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    Sunday, July 15, 2018

    Does anyone have experience getting to $175-200k salary by starting off in WebDev? web developers

    Does anyone have experience getting to $175-200k salary by starting off in WebDev? web developers

    Does anyone have experience getting to $175-200k salary by starting off in WebDev?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:13 PM PDT

    I often hear that "web dev is just a small niche for small <100k salary" so those that started here and grew to the larger salary range....

    What path did you take to get there?

    Advice on getting there? (like "don't stay at a developer job for long, always push for management positions as a goal")

    submitted by /u/Death_AllHisFriends
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    Legality & ethics of working remotely

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 06:13 AM PDT

    Doing webdev remotely we may run into some situations that may seem morally or legally sketchy. How do your personal morals guide what projects you work on? What about projects that involve laws that are legal in the client's area but illegal in your own? Has anyone run into trouble doing this? I can only think of Silk Road as an example, but in that case they were directly selling illegal items & services, not just building a software platform.


    • Chinese (where porn is illegal) building webcam software to be used in a US porn site.
    • American (where prostitution is illegal) making a networking website for use by Dutch prostitutes to improve safety.
    • Texan (no legal cannabis use) building ecommerce platform for Washington cannabis retailers.
    • Indianian (strict gambling laws) writing an online gambling site for Los Vegas clients.
    • Iranian or Chinese building VPN software that can be used to evade government censors.
    submitted by /u/dchinab
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    How to balance work skills while trying to stay current, but also not burning myself out?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 11:40 AM PDT

    I'm passionate about web dev like many people in the industry and I enjoy staying up to date with current trends, but the skills/technologies I use at work aren't exactly "bleeding edge".

    Thankfully, management at my workplace understands that a recent new-hire like myself (been on the job 5 weeks now) is going to need time to adjust to the frameworks the company uses.

    I would say half my week is devoted to learning the company stack then applying it towards whatever project I'm working on. This is great because I get paid to learn, but there have been occasions where I'm spending my personal time learning aspects that I may have struggled with during the workday. This is my own choice btw, not something I'm being told I need to do.

    With that being said, web dev isn't my life. I have other things I enjoy doing.

    My concern isn't necessarily with my work/life balance, but coding/life balance. I don't know how long my current job is going to last. In a perfect world, we'll evolve with modern technologies, but, for a fairly large corporation with many approvals required to make even small changes, the process is slow.

    I would like to think the company values my work, but that could change someday. If I don't stay current and continue to use somewhat outdated technologies like I am at my current company, I won't be employable if I ever find myself looking for web dev work again.

    At the same time, I don't want to spend all my free time learning MEAN, MERN, or whatever to stay current. As I said, this is partly what I enjoy doing during my off time, but it isn't my life. Working full-time, along with my other hobbies and obligations, I find myself with very little time to spend learning modern technologies.

    I'm wondering what other devs do to maintain a life while also not burning themselves out. Thank you for any comments and advice!

    submitted by /u/Brodysseus1
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    Orbits - Hard to explain, fun to bs with

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 10:11 AM PDT

    Desktop Only

    Canvas application I did a while ago for a graphic designer. He wanted to design patterns similar to a Spirograph toy. What I created was Orbits - each "Orbit" spins around the center of your screen by a set interval or "slice". Each orbit will draw a line to the next orbit, and so on, to create some interesting patterns.

    "Planets" can be created by placing orbits directly untop one another with random slices & allowing alpha: Imgur

    submitted by /u/ewinterstine
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    A new project I made has 3000 lines of CSS and I am not fond of that. Would implementing SASS could reduce code considerably? Would it be more efficient when converting to a CMS?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 01:47 PM PDT

    After a long time learning CSS on getting the hand out of it, I was ready to go along and start getting in dept with Javascript. Guess this is the current state of a developer, learning SASS or Javascript?

    submitted by /u/argiebrah
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    What is the difference between front-end/back-end development and UI/UX design?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 09:00 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I basically stumbled upon a guy who proclaims he is a "UI/UX designer", but looking at some of his work, it just seems like he does fancy websites xD Can anyone explain what the difference is? And if there is a difference, how do you learn the UI/UX stuff?

    submitted by /u/icyfoxlol
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    Got a web dev job right out of college. Feel like I don’t know nearly enough, what can I do to learn more?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 02:56 PM PDT

    Like the title says, I graduated college in 2017 with a degree in CS. I have been at my first job for a little over a year and a half (interned for 5 months), but I feel like my responsibilities are starting to stack up. I'm sure some of what I'm experiencing is imposter syndrome, but I also want to know what I can do to learn more.

    We do mostly .NET on our team, so anything I can do increase my skills in that or really any other web dev techniques would be great!

    submitted by /u/ArticunoDosTres
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    Deploying Node.js on shared host (Hostgator)

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 03:44 PM PDT

    Hello, everyone.

