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    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    Big 4 Discussion - August 15, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - August 15, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Big 4 Discussion - August 15, 2018

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about the Big 4 and questions related to the Big 4, such as which one offers the best doggy benefits, or how many companies are in the Big 4 really? Posts focusing solely on Big 4 created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Sunday and Wednesday at midnight PST. Previous Big 4 Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - August 15, 2018

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Does computer science not teach product development/software engineering?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 10:02 AM PDT

    I'm genuinely curious. I run an online software business and was recently accepting interviews for our open jobs. We were specifically trying to target recent Comp Sci graduates (in the US) for our software engineering-like openings.

    But I was absolutely mind blown at how many bright people, who spent four years at prestigious universities studying computer science, had no clue on using even the most mainstream software tools. Many referenced a bunch of mathematically related projects they worked on which included algorithms I can't even name, but very few showed any capability in creating a marketable product. I had a few people who came in and were clueless as to what react was...even though the specific position was front-end development. Another guy came in (also a computer science graduate) and presented me with a portfolio of dynamic websites he made that, although they must've had an impressive backend, looked straight out of 2006.

    In the end, many of the people we hired had no degree in computer science by showed that they were capable in creating a refined, consumer-ready product. Mind you, we're paying them far above US market average.

    That begs me to ask: what exactly do they teach these folks in a computer science curriculum? I understand they teach the fundamentals of computing but does the curriculum at these schools actually include courses teaching the "in-demand" languages and frameworks? Or is it just an intensive mathematics course like I'm being led to believe, where folks have to learn critical industry tools on their own time?

    submitted by /u/LuminousEntrepreneur
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    I am interning at a software company that has effectively forgot about me, and I can basically do what I want for 8 hours. However, this is incredibly boring & demotivating. What would you recommend I be doing/learning project and language-wise to succeed in the industry?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 04:08 PM PDT

    I've requested tasks and work from a multitude of different sources in the company whilst I'm there on placement and things keep falling by the wayside. I've basically resigned myself to browsing the internet for 8 hours a day whilst listening to music and trying to keep my browsing habits vaguely relevant to the company.

    For the foreseeable future, I'm probably going to be left to my own devices until my college turn up and manage to force them to give me some work, which will probably be pretty mundane, or they actually manage to stop being disorganized and assign me a task. In the meantime, I'm really looking for some interesting, challenging and useful projects to work on using powerful and well-documented industry-standard languages. Browsing stack exchange, Reddit and staring out of the building considering jumping is really only hurting me in the long run.

    I've worked with a bit of C++ at college, and the last few months of my internship, back when I had tasks, consisted of creating an N-tier architecture application with C# and Nhibernate, which was actually a lot of fun and pretty darn mentally stimulating. I really enjoyed having a task list of things to work on and seeing things start to come together and hit the criteria requested over time.

    But. I lack the competency to build something as in-depth as my company's main product by myself.

    So my question to you all is, what would you recommend I look into that will be useful for me to know in the years to come, and that will help me stand out as well as help me kill 8 hours a day for the foreseeable future. Something to put a bit of motivation back into my life, please!

    Also if you stuck with it this long, if you know some good websites to access at work and interesting software-related blogs that would be good reading to keep on top of, I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Cloud_Motion
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    Silicon Valley intern seeking to advise & mentor students + My story.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 09:05 AM PDT

    Hi folks, long time lurker (...for better or for worse). I'm working on a project to help students make informed decisions regarding their career, education, etc. I wanted to share my university story in hopes that I can inspire those of you who are in a position similar to where I was when I first started college.

    Around this time 3 years ago, I was working manual labour in a warehouse and flunking my way through a biochemistry degree (which I absolutely hated). I had to confront the fact that I was completely lost and had no idea what to do about it.

    Course selection was looming and a few friends of mine were looking for some elective courses to round out our semesters. Tbh, I'm not even sure why we decided to enrol in an introductory CS course, but we did and to my surprise I really enjoyed it. I really wish it was one of those: "I've found my true calling, drop-everything-and-quit" sort of experiences, but it wasn't. Programming was fun, but in reality, I just fucking hated biochem. The grass seemed greener on the other side, so the next year I decided to switch majors. It was the best decision I've ever made.

