• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 5, 2018

    If you're worried about the GitHub acquisition, here's what to look out for web developers

    If you're worried about the GitHub acquisition, here's what to look out for web developers

    If you're worried about the GitHub acquisition, here's what to look out for

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 08:23 AM PDT

    Does anyone feel like the state of web development is still in pre-alpha?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    Firstly, apologies for the rant. I hope someone out there feels my pain.

    I come from a systems programming background. I've used plenty of package managers/build systems and I've never been more frustrated than the clusterfuck that is web development via npm/yarn/babble. You shouldn't need a 3000 word essay (which I feel skips over a lot of details and explanations for why I need all this shit, what the configuration files actually do, etc.) to create a hello world react application. (I'm aware that boilerplates exist, but I prefer to only use my own boilerplates so that I know what's in my project.)

    A couple months ago I put together a website using react/redux/semantic. I ran into countless issues with package incompatibility, npm's breaking changes on older packages, IDE/linting plugins not coming close to working out of the box... I google my way through problems and find solutions like, "yeah, it's broken in npm version Y, just downgrade to X and it should work," or "delete all these files in this location and try again." I find github issue threads of people arguing about which version of npm this major package actually works with.

    Sometimes I'll find someone who is having my exact problem but their configuration file (maybe a package.json or .babelrc or gulpfile.js or .eslintrc.json) is structured totally differently from mine because they're using the version from 3 weeks ago instead of today, so I'm unable to integrate their solution.

    After finally getting all of this stuff worked out, I saved the project along with the package lock file, to my github as a boilerplate so I can avoid this pain later. Recently, I pulled it down and decided I should upgrade my packages (there were a couple hundred security vulnerabilities noted by npm over past few months). What a nightmare -- breaking changes everywhere...

    The thing that frustrates me is that I'm not doing anything particularly exciting. I would understand if I was using edge cases of lots of libraries why they would all fall apart at upgrade-time, but I'm using the most popular libraries to solve the most popular problems... I would imagine that these features would be pretty stable beyond version 1.0.

    And yet I get this weird feeling that everyone is having a grand old time doing modern web development. It's almost enough for me to say, "fuck it, I'll just use ES5/HTML/CSS" (even though I actually do like ES6 and React/Redux paradigms and hate ES5). Or maybe I'll use babel strictly to transpile from ES6 to ES5, but skip all the rest....

    Nah, I probably won't though. I'll keep struggling and bitching the whole way through.

    submitted by /u/evinrows
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    W3C publishes new Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 01:28 PM PDT

    Should I charge one hosting fee for two websites for a client, or two fees for the client?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 01:16 PM PDT

    Hey I started a small business and was wondering if I should one or two hosting fees to a client who wants two websites?

    submitted by /u/yashjain27
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    The Impostor Syndrome is Strong...

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 08:03 AM PDT

    HI, So I've been learning web development from various online sources for several months now and I am just now getting to where I am building websites for people's businesses. It seems like almost every time so far when I've asked a person what they had in mind, they send me the link of a competitor and say something like "This one seems like it might be too hard to make, but I REALLY like it!"...then when I open the link it's literally just a WordPress theme that's barely been customized. So naturally all I have done so far is create a WordPress site for them, use the same theme they liked and then I have customized it a little to make their site stand out. I can finish the site in no time at all and they love it...

    Am I doing myself a disservice by using WP? I feel like...I dunno? An impostor? lol...It just feels like I might be setting myself up for a rut of building wordpress after wordpress site without learning any skills that are more valuable. Or maybe that a "real" developer would be using blocks of code they wrote and not WP...

    Is this a normal phase for someone who is learning and trying to make a name/build a portfolio? Should I maybe quit building sites for people for a while and focus more on learning back end? Is it a waste of time to be building wordpress sites for my portfolio? I guess it's better than nothing, but at the same time is it really going to impress anyone if a majority of the sites I've done are WP sites?

    submitted by /u/V1nnyV1nc3nt
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    The Web Apps that will Eat Mobile

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 05:46 AM PDT

    Looking for input on HTML5 save game storage formats and methods

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 12:02 PM PDT

    Lets say I am developing an HTML5 based game (I am), and I need to include save states for users. Lets further say that the amount of data needing to be stored in a save file is relatively large (rooms already visited, objects already found, player level, player stats, player gold, spells learned, inventory items, etc). The game is one of those choose your path type text games with some graphical elements. For reference, much like the "Sorcery" series in the Apple App store.

    What are some of your ideas of how to format and store this data for easy recovery on game load? How is this typically done in the game industry? Assume no database used (not interested in creating accounts), and only localStore instead. Also, I would prefer not to have to have a separate storage element that I need to query for each thing I need to save in localstorage (ie. would rather store it as an object).

    I looked for articles on this topic but did not come up with much beyond "store it in binary", which is not very helpful.

    submitted by /u/KorgRue
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    How would you approach doing the sidebar using the skeleton framework ? (new in webdev)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 10:21 AM PDT

    PeachPie: Performance Progress Report | Speed Matters (PHP on .NET Core)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 05:11 AM PDT

    How does reddit grab thumbnails for link posts?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 01:15 PM PDT

    I don't exactly need a code breakdown but just from a high level what would be the most probable way? I've explored a few linked sites and a fair amount use Facebook og:image meta tags. This would answer my question on the spot there are other instances of Twitter, YouTube, and so on. Is this one large conditional of broad possibilities?

    submitted by /u/TKB21
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    Critique my learning plan?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm an undergraduate CS student. My summer classes were cancelled, so I created a lesson plan to dig deeper into development, improve my portfolio, and hopefully land a job or internship.


