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    Saturday, June 16, 2018

    Resume Advice Thread - June 16, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - June 16, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - June 16, 2018

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - June 16, 2018

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My findings after 6 months of Cross-Country Job Searching

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 12:53 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, I've been silently stalking cscareerquestions for almost the past year in preparation for a job switch. I recently accepted an offer and as thanks to this community I would like to give back to you guys some of the data and thoughts that I've found throughout this process.

    Background: I am a Front End Developer who was serving in a Front End position at a large Fortune 500 company in the US South, as of right now I have been in this position for going on 18 months. It would be safe to say that my total relevant experience is going on three years now.

    My goal was to accept a position at a major tech hub in the Northeast with at least a 40% percent increase in salary. So keep in mind that I am applying pre-cross country move for positions in that region as it did complicate the entire process.

    My process: I had begun doing some very lazy applying towards the end of 2017 after I hit my one year mark at my current job. I began to get serious in January of 2018 so that's when I began tracking all of my different applications. I used a google spreadsheet to keep up to date on everything. Here's a link to it if you wanted to see how I formatted it: https://i.imgur.com/MKDM2cZ.png

    Green means good and the process is still alive. Red means bad, the process was ended, and the whole row would turn red. Yellow means I ended the process for whatever reason. An added bonus of tracking things this way besides it being super easy to set up, was that I could refer to it for interview times to make sure I didn't have any conflicting dates.

    Note: I may have forgotten to include some jobs in the dataset as there were just so many, especially if it was a one off linkedIn Easy Apply application. But I've tried to keep the spreadsheet as up to date as possible.

    The Results:
    76 total jobs applied
    27 responded at all for a 35.5% yes or no response rate
    13 applications were converted into phone interviews for a 17.1% resume success rate
    10 applications moved beyond the first phone interview for a 76.9% HR screening success rate
    6 applications resulted in a in-person interview for a 60% we care enough after hearing your voice to have you come in rate
    And 1 application resulted in an offer for a 16.6% in-person interview success rate and a total 1.3% any random application could be it rate

    Conclusions: Applying for jobs in a city you don't currently live in is hard. Luckily my current position was pretty flexible with time off so I could travel, and I had friends and family at the city I was traveling to to stay with. My initial response rate I'm sure would have been much higher if I was local. If I had been in a position that was not as flexible with time off I probably would have just moved ahead of time to make it easier to look, but it's hard to say no to money you're currently making. From my findings I think it's also safe to say if a company is not willing to pay for your flight up for an in-person interview then that company is not worth your time or your money. All of the companies that did not pay for my flight gave me the impression that they viewed my moving as a nuisance, these companies were also flaky in terms of communicating as well.

    I had the best success rate for responses sending personalized emails to postings listed on the monthly hackernews job posts. LinkedIn applications were hit and miss. Indeed, monster, etc., was completely worthless.

    In regards to some self-reflection, I think I have very good soft skills which resulted in a great success rate for HR and phone screens. I still have a lot to learn technically I admit which resulted in the not so great tech interview success rate. As someone who does not originally come from a computer science background I can find it hard to talk with super technically oriented people. This will be my main goal to get better at for the rest of 2018 and 2019. The conversation for the position I accepted went really well and I actually enjoyed the interview process as opposed to feeling burned out at the end by the others.

    Bonus Advice: Always follow up. If you think you got ghosted after some part of the process just follow up. Doing this resulted in the process being expedited almost 90% of the time.

    submitted by /u/Glasenator
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    What differentiates a $250k+ software engineer from one that makes less?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2018 11:07 PM PDT

    What are the main differences? Is it work ethic? Is it productivity or motivation? Work politics? Luck?

    submitted by /u/NihilAlien
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    How do I keep my programming abilities up-to-date with endless platforms, frameworks, and languages and also learn new ones?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    I have read the answers to similar questions but most of the answers say you need to select one. I love android and have at least some knowledge, but don't know anything about kotlin. Want to learn ios and swift. I also love javafx platform, python, and most of the "cool new js framework" coming in every week.

