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    Saturday, June 2, 2018

    Understand this git workflow if you wish to contribute to any open source repositories on github. web developers

    Understand this git workflow if you wish to contribute to any open source repositories on github. web developers

    Understand this git workflow if you wish to contribute to any open source repositories on github.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:19 AM PDT

    Encoding super-low-resolution image in filename for fast previews

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 06:31 AM PDT

    This is just an idea I was thinking about - maybe it's already implemented in some form by someone - I don't know and haven't checked.

    What do you think of the idea of encoding the image size and super-low-resolution preview in the filename itself. I was thinking of the following format:

    • Filename must contain the size of the image.
    • Filename must contain a super-low resolution preview, i.e. 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 etc.
    • Image data is encoded as 12bpp hexadecimal numbers in the url.
    • Special header used for indicating images contain preview information (eg. "-p-"), something unlikely to appear in a regular filename.
    • Filename can contain hash for cachebusting.


    myphoto.f12345-p-1200x600-fff0f0f0f00f.png |-----| |----||-||------| |----------| 1: Human readable filename (optional) 2: Cache busting hash (optional) 3: Header indicating preview data (unlikely to appear in other images). 4: Size of image 5: Preview data "fff 0f0 f0f 00f" representing a 2x2 image - resolution = sqrt(len(preview_data) / 3) 

    Clients can then generate a simple preview that will match the overall color scheme of the final image with lazy loading of the the final, actual image.

    Optional extensions and improvements:

    • Special header "-p2-" for embedding 24bpp image data for when color is more important.
    • Webpack plugin for automatically generating resources in that format.




    Replacing with modified base64 (url safe) as suggested allows all configuration of the preview to be placed in base64 encoded section by creating a byte array consisting of:

    [1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 255] 0: High byte of image width 1: Low byte of image width 2: High byte of image height 3: Low byte of image height 4: Preview width 5: Preview height 6: Data type (12bpp color, 24 bpp color, 4bpp grayscale, 8bpp grayscale) 7-...: Data bytes The above, a 3x3 12bpp color preview for a 512x512 image could be encoded as: myphoto.f12345-p-IAABAAMDAQD_AP8A_wD_AA==.png (I made a small error in the above as it uses 8 bpp instead of 12, so obviously it would be a bit longer) 
    submitted by /u/yummybear
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    Learn CSS Grid by Building a simple Calculator Layout [Tutorial]

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 07:39 AM PDT

    How do you get better at design?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:38 PM PDT

    I've been able to build simple, dull looking web apps, but my design is absolutely horrible. I'm trying to build professional looking websites/apps but not sure how to even start. I'm practicing using the mern stack and am just horrible with design. How do you guys get better?

    submitted by /u/twistedgrandma
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    Building a Real-Time Chat App with Express, React and Socket.io with GIFs Support

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:13 AM PDT

    Critters; �� A Webpack plugin to inline your critical CSS and lazy-load the rest.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 04:41 AM PDT

    Here is what I learned from 4 Years of work for the InvoicePlane Open Source project

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 11:44 AM PDT

    [Showoff Saturday] Contentjet - Open source headless CMS

    Posted: 01 Jun 2018 09:57 PM PDT

    Is CSS Grid going to be as widely supported as flexbox anytime soon?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:28 PM PDT

    Webhook Example: How to Build a Chatbot from Scratch

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 01:54 PM PDT

    Need advice for switching careers

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 09:53 AM PDT

    Hi, I am a Senior QA Engineer with about 6 years of experience(mostly in manual testing). Over the last 12 months, I completed the Udacity Web Developer Nanodegree and since then I have built multiple projects focussing on frontend technologies. Currently I am learning REACT and have also started preparing for interviews. I have applied to about 7-8 companies over the last 2-3 weeks through referrals and spoke to recruiters. All of them have rejected me stating that they can't consider me because I don't have enough experience or that I don't have any code in production. Moving within my current company is not an option because they are only looking for senior or staff level roles. I am even open to taking a junior software developer role. Please suggest what should I do

    submitted by /u/max5889
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    Humble Book Bundle: Many WebDev books, 1h left

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:59 PM PDT

    Dropping out to pursue web development?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:59 PM PDT

    I recently finished my junior year of college and have about 1.5 to 2 years left because of me switching majors a few times. My major now is Graphic Information Technology, which is basically graphic design and front end development.

    I have been studying through Udemy and doing my own projects for about 6 months now and want to test the waters of freelancing or get a front end job. I still have a lot I want to do and learn before I can get a job but I feel that school and my part time job will take away from my learning, delay my career, and massively increase my debt.

    I see these as my options: 1. Take a semester off and work my ass off to start making atleast some money in web dev before I ultimately have to decide if I want to go back or not.

    1. Take a semester off knowing that I'm not returning and work like my future depends on it, leaving me accountable for my own fate.

    2. Stick school out for about 2ish years, still learning in my free time and just enjoying a structured life for the time being. My fifth year will cost a LOT more though because my scholarships will be exhausted.

