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    Sunday, June 10, 2018

    What happens if I host videos and cartoons on my own website, instead of youtube (R rated stuff), but all of a sudden I go viral and tens of millions of people try to view them in a week? Ask Programming

    What happens if I host videos and cartoons on my own website, instead of youtube (R rated stuff), but all of a sudden I go viral and tens of millions of people try to view them in a week? Ask Programming

    What happens if I host videos and cartoons on my own website, instead of youtube (R rated stuff), but all of a sudden I go viral and tens of millions of people try to view them in a week?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:24 PM PDT

    Let's say I'm using a cheap service. What happens if millions of people wanna watch my stuff all of a sudden? Does the web server get overloaded, or does it stop and wait for me to pay more money to allow more people to use it, or how does it work?

    submitted by /u/CaptainMcSpankFace
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    Email message scraper

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:52 PM PDT

    Hey reddit, I'm wondering if anyone has made a program that connects to a mailbox and scrapes incoming mail, then posts the email message to a website?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/1337Ferret
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    Can someone help me? I feel screwed (Changing path in life to programming, grad school drop-out, etc)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:16 PM PDT

    It's not really thaat bad but

    So long story short, I pursued pre-pharmacy for 4 years (which is just pre-requisities) and then did 1 year in Pharmacy school. Not only did I perform terribly academically, but I was very unhappy and disinterested. I feel like dropping out. They might academically dismiss me anyways, but I will be in 60+k in debt.

    I recently found an interest in programming and been trying to learn Python. I love it more than I ever enjoyed studying for pharmacy-related things. I wish I could get a CS degree, but that would mean more accumulation in loans. What should I do? Get a degree? Go to a coding bootcamp? Become self-taught?

    submitted by /u/jkobb510
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    Java XOR for an array of integers

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:16 PM PDT

    I'm trying to XOR an array of numbers all at once in Java. the array size is determined at the start of the program by the user and so has no limit. I thought of doing it this way but realised that it would not work.

    static void cpuTurn(int[] nimArray){ int[] val = new int[nimArray.length]; int holding = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nimArray.length; i++) { holding = holding^nimArray[i]; } } 

    For example an array as such {4,5,6} should return 3 but as it stands, my code returns 7. I am trying to XOR them all at once. I know logically the answer is correct but I'm trying to XOR all the values at once.

     100 101 110 --- = 011 

    Another example could be for the numbers {12,4,9}

    12 = 1100 4 = 0100 9 = 1001 --------- Val- 0001 //What I would be aiming for 
    submitted by /u/The_Dov
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    Need help with programming a COM based website generator in cpp for Win32!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 03:19 PM PDT

    I'm trying to generate a program in C++ that generates a simple website on the fly and edits the site via this program to speed up development of my new webpage.

    I'm trying to generate a COM-based program that will generate a new project, edit and update this project as if it was a CMS. OOP is not my strongest side, so I'm having trouble figuring out how to create a filehandle. I'm currently running a WebsiteCMS class which calls a SystemManager that takes care of the program part. This starts up a Menu() that gives the user to select NEW, LOAD or SAVE project.

    Selecting NEW project calls a sourcefile called HTMLManager.cpp, which generates a new textfile, takes users input to name it and then begins prompting for user data which is formatted into newly created HTML-file. I have never worked with fileformats, so any pointers would be appreciated!

    After all tags a placed in the file, my program calls CSSManager.cpp which generates a template file which is filled with tag markup and given default values. I want to be able to read throught the file and append more content based on tokens like inside <head>-tag or in the sidebar as an extra link. I also want to be able to Save() and Load() a project and edit the files in advance...

    EDIT: Added more content to the question. HMB if there is anything unclear.

    submitted by /u/jonrhythmic
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    HTML: Send form data to an email

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:40 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I am working on a website and was wondering if there was a way to send form data to a specific email address. If that is not possible what are some other ways that we can store data off of a website.

    submitted by /u/ucfKnightforLife
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    Creating a random number in assembly 8086

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:36 PM PDT

    Hello :3

    I have a project for my cs class and i chose to program a simple game in assembly. In my project, i have a loop that runs x times that needs to generate a random number for me to use as a y coordinate to print something on the screen. the problem is, i don't really have an idea of how to generate a random number. I searched online and saw some solutions but they all stated that it only works if i want to generate a single number, but i need to run a loop that does that multiple times. So, i'm not asking for someone to just give me a piece of code and an easy way out, i just need an explanation of how to do that. We are using TASM btw.

    Thanks a lot :)

    submitted by /u/_A_NAmE
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    Programming Jokes needed...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:20 PM PDT

    I've got a midterm for my Computer Organization II class tomorrow and on the study guide for the exam my professor added that if we can make her laugh we can receive extra credit depending on the quality of the joke.

    Do any of you know some quality programming jokes I can add to my test to potentially receive extra credit?

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_Launcher
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    Developing .NET

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 11:57 AM PDT

    Hi, I've been offered the chance to take almost a free 10 month Microsoft course for developing web Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET(I don't know any programming language) In the course I'll also learn Visual C#, SQL Programming and XML. I heard that this is a very old method and it's not being used so much this days and I'm planning on getting Bachelor Degree in Computer Science in 1.5 years so I don't know whether that course is neccessery. What do you guys think? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/LTOTHED
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    which creative commons license should i use?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:46 AM PDT

    • Creative Commons Attribution
    • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
    • Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
    • Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain)
    • GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later
    • No license footer
    submitted by /u/JoeHobbit
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    Web-based chatbox [need advice]

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:20 AM PDT

    Hey all, I'm working on a website where I basically create unique "rooms" that people can join with a unique room code, but I'd like to add a (unique) web-based chatbox for the users to use.

    Chatbox should be very basic, 1 chat moderator who owns the room and can mute users, and other users join as soon as they join the room.

    However I'm having trouble finding the right solution for this. Would love to hear your advice on how to set this up.

    I'm building this website with basic PHP / Javascript (jQuery).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Viducius
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    Relating data in databases?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:48 AM PDT

    I have the experience to understand a simple database with key/value pairs or id/user/pass. However, I don't know the correct terms to get information for a specific case.

    User story:

    I can go on the site and choose my favorite quotes. I get new suggested quotes based on the favorite quotes that other people have selected and their grouping. Essentially, my favorite quote suggestions come from the favorite quote selections of people who have chosen quotes like me in the past.

    This would be similar to http://whatshouldireadnext.com/

    Are there any resources that I can read on the optimal way to form this sort of database and generate these lists of quotes? It reminds me a bit of eigenvalues from Linear Algebra, but I'm not sure of the exact application

    submitted by /u/dustintales
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    How do USB viruses work?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:57 AM PDT

    I recently watched the documentary zero day, about the stuxnet virus released by the US and Israel. In it, some of the NSA workers claim that they can get viruses to "run" and spread via a USB stick. How is this possible, considering USB sticks have no operating system?

    And if that's not possible, how does a virus run only by inserting, wouldn't you have to click an executable?

    submitted by /u/parentis_shotgun
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    Anyone experienced with D3js?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:19 AM PDT

    I could use a couple pointers. I'm using D3js for a visualization and it's been trickier than I expected. If anyone with experience doesn't mind spending some time solving some doubts please shoot a PM my way. Basically I have this and I want to create a smaller circle that goes from one of the nodes to another.

    If this is up I'm still looking for help.

    submitted by /u/Cracky7
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