• Breaking News

    Monday, July 16, 2018

    This 20hr machine learning course is currently free learn programming

    This 20hr machine learning course is currently free learn programming

    This 20hr machine learning course is currently free

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 04:09 AM PDT

    What’s THE Best Beginner Free Site to learn Python?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 05:40 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! 16y/o girl here & I have 0 experience in programming and I've decided to learn Python as my first language. Does anyone think that's a mistake & also what are some good free sites or low cost (under 100$) ! I'd appreciate it so much.

    submitted by /u/islandbabey
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    Good start/tutorials for a 13 year old? Also, whats a good mid weight/light weight Linux distro for programming?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 09:05 PM PDT

    Now the main thing I'm looking to do is make scripts/applications for windows, and additionally linux and Android later on. I know this gets asked frequently. Also, so i looked, at the FAQ, and j decided to choose C# and java/JavaScript (mainly C#). And for the Linux side, i decided for python (since i believe this is the common one right?)

    EDIT: Is C# real hard? If so I'll start on Python. (Maybe on JavaScript), But whats your recommendation? I know the really basic things only.

    EDIT 2: Thanks, ill leave this unsolved for a day or two, so more advice comes in hopefully. Now i really just need a chair for my room and desk. :). No, but i have a dining table ill use, or my brothers Homeschool pc desk.

    submitted by /u/_-iOSUserLoaded
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    Does someone have that discord channel with like 6k+ of new programmers who can collaborate with each other and talk with each other?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:56 PM PDT

    Please send me an invite :D

    submitted by /u/w3bcrowf3r
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    Best practice for avoiding accidental disclosure of private keys on GitHub?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 09:18 PM PDT

    What's the industry standard or professional way of ensuring your private keys don't accidentally get pushed to a public GitHub repo?

    I don't think manually removing the variable value before every commit is realistic (kinda need the keys to run local testing) - so I've just been storing privates in OS environment variables and grabbing the values via os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY'). This allows me to just commit everything because there are no secrets in the repo itself.

    But the problem is if anyone wants to use the app I made, they'll need to set up the environment variable instead of just changing the value in the variable (or I guess they could do that too, but I don't think it's as clear).

    What's the right way to do this? How do "real" devs store their secret config values while still being able to push to GitHub without hassle? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/glowingRadon
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    I just bombed my 3rd assignment in my CS class, it was supposed to be the most difficult and I couldn't finish it.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 09:30 PM PDT

    It was implementing heapsort using an overly complex structure that I still don't fully understand (one reason being it was written in C. . . .)

    I still think I'll pass, but what's a good way to get better at writing algorithms? I have a summer reading list of programming books, the first on my list is a book on C++ (most basic of basics)

    But my algorithm game is weak. . . Like incredibly weak.

    How do I fix it?

    submitted by /u/AngryandTyrannical
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    Are there any good podcasts for a beginner, for when I'm away from my computer?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 11:35 PM PDT

    For example when I'm sitting on the train to work, or when I'm eating dinner, something light that I can have on in the background of people just talking, to help me learn terminology and concepts.

    I have plenty of resources for when I'm sat at my computer, but I'd quite like to use the time when I'm not as well.

    submitted by /u/wise_joe
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    Applications for Canada's biggest hackathon close tonight!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:45 PM PDT

    If you'll be enrolled this fall as a student, today is your last chance to apply to Hack the North 2018. Gather with 1,000 students from around the world and industry leaders at the University of Waterloo to collaborate and bring your ideas to life in 36 hours. Don't miss out on a great opportunity to learn new skills, make friends, and get inspired at Canada's biggest hackathon on September 14-16, 2018!

    Apply now at hackthenorth.com before tonight, July 16 at 11:59pm EDT.

    Here's a taste of what Hack the North was like last year!

    submitted by /u/gianp998
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    Udemy coureses are great but I tend to forget alot of the syntax, esp the stuff around frameworks

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:30 PM PDT

    I enjoy watching undemy courses and following along but most of the stuff I learned, I rarely can't think of ways to apply it myself to help make it stick.

