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    Friday, June 1, 2018

    Unsure about offered position, need advice. Ask Programming

    Unsure about offered position, need advice. Ask Programming

    Unsure about offered position, need advice.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:38 PM PDT

    Hey all, I am a very recent college graduate, graduating with a Degree in Computer Engineering. I have been looking for work in various companies and today I recieved my first offer, but after talking it over with my parents I am unsure if this position is a good one. My father is worried its a 'meat market' I don't want to use the company's name, so I will post the details that concerned us.

    • The company will take me in, and then give me a 9 to 5 monday to friday training course for 10 weeks, I will be paid a small amount above minimum wage.

    • The company will then assign me to a company to work for them for 10 months to around 2 years at a competitive rate and then I will be allowed to either transfer permanently to that company, or return to the first company and be contracted out again with a 10% pay increase.

    • If I complete the 10 week training course and do not continue forward to the contracter position I will be found in breach of contract.

    • The company will reimburse but not pay for my traveling expenses.

    • The company insists I give them a response by this upcomming thursday, and need to be on site for the training on the 18th.

    Like I said, I am unfamiliar with the market, and I am willing to work for a head hunter like that, but I am getting some strange vibes.

    Also, I am sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask this question.

    submitted by /u/King_Of_Bel
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    Have you ever looked at someone else's code and decided they were a terrible programmer and if so, what did you see that convinced you of it?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 01:46 PM PDT

    Making my 8Ball Program into a functioning GUI

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 05:30 PM PDT

    I recently have created a simply Java program in Netbeans to simulate an 8 ball. I would like to make it an application with its own interface. Could anybody help me out using the Netbeans GUi designer. My Code : https://imgur.com/eqApBck

    submitted by /u/zackddavis
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    How does one transition from just simply learning code to understanding the state of programs used in a corporate setting?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:43 PM PDT

    Currently in university I am getting through things like programming in java, C, Using ubuntu linux, and taking classes on operating systems.

    I finally have a job in the field, and as I pass through the IT department I am very fascinated with the things I see people using for code that is in production.

    When I eavesdrop I understand there is an obvious gap between someone learning in a university setting and being within the routine of understanding effectiveness of updates and understanding the direction of most of these programs when it comes to continuous updates.

    I'm generally asking how one goes from just learning the groundwork, to being in-the-know for the current state of various programming applications.

    submitted by /u/odarpcire
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    Newbie programmer here, I uh, kinda need some help.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:48 PM PDT

    The following is supposed to be my starter for a programming project I'm doing for school, but near the end there's a sudden streak across the flag. It's supposed to be American.

    from turtle import *


    hoist = 100


    def base():

    for i in range(2):


    fd(hoist * 1.9)




    def stripes():

    for i in range(6):



    fd(hoist * .0769)


    fd(hoist * 1.9)


    fd(hoist * .0769)


    fd(hoist * 1.9)









    fd(hoist * .0769)



    fd(hoist * 1.9)


    submitted by /u/_danimite
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    [very stupid question] What's a good way to fix irregular spacing?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:18 PM PDT

    Some websites have formatting that leaves irregular spaces in text after you copypaste that stay irregular even when you've copy-pasted without formatting. As an example, if I copy and paste Donald Trump's political donation history from PoliticalMoneyLine into a Google doc, I get something that looks like this: http://prntscr.com/jpsh0e

    The irregular spaces aren't recognized as the space character by Java, which is the problem I'm facing here. If you paste this text into the Google search bar, it'll convert all the irregular spaces into normal spaces, and you'll get something like this back, which is what I need: http://prntscr.com/jpsiuc

    But pasting and copying text into the Google bar over and over again gets incredibly annoying after a while. Is there any better way to fix the text the way I want it? Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Mokwat
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    Replacement for PHP on a simple website?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:16 PM PDT

    I agreed to redesign the website for an organization I'm a part of, and looking through it, it's mainly static pages with some simple PHP thrown in to get information from a database and populate/generate some fields.

    For example, one page has a listing of all the members of the organization with some facts about them. It queries the database that has the info and then generates a section for each member.

    Right now, the PHP is pretty messy, but I'm competent enough with PHP to clean it up and make it simpler. However, since this is going to be a fun project for me and I have free reign to code it how I want...

    What are some other options I have other than PHP? I've heard the names of millions of front-end JS frameworks like React and Vue, but is this the sort of problem they solve? If you're a web developer and you were faced with this kind of situation, what would you use for this?