    I want to stay up-to-date with the ones I know and start learning the others but there is simply not enough time to learn and stay up-to-date.

    I have been basically studying, reading books, watching tutorials, and poking around the things I want to learn for 3 hours everyday for the last month. Don't get me wrong there is no problem with understanding or applying, but it feels like it is an endless pit and new technologies come faster than I learn stuff I want to learn.

    This depresses me and makes me feel hopeless every second I am not studying.

    What should I do? Have you ever felt like this? How did you overcome this problem?

    submitted by /u/throwaway13274172
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    Rising sophomore intern on my team - how to help him?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 12:37 PM PDT

    I'm the most junior member of a three-person dev team responsible for maintenance of a semi-legacy app (written in 2014, but very quickly so it's super brittle). We got an intern two weeks ago who means well, but is only a rising sophomore and is lacking a lot of practical knowledge. As far as I can tell, he's reasonably competent as far as the code goes but doesn't have the background knowledge about concepts and good architecture. Better than I was doing as a rising sophomore for sure - but not exactly a big value add to the team. I'm talking missing the basics of RESTful services, troubleshooting IDE issues, or knowing how to describe his problems to other people.

    The two more senior members of my team (both with 20+ years of experience and the responsibilities to go with that experience) are kind of at a loss for what to do with this guy. They're busy, they have production issues to attend to, and they have bigger fish to fry in general. They don't really have time to hold his hand through stuff. I'm not totally free all the time, but I definitely have more flexibility, less responsibility, and less time taken up by meetings.

    How can I help this intern get the most out of his internship? What can he do, what can he learn, and how can I help him to be a productive member of the team? If you were in his position, what kind of work and help would you appreciate from the full-time members of your team?

    submitted by /u/delta-time
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    how to handle multiple offers

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 05:19 PM PDT

    I am currently looking for a new job, after 5 years with the same company. I have interviewed with some companies, and I have some more interviews coming up this week. I have a couple questions, about my plan.

    So I have interviewed with Google, it is on the top of my list. I have another interview coming up this week with a hedge fund (for HFT C++ development), the second on my list, I also have 2 quick on-site interviews with start-ups.

    My plan, is to hopefully get an offer from the hedge fund, and Google, and get Google to match the hedge fund's offer. As a back-up, If none of those pan out. My plan is to take one of the start-ups, I'm pretty confident the start-ups will give me an offer.

    Here are my questions/things I need advice with:

    1- The main thing, I'm concerned with, is how to ask the start-ups for more time, once they give me an offer. Obviously I don't want to tell them, that they are my back-up if Google/Hedge fund rejects me.

    2- I'm planning not to negotiate until I hear back from Google and the Hedge Fund. If I get offers from Google, I'll wait for the hedge fund then negotiate with those. If Google and Hedge fund say no, then I'll negotiate with the start-ups. Is there a downside, with telling the start-ups, that I need some time to think they're offer over, and not negotiate until I hear back from Google.

    3- I'm a little worried that start-up will end up being long hours, and a stressful environment. I usually ask 'what's the work life balance' and try to read between the lines. Are there any questions I can ask, to try to get a feel for the start-up culture.

    submitted by /u/anonymoose-goatee
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    Is full stack development experience valuable to a data engineer?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 05:40 PM PDT

    I'm applying to data engineer positions but only have 1 year of experience working as a Big Data Engineer. My previous experiences were internships primarily working as a full stack developer (i.e. Building website, creating RESTful APIs, HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/Angular etc.)

    submitted by /u/newtoreddit709
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    New Graduate in CS, What to do now? No experience and do not know what field I want to pursure

    Posted: 15 Jun 2018 10:04 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, just graduated recently and was wondering what steps I should do now to get my foot through the door. Was the first in the fam to graduate so I don't have much guidance or advice so I am seeking my fellow redditors for some tips. I was trash at coding through college, got through all my classes by sitting on my laptop numerous and numerous of hours at the library and seeing the teaching assistant constantly. But hey I did it! I don't know what field of cs or IT interest me, since it is such a broad spectrum.

