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    Wednesday, June 13, 2018

    Quick tips on how to write a strong resume for an entry level developer position. web developers

    Quick tips on how to write a strong resume for an entry level developer position. web developers

    Quick tips on how to write a strong resume for an entry level developer position.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 09:06 AM PDT

    A strong resume is the easiest way to get the interview, especially in a crowded junior developer market. There are way too many junior developers fresh out of college who apply to as many positions as they can using a shotgun approach with a half-assed resume and no clue what employers are looking for. Here are some tips on how to make your resume stands heads and shoulders above the frenzy.

    Write a strong professional summary

    Use this to give a nice overview of your skill-set and experience level. Here is a good example for a junior front-end developer that will catch an employers eye.

    Front-end developer with a strong personal portfolio. Well-versed in the front-end ecosystem and quick to adopt and master new technologies that arise.

    "Front-end developer" will catch the eye of an employer who is looking for one. "Strong personal portfolio" tells the employer that you might not have work experience, but that you have a portfolio worth looking at. "Well-versed in the front-end ecosystem" tells the employer you use the right tools for the job.

    Don't forget what the purpose of the summary is: to give a quick overview of your skill-set/experience.

    Here is a bad example:

    Highly motivated team player who communicates well with teammates. Quick learner with strong work ethic.

    Fluff. It's all fluff. This tells me nothing about your overall skill-set. I'll pass right over this.

    Give precedent to demanded skill-sets

    When listing skills, drop HTML and CSS. This is a given, every developer does it, and it tells the employer nothing. Many times employers want to see someone who knows JavaScript, ReactJS, Angular, Laravel, Rails, Django, NodeJS, Express etc. Put these near the front of the list as it catches the eye of the employer. Don't forget to about other required skills like Git.

    Fill in lack of experience with personal projects or open source contributions

    This is a big one especially for junior developers with no work experience. Build a portfolio. Build a clone of a popular website. Build something to solve a personal problem. List those projects, describe what you technologies you did to build them, detail and technical difficulties that you had to overcome. Anything that might tell the employer that you have the experience that they are looking for. Make sure they are of good quality and pleasing to the eye. You can use Bootstrap or any other CSS framework to help with that. No employer would see that as a bad thing (if they do, avoid that employer).

    Make sure your resume is clean, eye-catching, and well-written.

    A good template is important for catching an employer's eye. Resume.io (my preferred resume builder) provides many nice templates that work well for developers.

    Good writing implies that the writer is well-spoken and just gives a good overall impression of you to the employer. Make sure you spend a decent amount of time to make sure your resume is well-written, free from grammatical errors, and flows well when read.

    Other tips

    Read the actual job description

    They may have a required or wanted skill that you might not have listed because you couldn't fit it in. Tweak your resume for different employers when needed. This might just give you an edge.

    They may ask for a cover letter. In the cover letter, you would tell them who you are, why you are a good fit for that role, and why you want to work there. Remember that cover letters are personalized and show them that you've done your research on their company.

    Target the right positions

    Shotgun approaches for submitting application are extremely ineffective. By doing so, you're just adding to the frenzy.


    That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/jaesung2061
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    Thank you, from a nine month lurker.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2018 09:03 PM PDT

    EDIT 2: I landed the gig. It is working as the assistant for the current fullstack developer because his workload is currently ridiculous. The interview went crazy well, they really liked my art and my background in design and also that my application was functional with only minor issues here and there in terms of styling. I'll reply to people individually once I get home and on a computer. Thank you again everyone. This is so rad.

    Edit: Wow, this blew the fuck up. I didn't expect this much of a response haha! Thank you everyone! I'll definitely let y'all know how it goes. I truly appreciate all the kind words and encouragement <3

    If this gets removed, or breaks any rules of the sub, I apologize. I just needed to post this somewhere. I'm not promoting my page in any way, I just wanted to thank everyone on here that posted confidence boosters for someone that is literally only getting his feet wet in the web development world.

    For the past nine months, I've been going through a coding course to learn Ruby/Rails, all the main three languages, some SQL, some jQuery, and some other things. There were so many times I wanted to rip my fucking eyes out, throw my computer off the balcony, or just give up entirely and accept being a minimum wage worker for the rest of my life.

    Tonight, after months, countless hours, and many difficult late nights, I've pushed my work to a live server, and nearly everything is working exactly as I intended it to. I silently received a lot of help from this sub when I'd run into issues, whether it be related to my code or related to my mental state in general.

    I'm excited to continue learning and eventually feel at home here, and I just hope everyone here knows how much their knowledge and willingness to help is appreciated.

    I'm going to have more beer now, and enjoy this feeling of relief for the rest of the night. I have an interview tomorrow for a position in this field, and I'm horribly nervous, but I feel exponentially better now that I have this application running on a real server, as opposed to just my local host.

    Thank you again.

    submitted by /u/matthewkocanda
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    Am I ready for a junior front-end position?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:14 AM PDT

    Hello /r/webdev!

    I've been teaching myself how to code for the past 5 months and I was curious as how ready I am to start sending applications.

