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    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    Looking to attain credentials in data analytics field Ask Programming

    Looking to attain credentials in data analytics field Ask Programming

    Looking to attain credentials in data analytics field

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:05 PM PDT

    I am working in agriculture and I'm looking to transition into data analytics within the industry. I am currently teaching myself the necessary languages- Python, SQL, R. I know data science relies on a lot of skills alongside coding but this is my starting point. My biggest fear is signing up for some bogus certification that no one will recognize. If anyone with experience in this field could share some guidance I would be appreciative.

    submitted by /u/ofaas
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    [recursion] Is this wrong or what?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:07 PM PDT

    I'm looking at a vid on recursion and the guy uses c++. The task is we have two data with numbers and we want to find the absolute different between the number at each index and add the up Here is the code:

    Int totalDiff (int dataA[], int dataB[], int sizeOfArray) { If (size == 0) return 0; int lastElementDiff = abs(dataA[sizeOfArray - 1] + dataB[sizeOfArray - 1]; int diff = totalDiff(dataA, dataB, size - 1) + lastElementDiff; return diff; }

    Once the size reaches 0 it will return 0. WHATS the point of that function if the size will inevitably go to 0. I'm right right ?

    submitted by /u/ElonMuskIsAnAlien
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    Python vs ruby

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 06:06 PM PDT

    Just want know what the difference is between the two.I know python but what makes ruby different?

    submitted by /u/dannova90
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    C Language - Using sensor data to populate array

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 09:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys!

    Newbie C question - programming in embedded C on Arduino Uno. I'd like to gather a sampling of data from an analog sensor, and populate an array with it (To then average out the data). I have the data flowing from the sensor, and I know how to average and manipulate it, however I don't know how to populate an array from the data constantly. Basically I want:

    1. Sensor reading
    2. push reading into array
    3. check to see if array full (if not, go back to reading, if so continue)
    4. array is full, take array data, performs calcs, flush array ready to repeat cycle again

    I hope that makes some sort of sense, if someone could clarify how to take a reading and populate a spot in an array that would be awesome!

    Edit: Readability

    submitted by /u/wildejono
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    LaTeX Resume Help

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:56 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I'm currently writing my cover letter and am using this template (Cover Letter without sections). I am having a really hard time trying to figure out how to reduce the space between the end of the company address and the title of the letter (so the space between Mountain View, CA and the title "Job Application..."

    Can someone please take a look at the code and help me out? I have been looking for a while and have not been able to find out how to reduce this space.


    submitted by /u/AltA49394
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    Best language for my first game

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 06:37 PM PDT

    I'm looking to start making my first game soon though I don't know what language learn. I have very little programming experience.

    submitted by /u/budewgd
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    when do C++ class Deconstructors initiate

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:26 PM PDT

    I got taught to use them so it let memory go, but i'm not super clear on when it exactly executes and lets go of the memory.

    submitted by /u/_Spanish_Inquistion
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    Which career path has better job prospects: software engineering or data science/analysis (or web development)? And in which career path is it easier to find a decent job on if you're transitioning from outside of the tech field?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:22 AM PDT

    Is Angular (6) for front-end only?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 04:31 PM PDT

    I have an app that needs to store data in mysql databases, normally I would just create some simple express.js routing to make a REST API from scratch.

    I could just make that REST API and use the angular HTTP module to request data from the API however I'd like to know if Angular is also good for the API part of the application?

    For example can you make a module that returns a JSON file instead of HTML? Or something similar to that?

    submitted by /u/iwon8
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    What is a good rule of thumb for: "I need to generate a large set of files, and some of them might be there already"?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:26 PM PDT

    Suppose you need to generate a large set of files, say one for each day over a year.

    Some of the files may be there already. If the file exists, with the correct name and path, it is likely that the file is correct, but this is not given.

    Suppose also that generating the files is somewhat expensive. How do you go about it?

    submitted by /u/extremeaxe5
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    Can anyone ELI5 what programming in blockchain and Dapps are?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 04:06 PM PDT

    Is this about maintaining the state of application in blockchain or computational power or something else? I know how Bitcoin works but this is over me.

    submitted by /u/dogeboz
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    How would I go about spoofing an Airplay Server on my Mac? (Without proprietary third party software)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:56 PM PDT

    This is a project i'm interested in trying if it turns out to be possible.