    I have a couple months to decide what I want to do, I'm just looking for some feedback. Thank you😁

    submitted by /u/thedankoe
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    Most effective note taking when learning a new technology?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:51 PM PDT

    Hey Devs,

    Im in the process of learning the MERN stack and I've been following tutorials but I've been unsuccessful in finding ones that really explain what they are writing in the files. I wrote a post asking for good resources and got some great advice to watch the Stephen Grider courses on udemy so I'm going to start the react and redux course then the Node With react fullstack course.

    My question is, what is the best way to take notes through out these 26 hour video courses? I don't want to be typing or writing out everything that is being said because I tent to get de-motivated when moving through a course too slowly.

    I have tried creating a new board on trello, adding cards, comments and checklists. Is there a way to optimise this? or a better process?

    All suggestions are much appreciated!

    Sincerely, the self appointed/undisputed noob of the Devs

    submitted by /u/thenewdev1
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    At what point in FCC can you start applying for junior positions?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:20 PM PDT

    At what section do you think one would be prepared enough for a front-end position?

    submitted by /u/LastVisage
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    [Showoff Saturday] cachemonetreloaded.com

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:14 PM PDT

    cachemonetreloaded.com | github

    note: doesn't seem to be working on mobile anymore ... going to try to figure out what's going on!

    What this is and how it came about

    An homage to the classic cachemonet.com, first released almost 5 years ago. Built with vanilla JavaScript, reloaded with a new set of gifs. It looks trippy at first, but it's basically two arrays of gifs "colliding" randomly.

    My background

    Took an intro CS course in college (Java) and hated it. Started my second attempt to learn how to code back in February of this year, this time starting with the "tooling", i.e. how to do things in Ruby, JavaScript (much more beginner-friendly), React/Redux, etc.

    For me, it's so much more rewarding/motivating to be able to actually build something first before learning the "fundamentals", which is what I'm focusing on now.

    Learning about algorithms and memory management all day can get a bit dry, so I'm continuing to build a few toy apps on the side. The idea to re-create cachemonet came to me randomly one weekend, and I was able to push the current version in a few days of on-and-off work. Even though it's a simple project, it feels great to have been able to put together something like this with ~3 months of study!

    Things to do

    • Apparently HTML inline events (e.g., <div onclick="someFunction()">) are a no-no, so I'll probably refactor these with event listeners.
    • Currently gif names are hardcoded into arrays in app.js. The arrays are generated manually in Node using the functions in the helper.js. Ideally I would be able to set this up to happen automatically on page load, but I'm also not sure if it's worth it from a performance perspective if this is all I'll be using Node for.
    • Fix mobile bug!
    • Any other input would be appreciated!
    submitted by /u/yihwan
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    Mobile version of webpage not aligning properly (maybe a CSS grid issue)

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:11 PM PDT

    I hosted my tribute page project from FreeCodeCamp on my own domain here. It was my first time using the CSS grid.

    The desktop version looks how I want it to. The mobile version uses different spacing and is not aligned correctly. Towards the right of the screen a bit of the red background somehow stacked itself to the very top. I want only the gray box to stretch the entire window on the mobile version and the red background to not be viable at all. I can't figure it out.

    Here is the HTML/CSS in CodePen.

    submitted by /u/RiceKrispyPooHead
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    How do people who develop front-end write unit tests?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 03:03 PM PDT

    Do you need to use a framework? Can you write unit tests using plain javascript? Is it good practice to develop a unit test before every function you write?

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Anyone here have to develop on HubSpot at work?

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    What are your thoughts on the platform, and what do its competitors do better?

    submitted by /u/Hiazm
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    From programmer to engineer – Stupid Gopher – Medium

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 02:33 PM PDT

    Jump Start Free-lance Work Tips

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 08:03 AM PDT

    I am a happily full-time employed web dev that needs to bring in some extra cash temporarily. I'm in an entry level position working primarily on WordPress sites. I've browsed up-work and feel like that might be a good place to start, but I would like some advice on the whole endeavor.

    I'm looking to work roughly 10-15 hours per week extra, what can I expect to be paid? Are there any pitfalls to avoid? Design is a weakness of mine (I can recreate but not create from scratch) how common is it to have a client with a design already flushed out?

    submitted by /u/dumbbells91
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    I haven't done css without bootstrap for a while now. I know Scss but is there some new hotness I should be using.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 01:51 PM PDT

    Title says it. I'm building a browser extension and while I'm open to a light weight css framework for styling I'm going to need to do a lot of customization. I'm not even sure if css is right or if I just need to use JS.

    But, regardless I don't want to screw up by using an outdated tool so I would like to know what's the standards being used today.


    submitted by /u/Flopsey
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    [Showoff Saturday] Waterdeep - Public scripts feature

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 01:14 PM PDT

    I recently launched Waterdeep and now there's access to public files with links like the following:


    Which makes it possible to share your scripts/files with coworkers and friends.

    Small step but something important and expected by users that was just taken care of.

    submitted by /u/yasu7
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    [Showoff Saturday] My first website for a client.

    Posted: 02 Jun 2018 12:50 PM PDT

    This is the first large(ish) project I've built for a client on my own. My client is a film composer and wanted to be able to showcase the music he has created. Looking for UI tips/upgrades and general feedback. The site should be fairly responsive if you would like to view it on your phone.

    You can find the site at https://www.prestonnowakowski.com. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/danstansrevolution
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