• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    30 year old, 0 experience with coding, will start learning this winter. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this sub learn programming

    30 year old, 0 experience with coding, will start learning this winter. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this sub learn programming

    30 year old, 0 experience with coding, will start learning this winter. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this sub

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:42 AM PDT

    Hi guys. First of all, thank you for all your advices on this sub.

    I thought about learning programming a few years ago but real life and the lack of motivation kept me from doing it.

    Just hit 30 and realized that my potential is being wasted working on construction sites, driving machines. My wage here (UK) s roughly £46k before tax which is not that bad but it involves 12 hour shifts Monday to Friday.

    Recently I've been thinking if I see myself doing the same thing for another 10 years and the answer was NO. I am not an english native amd me and my Mrs will move back home this winter, whete using our savings we will start a small business where she is really the one that will run it and it's her field and we decided to take advantage of that and while living at her parents, i should start learning how to code and only work a few months/year in the UK as that's enough to keep me going back home money wise.

    The tineline is about 2 years until i can realistically apply for jobs that could allow me to work from home in case the business goes well.

    I have decided that my focus will be front end development mainly because my math skill are poor. I'm not a slow guy, just that math is not my forte.

    If you know any great courses and books, feel free to throw some links my way, I woll search for them too as well.

    I feel that, if I can get the hang of it, it will potentially give my family a better future and will allow me to grow as an individual and learn new things.

    I know it will be hard and the thought that i won't know where/who to ask when i get stuck is daunting but i feel that i owe it to myself to at least try.

    Any advices, shoot!

    Also, for those lurking on this sub, just set up a plan and start learning. I for one can't wait. Hopefully i can stick with it and change my life in a good way.

    Everyone here have a great day anf thanks for taking your time and replying to us, dudes/dudettes that are scared as shit to get their feet wet with coding. You really make a difference!

    submitted by /u/KloppingThePrem
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    willing to teach python for free looking for students

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:26 PM PDT

    hello everyone i am looking for the students that are interested in learning python programming language at beginner's

    level. we will communicate through skype call and use text editor like atom for real time collaboration

    if any one interested they can text me at skype id (amazing python)

    submitted by /u/sahilbanno
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    I would like to share 25 programming puzzles and brain teasers

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 11:19 AM PDT

    Here's good list of top 25 programming puzzles commonly asked in a technical interviews.

    EDIT: Posting links here for easy access

    1. Add two numbers without using addition operator | 4 methods
    2. Implement power function without using multiplication and division operators
    3. Print all numbers between 1 to N without using semicolon
    4. Swap two numbers without using third variable | 5 methods
    5. Determine the if condition to print specific output
    6. Find maximum, minimum of three numbers without using conditional statement and ternary operator | 4 methods
    7. Find numbers represented as sum of two cubes for two different pairs
    8. Print "Hello World" with empty main() function | 3 methods
    9. Print all numbers between 1 to N without using any loop | 4 methods
    10. Print a semicolon without using semicolon anywhere in the program
    11. Multiply two numbers without using multiplication operator or loops
    12. Find square of a number without using multiplication and division operator | 3 methods
    13. Find if a number is even or odd without using any conditional statement
    14. Set both elements of a binary array to 0 in single line
    15. Find minimum number without using conditional statement or ternary operator
    16. Perform Division of two numbers without using division operator
    17. Generate 0 and 1 with 75% and 25% Probability
    18. Generate Desired Random Numbers With Equal Probability
    19. Return 0, 1 and 2 with equal Probability using the specified function
    20. Generate Fair Results from a Biased Coin
    21. Generate numbers from 1 to 7 with equal probability using specified function
    22. Implement Ternary Operator Without Using Conditional Expressions
    23. Determine if two integers are equal without using comparison and arithmetic operators
    24. Return 0 and 1 with equal Probability using the specified function
    25. Clock angle problem – Find angle between hour and minute hand

    (Check more) Thank you.

    submitted by /u/geek_007
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    Am I the only one who in spite of syntax highlighting, and error checking, still makes silly mistakes like forgetting a semi-colon or typos?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 11:06 PM PDT

    It's getting ridiculous lately for me. I just spent two days debugging something I wrote only to discover in the first case it was a = instead of a -. In the second I had left off a needed ;. So, am I the only one who struggles in the modern age of text editors and IDE's? Or are these kinds of things really common in spite of the extra tools available?