    I started with FreeCodeCamp, but really enjoyed building stuff with APIs so I went on to just make things. I'm fairly confident in my HTML, CSS and JS and I have made projects with jQuery and React.

    My portfolio link is https://cchoi96.github.io


    *EDIT: Projects are now available! Just click the project image and you will be taken to the site, or click the Github icon to be taken to the repository.

    submitted by /u/rischs
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    You don’t need a CS degree to be a successful engineer, but it helps.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:41 AM PDT

    Surely it should be called the VENM (pronounced "venom") stack and not MEVN?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 11:19 AM PDT

    I just heard a co-worker refer to the "MEAN, MERN, and MEVN" (pronounced "mevin") stacks.

    Surely Vuejs, Express, Node, MongoDB should be abbreviated to VENM and pronounced "venom".

    What is the consensus on this?

    submitted by /u/temporarilyembarasse
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    4 CSS tricks I’ve learnt the hard way

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:38 AM PDT

    Parsing images?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 11:29 AM PDT

    Are there ways to "parse" an image for its text content using Javascript and/or other web technologies? For example, let's say you scanned a receipt and now you wanted to break its line items 1 by 1 and store them in a database. What kind of tools would be needed to do this?

    submitted by /u/dotobird
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    A nice guide to project setup using webpack 4

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 08:46 AM PDT

    Realizing I'll never have a career as developer

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 01:22 PM PDT

    I recently completed a coding bootcamp and have been so excited by the things that I can build. I built a pretty decent portfolio, which has gotten me an interview or two. I know this is/was naive of me, but I didn't realize just how important being able to understand algorithms was to getting a job. I don't come from any sort of mathematical background whatsoever. Trying to solve these coding challenges makes me understand that it was never in the cards for me, and I'm really bummed.

    submitted by /u/wanderer710
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    How do you find jobs?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 08:24 AM PDT

    So I'm in a bit of a difficult situation. I haven't had to do a formal job hunt for a web dev position because I've gotten my jobs from connections my family has. It's come to a point where I need to find a better paying job for a multitude of reasons but there doesn't seem to be any web dev jobs near me at all. I'm open (obviously) to remote work but I never seem to get a reply from those types of jobs. I use Glassdoor, indeed, and LinkedIn to search for jobs. I never get replies from indeed and the only jobs I find on LinkedIn are out of scope for me (mostly backend while my stack is front end). Sorry for the long post but I'm at a loss and not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

    submitted by /u/Kickass4272
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    What do you guys do when you feel your frustration starting to the better of you?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 02:17 PM PDT

    I'm having a day where everything that should work, doesn't seem to be working. Even copy paste from a reliable source fails. It's the exact same, AND IT'S NOT WORKING. I'm so frustrated. What do you do?

    submitted by /u/thecellobroke
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    Github HttpRequestException error in Git Bash terminal

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 12:31 PM PDT

    I am receiving the following error(see below) when pushing to git, but the code is updated properly and there seems to be no issue when pushing to Heroku. Is this an old error I never noticed? If so, how can I clear it to ease my mind? If it is a new error each time, how can I avoid it?

    git push fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. An error occurred while sending the request. Counting objects: 10, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done. Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 1.25 KiB | 320.00 KiB/s, done. Total 10 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (8/8), completed with 8 local objects. To https://github.com/name/repo.git 97ffa38..51f85f1 master -> master 
    submitted by /u/unstoppablenow
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    Introduction to Webpack 4

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:58 AM PDT

    I was finally able to opensource LXDHub - A visualization of LXD remotes - Built with NestJS and Angular 5

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 10:56 AM PDT

    Inclusive Components - a blog trying to be a pattern library. All about designing inclusive web interfaces, piece by piece

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 06:39 AM PDT

    What is the javascript ecosystem lacking?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 11:45 AM PDT

    I was thinking about this today, and I'm curious what others think. In an ever growing world of javascript frameworks, libraries, tooling, etc., Is there a place where they all fall short? I think a lot of the mentality in the current space when creating a new thing goes something like, "Just like (insert existing framework) but does x differently!" or a variation of that thinking. Is there any space within web development that hasn't been approach via JS, or are we more-so in a period of refining what already exists?

    submitted by /u/DoctorAbejas
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    Ruby/Rails Resources

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 11:12 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    I've been practicing and learning Ruby for a few months now and have gotten a solid foundation of the basics. I'm a Front End Developer with knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and a few other languages but I'm looking to pick up Ruby/Rails to use down the road to create some cool projects. For those of you that are knowledgeable in Ruby/Rails development, what are some quality resources that you reference and/or have used before to better your knowledge?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/the_devll
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    EV SSL or SSL for my Purposes?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 01:08 PM PDT


    I have been building a website recently - www dot pgwellness dot com

    I purchased and installed an Extended Validation SSL certificate, but I think that for my purposes, a SSL certificate would suffice. I would like some opinions to let me know if I am on the right track or not.

