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    Monday, August 13, 2018

    Here's a PDF of Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: an absolutely fantastic book on accelerated learning, problem solving, and general problem solving -- catered specifically for programmers learn programming

    Here's a PDF of Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: an absolutely fantastic book on accelerated learning, problem solving, and general problem solving -- catered specifically for programmers learn programming

    Here's a PDF of Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: an absolutely fantastic book on accelerated learning, problem solving, and general problem solving -- catered specifically for programmers

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 07:46 PM PDT

    edit: rip title; I mean to say accelerated learning, productivity, and general problem solving


    I really recommend you guys give this book a shot. It's not like a lot of other self-help books where there's a few key concepts with a ton of filler in between. In fact it's so dense with material that I couldn't really read more than a chapter a day for it to really crystallize everything in my mind. The coolest part is that the examples he does use pertain specifically to software development, but the concepts really do transfer over to anything.

    It begins with how skills are acquired and how novices are different from experts. It touches up on everything on how to learn faster, how we're stuck too much on a concentrated learning mode (referred to as L mode in the book) instead of letting our more creative subconcious R-mode take over to solve problems creatively. It dives into making an 'exocortex' so that everything you learn is stored in a neat database, it goes over David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' scheme, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I really just suggest you guys give the table of contents a look.

    You're all welcome :P

    submitted by /u/pouyank
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    Would a 30-year-old person still be able to pick up programming?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 07:43 PM PDT

    They say that once a person hit their 30s, learning new things can be quite challenging and changing career at that age can be a gamble as well. Do you know anyone who had a different career back in their late 20s but jumped into programming after?

    submitted by /u/leijichoi
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    My absurd 'Interview' at my first internship today.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:57 AM PDT

    I'm an 18 year old, graduated HS like 4 months ago. My college starts in February of 2019 so I have a lot of time on my hands. Right after I finished HS, I started learning Python from 'How to Automate the Boring Stuff with python". ( I already knew C++ and GameDev with Unity3D before that and I also had published some apps out there too ) .


    So I attended this internship interview at a local company in my city that does freelance Web and App development. The thing is I've only learnt Python by doing a lot of practical stuff...GUI, Games and recently learnt a bit of Django. The internship position was a junior Django Developer, the company said they'd train me in Django and I only needed to know Python. So when I went there and after all the formalities and paperwork, I was given a 'test'. Basically, they made me create a fucking UpWork account ( online freelance site ) and went over to the tests tab and make me take a multiple choice test of 50 questions.( Not even sure if UpWork allows this)


    Not one question was about Django and they were all ambiguous..about many things I didn't even want to learn..Like neural networks...super threading and all that. It gave me a rating of 3 out of 5 stars and it's supposedly good enough for someone my age ( pretty sure they tell that to everyone ). And since I couldn't pass the test I'll have to pay 100$$ every month to attend the internship ( You see how stupid this is going ) for a certificate in the end. I wasn't made to write a single Python program, not even one nor did they bother to ask about my experience or my GitHub projects. Only the upwork test. Right now, I'm applying to other internships I can find.

    submitted by /u/BinaryGandalf
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    Trying to get into programming with a Math degree and employers don't seem to like it

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 09:35 PM PDT

    So where I live, having a degree in Math is useless according to most people. Employers won't even consider Math majors for most jobs, unless it's teaching! I want to get into Data Science, and I've been learning python for the past 2 months on my own. I've also had a lot of programming classes in college. I also took many CS electives, since the two majors are closely related.

    Sure, I don't have as much technical knownedlge as someone with a CS degree. Like I don't know about OS, Databases, Compilers, etc but I do know enough and I have other skills that are important like great analytical skills.

    Going to data science is actually best with a Math/Stat degree, but not in my country! Here, you either study computer Engineering or computer science (not even this one, the engineering one is more popular!) or you're doomed.