    Being a year older than my classmates, I constantly felt "behind" when it came to my programming abilities. I spent 2nd year taking on unpaid web development projects (with on-campus clubs, societies, etc) to fast-track my programming skills. I managed to make some connections which led to some freelance work. The experience looked great on my resume and the cash didn't hurt either. As summer approached, I started applying for internships and after many many rejected applications and several interviews, I managed to get an internship at a small startup in Toronto.

    Up until this point, I wasn't doing well in any of my classes. During my internship, I decided that I needed to develop a healthy work ethic if I wanted to get a decent job by the time I graduated. I read some great books (see: Mastery by Robert Greene and similar) and made a commitment to go hard in my final year. This was also around the same time I started lurking this sub and learning about the insane amount of time people were spending on leetcode before their interviews.

    Following the canon advice on this sub, I grinded leetcode & CTCI hard for the majority of my last year. The funny thing was, I also started to do really well in school, for the first time ever. I noticed that as I got better at committing to leetcode, I also got better at committing to studying. Not to mention the content kind of complimented my courses.

    All in all, it ended up working in my favour and since then I've done internships at 2 Big N companies, one of which was in Silicon Valley. Even though I'm just at the beginning of my career, the road so far has not been easy. I attribute a lot of the victories I've had to older students, who have sacrificed their time to answer my questions and give me mentorship. I also owe a lot to the people on this sub. Barring the occasional toxic shit-posting, this really is a goldmine of tips and inspiration for aspiring software engineers. Posts like this helped me out a lot.

    Now, I'd like to repay the favour and help out students at the beginning of their college careers. If any of you are looking for guidance on things such as: education options (degrees, diplomas, bootcamps), internships, startup life vs corporate life, interviewing, etc, please feel free to PM me and I'd be happy to get in touch!

    submitted by /u/ISurvivedUofT
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    C++ vs python for coding tests

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    So I've been having this debate with some of my colleagues.

    Do any of you guys switch in and out between what programming languages you use for your challenges and interviews depending on the specific question?

    For example: I've been getting alot of questions dealing with date time data and string tokenization/regex problems. This is incredibly annoying to do in C++. A lot easier in python. So I'd prefer to use python for these situations. Questions that require optimizations or require use of intricate data structures like hashmaps or queues or std algorithms I'd use C++.

    Cause let's be honest, python only has like 5 data structures amirite?

    But in all seriousness, is it just my lack of experience and I haven't done enough challenges and tests yet or practiced enough on leetcode or CTCI or whatever it is. Could I get away with just using python and knowing like sets, dictionaries, lists,lambdas, functions, stuff like that?

    submitted by /u/notapythonfan
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    What tips do you have for maximizing the odds that I can get a job from a networking event?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:52 PM PDT

    Where I'm from (Miami), there is lots of growth in the tech scene. However, many of these companies are either bad at advertising themselves or they are being secretive on purpose. That said, I was very lucky to find a couple of relevant tech events happening tomorrow, as they are either rare or hard to find. Since my next chance will probably be in a good 6 months, what general tips do you have that can help me get finally hired? Obviously, I can't just walk up to someone and say "Hey, I'm here to get paid. So what's up?"

    submitted by /u/MatCreatesStuff
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    Rough Background, Just Graduated (and I'm terrified)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 07:01 PM PDT

    Hello all.

    I was a fairly good student in my formative years. Unfortunately overwhelming depression and anxiety coupled with family-related trauma led to a steep downfall catalyzed by heroin addiction. I struggled to stay sober for more than a few hours at a time for nearly a decade and have done some serious, irreparable damage. After high school I didn't work, volunteer, or do anything at all aside from try to get over on others so I could get my next fix.

    Miraculously I found a long-term rehabilitation facility which, for the most part, saved my life (along with some intensely profound psychedelic trips that gave me a renewed and revamped, healthy perspective on life). I cleaned up my act and the rehab paid for me to go back to college. The college isn't too well-known across the U.S., it's a local, private commuter college, but I was immensely grateful to have any opportunity whatsoever to work on a degree that I was in no position to complain.

    Anyway, I got my shit together and after a long, painful road, at 29 years old I finally graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics/Computer Science (one major). We pretty much learned exclusively Java. My GPA isn't the best (3.25) and I'm certainly not the greatest programmer but I was at least resourceful enough to get by.

