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    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

    Salesforce developer: ELI5 web developers

    Salesforce developer: ELI5 web developers

    Salesforce developer: ELI5

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:44 AM PDT

    So I'm looking at job ads in my area and there's a good amount of demand for salesforce developers.

    But... what is a salesforce developer exactly?

    I know that salesforce is a software company that provides CRM software to businesses... but what does a salesforce developer do in a company that is not Salesforce itself?

    submitted by /u/mindnoot
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    Svgurt - An interactive image to SVG tool (open source)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 01:36 PM PDT

    Tips for balancing web fonts & page load

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 09:53 AM PDT

    What's a quick, interactive way to get someone interested in web dev?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 05:46 AM PDT

    Hey r/webdev, I am a dev at a small agency and someone reached out to us asking if we could put a booth together at a career exploration event for high school students. They were hoping it would be interactive but also informative. I would have about 20 minutes with each group to do some sort of interactive portion and then answer questions they might have about the field. I would have access to a TV and a laptop. I'm struggling to think of something that would be easy enough to do without any teaching but fun enough that would get them interested in the field. First thoughts were things like DOM manipulation (probably the most boring), a 5-minute live coding challenge (that I would do, taking student input for things like color, size, etc), or maybe something more abstract like a logic puzzle.

    Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/AndrewAbroad
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    Feel like I'm stuck. How to move forward?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 02:05 AM PDT

    I'm a 22 years-old guy from the Netherlands. I have taught myself webdevelopment since I were 10 years old. I also have no college degree for webdevelopment, only for Desktop Publishing. Currently I am employed but not in a marketing agency or another company where there's a lot of webdevs that I can learn from.

    At my job I am the only webdeveloper who works full-time. There is another (more senior-type) webdeveloper, but he is only around for ~8 hours a week. He's more of a back-end guy, and I am more of a front-end guy, but we can do both just fine.

    The problem lies in working with kind of outdated technologies. We only work with HTML, (S)CSS, Javascript (+ jQuery) PHP, MySQL and WordPress. I have gotten a lot of experience working in this company for the past 3 years. I have a solid understanding of WordPress due to it, and learned a lot about the business world.

    However, I would like to find something more challenging.

    When I applied for webdeveloping jobs at agencies, I never got past the phone interviews. On the phone is usually some type of manager calling me, who compliments my personality. After that I send in my resume and portfolio, which he forwards to the developer team for review. And hear back that they have already filled the position with someone else.

    I feel like this is due to me not knowing any framework. I have tried Node.js and ReactJS. But I am not at all confident in using it professionally.

    How can I best go about finding a new job? Without professional experience in frameworks, nor any useful college degree.

    I think my understanding of the core concepts is quite decent.

    submitted by /u/physiQQ
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    Best Practices Guide?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    Hey folks - I've been out of the web dev game for a while but am stepping back into it with some contract work. I'm wondering of there's one or two main places that serve as best practices lists for web dev tasks. For instance, I was just setting some title tags for a page and wondering what the latest advice is on this related to SEO, etc. I can do a web search on the topic and find about 9 million pages of advice, some of it massively outdated, and I'm wondering if there's any sort of go to spot for this sort of thing. (Back in the late 90s, the site WebMonkey might have served as an example, but I imagine I'm dating myself by even bringing it up.) Thanks!

    submitted by /u/wilforbis
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    What do you prefer: Clean, semantic HTML with all the breakpoints in CSS? Or messy HTML with breakpoints defined by classes as in Bootstrap? Do you have an objective reason for your preference such as file size/load time benefits?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 06:35 AM PDT

    I'm working on a Laravel/Vuejs/Bootstrap project right now and the markup is driving me up a wall. Due to the way Bootstrap is structured, and also the lack of support for proper responsive tables in HTML, the markup is incredibly repetitive, which makes adding vuejs conditionals take a lot longer. On top of this, I've always been more in the clean HTML camp, avoiding adding extra mark-up wherever possible. Where do you stand? Clean HTML? "bootstrap-y" HTML? Why? Does your preference change depending on the context? Is there an objectively better way?

    submitted by /u/yramagicman
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    [Angular] How should I approach two very different UI designs for desktop and mobile?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 05:26 AM PDT

    Client is requesting a web application that works on both desktop and mobile (this won't be a native mobile app, though). Our UI/UX designer followed some requirements from the client, and came back with the designs for both.

    However, they're quite different.

    • The mobile UI is very Material-esque (but slightly different from the Material standard), and has features for things like long-press. Data items are rendered as Cards in a list format that can be infinitely scrolled.

    • The desktop UI, however, resembles more of a Metro UI design with tabs and a top and side nav bar. Data items are rendered as a paginated table, along with a search and filter feature.

    What is the best way for us to approach implementing both of these designs in a single Angular 5 app? Each component has a different view based on the screen width? Separate components for desktop and mobile? How would you guys handle this?

    Because the designs are so different, I don't think having a responsive layout will be sufficient.

    submitted by /u/werzor
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    Developing small to medium size websites - Basic HTML vs SSG + headless CMS vs flat file CMS vs other?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 11:15 AM PDT

    Good evening,

    I have been developing some basic websites in the past, most of the time using bootstrap as 'framework'. The basics as in HTML, CSS, JS are no problem. I have also some experience with Angular. However most of this is quiet a while ago and I feel like a lot of things have changed in the past years and it might be time to catchup. So I read a little about static site generators, flat file cms, headless cms and so on.

    For now I am able to develop a few websites and earn money while I'm still going to university. I'm seeking advice on improving the development process. Ideally I can use some templating so I don't have to start from scratch for every website. Is there a way to develop old school with plain HTML and still have the content editable/managable in some way?