    submitted by /u/Mymar
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    How can I deal with the anxiety and insecurity of dealing with logic problems so I can learn to effectively learn how to code?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:26 PM PDT

    Just before I went into puberty I had a clear mind and I had some dexterity doing maths and logic problems. But went it finally came, I couldn't deal with logic as good as before and started getting confused more with these kind of problems. I slowly began forgetting how to solve problems and lost my confidence with dealing with them. Now, I'm going to hit 18 in a few months and still have these issues, now I'm aiming to learn coding since I found some content to learn from and to make something else than looking at my computer screen wondering what should I be doing and getting anxious thinking of all the time I'm losing. I can't focus on logic problems and so I think that if start to learn coding with this condition I would likely freak out to the exercises and actually get a bad experience that would give me a burnout and balk my efforts to learn to code. Coding ain't my ambition, but I would definitely not mind doing logic exercises if I didn't get that confused about these kinds of problems.

    submitted by /u/optimixta5
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    I’m looking to take someone on as their mentor

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:21 PM PDT

    EDIT: I received a lot of responses so I'm temporarily closing this to new submissions.

    submitted by /u/hobbalt
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    [Java] How can I improve my Hash Table implementation?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:05 PM PDT

    import java.util.*; public class HashTable { public static final int TABLE_SIZE = 128; LinkedList<HashEntry>[] buckets = new LinkedList[TABLE_SIZE]; public void HashTable(){ } public void put(String key, String value) { HashEntry entry = new HashEntry(key,value); int hash = hash(entry.getKey()); if (buckets[hash] == null) buckets[hash] = new LinkedList<HashEntry>(); buckets[hash].add(entry); } public String get(String key) { if (buckets[hash(key)] != null) { LinkedList<HashEntry> bucket = buckets[hash(key)]; for (HashEntry e : bucket) { if (key.equals(e.getKey())) return e.getValue(); } } return ""; } private int hash(String key) { return key.hashCode()%TABLE_SIZE; } } public class HashEntry{ String key; String value; public HashEntry(String key, String value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } public String getKey() { return this.key; } public String getValue() { return this.value; } } public class Tester { public static void main(String[] args) { HashTable table = new HashTable(); table.put("One","Two"); table.put("Three","Four"); table.put("Five","Six"); table.put("Seven","Eight"); table.put("Nine","Ten"); System.out.println(table.get("One")); } } 
    submitted by /u/sk0620
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    Good resources that are short and easy

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 09:12 PM PDT

    As title stated, I'm wondering if there are resources that are short, quick, and easy to read for Java and C++.
    This is mainly to refresh my memory as I'm pretty bad at trying to self-motivate myself to code more and do my own projects, thus losing the ability on how to code. But also, classes keeps me too busy trying to memorize other things.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Lax-
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    I'm 17 and don't know what programming language to learn

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 09:00 PM PDT

    So far I'm just about average with html and css. Today I started learning python and javascript on code academy. Are python and javascript good languages to learn. My goal is to eventually start freelancing as a side hustle. What languages are the best to learn ?

    submitted by /u/justaniggaonreddit27
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    Is there a road map for data science?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:00 PM PDT

    I'm going to study python for some time to learn web development, after that I plan to learn web scraping and improve backend knowledge to be at an advanced level, then I plan to learn data science but I do not know where to start. Is there any roadmap for which you know Python but does not know about math?

    submitted by /u/marcosdeveloper
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    Absolute beginner - What can simple coding be used for?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:45 PM PDT

    So I would want to learn coding, at least the basics for now, but I don't know what I could do with it.

    (Yes I know this question is very basic and so on, but I literally have no idea how you would make something)

    submitted by /u/ADK-KND
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    Best laptop for full stack development?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 11:10 PM PDT

    I want a laptop ONLY for full stack development and writing code, originally I was thinking "I will get a $100 piece of garbage just for text editing", but as I got more into full stack development on my main computer I started to realize all the programs that I use in my day to day, such as Postman, Chrome with extensions on (eat up ram) and VS Code. I want a computer that runs these programs well and that's it, only programming.

    If anyone here has recently purchased a laptop I would love to know your thoughts on this issue.

    Also, please take into account that I currently have a pretty powerful main PC if I want to run any huge programs or data searching craziness, I just want something to make simple JavaScript based apps on and have a comfortable experience, thanks in advance for any help.

    Price point is about $400 but may splurge if I have to.

    submitted by /u/Coopertrooper7
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    What would be my job title?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:49 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    If this needs to be posted elsewhere please let me know!