    1 Javascript: Understanding The Weird Parts

    2 You Don't Know Javascript Book Series

    3 Javascript & Jquery by Jon Duckett

    4 Colt Steele's Developer Bootcamp

    5 Colt Steele's Advanced Developer Bootcamp

    6 MERN Stack Front To Back

    Topics covered: HTML, CSS, JS, Ajax, JSON, APIs, Jquery, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React, SPAs, HTTP, NPM, and Redux

    Goal upon completion: Create a web app, professional portfolio, and land an entry level job.

    Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/pentakiller19
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    Taking Payments Online with Square and Vue.js

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 09:27 AM PDT

    How honest should I be when companies ask me if I'm interviewing elsewhere?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 12:44 PM PDT

    I'm in the final stages of interviews with 2 companies, where both the companies and my responsibilities would be very different.

    One is a very small, close-knit design firm where I would be making websites with html, css, bootstrap and eventually React.

    The other is a small consulting company that needs someone to maintain and oversee their internal system/site. They use the MERN stack.

    I would enjoy working at both companies, but for different reasons(I think I would enjoy the people and environment better at the first place, but I'd learn a lot more working at the second place), and I want to appear friendly and not like I'm hiding something if they ask me if I'm interviewing anywhere else.

    Is the best policy just to be as open and honest as possible or is it better if I keep my thoughts to myself as much as possible?

    submitted by /u/mycatpasses
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    Finished a bootcamp about a year ago and haven't done much with it since. Unsure where to start back up. Any advise is welcome.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 04:30 PM PDT

    In my time at a non-programming job during the last year I didn't keep up with coding much. Eager to pick it back up. My classes focused on MERN, is this still viable? Should I consider learning something more *modern* or stick to my guns?Any good web resources, videos, classes etc would be great.

    submitted by /u/butterypanda
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    What's a good lightweight alternative to Bootstrap?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:58 PM PDT

    My website broke after I switched to using version 4.1 from 3.6. It's difficult to find resources for bootstrap 4, as so many searches lead to old, outdated bootstrap pages.

    Looking around, there seems to be a new javascript framework/engine/eco-system being released every single day. Lists of bootstrap alternatives run into 25+ libraries and are unhelpful copy-pasted summaries! Each one requires a bit of time to familiarise yourself adequately though.

    I'm hoping to find some consensus within the general wisdom of /r/webdev. So, is there something finally better out there?

    submitted by /u/harfyi
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    Question with learning via video tutorials

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:45 PM PDT

    I was just curious does anyone find it harder to learn using video tutorials with just one monitor? Anyone have any tips or insight as to how you go about learning with just one monitor.

    submitted by /u/ztay90
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    Bootstrap themes for a personal web page

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:33 PM PDT

    Hi, I just recently began learning web development through Codecademy and FCC. I've only made one very bare-bones website using vanilla html/css prior to this upcoming attempt at make a personal web page. Now, I'd like to build a personal web page to market my freelance writing abilities to others. Are there any recommended bootstrap theme packs that can be bought or recommended websites to search for some to buy?

    submitted by /u/learninghowtousetdcs
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    Mozzilla foundation should launch open source github alternative supported by sponsors and wikipedia like donations?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:31 PM PDT

    GitLab will be the same story...

    submitted by /u/techsin101
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    after javascript, what are the most popular programming languages for web dev?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:25 PM PDT

    ruby, and then python?

    submitted by /u/FF430
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    Does anyone know why this Spotify integration stopped working?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:12 PM PDT

    This site worked a couple weeks ago, but it doesn't now:


    Can anyone tell why?

    submitted by /u/chriscasemart
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    10 CLI Tools that You Will Love

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 03:49 AM PDT

    My first try at a blog post - guidelines for new devs

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 02:37 PM PDT

    Is LinkedIn still relevant for developers?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 04:51 AM PDT

    Do you think LinkedIn still provides you with an adequate professional profile, job opportunities and news material that develops your skills?

    What would you improve about it?

    I'm working on a project and would like to get Reddit's input.

    submitted by /u/real_trizzaye
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    IE 11 and "const"

    Posted: 05 Jun 2018 02:31 PM PDT

    Trying to update some old JS code today, I can't seem to get IE 11 ( on Windows 10) to recognize the "const" keyword. Everything I've read says it should be supported in IE 11, but whenever I use it, I get a syntax error. Even just a simple line like:

    const foo = 1; 

    Gives me a syntax error.

    I have:

    • Verified that it is indeed IE 11
    • Added the X-UA-Compatible meta tag as the first tag after <head>
    • Set doctype to 'html'
    • Made sure I don't have compatibility mode set for this domain

    What else can I check? Does this work in IE for anyone else, or am I just crazy?

    submitted by /u/lykwydchykyn
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