• Breaking News

    Friday, August 10, 2018




    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 12:08 AM PDT






    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - August 10, 2018

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 12:08 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I'm a self-taught software engineer with four years of experience in San Francisco. I think I'm better at talking to people and enjoy it more than coding. What's a job in CS that involves talking to people all day?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    I'm sort of the opposite of your introvert software engineer stereotype. My favorite parts of my job were interviewing and working the booth at conferences. I've considered something like sales or developer evangelist, but those seem to involve more email and writing than I'd like. I really enjoy phone calls, video chat, and face-to-face. Recruiter seems possible but would be a big pay cut. Is there some career path that exists I'm missing out on?

    submitted by /u/aardvarkarmorer
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    Can we have a mega thread for interns who got return offers?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:52 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/fjffnf
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    I messed up guys

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:36 AM PDT

    I'm flying out to an interview next week, I'm almost guaranteed the job at this point (though not 100% certain). Job is a 3 hour flight from my school.

    Got final grades back, turns out I failed a class.

    Online courses are not an option.

    Edit: thanks guys. You've given me a lot of great info, routes to explore, and pitfalls to be wary of (such as being straightforward with employers)

    submitted by /u/royisabau5
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    Using Code from Work outside Work

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:45 PM PDT

    I did something at work that took a few hours and would really like to make it a python package so I can do that same work in minutes in the future, outside and inside work.

    It is nothing super technical, just manipulating some data and doing some math, not gonna make any money just save people some time.

    I work at a 50k+ people corporation, I know my boss and his boss wouldn't mind but I want to cover all my bosses(bases)

    submitted by /u/harshcode
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    Job search post mortem (new grad)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:08 PM PDT

    Basic Information

    • I applied to a total of 33 job postings.
    • I received a positive response from 10 companies or recruiters.
    • Out of those 10:
      • 1 companies ghosted me after expressing interest and did not reply to further emails.
      • 1 company changed the job description.
      • 3 companies rejected me after multiple technical interviews.
      • 3 companies were still doing interviews with me when I received an offer.
      • 2 companies invited me to an onsite after multiple technical interviews.

    Job Boards

    Out of the 10 companies I received positive responses from:

    • 4/10 were from StackOverflow Jobs.
    • 2/10 were from BuiltInNYC.com
    • 3/10 were from indeed.com
    • 1/10 was from a recruiter contacting me from LinkedIn.

    Out of all 33 job postings I applied to:

    • 10/33 were from Indeed.
    • 6/33 were from BuiltInNYC
    • 7/33 were from StackOverflow Jobs.

    TLDR; I had a response rate of 57% from Stackoverflow, 33% from BuiltInNYC, and 30% from Indeed. I did not receive responses from any others.

    Company Details

    • Every company I received a response from was a small to midsized startup.
    • I applied to 7 companies with employee counts close to or greater than 100, and did not receive a response from any.
    • The only well-known company I applied to was JP MorganChase.

    Job Posting Details

    • 8/33 jobs I applied to were explicitly marked JUNIOR.
      • 2/8 progressed to technical interviews that I did not pass.
      • 1/8 ghosted me after expressing interest.
      • 1/8 was still interviewing me when I finally received an offer.
    • 25/33 jobs I applied either did not specify a required experience level, or required 3+ years of experience. Of these, I received interest from 6.
      • 2/6 progressed to technical interviews that I did not pass.
      • 2/6 were still interviewing me when I finally received an offer.
      • 1/6 progressed to an onsite.
      • 1/6 changed the job description during interviews, but wanted to continue with my candidacy.

    TLDR; I had a much higher response rate (50%) from jobs marked JUNIOR than other jobs, but subjectively felt they were less interested in me and was not successfully in securing an onsite from them. I had a lower response rate (25%) from mid-level jobs, but a much higher success rate (got 2 onsites and was still interviewing at other places).

    About Me

    I just graduated college. I completed 3 internships in college. I was looking for Python or JS jobs, primarily backend/frontend/fullstack webdev. I am not from a "target" school but my college wasn't bad either. It has a good reputation regionally. I began looking for jobs at the beginning of May, and stopped at the end of June. I wrote custom cover letters for the first 10 jobs I applied to, then began to reuse them. I sent a cover letter with every application.