    P.S My first ever reddit post

    submitted by /u/whozjohn
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    Transferring as a CS major, job opportunities

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:19 PM PDT

    First post here guys! Please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong thread. I am a community college student who is planning to transfer as CS. My dilemma is that I got into UCD, UCSB, SCU, as well as some state schools that I have declined. Btw, I got into UCD and UCSB as a informatics major, planning to switch to CS when I get there. I have changed my majors a couple times and finally sticking with CS. Thus, I feel that I am not up to par with other CS students who have been there. What should I do?

    1. go to UCD/UCSB (cheapest option), maybe get a masters down the road, also live with the possibility of not being able to switch to CS
    2. SCU
    3. stay in community college and reapply to other UC's as a CS major, get an associates degree

    Thanks! Any feedback is appreciated

    submitted by /u/broncoluver
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    Is it time to leave?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:08 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    This is a bit of a rant so the TL;DR is: My company and team relationships are solid, the work is interesting, but pay is weak relative to other offers, and part of the tech stack is horrendous... Should I accept offers from similar companies for more cash, but less company certainty?

    A bit of background about me and my company. I have worked as an embedded software engineer for a mid sized company for the past year, and I joined straight out of school. Prior to starting I had 3 internships, but they were not necessarily relevant to my current career aspirations. My current team writes hard real-time software (C++) on VxWorks that acts as a hardware abstraction layer(HAL) for application software. Our team is high performing, all future hardware is centered around our project, and I have a very solid relationship with everyone on my team, including my manager, as well as the electrical/mechanical groups. Work is hardly ever boring, I thoroughly enjoy working on the technical problems we face, I'm given a chance to grow into the career I want, and I receive good performance reviews. Vacation time is above average, and I almost never work weekends.

    Unfortunately there are some catches... First, part of our tech stack is horrendous. 10 years ago there was a push to rewrite our entire code base, everything from app code to the HAL, in a framework that is a sadist software architects wet dream. I'm talking about IBM's Rhapsody. I won't get into the details of why Rhapsody is such a bother, but I will say that anytime any of us has to touch code that sits in Rhapsody we spend significantly more time fighting the framework than solving the real technical problem. A large portion of our current code (maybe 40-50%) sits there, and a rework wouldn't be possible for another 1-2 years. Second, there is a serious lack in documentation, so much so that if a more senior engineer were to leave it could take months to recover the knowledge they acquired. Third and last, although the pay is not low for my area, I could be making much more working for a different company.

    A few companies with interesting work have approached me over the past month or so, and I'm having trouble deciding whether I should meet with them and whether it would be wise to either use their offers as leverage for a raise, or simply leave my current company. The decreased commute (decreased from 1 hour to 10 minutes each way) is almost attractive enough by iteself to convince me, but I also have the opportunity to move closer to my current work if need be in the next year. What really sways me towards leaving is the possibility for a significant pay bump, sometimes upwards of 50%, without including total evaluation with company stock and other employee benefits. I received my first raise 6 months after starting, and have my (late) mid year review next month. This would seem like a good point to bring up money and use other offers as leverage, but I'm worried that it may be too soon to start using other offers as means to increase salary, and it might alter the good relationship I have with my manger now.

    I truly do value my team and my manager, and I believe in our product(s) as well. This is why it's hard for me to justify leaving the company, but the issues I mentioned are something that are always on the back of my mind. I know that "#EmployeesShouldn'tBeLoyalToCompanies", but I am loyal to my team. The uncertainty that the team cohesion I have now will not be present in a new company is also holding me back from leaving.

    Am I justified in my concerns, or does the grass always seem $greener$ on the other side?

    submitted by /u/Akforce
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    Advice for a struggling junior dev

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 09:42 AM PDT

    I work for a company that hired a bunch of jr devs this year. One of them doesn't seem to be "getting" it, at least not nearly as fast as everyone else did. A month in, they're still struggling with the most basic things.

