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    Thursday, June 28, 2018

    Books that changed the way you understand programming learn programming

    Books that changed the way you understand programming learn programming

    Books that changed the way you understand programming

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:50 AM PDT

    Are there any books you've read that really made something click?

    I'm looking for things that are relevant to general programming more than specific languages but share your story regardless!

    submitted by /u/Skyerusg
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    starting a masters in computer science

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:34 PM PDT

    I'm beginning a master's in CS this fall. I've taken a few cs undergrad classes, but my undergrad was in music business. I'm worried I won't know everything I need to know because my bachelors is unrelated. If anyone has any advice or suggestions as to what to be learning on my own I'd appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/mommachaos
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    Find the two largest elements in an array in n+log (base2)(n) comparisons

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:55 PM PDT

    What is the significance of log(base2)(n)?

    submitted by /u/One_Pea
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    Git CLI checkout tool

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 02:39 PM PDT

    I've recently published a Git CLI tool to simplify checking out git branches! It's called Check It Out.

    I'd appreciate any feedback! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Jwu910
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    Recognizing features on 3D models?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:13 PM PDT

    I'm interested in learning more about feature recognition. So far with some quick searching on the Internet, I see a lot of information online about Python. However, it seems like a lot of it is for image recognition such as face or object recognition in a photo as opposed to a 3D object in a CAD file.

    Could someone point me in the right direction as to what languages or concepts I should look into to write a program to recognize features on 3d models?

    submitted by /u/paravast
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    Trying to use list comprehension to change all strings in a list of lists of strings to lowercase, but I can't get it to work using the name of the iterator in a for loop. It does work if I just use a ranged for loop. Why does using an iterator name cause it to not work?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:11 PM PDT

    listOfLists = [['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']] # does not convert the strings to lowercase: for subList in listOfLists : subList = [element.lower() for element in subList] print(listOfLists) # successfully converts the strings to lowercase: for x in range(0, len(listOfLists)): listOfLists[x] = [element.lower() for element in listOfLists[x]] print(listOfLists) 


    [['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']] [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] 
    submitted by /u/Octagon_Time_Machine
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    What qualities do most good tutorials have?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 07:43 PM PDT

    What are some characteristics of good article tutorials and video tutorials? Please also recommend an example.

    submitted by /u/letstryusingreddit
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    10 Years in the Life of a Software Engineer

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:33 AM PDT

    Ex-Google tech lead shares 10 years of his life as a software engineer. Enjoy the video!

    submitted by /u/sagatsnee
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    Making Money through Personal Software Work

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 03:13 PM PDT

    • I was watching a video today on Youtube from one of my favorite Programmers and he was talking about his life as a Developer, and throughout the years he worked for others, but he also had periods where he made a lot of money through his own projects such as developing a Popular Dating Website, and Through some Mobile Games. This is the type of work I want to do sometimes, I want to be able to lead my own company. But my mind has been curious about, how they make money. He mentioned AD Revenue, and I know Mobile Apps can have in game transactions or they can charge to actually buy the app and be able to download it.

    • But my question is, In the future is the best way to Monetize my work through AD revenue and Charging through in-app transactions/A purchase fee? Or do I have it all wrong on how you can earn money through your own work.

    I'd appreciate any help, and any resources that can help me learn more about this. Thank You.

    submitted by /u/Cataclystr2
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    Thoughts on Full Stack Academy?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:47 PM PDT

    Has anyone went to Full Stack or has taken their classes online? I've seen some good reviews on them but I'd like to get this subreddit's thoughts on it

    submitted by /u/Deenatos
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    My first moderate complicated project

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 04:39 PM PDT

    I'm learning programming since 5 weeks, and I'm learning JavaScript since 9 days. Because for some reason I love this and I don't have to force myself, I spent sometimes 12-16h on my pc. I'm working out too of course so don't worry :p I'm working part time so I can learn this faster in order to get a job in that field.

    So in 9 days which is crazy for me, I was able to put this calculator from my desk into website. I have watched some courses on YT, I have read somethings and 3 days ago I started this project. It took me I guess something like 20 hours to make this work like that. My only help was real calculator from my desk :D My friend who is a programmer told me that the code is shitty but it works which is great if we consider my expirience with coding.

    So here it is:


    ^ button do nothing real, I was using it to log things on console.

