• Breaking News

    Monday, June 4, 2018

    Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion web developers

    Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion web developers

    Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 06:06 AM PDT

    Demystifying CORS

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 11:21 AM PDT

    Photoshop skills for a Front-End development? (2018)

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 12:20 PM PDT

    Can one skip learning Photoshop/image editing and still be considered competitive for Front-End roles? Is this a bad idea and why so?

    If you feel that front-end devs should learn image editing via Photoshop, what image editing skills and tasks should one need to know to become a Front-End developer?

    Edit: Some widely different views so far :-/

    Edit 2: Looks like learning some editing is the best thing to do, and using Sketch is a more relevant skill than learning Photoshop. Now I'm just left with figuring out how to utilize Sketch 4 on my Windows laptop since Sketch 4 is Mac only.

    submitted by /u/SecretAgentZeroNine
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    I hate WordPress. Can I realistically avoid ever using it?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 03:28 PM PDT

    New-ish dev here. Recently did a few WordPress jobs and I need to vent.

    I really love web dev and I love building things but I really, really hate WordPress. I know its the most widely used CMS and will be for the forseeable future. I know its something clients and non-technical people feel comfortable with but I hate it.

    It feels like I'm not building anything when I use it. It's like this big black box that I have to hack around. Sure, I could sit down and pour tons of time into learning its inner workings but I honestly, I really don't want to. It bums me out but unfortunately, that seems to be where the work is.

    Is working with WordPress an unavoidable reality? Do you ship/maintain sites without using WP?

    submitted by /u/brodega
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    What CSS property/trick did you recently discover?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 11:44 AM PDT

    I'll start:

    • hex codes can include opacity like this #cc000055
    • display:content, which makes it possible to put a container between a grid and its elements for example
    • to add an overlay around a fixed modal popup, one easy way that I discovered is to give it box-shadow:0 0 0 300vh rgba(0,0,0,0.8), but if you want the overlay to close the modal on click this wouldn't work.
    submitted by /u/PM_ME_WEBDEV_TIPS
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    Do you use CSS Grid? is it worth it over the rest?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 07:54 AM PDT

    As opposed to Flexbox, floats, bootstrap etc etc. How would you find using CSS Grid in terms of responsiveness? How does it compare to others?

    I've been using it for a little over 2 weeks and my god it is so easy to make my sites responsive using grid-template-areas. It feels like this is how web development should have been in the first place

    submitted by /u/LordNadez
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    How many of you are also on HackerNews? How do they compare for you?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:47 PM PDT

    This sub and HackerNews are my two primary sources for dev info and discussion. I find that people here are friendlier and less critical (and less stuck up) - but there's also more groupthink and the discussion isn't as nuanced. So, I happily participate in both.

    Are you on HN? How does it compare?

    submitted by /u/maxverse
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    Your average coversation with an Indian Recruiter

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 03:57 PM PDT

    I found this on a related question on Quora, thought it was hilarious, and entirely accurate from my experience.

    "I've worked alongside plenty of Indians in my career. They're as likeable and competent as anyone else. Indian recruiters on the other hand are the bane of my existence and the worst thing to happen to the I.T. industry since the black plague. Typically they're rigged to auto dialing terminal/headsets calling from some sweatshop in Mumbai or Bangalore using a U.S. V.O.I.P. number to look as though they're calling from the U.S.

    I unfortunately have had the displeasure of dealing with many of these Indian recruiters. Most of the recruiter calls I get are Indians. Normally the conversations don't last long. A few times, when I'm bored or out of sheer morbid curiosity, I'll drag out the discussion until its grisly demise. The following dialogue is a composite of conversations I've had with Indian recruiters the elements of which I've suffered many, many times. Imagine the recruiter speaking in a rapid fire almost unintelligibly thick Indian accent.

    I.R.: Ello this is Ganesh Gupta calling you from A.I.T.R. (Annoying I.T.Recruiters). How are you doing today?

    Me: I'm ok.

    I.R.: Yes I have a position for you. Are you interested?

    Me: It depends.

    I.R.: Ello?

    For some reason the say 'hello' when they mean any number of other things besides hello including: 'what?' or 'would you please clarify?' or 'can you hear me?' I like pretending they mean 'hello' as in the greeting.

    Me: Hello

    I return the 'greeting' and they think I can't hear them or don't understand what they're saying.

    I.R.: Ello?

    Me: Hello

    I.R.: Ello?

    Me: Hello

    I.R.: Ello?

    Me: Hello

    I.R.: Ello?