    I was wondering how software like Reflector 3 and X-Mirage achieve iPhone screen mirroring on mac and if someone could send me in the right direction towards documentation on appleTV spoofing, as it seems thats how they do it (correct me if i'm wrong).

    EDIT: I know this can be done through quicktime already, but it's functionality doesn't suffice for my needs.


    submitted by /u/timshel2
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    Choosing programming language for electronic in the future

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:07 PM PDT

    I am master in automation control and robotic. Right now, I am working as a control cabinet constructor. I really love electronic. I wish to learn programming. In the future, I would like to find a job that connects programming and electronic. However, I can't decide which programming language I should choose.

    I was thinking about python. I have made a few applications (including my master thesis) on Raspberry Pi. Python is really fun. I seem to be very easy. I was working a bit with image processing. Things what could I do with few lines of code were really impressive. From the other side, I can't imagine any areas of use for Python in the industry and other electronics. Sorry for my lack of knowledge.

    On the other side, I was wondering if I should learn C instead. I read that it is really important in Embedded systems etc. but I am afraid that C is no more a good choice for the future. I can use it in micro-controllers or processors like stm32, MCUs etc. I understand that I want to choose between low and high-level programming. However, I feel that C is really slow and buggy.

    Here is my question. What programming language could I learn to use it with electronic, and be competitive on the job market? (especially in the future)

    ps. Sorry for the question that is probably asked every day.

    submitted by /u/alek41
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    How much effort is it to create a custom weighted voting tool?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:01 PM PDT

    I know this question might be a bit subjective, but I'm completely lost and don't know where to start, and I really need some qualified advice.

    I want to implement a voting system on my website, where registered users can vote on option A or B. Every round has a correct option, and whoever chooses the correct one, gets one point after the round ends, while wrong answers get a point substracted. In the next round, those who were correct before will now count as two, while the others count as zero. This process will be repeated indefinitely. So basically, a vote system that is weighted based on points gathered in previous rounds.

    I have talked to some people about this already, and someone suggested the use of licensed plugins. The problem is, I couldn't find one so far that fits my needs, and since I'm no programmer myself, I don't know if/how it's possible to combine or change them.

    So at the moment, my plan is to hire someone to code this voting tool for me, so that it is exactly the way I want it. My most important question here is, how hard is it to code something like this? How much would a skilled programmer charge me for that? I found a few free voting tools online, sadly they can't do everything I want, but going from that I assume it can't be too much effort to code the tool I described before.

    I feel like this is a bit too small to consult a big firm for, but since I have absolutely no experience, I'm a bit nervous that a freelancer might overcharge me. I absolutely do want to pay a fair price for the work, but since it's just a hobby project at the time, I can't really afford something in the several thousands.

    It would also be great if you could point me to some places where I can contact programmers who do freelancing work like this.

    I hope this question isn't too "stupid" for this forum, but I don't really know where else to go with something like this. I'd be very thankful for every bit of advice you could give me.

    Thank you! :)

    submitted by /u/Redtox
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    Should I take Mechanics or Statistics for machine learning?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    Next year, I will be in A-Levels, and I am conflicted on whether to choose mechanics or statistics for maths. What would you recommend for me?

    submitted by /u/SenseDeletion
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    How is this effect achieved?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:29 AM PDT

    Hi I just recently noticed that reddit is using something like a "pre-charge effect". It's like a placeholder loads while the client waits for the actual content. How is this achieved? Does anyone knows its name? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/JM120897
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    Please explain some information about PInvoke

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:59 AM PDT

    Hello, I need some help. I wrote my code in C and wanna write interface for it. I have read that I should use PInvoke. I can't find any understandable information. Can u give me some links or advice to help me ;)

    submitted by /u/esgzk
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    How do you or have you handled a situation where you are in a computer or programming class and are more knowledgeable than the other students and teacher?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:58 AM PDT