    I just want to share this because it's so cool for me :D But of course I would like to recieve any advice about my code. Some parts are not used, because I deleted a lot of things and rewrite a lot of things during my work so this is obvious. I know there are more sophisticated ways to do things but It was project for my current knowledge which is small.

    submitted by /u/Because-I-Chose-To
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    Puzzle game for android

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:45 PM PDT

    I have this idea for a puzzle like game for android. Kinda like candy crush and all. How am I to go about with developing this? I am fairly good with android studio and java.

    I had thought of using unity, but if there's any other way of doing it in a standalone manner I would prefer that.

    I want to create an app that is like every other viral game in the play store

    submitted by /u/fillerink
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    Any ideas?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:40 PM PDT

    Im currently self teaching myself to code in C++. So far i have learned up to the "if" statement. And im getting ready to learn void. But i would like more things to use as practice for the if statement before i move on. I have only made a simple calculator so far using only the "int"'s, cin,cout, and the if statement. Can anyone give me some ideas for practicing using the if statement?

    submitted by /u/Progamer995
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    How to ignore all punctuation marks in a String but '*'

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:31 PM PDT

    Hey /r/learnprogramming I'm new to the subreddit and I'm taking a java course to expand my repertoire of skills. The project I am working on has me construct an anagram boolean constructor method, there's a catch however: They see/ The eyes (true), but also, They see/ Th* eye* (true), abc/ (asterisk)b(asterisk) (true), moo/mo (false), xxy / (asterisk)x(asterisk) (true), Clint Eastw**d / Old west Action! (false) it's called the Wild Anagram.

    How I am approaching this is first to change the left and right string to lowercase, eliminate the whitespaces with the replaceAll("//s","") method and finally I am trying to ignore all punctuation but '*' and run a for loop through the String as an array of characters, but I how to do ignore the punctuations but *. Please any help would be very much appreciated. Here's what I've got thus far:

    public boolean Gram(){ boolean ok = true; String leftStr = str1.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s",""); String rightStr = str2.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s",""); char[] left = leftStr.toCharArray(); char[] right = rightStr.toCharArray(); if(left.length > right.length){return false;} for(int j = 0; j < left.length; j++){ for(int k = 0; k < right.length; j++){ if(left[j] != right[k]){return false;} else{return ok;} } } return ok; 


    I know the code isn't correct, it's a work in progress, I only need help with ignoring all punctuations in the array but '*'

    submitted by /u/the_anonymous_anon
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    Trying to find Course with a job at the end

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:27 PM PDT

    A while ago I found a site that was giving away a CS course with a remote job at the end of it. The condition was that if the job has a yearly package of P amount or above, say that number was X, you owed the site y percent of X for z months. I'm trying to find that site. Can someone help me find it?

    submitted by /u/code_buddha
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    What book should I read to build a foundation specifically in PHP?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 11:26 PM PDT

    I am currently learning core PHP and I am quite confused on what book should I read just to consolidate my foundation on the said language.

    submitted by /u/lekilad
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    Is using QT WebEngine professional?

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 10:12 PM PDT

    Let's say I want to make my own music app and I want a professional looking GUI to go with it and not anything like tkinter which comes straight from the 80's. Should I use web engines? Is this professional / advisable.

    submitted by /u/pythongiant
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    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:56 PM PDT

    I can't understand why should I use Linux. Why is so good for programming? Why should I use it?

    submitted by /u/kvlthgunslinger
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    Example of a Python Program for Beginners that Runs in a Browser

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 12:56 PM PDT

    This is the program code.

    # Freddy the Fox moves around the grid freddy = Fox('Freddy') row = 0 col = 0 freddy.move_to(row, col) col = 2 freddy.move_to(row, col) row = row + 1 freddy.move_to(row, col) row = row + 1 freddy.move_to(row, col) row = row + 1 freddy.move_to(row, col) print freddy 

    This program moves a little fox icon around a grid in a browser environment. Here is a video. https://youtu.be/Ghc7NJ-sFNY

    The idea is to make programming more understandable to people who have never programmed before. Having "objects" like foxes, chickens, farmers, houses, dogs, etc that are manipulated by program code makes it much easier to grasp the basic concepts of variables, branching and looping.