    My Thoughts & Main Takeaways

    • Applying on StackOverflow Jobs felt better and resulted in a higher response rates. It felt like the companies on SO were more professional and considerate overall.
    • It seems like junior positions get so many applications that it might not even be worth applying to them. I saw this in effect on AngelList, where junior postings got upwards of 100+ apps while midlevel and senior postings got around 20.
    • Applying to large companies feels like throwing your resume into a black hole.
    • LeetCode prep helped me somewhat but the person interviewing me was by far the biggest factor in whether I did well or not.
    • If you are a student or jobseeker, you should ABSOLUTELY go to career fairs or any place where you can physically make sure a human sees your resume. Alternatively, directly contact recruiters or hiring managers on LinkedIn with a short note, your resume, and the role you are interested in. I wish I had done this because online applications are a crapshoot.
    • Location matters, a lot. Some companies I spoke with were reluctant to bring me in for onsite (pay for flight, hotel, etc) so they just kept on scheduling video call after video call. I had a feeling that if I lived there it would be way easier to get an onsite.

    Hope this helps someone. Feel free to ask any questions.

    submitted by /u/FitBasil
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    Become an expert in one language, or gain competency in several?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:50 PM PDT

    Hello, all - I'm facing a question in how best to pursue professional development.

    My job is all about programming, and my language of choice is Python. This is entirely due to the fact that Python is the only language I ever trained on in school, but it's worked out for me so far.

    Ive gotten much better at coding in Python than I ever was in school, but I have this nagging suspicion that I'm selling myself short by not learning even the basics of other languages.

    Id have to start off at square one for any other language, and even if I learned the basics of any of them, I fail to see why I would want to tackle some new problem with my less-favored language, when I could solve the same problem in half the time using my more-favored Python.

    What are the benefits and drawbacks of gaining basic literacy in many languages, VS. becoming fully fluent in one?

    submitted by /u/spinfip
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    I spent a year building a startup now I want to get a regular software job. What do I do?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 09:53 AM PDT

    So, I decided to start a startup with a few friends, it is profitable. Now I'm wanting to take a back seat role and get a regular job. Problem is.... I haven't had a regular software engineer job for the last year. Should I list on applications / cv this? How do I do it? Does it look bad? Good?



    submitted by /u/darthSiderius
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    I want to get out of the US..

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    Hi everybody! Hope y'all are having a fantastic day :)

    I graduated with a BA, Computer Science 2 years ago. Did your typical Full Stack Software Engineer job for a corporation for 1.5 years, left go grow a Furniture & Mattress retail store startup ($300,000 revenue in its first 3 quarters) and now I've found myself applying for 60+ jobs in the past 2 days in Europe.

    I've been applying in the UK, Germany, Sweden even, I just want to experience a new culture and get out of the US for a little while.

    Any recommendations to finding companies that are eager and willing to sponsor a US employee?

    Thanks so much!!

    submitted by /u/penguiinbear
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    Looking for volunteer work

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:20 PM PDT

    I was told I could possibly ask this here. I am a recent computer science graduate who is unable to find work. I get a decent amount of interviews, but I think I can say that my failures are due to poor whiteboarding. Although, I have had some successful ones, so I am unsure about those ones in particular.

    At this point, I am just sitting at home job hunting. I was wondering if maybe volunteer work would be beneficial so I could gain some industry-level experience. Does anyone know where I could go to do this? My plan as of now is, while I am job searching, if I am unqualified for a certain job, I am going to just cold-call them and ask if they are willing to accept volunteers.

    Is this common?


    submitted by /u/ThrowAway57609073
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    Is it worth it to get a masters in Software development?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:45 AM PDT

    I am currently a software engineer and the company can pay for my masters degree. I won't get anything out of it from the company (no raise or anything), but it's free. Should I still do it? I have a bachelors in CS

    submitted by /u/WhoDaFooklsThatGuy
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    How's Databricks?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 02:08 PM PDT

    How's Databricks as a company? The people seem very smart, but it doesn't get talked about at all. How's it viewed on a resume?

    submitted by /u/DependentPalpitation
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    Is it ok to get a raise and leave after ?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 04:35 PM PDT

    Throwaway because it's a sensitive matter.

    I have this huge dilemma :

    A few months ago I asked for and was given a raise, because I was doing a lot in the company. We don't have enough people and it was a way (implicitly) to thank me and to keep me there. The boss said at that time "I'm giving you a raise but I hope you won't be leaving us in a few months"

    Fast forward, I applied for two different positions: one in my current team AND one in another team in the same company (both would be a promotion).

    While I have an interview planned after the summer for the job in my current team, things went extremely fast with the other team. I got an offer and the boss of the other team contacted my current boss without my consent to tell him that he wanted to hire me. Unfortunate but hey...