    I'm a senior in high school and I have learned programming from a combination of friends on a robotics team (@FRC lol) and myself on my own time. I am by no means a great programmer and I am very aware I don't know anywhere close to everything. But, I do know a decent amount for my age and enough to make some basic applications and programs. Since my knowledge is a little patchy I decided to take advanced programming at my school. My problem is I'm in a class with a bunch of people who know a little more about computers than the average person but much of what they know is false or inaccurate. But, since they are more savvy then most they believe they know everything and spread a bunch of false information. For example, this one guy said that an operating system isn't responsible for managing the system's resources. Along with this, the teacher does not know anything about programming and tried to get us to sign up for JavaScript lessons when we are learning Java because he thought they were the same. I also had to fix the JAVA_HOME variable on his computer for him. I guess, has anyone else been in a situation like this, whether at school or in the workplace? I'm curious how you handled it. I don't want to come off arrogant and rude by correcting people, but I don't want to let them just teach other people blatantly wrong facts.

    TLDR: I'm a high school senior who knows how to programming. I took an advanced programming course to fill in the patches in my knowledge. But, it turns out the teacher doesn't know how to program. And a few of the students think they know but are spreading clearly wrong information to other students. I'm not sure how I should respond/handle the situation. I don't want to come off arrogant and rude but I want to help others learn the correct knowledge.

    submitted by /u/garrett7621
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    Subreddit for high-quality programming shitposts

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:29 AM PDT

    /r/accounting and /r/consulting are two examples of active industry-specific subreddits which have a lot of smart & funny shitposts and meta content.

    /r/ProgrammerHumor is full of the same lame jokes and seems to be populated by many non-professional programmers.

    Is there a subreddit behind a secret door somewhere that is the utopia I am looking for?

    submitted by /u/clientsoup
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    Google Apps Script - Mark all emails as read after 5 minutes

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:45 AM PDT


    I'm trying to create a script that marks all my emails as read after 5 minutes.

    I've found a script that does this everyday, but i can't seem to get it to work when i change it from days to minutes.

    Link to script.

     function Intialize() { return; } function Install() { ScriptApp.newTrigger("markMails") .timeBased() .at(new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 1000*60*2)) .create(); ScriptApp.newTrigger("markMails") .timeBased().everyDays(1).create(); } function Uninstall() { https://script.google.com/macros/d/MBqrNPSzGjwZ_-vuH7kZCsXuAQ7im4wST/gwt/clear.cache.gif var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers(); for (var i=0; i<triggers.length; i++) { ScriptApp.deleteTrigger(triggers[i]); } } function markMails() { var age = new Date(); age.setDate(age.getDate() - MARK_AS_READ_AFTER_DAYS); var purge = Utilities.formatDate(age, Session.getTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); var search = "label:" + LABEL_TO_MARK + " label:unread" + " before:" + purge; try { var threads = GmailApp.search(search, 0, 100); if (threads.length == 100) { ScriptApp.newTrigger("markMails") .timeBased() .at(new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 1000*60*10)) .create(); } for (var i=0; i<threads.length; i++) { var messages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThread(threads[i]); for (var j=0; j<messages.length; j++) { var email = messages[j]; if (email.getDate() < age) { //Logger.log(email.getDate() + " - "+ email.getSubject()); email.markRead(); } } } } catch (e) {} } 

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Mr_FJay
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    How many programming languages do I need to know?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:18 AM PDT

    I know that the appropriate answer to this question is "All of them.", but what I mean is that how many programming languages do I need to know in order to start looking appealing to companies. I'd like to become either a Data Scientist, Data Engineer or (most preferably) a Machine Learning Engineer in the future. I know, those are some ambitious dreams, but I'm still hoping. As far as I know, these are the most popular languages for machine learning:

    1. Python
    2. C++
    3. Java
    4. JavaScript (I might be wrong with this one)
    5. Lisp
    6. Prolog
    7. Haskell
    8. Julia

    How many of these languages do I need to know in order to look more appealing to companies who are hiring? If you really have no other answer than "Learn all of them." then in what order do I learn them in?

    P.S. I am what most would call a beginner in programming. I know my way around in Python, and I know a bit of C++, but that's it. I'm asking this question so that I have an idea of how to plan out how I will continue to develop my programming skills.

    submitted by /u/SenseDeletion
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    1) Imagine that you can choose only one programming language to learn and earn money. Which one would you choose? 2) Imagine that you can choose only one programming language and library/framework to learn and earn money. What would your choice be like?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2018 11:44 PM PDT

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