    Anyone care to share some of the things you do if you're taking online courses thats mostly code along.

    submitted by /u/tobesenior
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    The purpose of System.exit(0)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 11:39 PM PDT

    I just curious on what the command line for Java System.exit() means. I know it closes/exits the program but why is it necessary to put it on a small-scale one. My professor told me that when making code for "Swing", it is important to end it with a line of System.exit(). When the program ends it just closes on my end like normal anyways with or without System.exit(). I just want to know more on what this program in importance to swing. Does my CPU still process the program after it ends, if I failed to put that line of code? Thanks for the future response :)

    submitted by /u/jexdiel321
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    [Basic Backend] How do I implement basic backend functions to enable basic blogging CMS via Apache and linux for a website theme?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 07:51 PM PDT

    here is the theme in question


    My company uses apache and linux at the backend side of things and I would like to just ask for direction on how to apply some basic backend to this site template to enable typical blogging functions such as CMS, automatic organization of pages, comments, sign up forms, email subscribes, etc

    I recently implemented a personal blog on jekyll but am unaware as to how to make jekyll/ruby work on a dedicated server.

    So im just going to try to use the server setup i have now


    submitted by /u/Westrivers
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    [Python 3 sympy library] how to use parentheses without "tuple"

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 09:02 PM PDT

    I am writing a symbolic equation with previously defined symbols and when I go to run it I get the error "cant multiply sequence by non-int type "tuple" ".

    dx_I1 = sp.Eq( sp.Derivative(x_I1, t),

    x_I1in*( (gamma1)*m_1dot / m_1t ) - x_I1*( (gamma1)*m_1dot / m_1t )

    - (K_1 * m_1t^2 * x_I1 * x_P1) / (M_P * V_1t * m_1dot) )

    specifically the third line is the one throwing the error I believe. I just want to use the parentheses without it acting as an operator.

    submitted by /u/blegos
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    When does buffer overflow occur?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 08:49 PM PDT

    How does buffer overflow occur? Does it occur when you attempt to store more data than what's allocated?

     char arr[]="hello"; char *p = new char(2); //allocating 2 bytes for (int i=0; i<sizeof(arr); i++){ p[i] = arr[i]; } 

    Is the above example buffer overflow? It compiles fine surprisingly even though it's storing 6 bytes than 2 allocated ones.


    Interestingly, the sizeof(p) returns 8 while sizeof(arr) is 6. How come sizeof(p) is 8?

    submitted by /u/jaffaKnx
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    Question about a post

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 08:32 PM PDT

    A while ago I saw a Tumblr post about someone making a script that had a 50-50 chance to capitalize a letter in anything the user was typing. I cant find the post and was wondering, is it possible to do anything like this?

    submitted by /u/Thefogfrog2695
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    How do you combine BEM and DRY with SCSS?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2018 12:00 AM PDT


    We have _typography.scss and _card.scss.

    // BEM usage <div class="card"> <h2 class="card__title">Title</h2> <p class="card_paragraph">Paragraph</p> </div> // Normal usage <div class="card"> <h2 class="subheading1">Title</h2> <p class="paragraph">Paragraph</p> </div> // or use combination <div class="card"> <h2 class="card__title subheading1">Title</h2> <p class="card__paragraph paragraph">Paragraph</p> </div> 
    submitted by /u/gumboizalurea8
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    Wanting to learn programming at 47. A couple of questions.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:38 PM PDT

    I loved programming as a high school student back in the dark ages of DOS. I got sidetracked in college and ended up with a humanities degree and two Master's, none of which are STEM.

    I keep coming back to wanting to learn programming, and after reading the FAQ for this subreddit, I have a couple of questions.

    I really like the idea of going through one of the structured programming programs:

    A. freecodecamp

    B. Teach Yourself Computer Science

    C. What every computer science should know (doesn't seem like a structured program, just a list of things a CS should know.

    D. Open Source Society University.

    My job is full-time, but flexible. I would be able to spend 10-15 hours per week.

    Realisticy, I image I would need five to six years of 10-15 hours of per work to gain any kind of competence.

    Three Questions:

    1. I have not taken a math class in 27 years. I am good at logic. I was philosophy major and also took classes in Mathematical Logic and did okay (although, that was long time ago).

    Most of the structured programs above said you need to know high school level physics, elementary algebra, geometry, trig, etc to start their program.

    I could brush up on these subjects somewhat, but it would be unrealistic for me to have to spend six months or a year to just learn the math before even beginning to start one of the structured programs.