    I'm also trying to learn web development, but it's so confusing to do especially when I feel like I'm wasting my time learning the very basics (reading w3school and doing freecodecamp ) because most developers I know just use wordpress and such, or already made templates.

    I also don't want to focus just on the front end stuff, and I am not sure how to handle the back-end parts. Especially if I'm not going to get a job, because I don't have any ideas on my own.

    I'm just lost... what should I do? I really want to make this work, but don't want to go back to college to get another degree. I'm starting my Masters soon, in industrial Engineering. (cause optimization + data is cool )

    submitted by /u/Yeamf93
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    Protocols, Delegations and Segues in Swift

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 07:25 PM PDT

    Can someone explain to me in laymen's terms how protocols and delegations work? I'd also like to figure out how segues work in Swift? I've been studying the topic recently but it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me.

    submitted by /u/indianguyfromarizona
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    Can late bloomers technically "catch-up" through extra hard work (studying) or is developing good programming skills in the end through years of experience?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 01:46 AM PDT

    curious to see if catching up is a real thing in this industry

    submitted by /u/tobesenior
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    How can I learn to write good code?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 12:15 PM PDT

    I'm a CS graduate, and I put most of my focus on the theoretical and algorithmic parts of it, and I ended up being good at it. The other parts, not so much.

    But I recently started working, and during a conversation at work, the topic of well-written code came up. I don't know if what I write qualifies as readable or well-written, so I wanna learn about that. Another thing that came up was design patterns. CS students can't take it in my uni, but Software Engineering students can, so I never took it. Is there a good resource on that?

    Something that my team leader objected to in my code (he didn't get a good look at the whole thing) was a part where I made a binary tree class, and the tree has an instance variable that is the root of the tree, then each node has two children. I was recursing in the node constructor, instead of the tree constructor. He didn't explain why this is bad, and I don't really see why it is. Can anyone explain? Did I misunderstand him?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Sarcon5673
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    Have you ever read the entire book selected for your course?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:05 PM PDT

    I'm about to enter into my fall semester classes this year. I am taking Database Mngt Systems, AI, Computer Systems, and Ethics. I am planning to read all of the books that the professors have posted up online. In total, I have roughly 3000 pages worth of material. If I read about 20-30 pages a day (5-10 pages per book) I can finish all of the books by December 1st. I'm looking to broaden my perspective on the subject as well as strengthen myself in areas covered in class. In case this doesn't work, my plan B is to just strictly read the chapters that we go over in class and push off the rest for when I'm not attending at that moment (christmas break, summer, etc.). I've never done this before and I was curious if others have. Was this too much too handle for you? Did you feel that it helped in your overall understanding of the topic? Was it worth the time invested in?

    submitted by /u/Crazypete3
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    Trying to create a filter in a java addon by using regex but don't know where to start or how to ask questions properly.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 11:33 PM PDT

    Ive been using a firefox addon called DTA (downthemall) and its an image scrapper which has options for beginner users and advance users, in order to do what im attempting to do I have to be a advanced user which means i need to understand a bit of regex but Ive ran into mutiple problems.

    One of my issues is that I don't know how to express my actual issue with the phrases and sayings people use when discussing their regex problems. What I'm attempting to do is ask the question "how do I get this addon to go from one part of a particular web page to another in order to grab images off the second page" but this isn't how I see people expressing their issues at all. Ive checked forums watched yt videos and none of the info ive found seems to come close to what I'm attempting to do and learn so Ive hit a snag.

    submitted by /u/Linuxuser9
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    Book advice. What i shall read next

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 11:00 PM PDT

    Hi there. I am a senior backend developer. Most of my career went by coding similar backend services with spagetti coding.

    Recently i decided i shall do better. Trying to learn celan coding, tdd etc.

    Now the question. I am reading Uncle Bons clean coding and about to finish it. Want to decide what i shall read next. Have a long list by now but i think one of those two would be better to learn early.

    It takes a while reading because life so i am picky the order.