    What would your advice be to this person, if they were posting here worried about their lack of progress?

    I am in charge of their training and keeping the hire ups informed of where they're at. I want to help them, not get them fired.

    submitted by /u/fuzzyorangellama
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    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 05:40 PM PDT

    Hey. Long time, first time. I was ghosted after another interview, and want to put my experience out there and see if anyone else can commiserate or maybe offer some guidance.

    TL;DR - New software dev having trouble finding first position. Need more experience? School? Perseverance?

    About me: late 20's male in SoCal. Fell in love with software a couple years ago after doing some easy programming jobs for the IT company I was doing easy networking and desktop support for. I started developing iOS apps with Swift, and 4 months later, thanks purely to nepotism, got an interview with a startup. Bombed the whiteboard horrifically (as expected), and the next month I was back in college for CS. 14 months later I received my A.S. with a 3.9 GPA. My school offered a bootcamp, which I gladly partook in, and got an internship writing the entire node.JS REST API backend for a mobile/web app.

    After I got the A.S., I thought I needed more internship experience, so I just tacked on some additional classes (for the extra Pell Grant money), and got to work at a different internship developing iOS apps in Obj-C and Swift. At the risk of sounding like I'm trying to qualify myself, I think I'm a lot more advanced than the classmates I studied with, or most people with my amount of school (Some of the people I met along the way just didn't have their heart in it and seemed to be going to college because their parents made them. or they heard they can make a good living. That was hard for me to hear, as I basically live and breathe CS). I participate in pen testing war games, I'm consuming tech books at an alarming rate, and I have a few (admittedly trivial) apps deployed to the Apple App Store. The list of technologies I'm familiar enough with to confidently put on a resume is sizable. But, mind you, I have a fair amount of impostor syndrome, so getting me to admit I "know" something is pretty difficult.

    Now... I've had two interviews in the last two months after maybe four months of ~70-100 applications. One in fintech about two months ago, one in aerospace more than a month ago. Ghosted by both. In my honest opinion, I didn't do so well on the fintech whiteboard, but I did what I would call more than an acceptable job on the aerospace tech portion. I have no problem speaking in front of large groups, I'm pretty conversational, and interviews themselves don't really stress me out, so I think I perform well. But I heard absolutely zero back from those companies. From my few interview experiences, if I can get IN the door, I end up going to the top and getting in front of a chief. It sounds pretty self-aggrandizing, but I know I can kill it for someone. Just need a chance. Maybe this whole thing sounds sophomoric, but I'm getting a little beaten down, and I'm not sure I can pinpoint why.

    So, the questions, I suppose, are these:

    • How much is not having a BS hurting my chances?
    • does a callback rate of about 2/85 sound about right?
    • Have I really just not applied to enough places or given it enough time?
    • Do I go for more internships and hope that sparks some more interest?
    • Should I try to network more? (Meetups? Suggestions??)

    and I guess, most importantly:

    • how the hell do I get in front of more hiring managers?

    Thanks, everyone. I think I just need a kick in the pants.

    submitted by /u/alanfillmore
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    Field Service Engineer with no college degree

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 08:29 PM PDT

    Hey all, I love my job but I may have to relocate to be closer to family, Texas to be exact. My salary with bonuses is around $80k a year. Currently I repair surgical instruments and diagnostic equipment and have been with my company for over 3 years. Like my title says, I have no degrees or certs and about 30 credit hours towards an Information Technology AAS degree.