    Me: Hello

    This has actually gone on much longer than this. The passive aggression can be quite satisfying. Eventually I'll give in and get the conversation back on track by letting them know I can hear them.

    I.R.: Yes I have a position for you. Are you interested?

    Me: It depends.

    I.R.: It depends?

    Me: That's what I said.

    I.R.: Ello?

    Me: Where is it located?

    I.R.: You live in Washington, DC?

    Me: Where…is…the…position…located?

    I.R.: Yes the position is located in b..boom foc, Wyoming.

    Me: I think it's pronounced 'Bum Fuck'.

    I.R.: Oh sorry yes. Are you interested?

    Me: How much does it pay?

    I.R.: What is the lowest rate will you accept?

    Me: What is the highest rate you are willing to pay?

    I.R.: What is the lowest rate will you accept?

    Me: What is the highest rate you are willing to pay?

    I.R.: What is the lowest rate will you accept?

    Me: One million dollars per hour.

    I.R.: Ha, ha, oh no. I am sorry the most we can pay you is dollar forty per hour.

    Me: One dollar and forty cents per hour?

    I.R.: Yes.

    Me: One dollar and forty cents per hour?

    I.R.: Yes.

    Me: I think you mean forty U.S. dollars per hour.

    I.R.: Yes.

    This is significantly less than I can make anywhere in the U.S. It's not uncommon for them to say the word 'dollar' when they mean that the amount is in U.S. dollars…not rupees.

    Me: Is this on a W-2, 1099 or corp-to-corp basis?

    I.R.: Yes.

    Me: I'm asking you a question. Is the rate on a W-2, 1099 or corp-to-corp basis?

    I.R.: Yes.

    Me: What is the duration of this project?

    I.R.: Ello?

    Me: What is the duration of this project?

    I.R.: This position is two months.

    Me: What is the job title?

    I.R.: JAVA developer.

    Me: I'm not interested.

    I.R.: You are not interested?

    Me: I'm not interested because I'm not a JAVA developer. I design and build database systems. I'm not interested in relocating to Bum Fuck, Wyoming. The rate is too low. The duration is too short.

    I.R.: We can pay one dollar forty-two per hour.

    Me: I'm still not interested.

    I.R.: Is the location of Bum Fuck, Wyoming ok?

    Me: No.

    I.R.: It is not ok?

    Me: That's what I said.

    I.R.: But the position is two months.

    Me: Two months is too short.

    I.R.: Two months is too short?

    Me: That's what I said. Also I'm not a JAVA developer.

    I.R.: You are not a JAVA developer?

    Me: That's what I said.

    I.R.: Oh I see. Ok thank you. (click)"

    submitted by /u/steeze206
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    Building scalable SaaS database

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 12:58 PM PDT

    Hi all -

    Was wondering if I could get some advice. I'm in the process of building a SaaS application and was wondering the best way to go about designing a scalable database.

    There's about 15 different tables interacted with while using the app and my main question is: is it best to store all rows from all clients in the same table or would it be better to initialize a new database and tables for each client? The pros and cons from a query execution and organizational standpoint make sense, but would there be any cost for each database?

    I'm fairly new to back end development (this is a side/passion project). I'm currently running this on a MySQL database, and the app in PHP. This is what I'm most comfortable with as it's what I was taught in school years ago. If there is a database that is more scalable I'm all ears!

    submitted by /u/temperedExpectations
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    How to replace thousands of old JS ad tags in a directory full of static html?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:17 PM PDT

    We're taking over another company's website and we plan on creating an archived version of their old site using `wget` to mirror the site into an archive.example.com website.

    Since there are several year's worth of articles and stories and a considerable amount of stories still in Google, we are planning on 301'ing as many of the urls as we can and replacing their old defunct ad code with new DFP tags.

    Any thoughts on how to replace thousands of old JS ad tags in a directory full of static html pages?

    submitted by /u/dangayle
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    Do you use Windows for dev? If not, what would it take for you to switch?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 07:51 AM PDT

    Personally, I abandoned MacOS about 8 months ago (although we'll see what todays WWDC holds - if they do a decent MBP update I may switch back) but I struggled to enjoy developing in windows. The closest I got to a decent dev environment was using WSL but even that wasn't really good enough.

    The result was me running a linux VM under Win10 which is pretty good.

    These days, Microsoft seem to be heading down a path that I don't hate. They created a great editor in VSCode and although I'm not 100% happy about their purchase of GitHub, it's now undeniable that they are in the lives of a huge proportion of developers.