    I finished my resume today (which is probably really sub-par) and started looking at job postings on Indeed and I'm completely overwhelmed. Nearly every single one has a list of requirements that I fulfill none of except for the degree and some experience in Java. I've been doing pretty good but honestly I'm scared as hell. I'm starting to worry that my degree was a waste. I don't know. I'm really confused and frustrated, I don't know where to go from here. I don't have any personal projects or anything and wouldn't really know where to start. I'm not really sure if there's a specific purpose to this post but I'm just feeling super overwhelmed and starting to get depressed and writing it down might help even the most minuscule bit. If anyone has anything helpful to add, that would be awesome. Hopefully this isn't breaking any sub rules. Thanks guys.

    submitted by /u/sad_cs_throwaway
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    How does working more than 40 hours a week happen? Why don't people just leave?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 12:21 AM PDT

    I'm a new grad, no work experience yet. I've read a few reviews on companies where the reviewer says they work 50 or 60 hours a week and there's a culture of overworking. One even said that when 5 o clock rolls around, everyone's still working and too embarrassed to leave and look bad because they're not working hard enough.

    How does that happen? How is that acceptable if (I assume) on the initial contract, it only says 40 hours? I could eat my words later, but I wouldn't care what other people think and I'd just dip out at 5. If I don't think I'll finish my assignments in time, I'd talk to my boss about it. If there's no alternatives I'd just say sorry, I did the best I could in the time given. Am I wrong? If I am, please give me a wake up call before I get into the real world and mess up. I'm open to changing my view.

    I just wouldn't want to work for a company that doesn't respect my time. If they fired me over it (whether given as a reason or not) I'd be okay with it for that reason.

    How much of a problem is this in the real world? Also, this is assuming that they don't pay you extra which, from my understanding of salary jobs, they don't, right?

    submitted by /u/SafeNeighbor
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    About to go on vacation, stressed thinking about work

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:37 PM PDT

    Currently starting a 2 week vacation. Did a transition to back ups for any outstanding items. I just can't help worrying about work and I'm tempted to still check emails. It maybe sounds silly, but how do you usually change your mindset to not worry about work when on vacation?

    submitted by /u/cresto_smitho
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    Best US government contractors to work for as a software developer?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:44 PM PDT

    I can only think of a few names like Raytheon and Boeing but I want to know about more and your experiences with them. What would be some of the best contractors to work for the public sector? Which provide some of the best experience for a programmer in terms of work-life balance and sense of direction in your job? I don't expect anything cutting edge but I also don't want to be micromanaged to hell.

    submitted by /u/throwies11
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    End of Internship Demo -- nothing to demo?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 02:59 PM PDT

    Hi, my internship is coming to an end this week and I have a time slotted with my team to demo what I've been working on over the summer. However, my team already has demos every other week where I've been keeping them up to date with my progress on my intern project, and they've seen me demo the final version of my project. In this case, what do I talk about during my end-of-internship presentation? I want to leave a good impression, but I don't want to waste anyone's time.

    submitted by /u/bluebackpack12
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    Do projects from online courses like Udemy count as personal projects?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:56 PM PDT

    Was wondering if the small projects you do from online courses are good to a have on your portfolio?

    I'm trying to have as much on my CV before fall term and was wondering if it's even worth it?

    If not, why not and what should I have on my portfolio instead?

    Thanks. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/CSLearner_-
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    Unemployed for 2+ months, pregnant, mid-level SDE

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 01:17 PM PDT

    I got laid off from my job in June 2018, it was unrelated to personal performance, the company had to get rid of 20+ people due to budget constraints. But it was the absolute worst time to get laid off, at the time, I was about 5 months pregnant and was banking on the job to at least take me through giving birth. In the beginning, since the company provided a little bit of severance, I was trying to look on the bright side, that it was an opportunity to find a better position since I've been wanting to change jobs for a while anyway.