    Looking around Texas there seems to be a lot of programming jobs, which I don't know if I would be interested in nor qualify for. There are a lot of interesting companies to work for down in Texas, but I'm very worried that with my lack of credentials any job I take would be a large pay cut. Any advice on what I should do or what career paths I should look into?


    submitted by /u/se7enx
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    Need advice on how to approach job hunting (graduation date changed)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 08:11 PM PDT

    So by regular schedule I was suppose to graduate spring 2019 but i will now be graduating fall 2019 so this will affect how i hunt for jobs. should i go for internship for summer 2019 and full time in fall 2019? should i also look for part time work during spring 2019? I need the "game plan".

    submitted by /u/DesertBaller24
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    Is networking my most likely way to find an entry-level SE job? (CS student w/o internships)

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 08:01 PM PDT

    I'm graduating a year from now. Good GPA but no-name school and I have no job experience. I live in a medium sized Midwestern city that has plenty of tech meetups. Is networking locally going to be by far the most likely way that I'll get interviews?

    Starting now I'm trying hard at coding projects and interview prep.

    My ideal starting software engineering job would be in CA (Bay Area, LA, or SD) but starting out in my current city would be acceptable if I can't find a good CA job. (with hope of getting a CA job after 1-2 years of experience)

    Are my chances at CA a pipe dream for now? Should I put all my focus into networking and applying locally? Or should I focus on applying to CA companies instead?

    submitted by /u/Snugglefurry
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    Asking for a salary increase, 6 months after my last one

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 07:52 AM PDT


    I have a question about the appropriateness about asking for a second salary increase. I joined a large corporation 14 months ago as a developer and after a good 8 months after I received a promotion to a more senior position and a salary increase. It took me by surprise and when money came up I took what they offered me which was an increase which I felt was good. Now, months later I wonder could I have pushed for more and having done some market research I see that other developers with my skill set (Angular, Bootstrap, SCSS, some Javascript) and experience (3 years) can earn between €55,000 and €65,000 (in my location). I'm currently a bit below this but want to request that is gets reviewed.

    My first 8 months were better than my last 6 months but I still feel I've added a lot of value and have some solid examples. I want to ask for around €58,000 which would place me on the higher end of the scale I think.

    Does this make it seem like I'm only doing it for the money? Am I coming across pushy? Is it appropriate to ask for another increase? Is €58,000 over the top?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/I_have_questions_123
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    Should I keep a picture of myself on my personal website that I give to recruiters? Or should I take the picture of myself on?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 07:37 PM PDT

    This website links to my resume, linkedin, and GitHub. I put a picture of myself on the center of this page. Is this fine? I'm wondering because I know that for resumes you should never put your face on it.

    submitted by /u/AdmirableAct
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    New grad (1 year experience) embedded SW engineer: Feeling of Paralysis when modifying large codebase without off-target tests

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 01:25 PM PDT

    I'm a new grad with a Master's in ECE who's been working at a large wireless tech company (Q).

    Of late I feel that I've gotten much more comfortable navigating my code-base, with a good intuition of what lies where. But I still have trouble touching / modifying existing code, because many modules are so tightly coupled with each other that touching one module could have ripple effects on other modules. Adding to that, I've learn that this team does not have a culture of writing and maintaining unit tests, even though there's been a push from management for the same.

    Therefore, every small change has to be manually tested before being mainlined. Or at least, one needs to get a good mental view of the ripple effects (if any) that this change is going to have. I agree that its useful to generate this mental model in general, but I have been burnt in the past by checking in code that I only manually tested on a few immediate cases and have QA / management come back to me with blocking issues.

    In general I just feel that there's a sense of futility and apathy in this team. There isn't a push from my senior members to either 1) write more off-target tests, or 2) refactor existing code. In fact, I have spent more time documenting the behavior of existing modules than actually writing tests (or even writing new code..).

