarasovych
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    The Web is Made of Edge Cases

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:11 AM PDT

    Website backup and virus scans with reports

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 09:08 AM PDT

    Hello, All!

    I want to manage a bunch of websites by running continuous backups and automatically scanning for virus all with nice reports for those tasks. Is there any solution that sexists for that? I can find sql backup scripts and virustotal but I want a full solution. I know godaddy has SiteBackup and there may be a solution there but im interested in something different. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Pewpsockemz
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    Anyone have experience with Node on NGINX?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 05:41 AM PDT


    I have a little Node experience, also a little experience with shared LAMP hosting, plus I have a VPS that I run individual Node apps on...but am just getting started on using NGINX. Really just looking for some general advice and info to get started. I know there is the documentation, but there seems to be so many different ways to configure everything that there may be a lot of room for error.

    I'd like to get started using best practices VS developing bad habits/having to relearn the right way to do things. Are there any tutorials that you recommend?

    I'm wondering about setting up multiple Node sites one one domain. Right now I am just using my home server IP address to connect.

    To start I was wondering how I would set up Node apps like this page where I can just click on the folder and it directs me to the running Node app? Or is that not a good way to do things?

    submitted by /u/V1nnyV1nc3nt
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    Is there a tool for monitoring security vulnerabilities for your web apps as they are discovered so that developers know to write a patch?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    Is there a tool where you can input all of the languages, frameworks, versions, libraries, plug-ins, etc. that you're using and receive notifications of potential security flaws so that you know to fix them? Thanks

    edit: these are good comments but im wondering if there is something lightweight that doesn't actually do any testing but just sends a notification when vulnerabilities of my technologies arise. For example, I use an old 2013 version of the kendo framework and upgrading is too difficult right now, but it would be nice to know when there is a security vulnerability in that version of the framework without having to search for it manually every now and then. So basically i would input the libraries im using along with their versions and it outputs security holes as they are discovered.

    edit: also, if you or your team have a strategy or methodology for handling security vulnerabilities on a regular basis please share! thanks

    submitted by /u/ColdCaulkCraig
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    Why have I NOT found a use-able Horizontal Scroller?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 06:22 AM PDT

    I need a WP plugin or code that displays images in a horizontal scroller like this: https://www.zillow.com/b/stonehenge-gardens-albany-ny-5XmW9X/

    I've tried owl carousel plugin and js plugin (js isn't functioning correctly with my wp theme and owl carousel plugin is acting funny / not loading correctly)

    ANY help would be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/danger_russ
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    Visual Studio Code July 2018 (1.26) Released!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 09:56 PM PDT

    A refreshing case-study about progressive enhancement

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 03:23 AM PDT

    I'm a big fan of progressive enhancement and admittedly, most of what's written is often patronising and anti-JS. This is much more pragmatic and helpful: https://medium.com/no-divide/the-power-of-progressive-enhancement-98738766b009

    submitted by /u/redrobotzoo
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    Get a job offer to be my own boss in a small firm - but have to support 30 to 40% of my time MS Dynamics NAV with C/AL - what you think?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 04:59 AM PDT


    so at the moment I am very unhappy with my job: my company is a bullshit house where everyone who makes the best promisses gets the most money and the best upgrades but you don't have to deliver anything - so the biggest mouth has the best chances instead the hardest / smartest worker...

    So I got a job offer yesterday: - small company with 100 employees - small IT (2 ppl: 1 "head of IT" (budget, projects, planning) and 1 administrator (which includes being helpdesk for the 100 ppl) - my job would be software-developing (which is outsourced at freelancers at the moment) with around 35% in the actual system (MS Dynamics NAV, language is C/AL) and 65% what I want, which means when someone need something I can reallize it how I want to do it (at the moment I prefer .net Core WebAPI and React Stack)

    So just a question:

    You guys ever worked with C/AL / Dynamics NAV? Can you give me a few insights?

    submitted by /u/Wasseratem
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    What's up with all these pop ups about sites using cookies? Is that some law now or something?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    Noob with a noob problem. I need help.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 03:47 AM PDT

    So, I've been working on a Sudoku puzzle in JavaScript for my portfolio. I worked so hard to get it where it is, and now I can't get it to check to see if numbers are duplicated in rows/columns/boxes. I'm pretty sure the problem is that it's not running the function to do the check, but I'm not 100% on that.

    I feel like this is a really basic problem and I feel stupid for asking but I'm fed up trying to make it work. Also, I'm not looking for critique on my portfolio itself just yet- I'm still largely playing with it and haven't quite settled on what I want to do with it, I just desperately need help with this project I've worked so hard on. Any pointers?

    submitted by /u/Enovara
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