    TL;DR : I have gained new skills from my normal WFM Analyst position. I have been querying data that was never easily accessible since no one in our whole department has had the chance to learn how to do it. The bullet list below shows my current job duties. I would like to see what job position I should be classified under based on those skills and if I should be compensated more for what I have contributed to my department and company.

    Long Story: I'm not new to this /r but I created a new account to remain anonymous. I work at a company in Northwest US as a Workforce Analyst for our callcenter. Our company as a whole will be undergoing a compensation evaluation and I wanted to submit my case to management on a potential raise and maybe new position for me to be held in.

    This site pretty much entails what my company also views as my job responsibilities: https://study.com/articles/workforce_analyst_salary_job_description.html

    Recently, I have been doing a-lot more that my typical job duties entail; job duties I have grown to love. Our department an team never really had a Data type role but one of our previous associates had data feeding into Tableau. That data was being consumed for a few years and if anything was wrong, a ticket had to be sent to that associate or one of their colleagues in another department to fix the SQL queries. I started utilizing those existing queries and modifying them to become more accurate and more granular for deep diving. Other sub-departments in our company have started to recognize my abilities and I started receiving more requests for data. Although we have tools provided from our company to obtain certain data, there was a lot of data that was not shown or could not be combined together. The only way they were able to receive this data was from me or another department like Finance or IT.

    Our company is going through a data migration and I have been tasked to open a small database for our customer service department. I'm still working on this now, but I am learning a-lot and I'm starting to realize this is going to be a much bigger responsibility than I initially thought. Management is willing teach me the skills necessary to continue doing this, as the data I'm able to retrieve has been very beneficial and we haven't been able to see data like this before.

    Going back to the compensation evaluation, I'm trying to see what my job title would be based on the skills that I have learned over the past 2 years. Since my current job profile doesn't match what I'm currently doing at my job, I wanted to make sure I'm heading in the right direction and in the right job position.

    Here is a bullet list of most of my current job duties:

    • Writes SQL queries to store, sort, and retrieve data across multiple tables. Writing and optimizing queries for efficiency and accuracy.
      • Write ad hoc SQL queries to find data based on the requester's needs.
    • Using that data to create dashboards and reports and sending them to leadership/supervisors for potential CSR agent coaching.
    • Through this, I have learned how to query Oracle DBs with Oracle SQL.
    • I am currently migrating our queries to work with Redshift, since that is where our company's data is being migrated over to.
    • Because of this migration, I'm now learning how to utilize AWS Redshift and the basics of cluster creation and maintenance.
    • I'm translating our Oracle SQL queries to Redshift (PostreSQL) which is a difficulty but I'm learning everyday.
    • A report I have created with this data is being used in development for an over all metrics dashboard that will replace multiple reports that the upper management will have to look at.

    I apologize for the super long post but I'd love to hear some feedback on what my potential job title should be and what I can do to learn and progress further in to data!


    submitted by /u/UsernameTemporary
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    Rest api

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:43 PM PDT

    I am a newbie to programming, explain the rest api concept. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/arunap2509
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    Hands on learners who suck at theory, how'd you learn?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:52 PM PDT

    This may be a bit of an oddball post, but here it goes.

    So, I was brought on to be an SRE in the company I work for and the team knew I was "just ok" with python. Aka I can more or less write stuff (utilize classes and such) but not necessarily understand each bit of what I'm writing, nor do I know any real algorithms.

    While I've been learning through mediums such as Sololearn and at work, I feel I still don't know how to glue together all of the knowledge I've picked up (aka projects) because I blank out constantly. I tried CS50, but felt it was a bit steep for me. I couldn't get through that first problem set with Mario and stuff, and the walk through videos didn't really help (for me at least). And I feel with lessons like automatetheboringstuff, I'm just copy and pasting code (or literally just reading and rewriting the code I see on screen). How does that help you get the knowledge if it's being completely spelled out for you?

    What is / was your method of a hands on approach? Am I just not going about this right? I need to learn python in depth, but I also need to be able to understand the standard algorithms that exist today. I'm just not sure what's a better avenue for me to learn.

    submitted by /u/eps89
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    Having sooo much trouble with inserting data from geonames into my database...

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:08 PM PDT

    I hope this is the right area to post this because I've been smashing my head with this problem.