    To keep a short story, here is the situation.

    - I like the job in the other team, it's my dream job

    - I am conflicted because I feel like it's not cool to leave so soon after getting a raise (especially since I was told that i was expected to stay)

    - I know that my boss would have a hard time finding someone to replace me. It's a niche job with specific knowledge.

    Should I leave or should I stay ?

    submitted by /u/ThrowMeAwayOrStay
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    Is $56k reasonable for Cleveland suburb?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 02:09 PM PDT

    Thank you for reading my question. I graduated in 2016 with an associates in software development from a local CC and have been working where I am now since. About 2 1/2 years. According to Glassdoor and the bureau of labor statistics I seem to be pretty under market value. Is it because I don't have the standard bachelor's degree or am I being underpaid because this is my first job out of college? I understand there probably isn't a solid answer but I am also curious about others experience in a similar situation.

    submitted by /u/poohbearadfg
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    How much research do companies really do when you submit a job application? Are they really visiting my website? Googling my name?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:36 PM PDT

    I've been told contradicting things because I've heard both:

    1. Companies spend 10 seconds glancing at your resume and make a decision solely on that.
    2. Keep your online presence presentable. Google yourself to see what comes up. Start a programming blog so companies can see your programming interests. Write organized code with meaningful comments on Github so they can see what your code looks like.

    So, where does the truth lie? I have my portfolio website, LinkedIn, and Github linked on my resume PDF. If I'm applying through an online application and asked, I also link them on the form entries.

    But are they actually visiting my website? Googling my name? Looking through my code?

    I ask because I'm considering starting a programming blog, making programming videos, and overall building a stronger online presence for my name. I'm just not sure if it's worth it. Because once I get that initial job (I'm a new grad) I would drop all of it. Currently, when you Google me only my website, LinkedIn, an article from my old college, and some music I worked on. I don't have any personal social media.

    submitted by /u/SafeNeighbor
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    First time working around mostly non-technical people. What kind of culture should I expect?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:15 PM PDT

    I have 6 years of experience working in software consulting. So most of the people I was surrounded by were either in or used to be in IT or software development. Now I'll be taking a job where I'll be one of 2 technical people that are on staff. And the other guy is remote.

    What are some of the things I should prepare myself for in this kind of atmosphere? Also, for those that have worked in both kinds of environments, which do you prefer?

    submitted by /u/arjabbar
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    What programs are used on the job? (Junior Level Front/Back/Full stack Dev)

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 05:04 PM PDT

    As the title states, when someone gets hired for a company what are the applications that are commonly used to be productive? Even if they arent hired, what are some technologies/tools/programs that someone lookign to get into the field should

    One of my schoolmates recommended me a few like:

    • Tortoise
    • EditProj tool extension for visual studios
    • Notepad++
    • grepwin
    • Dexpot

    Some of them may not be required but he says in his internship that they are used and are very helpful on the job. So I was wondering what are other programs could be recommended for someone looking to get acquainted with common on the job technologies and tools that junior programmers are using these days.

    Also if there are any programs and tools for android development, please list those as well. I know of android studio already but not sure if theres more to be familiar with.

    Thank you for reading!

    submitted by /u/Beariie
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    Thoughts on Square?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    Hi all

    I'm curious what this subs consensus was about working at Square. I'm specifically wondering about the following:

    • Good for growing as a developer? Is the work interesting?
    • Long term prospects? Do you think they would fair well during a recession?
    • Would you prefer working there or at a FANG?
    • How do you like their culture?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/throwawayforcscareer
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    Only really took 4 CS classes - will it matter for CS careers?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 04:44 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm a Statistics major attending UC Berkeley had a last-year change of heart, and would like to pursue a career in programming. One of the things I'm worried about is that, by the time I graduate, I would've only taken 4 CS courses: Intro. to programming (61A), Data Structures (61B), Algorithms (170), and Database Systems (186).

    Will I be at a significant disadvantage only having taken these classes? Or does it not matter and I'm worrying over nothing?

    I have a decent amount of experience working on side projects (database website, sentiment analysis website, iOS app, and others), and feel comfortable enough to program any medium-level project on my own.

    I'm just worried about passing initial screenings. Thank you.

    EDIT: tl;dr - Was originally studying theoretical statistics, got entranced with predictive modeling/making dumb shit on my own, swapped my focus to programming. cant change majors. not enough time to take additional classes. will lacking low-level programming/OS screw me?

