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    Friday, August 10, 2018

    Starting a Computer Science Degree at 29 years learn programming

    Starting a Computer Science Degree at 29 years learn programming

    Starting a Computer Science Degree at 29 years

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:10 PM PDT

    Is there a stigma attached to older students pursuing a CS degree? I'd be finished at 33 years of age lol smh but I have a somewhat relevant job right now working with SQL, C#, and a little Python.

    Any tips to not look so out of place?

    submitted by /u/CesQ89
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    [Javascript] I feel silly - I do not see how my function isn't a function.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 03:41 PM PDT

    var id = generateID(); var gameObject = { id: id, blueTeam: [], redTeam: [], timer:0, status: null, getData: function(){ return { blueTeam: this.blueTeam, redTeam: this.redTeam, timer: this.timer, status: this.status, blueInitDir: this.blueInitDir, redInitDir: this.redInitDir }; }, broadcastTimer: null, start: function(){ this.broadcastTimer = setInterval(function(){ var data = this.getData(); // <- ERROR //share data with players }, 33); }, stop: function(){ clearInterval(this.broadcastTimer); } }; 

    My error is

    TypeError: this.getData is not a function

    jackie chan ????


    Thank you all!

    GItPirate's advice just about worked (only gameObject.getData was what worked - minus the 'this').

    So did tatu_huma's, which let me leave it as 'this.getData'. Interesting.


    submitted by /u/JonFrost
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    How do I move from basic machine learning to more advanced machine learning?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 03:06 PM PDT

    I am a junior in college and have been programming for many years at this point. I am trying to get into machine learning, but am struggling to advance with it.

    All the tutorials online either fall into the category of "here's your first machine learning program" where you have a table of data and use something like a decision tree to predict values. It's super basic and a great intro, but I'm trying to get past this point.

    The other tutorials are way too advanced and start going into more theory with things like gradients, epsilon values, Q tables, loss functions, etc. They just throw 400+ lines of code at you with very little explanation as to what anything does.

    I want to move from the super basic machine learning tutorials upwards, but there doesn't seem to be any intermediate material. I'm even ok with paying for it, I just cannot find anything. Any help would be much appreciated

    submitted by /u/orange9035
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    Trying to make work with API’s fun

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 04:13 PM PDT

    I've been making little Python tutorials and trying to make them more fun.

    Just wanted to share it with you guys :)


    submitted by /u/Boxxcar17
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    Attending my first Hackathon

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 12:09 PM PDT

    I have been learning how program passively for a couple years. I will go through periods where I'm very motivated and love to code, and at other times I will lose all motivation. Anyways, I'm planning on attending a hackathon this weekend, and I'm not sure I'm competent enough in any language to make a project that I would be proud submitting. I can create simple applications using python and I'm currently learning JavaScript. Ideally, I would make a web application, but I have never attempted to fully create and publish a web application. Does anyone have good resources or guides that I could use to study quickly? Also any tips for working alone at a hackathon?

    submitted by /u/notelena
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    Best place to learn javascript?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:48 PM PDT

    I tried learning Javascript through Free Code Camp and the material was in depth, however it all seemed scattered and not in order of what you should learn first. I'm halfway through the first section and I still don't know what javascript can do in a webpage or what its used for in general. Yet I can add two variables together....

    submitted by /u/xxxstun
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    Livestreaming a 2-Hour Rails Crash Course at 1PM Pacific

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 10:00 AM PDT

    Title says it all. I work on the outcomes team at LambdaSchool (www.lambdaschool.com) and yesterday I was boasting to our CEO that I could teach one of our graduates Rails in an afternoon and he said "Prove It." At 1PM Pacific today, I'll be teaching a 2-Hour crash course on the Rails framework on YouTube live. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zrHEJe8030

    If you've got experience in another language/framework and have been curious about what Rails is or how it works, come check it out.

    submitted by /u/rhldy
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    Help with programming form

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:15 PM PDT

    Is there a good course on the internet that teaches you how to write good code that follows best practices?

    submitted by /u/Timelordturtwig
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    How do some high school kids learn to become great at competitive programming and developing software? Do they study the math (which can be advanced) and/or do they just contribute to projects?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 09:43 PM PDT

    I'm curious about it. Now I know most people will say competitive programming isn't really used for most jobs since best practices are what matters most and keeping up with new technologies. But the things I mentioned looked fun so I am curious.

    submitted by /u/5i5yphu5
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    How useful are games like Human Resource Machine

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:42 PM PDT

    I download this game on my android and really enjoy it. I heard it might be a good way to practice coding on commutes. Do you guys think games like these actually help develop programming skills or is it just a leisure activity?