    It started off well, I was booking 1-2 interviews every week and from every phone tech screen I thought I was getting the hang of it. I was doing leetcode questions religiously, supplemented with Udemy data structure/ algorithm courses, full stack courses, Interview Cake interview course, Cracking the Coding Interview book. Plus, I had some great referrals to companies I really wanted to work for. Now, it's been over 2 months, my belly is getting bigger and still no job. I tried to handle rejection gracefully, it's been hard, but I just kept going from one interview to another. Forgetting the interviews I failed, there were ones that I aced too, but due to my poor luck, the hiring manager/recruiter for the successful interviews conveniently were never reachable again. I tried emailing them every week, tried to reach them through linkedIn and by phone call, just disappeared...ghosting is real.

    I am feeling less and less confident about my competency in this industry. Most of my family/friends think I should just wait until I give birth to start my job search again. I am due in November, so that means almost 1 year of unemployment (from June 2018 to at least March 2019). I am not where I want to be in my career right now, I wanted to land my dream job before the end of this year, I had it as one of my New Years resolutions. I just turned 29 this year and looks like I might have to manage my expectations.

    That is really scary to me, since it would be hard to get back into the swing of things especially as a developer... My perfect scenario was to have gotten a good job within the first 2 months that provided fair maternity leave, so I know I have something to go back to after I give birth. Or get a job offer before I give birth, and start after I care for the baby for a few months. The unknown of what would happen next year is just not ideal. I'm trying to keep up my morale by continuing to practice algorithms and going through Udemy courses, but the fact that I cannot land a job (even my last choices) haunts me.

    Any advice would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/gwendolly
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    Appropriate way to ask for a referral?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:35 AM PDT

    This sub talks a lot about networking being important, and it's something I've been working hard at. I've met several people in places I want to work and got them on linkedin, etc. Now internship application season is approaching and I'm a little foggy on where to go from here.

    How do I message an acquaintance asking for a referral or recommendation? I don't want to be pushy or rude in any way, but I'd also like to be straightforward.

    submitted by /u/involutionn
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    T-Mobile Associate SWE screening

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 06:08 PM PDT

    What is the process like at t-mobile? How many rounds what kind of coding questions can I expect? Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/tmobilethrow1
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    Is it safe to have this on my GitHub?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 03:17 PM PDT

    I'm a rising sophomore applying for hackathons and internships, and I'm double majoring in math and computer science. Although I know how to program, I don't have personal projects and I essentially have no SWE-related credentials. (Yeah, I'm only just now realizing the extent to which (and the earliness with which) you need to build your resume in order to get into top companies after college.) This is because I don't really code for fun unless I'm processing data, automating a process, simulating an algorithm I've formulated, etc.

    Now that I'm applying to a hackathon (but really my question is more concerned with internships), there's a field where I should link my GitHub, which is pretty much empty. However, I do have one project from junior year saved on my computer. Long story short, this program was used to parse HTML, do a bit of processing, and simulate requests to do my Spanish homework (which was hosted on a 3rd-party site). Kind of like if Duolingo asked more complex questions than it does now, graded you on your responses, and I made a bot that answers the questions correctly.

    Does the fact that the majority of the program was HTML parsing make the project too trivial for me to pin on my GitHub? Additionally, if not, will presenting a program that I used in high school to complete hours' worth of homework in minutes raise red flags in any way?

    Lastly, the only version control I had on the project was the likes of "project_version_n.py," so even if I upload it, there won't be any git history; that would be bad, right? I imagine people would see it as me using GitHub as a substitute for Dropbox.

    submitted by /u/actinidia-deliciosa
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    I'm a senior stats major who was into analytics, but am considering a switch to SWE. However, I'm behind in cs skills. Should I push off applying for jobs until the next semester when I've taken a few more courses?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 11:30 AM PDT

    Until now I have only taken an intro CS course in Python. However I have had a lot of courses that used R, and in my last internship I used R to develop a web app (Rshiny) and machine learning models.

    I enjoyed making my own app, almost more than the stats, so I've decided to get a CS minor in my senior year - This fall: OOP (Java), Machine Learning (Python). This Spring: Functional Programming (Ocaml), Database systems.

    Most of my CS major friends tell me that taking "OOP (Java)" is enough to get recruited somewhere.