    Is it worth making a push to write more tests (It will be a good practice to me on using a debugger, as well as writing unit tests- even though I may not choose the best test pass/fail criteria), or should I start practicing for interviews and move into a more pure SW-oriented role?

    submitted by /u/identity_crisis3
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    Is there some secret job board with all of the entry level job openings?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:55 PM PDT

    Recent grad here, Monster/ZipRecruiter/LinkedIn/Indeed/etc are all ass right now. Barely any new postings within the last month in my areas, which include some major metropolitan areas

    submitted by /u/beef_trees
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    I'm too reliant on the debugger and it's really screwed me over when doing Leetcode

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:50 PM PDT

    I'm a software development engineer with 5 years experience. I live in the SF bay area, currently in SV, looking for a job in SF to get out of my current company because I'm severely underpaid(I only make 95k) compared to everyone else in the area. I have great performance reviews at my company, I don't have a problem picking up a new language and switching domains to succeed in a project as long as I have a ramp up time and a debugger to learn everything. I can't code myself out of a paper bag and I really feel as if I'm going to have to retire with my current(and only company). Does my resume not mean anything anymore? Or the experience with the projects I've had, or how I can switch from a new language and domain and pick it up?

    I just noticed when doing leetcode I can't code myself out of a paper bag. I'm struggling mightily, even on the easy problems. I've been doing leetcode for a month now and I'm still struggling on leetcode easy's and very rarely can solve a LC med by myself. The only LC hard I managed to solve was the post order traversal problem because it was easy as rocks..The kicker is.. Well, I look at solutions and I just don't really get it.. unless I'm in a debugger then I totally get what's going on because everything is handed to me through the IDE.. I don't get that through coderpad or writing on a piece of paper. I can't even pass a god damn technical phone screen!

    I don't know what I'm asking.. Just looking for advice. I can code and develop software through an IDE debugger like pycharm to realize where I am making mistakes. I can't code on a piece of paper or on leetcode/hackerrank... And I feel the reason is because I'm too reliant on the debugger telling me what values inside the variables or data structures when programming. It makes it extremely difficult when I am looking at a recursion problem because I can't grasp for the life of me what the hell is going on unless I'm running something in the debugger.

    submitted by /u/webdevnoobieq
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    Should I graduate as soon as possible or take longer and do more internships?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:44 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit, I'm just finishing up my second year of Software Engineering and I'm having trouble on deciding what to do with my degree.

    I have the choice of my degree be either: - 5 years + 1 year and 8 months of Co-op experience (graduate in May 2021) - 5.5 years + 2 years of Co-op experience (graduate in December 2021)

    I'm not sure what I want to do after I graduate, and so I'm wondering if it would be beneficial for me to take longer and experiment interning at more companies, or if I should just try to be done asap.

    What are the pros of graduating sooner? Is doing one extra internship worth it?

    Thanks, any and all feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dmccardle
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    Has anyone gone back to a company after rejecting the initial offer?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:43 PM PDT

    In my case, I interned with a company and got a return internship offer and did not accept that thinking I was going to finish my degree in the summer. Then they gave me a full time offer, but I turned that down last fall to pursue a project I had been working on. I put school to the side and started doing bad in classes, took a semester off to focus on my project and now I am back in school this summer. Now I feel like I should have accepted it and continued to work on my project on the side. My project did not go as well as planned and once I look for jobs, all I can compare to is my great experience at my previous company. As anyone gone back after rejecting an offer, and if so, what did that look like?

    submitted by /u/kylel95
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    Thinking of making a major life switch to becoming a developer. Need advice!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 06:31 PM PDT

    I've always had interest in programming, I love the feeling of working at something, having to do research and figure something out yourself, and finally having that feeling of satisfaction when you get that final product that you've envisioned. I've dabbled in HTML/CSS and Python for some years, but I still consider myself a newbie.

    I graduated from a top 50 university with a degree in biochemistry and a 3.8 GPA this past December. I'm due to go to optometry school in August. I've been confident in my decision to pursue optometry school for years, and it's all my friends and family have known me to want to be. However, in these 7ish months I've had off of school, I've been watching some videos and doing some free coding courses, and I realize I LOVE this stuff. I may even love it more than optometry. This is where it gets complicated.

    I've devoted so much time and effort towards becoming an optometrist. Apart from pushing myself academically, I've shadowed, interned, volunteered, you name it. Spent an entire summer studying 12 hrs a day for the OAT exam (optometry school's version of the MCAT). But now, I just can't get becoming a developer out of my mind. It's a weird feeling when suddenly what I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life doing is being replaced by something I'm not even good at yet.