    So... what would it take for you to switch to Windows 100% for development? For me, it would only take two things:

    1) I'd want to see them implement native Bash, none of this WSL rubbish, I want real Bash on Windows which works as perfectly as bash works on Linux or Mac without any compromises.

    2) I want them to drop the bloatware, Windows isn't exactly free and I resent having to periodically remove bloat and disable adverts on my operating system.

    That's literally it though, Windows 10 is SO close to being a decent development platform for me.

    What are your thoughts?

    Edit: Some people have made great points about their built-in apps (e.g. Cortana), which I completely agree with, MacOS had annoying built-in apps too but the ones on Windows seem a lot more intrusive. So add 'Fix intrusive built-in app issue' as requirement #3

    submitted by /u/foxleigh81
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    Beginner Questions - Flask/Bootstrap/JS/Jquery

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 04:08 PM PDT

    I'm a new programmer working on building a website with Flask as a backend and Bootstrap as the main frontend.

    On the Bootstrap introduction website it has some css and js/jquery that it looks like it depends on. On their page it these dependencies being pulled from a website link. Is it bad practice to just use these website links instead of having the files in your website directory instead?

    submitted by /u/lolPythonNoob
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    Coming from the Java world. How to get into web development?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 04:11 AM PDT

    Hey, I've been working as a Java developer for about three years now. Some time ago I started to feel like this big corporate world of Java apps is not for me anymore. I mean, I'm kind of tired of looking at big old projects with poor UI and no UX :)

    I thought about changing jobs but there's nothing exciting for Java devs in my area. Just corporations, banks, insurance industry etc. So, at my current job I have a chance to dive into frontend. But first I'd like to learn about it a little bit on my own.

    What books and other resources do you recommend for a Java developer to get to know JS, HTML5, CSS3 and all things related, as painlessly as possible?

    update: just wanted to mention that I have some experience with HTML/CSS, AngularJS 1.x, and Angular2. But, to be honest, I didn't know what I was doing. I want to change that this time.

    submitted by /u/Szinek
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    What should I know how to do in Javascript for a front end web development position.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 03:04 PM PDT


    I'm looking for my first post college job, and I'm working what I should know how to do as a javascript developer on the front end.

    Just DOM manipulation, or more.

    What would be some good projects, or features to include into a project that demonstrates good use of front end javascript

    submitted by /u/irishdevel
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    CSS variables?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 06:17 AM PDT

    Possibly stupid question, but here it goes: Since when there are variables in CSS (not talking abour preprocessors)? And if they exist for some time, why have I never seen anyone using and / or talking about them?

    submitted by /u/lucasfads
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    Autocomplete php to <?php ?> in VScode

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 02:59 PM PDT

    Anyone know how to set up emmet to set up php to <?php ?> on tab? Having the hardest time achieving this with VScode. Currently getting php_check_syntax

    any assistance would be great.

    submitted by /u/atokad5
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    Question about scaling real time chat apps

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 10:45 AM PDT

    I recently read a post by u/waleed_ahmad about building a realtime chat app with express and react and a comment got me thinking about scalability.

    In an app where you could have thousands of 'rooms' and wanted to be able to scale any of those rooms to host thousands of people - how would you go about achieving this? I'm super interested in how people would approach this!

    submitted by /u/R0mey
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    What is "this" in JavaScript?

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 08:29 AM PDT

    Questions for webdevs who use WP

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 02:03 PM PDT

    Hi, so I just came over this subreddit and I have some questions i've been itching to ask.

    So I ask these questions to the people who make WP-sites for clients;

    1. Do you update the themes for them after the the website is finished and everything is done?
      I know that sometimes the update can break certain elements, and i'm just wondering whats the use of updating it since the webside is good as it is.
      And extra question; do you install envato marked plugin for them? To autorize the theme and to get updates if why/why not
    2. Do you offer to take regular backups and/or update plugins or just leave everything as it is.
    3. Do you use a child theme, if so for what? (changing the name if the theme etc).
    4. What are the most important elements to get in the sales contract with the customer? I've already had a lawyer look through mine, but I was just wondering what you guys think.

    Hope someone will answer,


    Crossposted this in r/web_design also because I don't know which subreddit is more fitting.

    submitted by /u/Gullmine
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    Finding web development conversations/hashtags on twitter,

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 02:03 PM PDT


    What hashtags or searchs do people use to find good conversations and quality content on twitter. I find it hard to find interesting conversations. For example if I type in web development I get people talking about starting a web dev class ect. I don't care about this. I want to get involved in the twitter community with web development?

    submitted by /u/andre_macnamara
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    Nested outline items not nesting

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:59 PM PDT

    I'm trying to create a page that has a nested outline within an outline, and whereas I think there is CSS that is disallowing this, I'm not sure because I'm not familiar with what the CSS is doing beyond dictated the margin. I'm not sure why dictating margins would not allow the outline to nest properly.