    I've already applied for a full-time analytics position at a big N. But should I bother sending more apps for analytics if SWE is something I want to keep in mind? I'm not sure I want to just take a job offer prematurely only to reject it later and give myself a bad name?

    submitted by /u/sugarhilldt2
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    Help: looking for summer 2019 internship with no side projects or previous intern experience

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:22 PM PDT

    A little about me:

    • upcoming junior majoring in CS with 3.9 GPA (all A's and A-'s) at a state university
    • Java, C, C++
      • most comfortable with Java and pretty decent in C/C++
    • TA for intro cs class sophomore year (and junior year)
    • won in the artistic category at a small-scaled hackathon freshman year
      • extremely simple java codes (switch statements and loops)
    • tried to learn scala and swift this summer, but didn't keep it up


    • no previous summer internships
      • it seems like many of my peers managed to get an internship this summer
    • no side projects unrelated to school

    I am passionate about programming but lack discipline. This is something I want to and am trying to work on. I feel like it is a bit late now to start working on a project to impress the employers, and I worry that employers will be able to sense my impure intentions. With career fairs coming up very soon, one in September and another in January, how do I make myself desirable to employers?

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    on Indeed I get hit up for electrical engineering technology jobs but not CS

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:55 PM PDT

    I used to study electrical engineering technology and have work experience(internship) but I wanted to get into the software industry so currently I'm about to start my sophomore year in CS. I envy people who say they can get a job after learning web development for like 6 months I feel like I have been learning how to code for years and haven't gotten work experience in the field. Should I do more projects? Apply to more places? Should I take one of these ee related jobs or continue trying to learn CS or both? Ideally I would want to go to school for CS and have a software developer role on the side

    submitted by /u/StolenFace777
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    Graduated CS in May, over 100 applications sent and nothing to show

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:50 PM PDT

    I'm genuinely not trying to make this a pity party. I'm definitely pretty discouraged at the moment but I'm doing my best to stay positive and am just looking for advice.

    I graduated from a state school with a respected CS program. My GPA is bad, but that never was a problem before as I've always had a ton of different projects that employers seemed to love. I never had any difficulty getting internship interviews. Plus I had two "internships" in high school -- I offered to work for these companies for free over two different summers and learned a ton and that looked good on my resume. The summers before junior and senior years of college, I interned at a big bank in NYC. It was a really well-paid internship but I did not enjoy the work at all. I love coding and building but it didn't feel like that at this big finance corporation. My bosses really liked me and I received great reviews which turned into a full time offer, but I decided to go with my gut and turn the offer down.

    I had some difficult things happen in my family life (although I take full responsibility for handling my emotions poorly) and I ended up having to take an extra year of CS after failing some classes. I'm doing better now and graduated this past May. I'm back in my hometown working for my dad's business and working on a couple personal websites which have been growing in revenue every month.

    I've also been applying for jobs. I first started looking in LA as I really wanted to move there, but I had basically no luck even getting responses. I then started applying to SF and NYC, same deal. I'm applying to all over now, even the midwest which is supposed to be the one place in need of entry-level people, but still no response. I've had three companies even talk to me: A QA firm which told me they start at a $29,000 salary regardless of degree. Then there was an SF startup who found me on Apollo.io, invited me to a HackerRank which I did really well on because it focused on web stuff that I knew well, and then I got a phone call where the guy literally said: "You did really well, honestly better than any applicant I've seen on that challenge. However, we're actually not hiring for that position due to a new COO changing things." He was really kind and transparent about it and said I would be his first call if something opened up and told me to contact him if I needed any job search advice. Nothing yet -- I sent him my new resume after I updated it (more on that later) asking for his opinion but he didn't respond. Then I got a HackerRank from Google which I found really difficult but thought I did okay at, but not enough to move on.

    Other than that, it's over 100 companies now, most of which never even got back to me, and a big handful of rejections. I've applied with LinkedIn, AngelList, Indeed, Glassdoor, company websites, emailing Craigslist ads, etc. I send a cover letter whenever I really like the company. At some point, I completely changed and redesigned my resume and cleaned up my GitHub. I built a portfolio website as there were a few projects I wanted to show that I couldn't fit on my resume, plus I thought it was just a good look. It also allowed me to link my StackOverflow which is pretty respectable in my opinion. The 3 friends I asked for referrals were happy to let me list them. I haven't heard back from 2 of the companies, but one rejected me the next morning. My friend was dumbfounded as he saw my resume and was looking forward to potentially working together. Maybe its cause he's a new hire.