    Let's talk financials. Optometry school is another 4 years of school (4 years of salary deferment) and would put me anywhere from $100-$150k in debt. The field is becoming over-saturated and, while still good, the salaries aren't reflective of a 4 year doctorate. The average starting salaries start at $90kish and they don't go up much from there ($120-$150k) (unless you start a private practice, which I have no interest in). In comparison, dentists usually START at $150k, and doctors usually start close to or over $200-$300k. To me it optometry just doesn't feel worth it.

    However, if I decided to devote the next 1 to 1.5 years to truly learning programming (most interested in becoming a full stack web dev but also open to other things), what would the chances be of me landing a solid job and advancing in my career at a reasonable rate? I would likely study 8 hrs a day at the very least. I'm considering a bootcamp (open to suggestions!) as well which would probably help jumpstart my learning.

    For reference, I live in Texas and I'm a girl. I'm also in a lucky financial position to where me not working for a year or two to learn coding is fine. Also wouldn't mind paying for a bootcamp because it should still be way less than optometry school. I don't have a CS degree which may not be as enticing to employers (but I still have a STEM degree, so maybe that counts for something????).

    Summary: Recent graduate of college that thought I was headed to optometry school for the next 4 years, putting myself into massive debt with not much of a great salary in comparison to the time and money I'd be putting into it. But, I love the hard sciences and I find optometry fascinating. On the other hand, I also find programming fascinating and could see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Please help me decide!


    submitted by /u/alwaysneer
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    How do you respond to, "Tell me some of the design decisions/choices you made." for a new feature I implemented?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 02:41 PM PDT

    I have trouble with this, as I feel that I didn't make any significant choices with choosing a programming language/framework or a database because I simply added a new feature.

    submitted by /u/throwawayintern333
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    Advice for an aspiring Quant

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 05:49 PM PDT

    I am currently doing my masters in Computer Science and I have one more year left until completion. I also have 4 years of work experience at a big company building out big data pipelines and data processing. I have been told that being a quant is incredibly lucrative. This is something I really want to dive into. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

    submitted by /u/ieatchicken242
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    What's going on here... ?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2018 01:54 PM PDT

    The topics of this question is social influence and relationships.

    I am new at my current company. The company is expanding. They hired me and 3 other developers in one month (me and one other mid level, and 2 juniors). Then another 4 devs a couple of months later. I'll tell you later why this is relevant.

    Before being put on a project. The company organizes 2-3 months of training in one (very rare) tech. And all of us are juniors in this particular tech.

    It has been 5 months and most of us still don't have a project. Instead they gave us "advanced training" tasks.

    A month ago, there was an open space in one of the teams. The team lead interviewed me and then my mid level coworker John (from my group). I could see that the lead developers personality suits John's personality. And they chose John without notifying me or giving a reason.

    This week, the mid level coworker Michael (from the second group) was put on a project. A project that is being led by a lead developer that Michael gets along well and has similar interests. This pissed me off, because Michael joined later (his group finished the basic training, but they are far behind my group in the advanced training). And Michael is an average developer. This is where I started to think that lead developers pick developers that they get along with or just like their personality.

    Then later in the week. I found out that the junior developer Molly from my group had a chance of joining a team. But she didn't because the client (my company does dev work for other companies) didn't approve one additional developer. I also heard that the lead developer of this team prefers team members who are talkative with the client (which Molly totally is). Notice the word PREFERS. And also, she's a woman and the lead is also a (talkative) woman. This just confirmed my doubts that people that fit in with certain people are pushed in front of the ones that don't.

    There were similar situations in my previous company. I am not going to go into it.

    We all are eventually going to get a project. But the ones that get it earlier, will certainly have more basis for asking for a raise.

    My question is: is this much "social influence" normal or common? I am beginning to get disillusioned with the workplace. And I don't like it one bit.

    TL:DR; people get chosen by lead developers because the leads like them.

    submitted by /u/haksli
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