    Anywhere, here is the CSS I think is affecting what I'm doing.

    #support-content > ul, #support-content > ol, #support-content > pre, #support-content > code{ margin-bottom:10px; margin-left:65px; margin-right:10px; 

    And here is the code that is not testing as desired.

     <p>Acceder a su Biblioteca cuando usted no tiene conexión al internet es simple, pero requiere internet para la configuración inicial.</p> <ul> <li>Asegúrese de que su dispositivo tenga una conexión activa de WiFi.</li> <li>Abra la aplicación de la Biblia Logos.</li> <li>Vaya a la <img class="icon" src="/images/support/iOS/library-icon-4.png" /> <strong>Biblioteca</strong> y localice el libro que desea leer sin conexión.</li> <li>O, abra el libro que usted desea descargar y deslice hacia abajo para mostrar el menú, luego presione el <img class="icon" src="/images/support/android/more-icon-4.png" /> ícono de "más".</li> <li>Presione el<img class="icon" src="/images/support/iOS/info-4.png" /> <strong>botón</strong> de Información a la derecha del título.</li> <li>Presione el botón "Descargar".</li> <ul> <li>El procedimiento actual de descarga puede tomar más o menos tiempo dependiendo del libro que se está descargando.</li> <li>Le recomendamos que se limite a descargar pocos recursos al mismo tiempo, dependiendo de su conexión al internet.</li> <li>Los libros tendrán un ícono amarillo para indicar que se siguen descargando, o un ícono verde para indicar que la descarga está completa.</li> </ul> </ul> <p class="note"><strong>Nota:</strong> El Modo Sin Conexión permite más funciones como "Lector", y menos como herramienta de investigación. La mayoría de nuestras funciones de búsqueda avanzada requieren un poco más de potencia de procesamiento y almacenamiento que un dispositivo móvil puede proporcionar. Así que todas estas funciones utilizan nuestros Servidores en la Nube para procesar sus búsquedas y requieren acceso al internet.</p> 

    Let me know if this isn't enough to go off of to help me. Thanks!

    Edit: And this section is under the div tag related to the CSS I posted.

    submitted by /u/AmoMala
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    Wheel Events on Touch Screens

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:46 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So I am stuck on a site I am building. I have this fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/316n1xmL/1/ If you scroll on the sections one by one the next one will slide up on scroll down and go back to the previous one when scrolled up. That all works great. The issue I am having is it does not work on mobile devices. So I would need to fire those same events on a swipe up or swipe down.

    The site I am building is using Bootstrap 4 so sadly jquery mobile is out of the question since it does not have jquery 3 support. It seems all other swipe event plugins have dropped support. I tried Hammer.js but their documentation is garbage.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/omgdracula
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    Email account forwarders

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:44 PM PDT

    Hi guys, let's say I have two email adresses. [emailA@mydomain.com](mailto:emailA@mydomain.com) and [emailB@mydomain.com](mailto:emailB@mydomain.com).

    Is it possible that every email that enter in emailA is redirected to emailB, and same thing for emailB to emailA? Will it work and can I create and infinite loop of email ?


    submitted by /u/ccf92
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    I am looking to collaborate on a project to gain some experience working with other developers.

    Posted: 04 Jun 2018 01:35 PM PDT

    I'm a self taught web developer. I have worked on several of my own projects, but haven't had the opportunity to work with others on a project.

    I would love to put together a group of people that aims to gain some experience in a team based workflow. I was thinking that we could run through a project start to finish. We would work through the bumps of working with a team and learn as we go. In the end, we could have something to put on a resume, or at least walk away with some confidence working with a team.

    Things I'd like to gain some experience with: Planing out a project . Git workflow using Github ( pull requests, code review, merging ). Project management / Organizing Todos. Shine a light on any bad habits. Discover what else it takes to work with a team.

    If anyone has experience working with a team, and is interested in helping out or gaining some project management experience, that would be awesome! Otherwise, I'm looking for people who are patient, and want to better their own skills, as well has help others. This would be a learning experience, so be open to asking or answering questions.

    What do you all think? Is there anyone who would be interested in this? If you have any questions or ideas to add I'd love to hear them!

    submitted by /u/tjhmusic11
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