    Also, if it makes ant difference, i mostly write Java, a bit .Net and a bit bpm.

    Refactoring (Martin Fowler) Tdd by example (Kent Beck)


    submitted by /u/huttican
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    New to programming

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 10:21 PM PDT

    I've never done programming before, what language should I start with and what's a good order of languages to learn?

    submitted by /u/odidoss
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    Programming Homework- How to define a constructor?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 06:18 PM PDT

    A little background info about my situation. I've recently enrolled into my high school's AP CS class for java, and the class has HW that is assigned the summer before the class starts. The first part of the assignment was to draw a house using gpdraw. I tried doing it based off of the example code found in the lesson packet, but eclipse is giving me compilation errors, saying that I haven't defined the constructor. Googling "defining a constructor" has just confused me even more. I'm hoping some redditors can help me out.

    import gpdraw.*; public class DrawHouse{ private DrawingTool marker; private SketchPad poster; public DrawHouse(){ marker = new DrawingTool(300, 300); poster = new SketchPad(marker); } public void draw() { marker.forward(120); marker.turnRight(45); marker.forward(80); marker.turnLeft(90); marker.forward(80); marker.turnLeft(90); marker.forward(80); } } 

    EDIT: So it turns out that I'm an idiot that mixed up DrawingTool and SketchPad. Thanks u/wredue for telling me that. Reverting the error seems to have fixed everything.

    submitted by /u/ohplzletthiswork
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    What shouldn't I learn in 2018?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 09:48 PM PDT

    I see a lot of post about people asking if they should learn c++, ML, blockchain, Java, whatever technology you can think of. What technology should I definitely stay away from in 2018? Why?

    submitted by /u/jt32325
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    Which backend language should I learn - Java, Python, Ruby, or Node.js?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 09:15 PM PDT

    I've come to a point where I want to learn a programming language for backend web development. I should be clear - this is for hobby purposes, and I don't ever really expect a career to come of this choice.

    I've narrowed it down to 4 choices, and I've got a reason for each one as to why I'd choose it. I've researched this a fair bit, and the overwhelming consensus is that it doesn't really matter which one I pick. Not very helpful when I'm trying to choose one :P

    • Java - I'd like to be able to develop native Android apps at some point, and learning Java now would give me a headstart.

    • Python - Seems to be the easiest language to learn, and it may also be useful for computational chemistry down the line (I'm a chemistry student)

    • Ruby - There's nothing specific I like about Ruby - the idea of it just seems aesthetically pleasing to me.

    • Node - I'm already familiar with Javascript, so by learning how to use Node, I'd be able to skip the part where I learn another language.

    I'm at a crossroads of indecision.

    If anyone could offer advice and/or opinions, I'd be very grateful. Bonus points if you're familiar with all four and have a detailed comparison to hand.

    Of course, I'm open to alternatives!

    Thanks very much for any advice!

    submitted by /u/hanuke
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    Will someone please explain what PHP MVC is?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 08:50 PM PDT

    I was looking through various courses on Udemy and see a few on 'PHP MVC Development'. I do know some PHP but am definitely consider myself a novice.

    MVC is something I am not at all familiar with. Can someone explain in understandable terms what MVC is or what PHP MVC Development would be?

    Thanks in advance. I don't post here often but I do learn a lot from the wealth of knowledge that frequents this sub.

    submitted by /u/axisworks
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    Looking for a career change, and am very interested in programming

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 08:49 PM PDT

    Im 25 years old and I am looking to switch careers. I am really interested in programming, and it is something I would like to pursue. What are good languages to begin learning, and are there any resources out there that can help me? I was looking at a local community college, and they have an associates degree in computer science, would that be helpful to do? Any advice would be great because I am not sure where to begin.

    submitted by /u/TinyFill
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    Learning the logic behind programming