    The only requirements/caveats are that: after a year or two, I will no longer be the one maintaining it, so it should be relatively simple for say a college programming student to pick up and adjust if necessary; and this site will definitely be around for a while so it'd be nice if the solution chosen will likely be relevant/known in 10-15 years.

    tl;dr PHP sucks, what can I replace it with for something simple like database calls and templating?

    submitted by /u/charlie_shae
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    How do you structure / plan personal projects so you can drill through them when lethargic and not feeling it? I have about 40 different projects on my laptop I've started but not finished over the past 10 years...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:54 AM PDT

    there's 40 "in production" projects (was 39 'til last week, the 40th I begun on monday since I'm off all week, but am feeling "meh" about it already. the kicker? I've **completed** a mere 3, yes 3, personal projects in these 10 years that I've been working as a software engineer/not freelancing...

    I feel that my issue is with structuring and planning my personal projects. is there some sort of system I can follow for soembody doing full stack dev alone along side the UI/UX/graphics part of shit?

    I always tend to follow a SDLC + PLC boilerplate used at work, but it doesn't translate well for personal projects and I'm sort of unsure how everyone else does it. It isn't burnout, else

    I'm trying to explore my creative side of things with my latest project, building something with new things I've never touched before ( println!("Salad Fingers what're you doing?!"); ) and trying to venture out of my comfort zone.

    I have a whiteboard above my desk that I wrote my pseudocode on just now for the first part of the site/app but I can't even bloody figure out where to start even when it's right there haha

    submitted by /u/xhankhillx
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    How to find out what framework an "embedded" (HTML5?) web application is using?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:51 PM PDT

    Sometimes websites have applications that you can't use "inspect element" on. These would be online games like agar.io, online poker websites, etc. They don't ask for permission, so they probably don't use Flash or Java. They use HTML5 frameworks if I'm not mistaken. I don't know much about the topic at all.

    I want to gain a deeper understanding of how those applications work. I want to learn how those frameworks operate and how those applications are programmed. Given that you can't "inspect element" them, how can I detect which framework is used? I assume I should be able to view the client side source code of the embedded application somehow? Also, how can I capture the (I assume mostly JSON?) requests/updates they're making to the server?

    I tried Burp Suite but it doesn't capture that data as far as I'm aware.

    submitted by /u/getriggityrekd
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    copy string from pdf to html array

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 11:00 AM PDT

    Is this possible?

    submitted by /u/rayQuGR
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    Making Java executable file on Raspberry Pi

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT

    I have a java program on my Raspberry Pi that I have been running using the BlueJ IDE. I would like to make the program executable by clicking on an icon or file, and I am unsure how to do so. Can I convert the .class file into a JAR file and just click on that to run it?

    submitted by /u/R0T0
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    Why would anyone ever use HTTP anymore?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:13 PM PDT

    [C++] Pretty new to this, how to make each object of a class be associated with its own function?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 02:23 PM PDT

    I'm in the beginnings of a process to program a custom discord bot. On the logic side of things, I'm trying to setup the commands in such a way that I have a command class which I would like to include a command-specific function (so that instead of having all the commands and their actions put out in the logic part of the code, I can simply have a section which goes through a vector of commands that checks if the command matches and then runs the corresponding function. This would make it a lot easier to maintain / troubleshoot.

    However, I don't know how to make it so that each command of the command class has some sort of run function which is unique to that specific command - or where to start for that matter - and I'm not meeting with my usual success with google-fu. Can anyone point me in the right direction on that, knowing that I have little experience (one semester of C++, along with a few years of general programming experience from matlab scripts) with the language? I'm trying to avoid complicated concepts where possible so that I can reasonably well understand my own code.

    submitted by /u/SpitfireSniper
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    How to best go about learning how to program a device driver?

    Posted: 31 May 2018 11:34 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm trying to program a device driver for an RTOS and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how drivers work. I've been looking around and struggling to find something to guide me.

    I've never done embedded before so any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MyCSHunt
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    Need help with coming up with a robust testing methodology for a dev team. more after the break.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    I recently got on an established Development Team. If anyone is into scrumming, we do that, but we are more appropriately a "scrum-but" team...(We do scrum, but...). I recently became a scrum master, so thats cool, but it'll be a bit of a process to get folks more in line with actual scrum methodology. So, wish me luck there.


    Since I've been on the team, I've noticed (among other things) there is a real absence of any legitimate testing for any release candidates. They basically comit their code, yell across the cubes to the folks that use the software we manage/develop to "test things out" to see how it does on the test environment, then if they dont hear anything in a few days, they deploy.