    I am trying to deploy my portfolio site that is built with React on shared host.

    I researched and successfully installed node on the server, and can see the page correctly.

    The problem is that I use server.js which uses Express to implement email function, and it seems not working on shared host server.

    Once I send email it gives me POST 500 (Internal Server Error) which doesn't happen in my local machine.

    I assume I have problem in port setting.

    I contacted HostGator and the technician keeps saying that I need to have VPS to install node. Is this the reason why I get error?

    I am using node package forever to run server.js as well and log file says, "server is running on port 5000."

    Any advice and solution for my problem?

    Here is the site address: http://jinwoo-oh.com/


    EDIT: to send email, click top right corner "CONTACT"

    submitted by /u/sosur0414
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    How important is an "about" section in a portfolio?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 05:23 AM PDT

    I'm in the process of putting a portfolio together, and my attempts to write an "about" section have been painful at best. I've looked at a few for inspiration, and they're all pretty much the same shit:

    "hi, my name's A, I'm from B, I've had a passion for web development since I was in the womb, and I love to build beautiful, responsive websites with beautiful, clean code..."

    Is this sort of thing really necessary? Is it likely anyone would care if I skipped that part, and just included a general overview of my skills + experience?

    submitted by /u/goodarmsvsbadarms
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    Can I really have a clear path to become web developer after doing freecodecamp curriculum?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:10 PM PDT

    Short story: I'm on my 3rd year. Tried almost every resource I can find on the internet but I just cant seem to understand how CSS works (I'm cool with HTML and JS). I mean, why is building layout here so difficult? Why the hell should I spend hours to perfectly center items inside my grids? Why won't it remain persistent when I zoom in? What's up with the unwanted scroll bar coming out of the blue? In JavaFX I can easily do it in SceneBuilder. Took me 3 days to learn until I can finish all the UI for my program in 2-3 hours and guess what; they're all frickin' responsive! Even without FXML, building UI in Java is still doable although pretty tedious.

    After reading this medium article, I somehow feel hesitant to try. Will it actually open the path for me or is it another fake promise? I'm so tired. I already spent large portion of my holiday so far trying to understand web design when I initially plan to work on my bachelor research topic. Have you tried it by yourself? What do you think about it?

    submitted by /u/for-asking-stuffs
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    Let’s build a customizable rich text editor with Slate and React

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:58 PM PDT

    Best Resource to learn advance backend development?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:27 AM PDT

    I have never found anything beyond "getting started", "how to..", "introduction.." etc. It kinda works for technologies, i.e. postgresql...i guess i can learn database and then learn api of postgresql. but it doesn't work when it's not A technology but more of a system that has no specific name.

    Please recommend something that is clearly written by someone with at least 15 years of backend development, but kept up with recent technologies. Someone who has been doing nodejs for few years but really started long ago.

    things i'd like to know...

    • how to implement forget password

    • how to do proper migrations

    • how to implement oauth2 or api tokens

    • how to run clusters

    • how to implement load balancer and multiple databases

    • how to prevent comment spam

    • how to setup your own email server

    • how to connect to SIP service

    • proper way to implement job queue.

    • what is good design to implement api throttling, rate limiting and so on.

    • how to roll out multiple versions of api

    • create search functionality with indexes.

    • implement xmpp protocol

    i feel on internet you've 1 million tutorials on how to make a controller in express and yet almost nothing on anything deeper.

    I guess my question now that you know how to make crud api what can you do next to learn the things.

    (suppose you don't have a job and can't learn at job, or have a job at non tech place that couldn't care less)

    submitted by /u/techsin101
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    How can I add a background GIF?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 02:00 PM PDT

    I'm an animator and I want to animate a character moving around the website giving instructions or suggestions to the visitor (ie: Click the thumbnails!). I'm on wordpress. Is there any way?

    submitted by /u/Sticklo
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    Turning a BitBucket repository into a newsletter

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 01:59 PM PDT

    I've been reading for eight years, ~40 books a year. For four of those eight years, I've been collecting ideas and learnings on .md files in a private BitBucket repository.

    Every book I read had a private folder containing two files: (1) Ideas (2) Learnings.

    In ideas I wrote the core fundamental ideas upon the book is structured. Ideas included either the author's ideas and others' ideas that he or she might have referenced (directly or indirectly) in the book.

    In learnings I recollected my own learnings.

    Ideas are descriptions. Learnings are prescriptions.

    I decided to progressively go over the repository, unfold most of the books in it and make it accessible to the public.

    While going through this process will help me re-discovering those ideas through a pair of new lens, I thought that others might genuinely enjoy those learnings.