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 08:20 PM PDT

    I'm in a programming logic class at my uni but it's not sticking as quickly as I would like it to. Does anyone have any tips/websites for learning the logic behind programming? Are good problem solving skills even able to be learned? I'm feeling a little down, my code is well written but I'm worried that if I'm unable to hone my problem solving skills it's not for me.

    submitted by /u/ObeseSlothss
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    I'm stuck in a loop [Pun intended]

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 02:08 PM PDT

    TL;DR at bottom

    Well... not the loop that most of you visiting this post are expecting but it's sort of a learning loop. I have been struggling with this for a while but it's definitely a big road block in terms of progressing my skillset. I would say I'm in between an introductory and intermediate java programmer as it was what I was taught and it stuck with me but I see all these people who know SO MUCH and it blows me away and makes me wonder what it takes to get there and what I should learn next but that's the problem. Software engineering is a tree with nearly limitless branches to swing from but everytime I get interested in a technology that I stumble upon, I get started learning it but then another technology catches my eye and I drop my current learning and try to learn that one and the cycle continues. I have gone from Java only to Game Development to Web Development to Infosec to Data Science and I guess its attributed to my ADD but I hate that excuse and wanted some pointers for focusing myself on a specific topic and how all of you discovered where you wanted to take your coding path and the steps you took to get there...

    I'm sorry that this is an unusual post but it's made it so hard to learn on my own and I appreciate all the help

    TL;DR: I need pointers for focusing myself on a specific development path so I can get out of my loop of jumping from path to path. Even just your own stories can help!

    Every input is appreciated, thank you in advance!!!

    submitted by /u/cookedlemonade
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    New to everything and don't know where to start

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 07:39 PM PDT

    I am in my second year in college, and I switched my major from Engineering Physics to Computer Science at the end of my last spring semester, and I start a C++ programming class this fall. What can I do to prepare myself for the class with zero experience and limited knowledge of programming? I am afraid I will jump in the course and struggle because I will be behind the curriculum. Any advice is welcome, just finding that trying to find a good place to start is a daunting task, so I'd like help in any form that I can get! Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/average_iowan
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    Where to find list of conferences/classes near me?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 07:38 PM PDT

    Is there somewhere I can find a list of R or Python classes (not bootcamp, nor university courses) that are similar to the ones that the SAS Institute does for SAS (3 days focused on a topic), or conferences?

    submitted by /u/catsRawesome123
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    Is the salary for average programmers really that high?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:42 AM PDT

    Whenever I see programmers videos in YouTube, almost all stated that the salary is very good. But when I think again, most of them work at big companies like Google. So I'm wondering how is the pay for those in smaller companies? Is it really that high also? Bonus point if anyone knows the rate in Malaysia.

    submitted by /u/naj690
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    How should I maintain a project that is an add-on for someone else's project?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 06:00 PM PDT

    I have a few userscripts, skins, and tools, that I need to update every time the base software/website updates.

    For example, I have custom CSS that I inject into discord. But every update some of the names and rules they use for styling changes.

    What I would like to do, is be able to compare what is/isn't being affected by my CSS between updates.

    Right now, I'm just fixing what I can find, and don't really know how to check what's been broken.

    submitted by /u/Tain101
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    html and python. Question about if I gave to make an identical function or if I can call it again?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:51 PM PDT

    In a web page I am working on I have to take two files and compare them to one another. I am going to compare them sentence by sentence. I have a working function that allows me to split the sentences using the split function. The sentences are stored into a list to be used for comparing.

    What I am wondering if there is a way to make the program create two list . One for each file or if I have to make a second program.

    submitted by /u/lordratatosk1
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    New to programming would using Kahn Academy be a good way to learn?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 11:40 AM PDT

    I've been interested to learn for a while and I've used Khan Academy before! Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/ItsAlwaysWalpole
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    Any advice on coding bootcamps

    Posted: 13 Aug 2018 05:34 PM PDT

    What's the best path for a programming job if i don't study computer science in college?Are bootcamps a good option?

    submitted by /u/men_dax_
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