    I also downloaded spacechem but the text size is really small, it seems like the mobile version isn't so great. Have you got any other recommendations for games that might help coding skills.

    submitted by /u/BurmaJones
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    Absolute beginners Lessons for Java

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 12:28 AM PDT

    Hello All -- as some of you may know I'm the author of the website Beginners Java. I've been working in the engineering field for the last 8 years or so. I've finally stopped putting off creating some new content and have decided to make a new series focused around getting folks a job.

    This is a little bit selfish -- now that I'm an engineering manager and I need to hire more good programmers that can build shit from start to finish. I figure that the best way for me to do that is to teach people myself since I'm already doing that at work anyways.

    I've made the setup lesson (which is admittedly a little slow, I wanted to show the whole download / install of intelliJ, which ended up taking about 5 or 6 minutes)

    The end goal of the course: Understand simple java -- enough to problem solve for every day business solutions.

    Without further adieu: Lesson 0 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR1SOZ3V7CU Lesson 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGwPZoEDrlI Lesson 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzFxdSMsd3Y Lesson 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPz1ctVYsEA

    There will be about 20 - 30 more of these.

    I have set up a subreddit over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeginnersJava/

    I set up a patreon, which is available over here https://www.patreon.com/beginnersjava -- totally 100000% optional, virtually all the basic content will be available on here -- I will make some Patreon only content for interviewing tactics and other minor code-solving stuff.

    Let me know what you think / if you're interested.

    It's 3am so I'm calling it a night -- thanks reddit =P

    submitted by /u/sarevok9
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    Confused how call stacks work

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 12:12 AM PDT

    I don't know how to link the specific part of this page, but if you search the part that says:

    Even in this simple example, two different environments are used. The top-level expression square(-2) is evaluated in the global environment, while the return expression mul(x, x) is evaluated in the environment created for by calling square. Both x and mul are bound in this environment, but in different frames.

    The last sentence confuses me. mul is defined in the global frame and x is defined in the function frame, correct? If so, what does it mean for mul to be evaluated in the square environment, but also exist in the global frame? And how can two things be bound in one environment but in different frames? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/KingShindo
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    Why is nesting not "pythonic?"

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 02:28 PM PDT

    I've been programming in python recently and I've only very recently come across the idea of being "pythonic." One of such things is that "flat is better than nested."

    First off... why? Is it for readability sake? Is there anything inherently WRONG with nesting? In my program I have a lot of nested ifs... fors.. etc, all dealing with different conditions. There's pretty much no way that I can think of to handle all of them "flat" unless I virtually had a million ifs/elifs with every possible combination of conditions. And that seems... awful and wasteful. I, by default, try to condense my code to the fewest number of lines that I can (within reason...), and if that means nesting, isn't that more efficient?

    submitted by /u/corrado33
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    What peoject are you most proud of?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:32 AM PDT

    Between the side projects you have done while learning to code or later in your career what's the one you are most proud of?

    submitted by /u/Ivggbobn
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    Starting a website to help find cool tech projects on. Looking for help!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:56 PM PDT


    Please help if you can! Thanks

    submitted by /u/eddiewastaken
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    Using DOS commands in a .bat to make a simple calculator

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:45 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    I'm trying to make a simple calculator using a batch file and DOS commands, but I'm having some trouble meeting a couple of conditions for my calculator.

    First, the user enters 2 numbers, then enters an operator (+ - * /)The program then needs to check the operator is valid, and reprompt until it is.

    The program will then calculate the answer, show it to the user and pause before going back to the beginning.

    If the answer is zero, the program needs to ask the user if they want to give it another go and take them back to the beginning. If they don't, then the program will exit.

    @echo off :top echo Welcome, echo to the simplest calculator in existence. echo ------------------------------------- set /p num1= "Enter number 1: " set /p num2= "Enter number 2: " :operator set /p oper= "Enter operator (+,-,*,/): " set /a ans=%num1%%oper%%num2% echo The answer is: %ans% IF %ans%==0 ( echo Something went wrong there) IF %ans%==0 ( set /p zerochoice= "Would you like another go? (Y/N):") IF zerochoice="Y" goto operator IF zerochoice="N" exit pause cls goto top pause exit 

    So far I have two problems:

    1. I can't figure out how to re-prompt the user for an operator if they don't select + - / or *.
    2. I can't figure out how to make the program loop back to :operator or :top after an IF statement.

    Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/GhostySC2
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    Basically brand new looking for a different type of resource

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:20 PM PDT

    I've seen the FAQs. I'm all over the skills learning side, but I'm looking for resources into the culture side of CS. If that makes sense. I started listening to the programming throw down podcast and love it. Are there any good YouTubers or other podcasts that will help me with the non-academic side?

    submitted by /u/Booksnotpeople
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    How to start actually using my programming skills?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:48 AM PDT

    I've learned basics of Python, functions, a little bit of OOP, some frameworks, basic stuff,

    (can't make a GUI, because I'm shit at this part of programming lol)

    But when I go to upwork and look for entry-level easy jobs I can't find anything that I could possibly manage to do.What am I supposed to do in this situation?

    (And also everyone wants someone with a job history but how am I supposed to fucking get one when no one wants to work with a newbie)

    submitted by /u/Tauronek
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    Need some help.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 11:02 PM PDT

    I need to calculate gcd(an+bn, a-b) mod 109+7. Here a,b,n = 106. The problem is that an becomes very large and cannot be stored. Can someone explain me how to solve this problem.

    submitted by /u/TheBlack_Demon
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    Have A Learning Project Idea - Need Help Where To Start. Screenshot a Game Every Second Then Analyze Images

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 05:03 PM PDT


    I hope this is an ok place to ask this. I do some "coding" at work, however it is mainly SQL/R/VBA. I haven't dove too far past this, other than some very entry level C# work, and will need to learn Python coming up in school.

    I mainly only work with numerical data and was interested in trying some non-numerical analysis (for example images.)
    I had an idea for a personal out of work project that would serve as a learning pet project for me, but I'm a bit over my head even getting an idea on how to start, and what I should look towards using.

    I enjoy the game Overwatch on PC. I would like to create a program that captures a screenshot of my game while I'm playing every 1-2 seconds. Then after playing I can process these images to try to create some data about my matches.

    I think there will be several stages to this, that might need different coding tools. Here's my first thoughts:

    1) The screenshotting process : This will have to run while I'm playing so I don't believe R is the way to go here. I was thinking a C# application might work for this part. I'm not sure if I can screenshot the screen that often without degrading performance dramatically. Is there a different coding language that could be useful here?

    2) The image processing portion : Identify key things in my images. I think this would be best in an R / Python environment, I'm not sure if this could be done in C# as well. I was slightly leaning towards Python since I will need to start learning this in the upcoming semester so it would be good to get a head start. Is there a better solution?

    3) Export data from step 2 to a local SQL database: Maybe not necessary, but I'm mainly an end user with read-only access to our SQL databases (I just write queries, don't manage the database). So this would be a cool experience for me to get an idea of what goes on "behind-the-scences" to my current work, and see what goes into this.

    4) Some kind of RMarkDown/PowerBI/Tableau other dashboard/application to see results. I work in this a lot so not too concerned.

    Thoughts on this project and how I've split out the "stages"? Any advice to point me in the right direction of trying to limp through this overall, or for any one specific stage?


    submitted by /u/ajskelt
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    Getting my AS in Oracle DBA helpppp

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 07:06 PM PDT

    Hi all, I'm getting my AS in Oracle DBA, and I'm wondering what else should I be looking to do to get a job. Any certifications I should be looking at? I'm not getting my BS.

    I'm currently teaching myself SQL using SoloLearn and Udemy

    I was checking the Oracle website and I saw MySQL 5.6 certification is that something I should be getting? Currently I'm trying to get a job in the IT field or even a help desk job but even that's very difficult because my resume has things only for pharmacy t ch in a hospital...

    submitted by /u/Zeal0522
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    How does JSON work?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:39 PM PDT

    I'm able to edit JSON files to my hearts content, but that doesn't mean I understand exactly what they are under the hood. I hope this makes sense. I realize they are a bunch of dictionaries (or objects if you prefer the JS terminology), but that's about my whole knowledge of the behind the scenes of JSON.

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    Are there sites/apps out there that provide coding exercises or test programming skills?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 06:35 PM PDT

    I have not coded something for a long time and I think I've lost my programming skills. Are there sites or apps to at least help me challenge myself? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/drichorino
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    Entry level jobs

    Posted: 09 Aug 2018 10:01 PM PDT

    I know this ain't the reddit related to jobs but with sufficient people here who code I thought your input would be great. What would be an entry-level job for someone who knows to code I know C++,java,Php and more. I was recently told to look to apply for entry level positions and I found myself blank. I have no experience working in a company and have no clue what entry-level jobs are could someone fill me in ?

    I am asking what entry-level jobs are like what is expected of an entry-level employee in programming related jobs.

    submitted by /u/MrHktrioot
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