    In other words, are these programs listed above beyond my limited math skills?

    1. Is there any other structured program that is more suited to an absolute beginner like me that is not listed on the FAQ?

    2. I realize I can just start a program in which I pick a language, get a book on computer architecture, a book on algorithms, watch some lectures on something like Khan academy, and so on and try to learn on my own without a structured program.

    I hesitate to try this third approach for various reasons, since I want a good foundation of what I'm learning, and I like a structured approach.

    Would you folks recommend this approach?

    Hell, I may be too old to do this anyway, but I have been thinking about it for months, and even if it is just a hobby, I believe it would enrich my life.

    (I started playing around with some basic scripts and other things and it was as if a light went off at how much I missed doing this sort of thing.)

    Obviously, it would remain a hobby, because even if I became competent, no one is going to hire a 53 year old computer programming!

    Thank you for any answers. I apologize if I have posted in the wrong subreddit or violated some sort of reddit etiquette.

    submitted by /u/goofy_hillbilly
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    What does a coder at Google usually have installed in his computer?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 11:54 PM PDT

    What type of computer do they usually use? What codes do you write in? What applications do you have installed? How many monitors?

    submitted by /u/jjuiki757
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    What's the most efficient way to loop an array in Java.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 05:49 PM PDT

    So doing helsinkis MOOC course and to find out the length of an array it taught about two methods being the following for an array named number.

    for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++ ) { System.out.println(numbers[i]);

    or simply

    for( int number : numbers) { System.out.print(number);

    Now I don't know which of the two is the better way to go about it and it's bugging me. Both do the same thing but I'm not sure which really is the better way to do it.

    submitted by /u/iPieface
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    C++ as first programming language

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 11:31 PM PDT

    I'm currently 16 and am really interested in writing programs. However, I don't really want to dabble in Python or other easier languages as my end goal is C++ (and Python is apparently a pain to change out of). I won't be dealing with low level hardware anytime soon but I think it would be very good experience. I don't have any prior experience with programming at all but I have a lot of time on my hands and can be motivated to learn the basics of C++. Is this too much of a stretch?

    I've also heard that watching tutorials is bad and should instead search on books so if you guys could recommend any that'd be great.

    submitted by /u/catzybluphish
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    Helsinki Computer Programming

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 11:20 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    Ive been learning programming through the Helsinki university online program that they have for free, and i've noticed that the site has been down for the past three days. Does anyone know whats going on with that?

    submitted by /u/carlosaicrag
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    [Javascript] is it bad practice to directly embed HTML elements into a variable or should I be using methods to create the elements?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:55 PM PDT

    var output = <p> Hello World </p>


    var output = document.createElement("p");

    var t = document.createTextNode("Hello World");


    which one should I be using?

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
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    How can I make money as a teen coder? Also what are the best languages to learn to start making money as soon as possible?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 02:40 PM PDT

    Im 16. I love programming and i got the basics down but i also need to start making money to help my parents with the bills.

    How do i make money?

    What are the best languages to learn to start making money?

    submitted by /u/gueinibba
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    why does my code skip best first "if" statement?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 03:48 PM PDT

    when i run it, even when i enter "celcius", it still outputs the else statement instead of the if statement?

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double tf; double tc; string answer; string celcius; double num; double fc; cout<<"what would you like to convert FROM?"<< " "<<endl; cin>>answer; cout<<"what number?"<<endl; cin>>num; if(answer==celcius){ tf==(num*1.8)+32; cout<<"the temperature is now"<<" "<<tf<<"degrees fahrenhiet"<<endl; } else{ tc==((num-32)/(1.8)); cout<<"the temp is now" <<tc<<"degrees celcius"<<endl; } return 0; } 
    submitted by /u/PassTheCurry
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    How to handle the udp and tcp protocol with single program of c++

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    Recently my company has a lot of udp and tcp network protocol to handle the data transformation. I will make it short, i will need 2 library which spdlog, and stream_rt_handler.

    Using spdlog in order to handle logging and auto rotate without any time scheduler.


    Using stream_rt_handler to handle tcp or udp listen to your handler.

    [stream route handler](https://github.com/Taymindis/stream_route_handler)

    [sample program ](https://codegists.com/snippet/c/spdlog_stream_route_handlercpp_taymindis_c)

    submitted by /u/ciminika
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