    I've framed this project into a bi-weekly newsletter called: Behind The Obvious [0] (about page with more details on the books [1])


    [0] https://behindtheobvious.substack.com/welcome

    [1] https://behindtheobvious.substack.com/subscribe#about

    submitted by /u/caligolae
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    What is the name for this layout of website?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 07:29 AM PDT


    I hope this simple question is allowed, what is the name for this type of website https://www.432parkavenue.com/

    Are there any HTML themes that would work well as a starting point?

    I've search high and low but I can't seem to find anything


    submitted by /u/rezi_io
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    Is this <h2> usage proper?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:32 PM PDT

    Link website: https://blackrockdigital.github.io/startbootstrap-freelancer/

    Web Developer - Graphic Artist - User Experience Designer is <h2> and PORTFOLIO and other actual sub headings are also <h2>.

    To me it seems like Web Developer ... should not be <h2> or I don't understand semantic html.

    submitted by /u/gumboizalurea8
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    Anyone know how I can get a .er domain? It exists but there seem to be zero registrars for this domain!?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 01:04 AM PDT

    My surname ends in er so it would super cool if I could get the domain.

    submitted by /u/PumpkinFeet
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    Retrieve User's FB's Page's Instagram

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 03:39 PM PDT

    Hey all, currently facing an issue and I'm not sure how to proceed.

    I've played with FB's API Graph Explorer so I know this can be achieved.

    This is the work flow that I plan on using:

    1. User signs into app
    2. Retrieve all the pages that they are admin of (/me/accounts)
    3. Once user has clicked on a page, we will then retrieve the page's access_token & Id (/page_id)
    4. If they have connected their Instagram Business Account, they can select it. (/page_id?fields=instagram_business_account)


    FB.api('/me/accounts', function(response) { console.log(response); for(x = 0; x < response.data.length; x++) { var pageAccessToken = console.log(response.data[x].access_token); var pageId = console.log(response.data[x].id); document.getElementById('status').innerHTML += response.data[x].name + "<br>"; } }); 

    With this current code, I can retrieve the info but I'm not sure how to progress. Unfortunately I have looked around to see if anyone has done something similar to what I want but to no avail.

    submitted by /u/sushiwashi
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    comments.from field is empty or disallowed by the access token

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 05:04 AM PDT

    comments.from field is empty or disallowed by the access token

    Hi guys. So I'm building a bot that can count comments which have the right format. Now i need it verified that's that comment's user is unique, i need the "user's id", which in the document is the field "from".But when i uses the graph api explorer, that field is grey out.

    grey out fields

    Note:- I'm the admin of that page, which mean i have all the permission- I uses both the page access, provided in me/accounts of my profile and the one provided by Facebook graph explorer- That photos is posted by my page.- I did try to manually send the request through postman, using the access_token but no luck


    After days of searching for a solution, no luck at all. Is there any way to get the user'id or work around that i can only count that user's once?

    Thanks for reading this

    submitted by /u/kkk13121997
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    Is there a framework that is best for tracking and graphing data (like medical records) over time?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 08:46 AM PDT

    Here's an example: a bloodwork history app. You enter the results of your regular bloodwork from doctor's visits and track it over time, with graphs and visualizations.

    At first I thought Tableau made sense but that would be more limited to either one user or aggregate data. If you wanted to do this for multiple individuals users, it probably makes more sense to build a web/mobile app.

    Is there a certain stack/framework/etc that seems "most" suited to this type of app? Or asked another way -- if you were starting over and wanted to learn the tools to build this, what would you learn?

    Edit: For now, let's ignore the HIPAA and legal questions on this example.

    TLDR: Any recs for a framework for an app that visualizes and tracks user data over time?

    submitted by /u/reiNoob
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    What can i expect from an hour long online code interview(HTML/SCSS)?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 12:15 PM PDT

    I have a coding interview over google hangouts for an hour and the only information I could get is it would be over HTML and SCSS. This is more of junior position but not entry at a digital agency. Would you think this is more of a knowledge based questions such as questions found on here or given a design to follow and code through? Also if it is, would you have any small designs I can look at to practice?

    submitted by /u/qpal123
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    About a post on r/learnjavascript

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 07:56 AM PDT


    I've recently rewatched 'JavaScript - Weird Parts' on Udemy and took notes so I feel like I know half of the questions (ranging from Event Bubbling to Execution Context) in the thread fairly decently but the rest, not so much.

    My first site was one to test my skills (mostly PHP) without the use of any frameworks or libraries. Works best on Chrome at the moment.


    One fear I have, though. Am I supposed to know all those questions (in the thread) off by heart and ace them before being ready to be a junior or does knowing Node, Vue, Typescript and others make up for it?

    submitted by /u/An_Oompa_Loompa
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    What are some backend framework we all should know?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2018 07:10 AM PDT

    I've met a few senior and it seem that they're not only good at one framework but multiple one like Laravel, asp.net, rails ... etc

    submitted by /u/GTHell
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