    I'm just asking for any advice you can offer. I'm at my wits end. Part of me thinks this is a sign to say fuck it and keep working for my dad's car dealership at $15/hr and try to build my shitty $200/month website into something bigger. I'm just confused. I took an extra year to graduate but I did everything else I was told: I took the unpaid internships and then was fortunate enough to get a paid one, I built some pretty expansive projects, I focused on honing skills outside of classes to be more industry-prepared.

    What else should I be trying?

    submitted by /u/cscareermrk
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    Thinking about switching jobs

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:25 PM PDT

    I've been at my company less than a year now, my second job in 4 years. I'm a backend developer that's getting a lot of full stack experience.

    I really love the work, I'm learning a lot and have a lot of room for promotions and upper management seems to want to be setting me up for them as well (for some unbeknownst reason to me).

    However...I really don't like any of my coworkers here...I feel like a total outcast....

    An old coworker reached out to me for a full stack position at a pretty well known company. It's a promotion and a big raise.

    Should I jump ship? I feel bad about leaving. Especially since it hasn't even been a year. I feel like a position like the one that's open now really isn't that rare and there's a chance I might not like the work I do at this new company and I might not be working on more recent technology stacks like I currently am

    submitted by /u/livingsinglexo
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    Almost every salary website says I'm 10% underpaid. Can I use this info in a raise negotiation?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:14 PM PDT

    Title really says it all. When I put in my job title, years of experience, & education on these salary sharing sites, I find I'm below average salary wise. I'm getting prepared to talk to my manager about a raise today or tomorrow and need to know if I should even mention this info. Could it be a good argument for me? It wouldn't be the only argument, of course. I've been killing it in this position, getting way more work done than the other senior guy on the team, as well as completely developing the unit testing suite for our existing project in my downtime. I would elaborate on this stuff first before even mentioning the salary info / raise.
    Stats - Senior SWE, 5 years exp, making 98k in L/Mcol area
    Website suggestion:
    Glassdoor - 112k
    Indeed - 114k
    Payscale - 107k
    Salary.com - 109k CareerBuilder - 110k
    So I'm thinking I should argue for a raise to 110k, as this seems like a good average. Thoughts? Is it feasible?

    submitted by /u/Bash-Derlin
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    Pivoting over to reverse engineering -related work

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    To give some context, here's my background.

    - Spent ~4 years doing Android full time

    - Spent a year at a defense contractor doing some computer security -related stuff

    - Spent two years at a FAANG company doing OS development (present)

    In the past couple of years I have been working on reverse engineering games for fun... especially reversing anti-cheat systems. I find this stuff fascinating and I've created some of my own tools for RE. I would really like to get into this field full-time.

    Given that I have only a little professional RE experience, what's the best way to showcase my skills and gain attention from companies hiring for RE?

    submitted by /u/int2d
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    Had a months-long mental breakdown and quit my first full time job without warning. I think they want me to reconsider, but I don't think I can go back

    Posted: 15 Aug 2018 05:16 AM PDT

    Hey guys, snowflake here. I graduated college in July 2017, and two weeks later began a full time role as a software engineer at a local startup. A few months after that, I burned out. My mental health gradually declined, and my work performance went with it. Management took notice and started moving me around in the hopes I'd sink my teeth into something. I didn't improve, management became noticeably passive aggressive, and I went into a sort of spiral wherein I felt as though I didn't belong at the company, or perhaps even in software engineering at all, and that I was wanted out despite no one being willing to actually say so. So I scrawled an email early in the morning last week saying I'm not cut out for this industry and I'm sorry things didn't work out, hung my head in shame, and clicked send.

    Turns out that was a shock to the company. Nobody really wanted me to leave. My former boss, who called me a child in his private office last week, is now asking my former coworkers about me, wondering if he should ask me to reconsider. I've been told by at least two people now that I could have my job back any time I wanted. Personally, I feel like I spent the last six months having my self-worth destroyed and then spent a week in a daze thinking long and hard about jumping off a bridge, so I have a hard time letting myself get back into that situation. But what do you think?

    submitted by /u/recentlybipolar
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