    I plan on selling digital files, in the form of exercise spotlight posters, PDF format. I use three payment gateways - Stripe (requires a SSL certificate to process credit cards on-site), PayPal (redirects to an external site - www.paypal.com to process payments), and a GoURL gateway to accept Bitcoin and Litecoin (processed on site so also required to have a SSL certificate installed).

    So, if some of you who stumble across this post can take a look at my website and advise me if I am better off staying with an EV SSL certificate or downgrading to a SSL certificate, it would be very helpful for me.

    I have a few days left if I want to cancel my EV SSL certificate, but if I do not cancel in a few days I will be locked in with an EV SSL for two years.

    Thanks for your time,

    Peter, PGWellness

    submitted by /u/SweetDissent87
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    IIS WebSite Initialization Issues

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 01:00 PM PDT

    Fellow Devs ,

    I'm having issues post-deployment to an IIS 8.5 application. Here's the situation:

    Code is deployed, the app pool recycles (which is expected), and then I make some PowerShell calls to initialize some connections and load in the application's DLLs. Afterwards, the web application is then allowed to take production traffic.

    The issue at hand is that after production traffic is allowed, the website is sluggish for another 3 or 4 minutes. It all seems to be related to IIS not being "warmed up". I've determined that the load of traffic is not an issue. Anyone have any solutions? I've tried adding more PowerShell calls, along with adding the "PreLoad = true" to the WebSite.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/b_cooch
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    Calculate website resources

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 12:42 PM PDT


    What are the solutions to calculate the resources needed for an website for let's say 10 active users or 10k active users.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/theo_035
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    [Discussion] Are short URLs outdated?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 04:08 PM PDT

    Frustrated Finding A Job.. Should I try freelancing with Wordpress or any other suggestions?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 07:23 AM PDT

    This is mostly a rant with a question. Just kind of feeling down.

    A year ago I graduated from a coding bootcamp in Austin. I applied for jobs like crazy, landed a few interviews, but didn't land anything. I have $2500 in bills every month I need to pay so I've been working as a driver using my vehicle with services like Amazon Flex and Favor Delivery. I'm working so much as a driver that I feel like I only have a limited time to get on the computer and keep on practicing my coding and apply. I eventually landed a position as a part time unpaid intern and did that for 7 months while doing my delivery jobs. My schedule was 8a-12p, then deliver from1p-9p. Figured it'd be a great way to build my resume and gain experience.

    Eventually I left that job a month ago and have been applying daily again. 3-6 jobs a day. I'm still having a hard time and I fear that I'm not learning enough on my own and actually losing experience by not practicing as much. I feel more focused on paying my bills than anything right now.

    I recently signed up for UpWork. I'm seeing that a lot of freelancing jobs are asking for WordPress work. I figure that the most important thing I can do for myself is to transition more of my time in front of the computer.

    Would it be worth learning WordPress in order to make some freelancing money until I can get a full time job? Have any recommendations on my situation? I'm feeling pretty discouraged. Also, doesn't help that my coding bootcamp closed down a few months after graduating so I no longer have their "lifetime career services" for support. Thanks r/webdev .

    submitted by /u/DiscDres
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    Juggling side project and school.

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    Hello, so I started a website at a hackathon back in February and work on it frequently , but definitely feel that it can be a bit further than it is. How do you all who have side projects juggle it with school? I usually do it in my free time, which is pretty rare as a CS student. Some people say they skip class or put school work off and spend a majority of their time on personal projects and learning new languages. Any comments, questions, or concerns are greatly appreciated. Thank you

    submitted by /u/kylel95
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    What's the best way to handle lots of 301 redirects?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 11:28 AM PDT

    I just inherited an osCommerce site but, since there is no existing user or order info in it, it's basically just a list of products, so I'm looking at converting it to WooCommerce. The main catch so far is there are 12000+ products in the osCommerce site and, since they won't have the same URLs, I'll need to create 301 redirects for each, pointing them to the new URLs. We are also changing the domain name of the site, so the redirects will be killing 2 birds with one stone.

    I found a great plugin that seems like it will handle migrating all of the categories, products and images to WooCommerce and I'm pretty sure I can modify it to dump the IDs and names of the categories & products when it does, so I can build the redirects, but my question is: what is the best way to handle 12000+ redirects?

    I did find this person's idea, which seems like it might work:

    1.) Create .htaccess file:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/product_info\.php$ RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cPath=([0-9]+)&products_id=([0-9]+) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domain.com/redirect.php?cat=%1&product=%2? [R=301,L] 

    2.) It sends all matching requests to a custom php 301 redirect script

    3.) The redirect script contains an array of category_names => id pairs already mapped to the correct database values (no database calling), and a separate array of products_names => product_ids

    4.) After matching the category and product information, the script pushes you to the right place:

    <? $yourNewLocation = $cat . '/' . $product . '/'; function return_301($yourNewLocation){ header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header ('Location: '. $yourNewLocation); } ?> 

    Would doing something like this be faster than putting everything in .htaccess or nginx rewrites for that many? Or does anyone have any other suggestions I can look in to?

    submitted by /u/redlotusaustin
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