    If not, what would you recommend for my case? Using a SSG (static site generator) with headless CMS, use flat file cms or is there possible even a different solution?

    The websites are most for small to medium size businesses. Most of the time there won't be much more than displaying information, having a contact form, maybe a blog. Only the content needs to be editable. For some Wordpress might be enough, but for some Wordpress might not be the best solution.

    Ideally I don't have to learn something (Hugo or Jekyll would be quiet new to me), that I am not going to use again and instead learn something that could be useful developing real web applications using angular, reacts, etc.. On this note, I am totally willing to learn something new. I want to be able to customize the websites and not depend on themes.

    Hope it is not too complicated and some can give advice.

    Thanks a lot!

    submitted by /u/HiImKai2
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    Full tutorial on building complex website?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 01:21 PM PDT

    I am learning web development. I want to improve my css. I want to use latest technology (css grid, flexbox). Is there any course., tutorial which is exhaustive? Like building huge UI ?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/fanaticCoder
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    Advice for my second Portfolio

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    Hey, so today was my last day at work. I was a part time web developer. I am a student and study CS and have now finished my 4th semester.

    I conaider myself a good junior frontend dev. I bought 2 courses from Brad Traversy and will start learning Node.js. i want to become a fullstack developer. Next semester I have to do an internship. I am sfill searchimg for a position.

    I am looking for inspiring portfolios or some advice you could give me in my situation.

    So far I think I will do something similiar like this site, so you get the idea. bepatrickdavid.com


    submitted by /u/Exploree1
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    What is the ultimate Static Site workflow?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:59 AM PDT


    I have been developing on the web for a few years however, I am still a novice and as I move into developing larger sites (still just static pages) I am finding the need to implement a more production ready workflow. I am trying to find out what large web design companies use as their stack, worflow and methodologies. I am familiar with tools such as gulp, webpack, jekyll, etc. and I am starting to adopt BEM for writing CSS however, I would still like to know how big companies use these technologies in tandom.

    If you develop medium to large static sites I'd like to hear what some of you use as your complete stack, worflow, and methodolgies.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/traceenforce
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    An article I wrote in the early 2000's on dynamically generating gradients with PHP.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 07:29 AM PDT

    I work for a non profit as a Graphic Designer & Digital Content Administrator. Our website is a custom WordPress theme developed externally, I have basic dev knowledge but im stuck when it comes to making the site multilingual...

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 12:03 PM PDT

    I end up creating individual pages for countries and geo directing them to the right one which definitely seems counter intuitive as maintenance is a complete ball ache. Is there something I can do to easily accommodate different languages as well as small content changes like images?

    submitted by /u/Servedicecold
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    Question - Can't find my site on google search

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:43 PM PDT

    Hello, That is my first time writing here, so am not sure if that is the right place. I will be more then happy to get redirected to helpful resources / a right place to ask this question.

    I am trying to create a website of my own for some time. The programming stage of the site is going well but I don't know what will happen in the future so I decided to get a free domain name from freenom.com and a free host from 000webhost.com, I may purchase one later. I read and watched some videos online and tried to get my site on google by adding a CNAME record in the DNS options on freenom as suggested in google search console. Now, the problem is when I am searching site:my-domain-name.tk there aren't any results, although as I said, I can see the site on google search console.

    What do I need to do if I want to be able to search my site on google search engine? Does this related to sitemaps? And if it is- what are sitemaps? I am an absolute beginner and this is my first time doing something like that.

    Thank you for ANY help, Arad.

    submitted by /u/Aradarbel10
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    The Best Web Development Podcasts

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 03:18 PM PDT

    Using Zapier, Node.js, and Firebase Together

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 02:57 PM PDT

    What resource do you guys recommend for modern Javascript?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2018 11:22 PM PDT

    Hey guys, although I have fundemental knowledge of JS, I'd like to expend it and become much better at it. Looking at books and even series on Youtube, they all seem kinda dated and some new features of JS aren't even mentioned. What would be a good up to date resource for me to learn JS? Free if possible

    submitted by /u/icyfoxlol
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    I have spent hours trying to figure out how to return form data into mysql with node. Now idc what language or backend solution, how do I save form data into any kind of database?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 10:42 AM PDT

    [PHP] Can't solve or explain the error

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 02:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 01:54 PM PDT

    I'm sure this has asked before and I'm really sorry if it has, but I'm really interested in pursuing a career in web development and was hoping for some insight. Most importantly, I'd like to know thoughts on coding bootcamps. Are they worth the money, are they not all cut from the same cloth, do employers even bother when they see them on a prospective employee's resumes? Thanks in advance for any advice

    submitted by /u/ngianfran1202
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    Trends - an ulta high performance github trending PWA built with react/Next.js and express/GraphQL

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 09:16 AM PDT

    Billing Questions

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 09:03 AM PDT

    Hey Guys,

    So I'm getting ready to jump in to webdev locally and try my hand at freelancing while I go back to school, just looking to make a little extra here and there nothing crazy. But I've been lurking here for a while and have seen how split the community is on hourly rates. I'm coming from a career field that was destroyed by new people coming in and under-cutting everyone. So my question to you is two fold. What would be an acceptable hourly rate (I thought I had an idea then unskilled lawn care people using no equipment quoted me $75 an hour here and I got confused).

    Also, how do you bill if you spend time looking up how to do something? I know this will be pretty common for me to do for a while and I was considering getting a chess clock and punching in and out as I research. Do you charge for a fraction of that time or none at all?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/LostGeogrpher
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    Tutorial - Creating an animated dashed line background with SVG and CSS

    Posted: 31 Jul 2018 08:56 AM PDT

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