    Needless to say, there are numerous bugs that are detected after the fact of deploying to the production environment since the people who test it, are end users who don't really know how to test something effectively.

    The team handles an analytic, that feeds to a UI-UX. So often times, its difficult to determine if something worked well until it hits the fan. We're utilizing Angular for the front end experience, and development work is done with your typical code editor, I think they use jet brains. The back end processes, are all over the place. We use everything from salt stack, Eclipse, Maven, Elastic Stack, Mongo, Hadoop, and Spark.

    We've got three environments currently, one development, and essentially 2 productions environments should one go down. So there really isn't a proper staging situation.

    A little background for reference on me, so you can hopefully push me in the right direction effectively. Got the chance to change gears in my career a few years ago, and become a jr Developer, with essentially no experience. Cut my teeth on some basic HTML/CSS front end development work. I am currently pursuing my degree in Computer Information Systems. I for whatever reason, have been seemingly pushed into a more managerial/project leading position, which is why I got scrum certified through my employer I think. However, I do want to continue to go to school, and learn as much as I can so that in the event I do go into a more traditional dev leadership role, I have somewhat of a leg to stand on, a good point of reference and an at least basic understanding of what needs to be done, even if I don't know specifically how to do so.

    Alright, that's all I got, I would be truly greatful if anyone has any best practices, software to consider, etc. Or hell even an good best practices gained from similar scenarios you may have gone through in creating a more robust training routine with a dev team. How to get buy into it etc. Thanks all, you're the best.

    submitted by /u/redditsafeforwork
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    Super beginner final project- can't for the life of me figure it out- looking for help please.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:38 AM PDT

    Hey all, I just began learning coding and have been stuck on the final project for the last two weeks, I'm wondering if someone pro here can show me how it's done so I can dissect the code properly and try to understand it from there.

    Here's the video attached outlining the project, only 5 minutes long.


    submitted by /u/freemarketcommunism
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    Is there a way to prioritise certain sources when googling something?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:05 AM PDT

    Ok so I don't know if this is even the correct subreddit, if not I'm sorry, but here goes:

    As a student I have to google a lot and I use a certain website most, but it isn't always included in the top results. So is there a way that this websites result always pops up in the first few results?

    submitted by /u/Tobilated_peoples
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    Can anyone recommend a good, free alternative to "Dash" documentation browser for the Macintosh?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 08:59 AM PDT

    I like Dash but at the moment the price tag to purchase seems a bit steep. I feel like there must be a good free and/or open-source alternative. Is there one you could recommend? Running on Macintosh.

    submitted by /u/atacamasand
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    Program to determine tempo from live MIDI input (keyboard)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:53 AM PDT

    Hi there. I'm trying to assist my cousin in a programming project she's working on. We're looking for a small program that can listen to the MIDI input from her piano and calculate the tempo as she plays. I've found various snippets of code but nothing that has put it all together outside of paying for an app or software. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/lthlspd
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    General Purpose Building Systems

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:34 AM PDT

    I am looking to build a system (on linux) and am I can choose whichever build system I want and I'd like to take the opportunity to learn something new but also relevant.

    What are some of the best build systems out there other than GNU Make. I see Apache ANT which looks a little daunting but Gradle caught my interest.

    What is generally the most used and easiest?

    submitted by /u/khadgarpls
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    [CSS] How does margin: auto; work?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 07:16 AM PDT

    I just type these two magic words and stuff suddenly looks presentable...

    submitted by /u/crazazy
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    Is there any point in learning PHP if you already use node.js?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:50 AM PDT

    And learning django or rails?

    submitted by /u/rudolphtheredknows
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    I recently made an automated Gmail Newsletter Parser using python.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 04:32 AM PDT

    Here's the link: https://github.com/ZER-0-NE/Gmail__Newsletter__Parser

    A still from the Readme Section:

    Gmail Newsletter Parser:

    How this works?

    This fetches all your mails from a particular newsletter(an email probably) and stores them as text file.

    Why this?

    Well, I am an avid reader of my favourite newsletters and I would not like to miss any of my newsletters that brings in interesting contents adding a little joy in this prosaic life. It helps me sort and allows me to read in my domain of interest.

    Any suggestions are encouraged.

    submitted by /u/ZER_0_NE
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    What resources can I use to learn more about N-Tuple Networks?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 12:09 AM PDT

    I've found some papers and some videos explaining the concept but I was wondering if there are any books or texts that explain N-Tuple Networks as well.

    submitted by /u/dirtchef
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