    EDIT 2: Just clarifying for fellow bears, the classes I've taken are CS 61A/B/70, Stat 134/135/151A, and Math 128A (matlab stuff). I'm going into my last sem, and was wondering if 170+another CS class (looking like either 186 or EECS 127) would be "foundational" enough to start a programming career. The CS advisors here think CS 61B/70/170 will be enough, but I just wanted other opinions as well.

    submitted by /u/intentionalfeed4ever
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    How did you break into DevOps?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 02:32 PM PDT

    Hi there!

    So i've been a platform operations engineer at my current company now for 3 years and although I am quite happy where I am in terms of location, salary, bonus and the perks however, I am so unfulfilled.

    I am so bored of the work that I'm doing it's driving me insane... Fortunately I am lucky enough where I can work from home quite regularly so I don't have to deal with the tedious London commute, but I still find myself sitting here at home, either twiddling my thumbs with very little to do, or I'm busy but with work I have no passion, or desire for.

    After having a look about as to what jobs there are that would suit my skillset, DevOps comes up a lot of the time. However, given the technology stack we use and the nature of our business, we have barely incorperated any cloud technologies, nor do I have the suitable programming experience required.

    So I ask you, those that have been LinuxSys admins before, how did you break into devops? What steps did you take to train yourself and how did you set yourself apart from those with more experience than yourself? I want to feel like I'm learning something again, not just clocking and out with no sense of achievement.

    submitted by /u/tropicanaislife
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    Is it possible to excel at work while only doing 35-40 hours a week?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 03:17 AM PDT

    I recently (3 months) got my first job at a large tech company (FAANG) but I've been reading the post here and it seems like it's the norm for people to do 50+ hours of work a week if they want to rise in their career.

    That sounds like absolute hell. The company hired me at a level above new grad, but even then, I struggle to hit 40 hours a week. I usually clock out after 7.5-8 hours at work day counting lunch, so 33-36 hours of real work a week.

    I seem to be doing pretty well so far. As a new hire I tend to finish most of my work early in the week and they don't yet have much more to give me besides just reading up on stuff. So for 3/5 days of the week it's very tempting just to leave after 7.5 hours or so because, well, there's no work to be done. The reading I can do at home.

    Will this hurt my performance reviews? I want to rise up the career/TC bracket quickly. On one hand, I leave early. On the other hand, I definitely get my work done, and deliver even ahead of the deadlines set for me.

    No one at my work has commented on this to me before. I think they are aware I leave early, but just don't seem to mention it to me if they care.

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_SCI-FI
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    Suggestions for interesting CS podcasts to listen to on the ride home?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 11:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys, So I have a 45 minute commute to and from work each day and I was hoping to make the best use of it (instead of browsing Reddit). Do you have any interesting podcasts that you often listen to, that talks about algorithms or the latest breakthroughs in optimizations or new design patterns in coding? I love finding new and smarter ways to do the same thing and I was hoping I could listen to something as opposed to reading a book on a moving bus/car.

    submitted by /u/aganesh8
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    What is team leads role? Team lead doesn't write any code.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 08:05 PM PDT

    It seems like team lead does't really write any code. Sometimes he'll do like a one line fix for something. Kinda rarely.

    It's just kinda frustrating that he'll be sitting browsing facebook and then turning around and telling me what to do.

    I see him most of the time browsing facebook, looking at statistics for the website, reading some tech articles and talking to people.

    Is this normal?

    submitted by /u/thlowawjay
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    Is it better to skip the coding part and go straight to a consultant role?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:57 PM PDT


    This video mentions unbecoming a coder where it is a big milestone to not code anymore. He says he has seen entire team of architects, none of whom codes anymore.

    In another post of mine (https://www.reddit.com/r/softwaredevelopment/comments/8ydelh/if_you_got_a_6_figure_or_near_6_figure_job_after/) someone said he and his friend became a consultant with just a few months of study. So I thought if it's better to get a job in the CS field where you don't code all that much, would something like a consultant be a good goal right from the start?

    But then he did mention that he had something many other engineers lack which is being personable. I don't think being personable is my strong point, but I feel that every skill or quality is learnable. For example, if you recorded a personable person interacting with other people in the business and copied their verbal expressions, tone of voice and facial expressions, maybe you could turn yourself into a personable person.

    submitted by /u/javanode
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    Does the prestige of the college I attend matter as much for a quant as it does for an investment banker?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2018 07:56 PM PDT

    Also, is there a different set of schools that quants get recruited from? Or does recruitment not matter as much for quants?

    submitted by /u/throwawaycollage123
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