    I'm trying to insert a data set from geonames, specifically the allCountries.txt file (1.6gb uncompressed). I have created my Database and table, using their recommended setup and other setups from other sites including geonames forums. Also, I tried omitting what I believe are the culprit columns but no matter which way I import the data - wether using mysql workbench and even Navicat Premium I can only import 518 000 lines/rows. Then it hangs until I force quit the application.

    I can however, at least with Navicat, import 518 020 lines but only if I start from line 518 001 to 518 020. Navicat gives the option, btw. According to the terminal command wc -l, there are 11 770 891 lines. I have not set any indexes yet either, so duplicates are ok to insert. I also added then removed a primary key id for kicks, but no improvement.

    Also, I split the allCountries.txt files to files of 50 000 lines each (ex. allcountries1.txt, allcountries2.txt,...) but importing the data always hangs after the 518 000 rows.

    I feel like I lost a battle. It seems everyone can get it plugged in to their databases. Unless there are other free datasets that include country names, longitudes, latitudes, cities, states, provs, ... the geonames files seems to be what I need atm. I'd rather not use an api (yet), because of limited access, and cost. I'm using the file to match up with js latitude longitude and getting the nearest so and so.

    If anyone succeeded in implementing the data, I could really use your help!

    submitted by /u/le_throwawayAcc
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    just started today, getting error with HelloWorld.exe

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:45 PM PDT

    so i started learning C# today. i copied this code for a HelloWorld app into Notepad++ (yes, i set the language to C#). however, when i run it from within Notepad++, i get a ShellExecute error.

    "Access is denied. An attempt was made to execute the below command.

    Command: [accurate location of .exe file]

    Arguments: Error Code: 5"

    i've googled the problem, and people have said to run it as an admin. running Notepad++ as admin changes nothing, and when i try running the .exe from Explorer, as admin, i get a message saying Windows can't find the file. this is Windows 10 btw

    i'm very confused and frustrated at this point. any help would be appreciated

    also mods, if i've missed anything i'm supposed to include, please let me know

    submitted by /u/DymondHed
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    I made a discord for people to learn and work together on programming

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:46 AM PDT

    I made a discord for beginners (or not beginners, anyone really) to share and work together to learn programming. I have just started learning Python because i hate my job and so on.

    I think having a place to work together on projects and learn together might help some people keep their motivation to learn.

    Here is the discord link to anyone interested https://discord.gg/xhys8f

    submitted by /u/Eoinknd16
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    how to obfuscate c software on linux without software and in easy way?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:19 PM PDT

    how to obfuscate c software on linux without software and in easy way?

    submitted by /u/angelafra
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    how do I reverse key-value pairs when there are duplicate keys?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:02 PM PDT

    how do I reverse key-value pairs when there are duplicate keys?

    example the value 4 is being destroyed because there is only one 4 key in the resulting reversed dictionary

    submitted by /u/iriseagain
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    Java for iOS development

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:55 PM PDT

    I'm fairly new to programming and trying to avoid working with new languages after developing a working knowledge with Python and Java.

    Is it a good idea to use java for an iOS social media app? If so what cheap/free resources are available out there?

    submitted by /u/Ik93
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    How to Build a Cryptocurrency Exchange?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 04:57 AM PDT

    Does somebody have experience, knowlande or sources which can be useful in building cryptocurrency exchange platform?

    submitted by /u/Squidmasher
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    Advice on how to keep practicing

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:35 PM PDT

    I've taken two programming courses in college that were required for my degree and I will probably not have to learn beyond that. A little beyong pointers is all the last class covered in C++. I have two years of college to go and I'm afraid I'll forget all of the things I have learned or be so out of practice by the time I look for employment that I'll feel insecure about adding programming as a skill on a resume. It's mostly a concern because I did really enjoy it and could see myself possibly looking for a job in the field I want to work in that incorporates some type of programming. So I'm wondering if there's a way to utilize what I've learned throughout the rest of my college career. I'm thinking something along the lines of creating programs to help with studying for other classes or something. I figure it would be a different approach to studying and also force me to practice. Otherwise, I'll probably never have to use it again in college. I don't really have any ideas as to how to go about doing that but if anyone has any input, I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/HenriettaCroaks
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    Staying Motivated while Self Teaching

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:21 PM PDT

    As the title states, how do you stay motivated to learn while you're self teaching? I've been taking courses on EDX and got stuck on a problem for a couple of days and since then it seems I lost motivation to continue the course. I guess it may be a sense of being a failure because these problems are taking me a while to solve? Anyone else ever have this?

    submitted by /u/Coder_X_23
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