    I ran across a blog post today that shows some of the difficulties that children have with learning Python. Retiring Python as a Teaching Language https://prog21.dadgum.com/203.html?1

    That has been my experience with teaching my own kids to program. Kids want the program to "do something" that they find amusing or that they can share online with their friends.

    submitted by /u/pdfisk
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    Hex edit images real-time viewer

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 09:02 PM PDT

    I'm looking for a hex editor that works with images where you can see a visual real-time view of the image side-by-side in the hex editor when you're looking at it's hex data, and edit the hex data contained within the image and see it happening in real-time with the image you want to edit. It's bit of arduous task when it comes to hex editing images because you have to open the image up in a hex editor, you're shown a bunch of hex data and the output values in the side column, then edit a little, save it then open up the image again to see what kind of changes it did. But I haven't ever come across a hex editor that can give a visual representation of what you're doing to the image and what areas of image you are editing specifically side-by-side in the actual hex editor when you change a value and immediately see what's been changed to the image.

    If it means to code an entirely new app altogether or plugin extension for another editor to have this kind of feature I may just as well give it a shot. But if one already exists somewhere then great. I think it would be a really useful tool for people who are new to hex editing images to help them get started and know what parts of the image file they can and can't edit as well as seeing what parts they are editing, and see the data values and type sets used and embedded in to the image itself such as the data headers for telling you what kind of image file you're editing, what it was created with, pixel dimensions, if the image is sRGB or CMYK, color type bits like 8-bit or 16-bit, etc.

    I'm most particular for this kind of thing be available for Linux specifically since there are a lot of decent hex editors for Linux that can support plugins such as Bless Hex Editor which supports plugin functionality, and is written entirely in C#.

    (This is repost because the other post was getting troll responses and spam.)

    submitted by /u/TheAlkaris
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    I need some guidance...

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 05:11 PM PDT

    I want to be able to run a programme which when exectued, can read certain colours / text on a page and make a decision based on what it can see.

    To try and give an example:

    There are 4 colours on an image

    Red | Yellow


    Blue | Green

    When you click on the image, they all change to other colours, randomly (Red, Blue, Yellow or Green)

    You want to get the following result:

    Red | Red


    Red | Red

    The programma keeps clicking on the image until all colours are the same, then it stops.

    The basic concept - being able to see what colour is on a screen, and click until they are in the correct sequence

    Where would I begin? Is Python the right thing to look at? I don't know which is why im here

    Are there things like this that may exist already that I could see / tweak to do what I need it to do?

    Any advice would be great, and my above information may not make and sense to anyone except me


    submitted by /u/lil_spartan
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    PHP --> SQL Database Connection to actual website(not XAMPP or MAMP, etc.)

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:55 PM PDT

    I've got my PHP and C# code working perfectly in Unity using Xampp. I want to transfer it to my website's database.
    I'm using PHPmyAdmin and I have the database ready-to-go. I just don't know what to put in the $server = "". I know that's nuts but I don't know what path to put. I'm using GoDaddy for hosting. If anyone can shed some knowledge on me it would be very much appreciated!

    I didn't know what to search for. All the tutorials teach to just put in localhost. Sorry if there is already a post with an answer to this.

    submitted by /u/knobblez
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    Need a road map to becoming a web designer

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 08:51 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit I'm currently 24 with no degree under my belt I have plans to return to school. part of me feels like it will be a money sink though. I have always had a passion for computers, I have decided I would like to make animated websites or just in general create master pieces (websites) my only concern is my road map getting to my destination. What should I learn first in the coding language and where? Will the job market be difficult with no degree? All answers appreciated

    submitted by /u/Chasingsuccess
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    Getting started - Creating an EHRM

    Posted: 28 Jun 2018 01:02 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I recently had a realization on one of my return trips to the hospital with my mother (she's doing fine now, thank you for wondering (if you were) :-)) that many hospitals or clinics/offices don't have real-time complete information on a given patient. An example would be a patient going into the ER, getting admitted, and then getting bombarded by questions, such as "when was the last time a doctor's visit was done," or "what was said three months ago at this office," or "what medication are you on, how often, dosage, etc." Often times, this can cause confusion in patients, and can prolong processes.

    I know there are already HRMs out there like Epic, Allscripts, and others that handle similar functions, but unfortunately many of these systems differ between hospitals and clinics. Some locations can talk to each other through the programs, others don't.

    I imagine this would be an HRM with similar feel of CRM, I would want to offer many different functions to hospital staff and patients.

    If I wanted to begin learning the programming side of this, front and back end, where would I begin? What languages would I look into? I know I can outsource this, but I want to spearhead this as much as I can.

    If outsourcing something like this, where could I go to begin?

    Any and all information will be appreciated! Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/bertstare_jpg
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