• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 14, 2018

    Backdoored images downloaded 5 million times finally removed from Docker Hub - Last July and August one or more people used the Docker Hub account docker123321 to upload three publicly available images that contained surreptitious code for mining cryptocurrencies web developers

    Backdoored images downloaded 5 million times finally removed from Docker Hub - Last July and August one or more people used the Docker Hub account docker123321 to upload three publicly available images that contained surreptitious code for mining cryptocurrencies web developers

    Backdoored images downloaded 5 million times finally removed from Docker Hub - Last July and August one or more people used the Docker Hub account docker123321 to upload three publicly available images that contained surreptitious code for mining cryptocurrencies

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 02:17 PM PDT

    Need help, a client is saying that I'm ripping him off

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, long time lurker over here, hopefully you will read this post as I really need some advice.

    I've been developing web sites for a bit, never full time, I don't have a ton of experience but I definetly have enough to make pretty good websites. The thing is that I recently had this client who is now telling me that my work was not good enough and that I am overcharging him, after I have already finished everything. I'm not sure if he's right, figuring out a good price is definitely my weakest point in all this, especially since I don't think I work quite as fast as more experienced devs (not slow though mind you)

    So here is everything that he asked for and I delivered on all of these:

    • A website where you can browse job listings

    • You need to be able to filter them with categories

    • The user also need to be able to submit their resumes to the site, so a form where they fill out their name, phone, email, experience etc.

    • A backend interface to browse these resumes and create new job listings

    • A landing page for new potential clients,

    • Some small pages like "about us"

    Now he wanted to do all this for $2500 and I agreed, though I was afraid it would be more work than that. To give you a little more info on the additional work I did:

    • I designed about 6 full blown mockups of the main areas of the site (landing page and job listings)

    • After talking with them I designed a pretty nice employee info area to have on the landing page that will go up as soon as they send me some pictures

    • I designed the database portion for the resumes (but used a headless wordpress for the job listings)

    • Sending out emails from the server to confirm resumes, and then only display the confirmed ones on a custom page I made on the wordpress backend

    • Obviously testing a lot of this stuff + validation and all that jazz.

    • In addition I always take great strides to optimize my sites and create great mobile experiences

    Anyways, I make all this, I show it to them and they seem pretty happy with it, some stuff they want to change of course and I comply, I hear nothing negative about the site until I send him the bill. Then suddenly they have apparently talked to some other web developers who tell them that this work should have only taken 2-3 hours and that I'm ripping them off. And there is also now a bunch of stuff on the website that they aren't happy with, though this was never expressed and I would have happily made changes and was always diligent to vocalize that, and am still happy to make these changes free of charge.

    Is $2500 too high for this? if it is, 2-3 hours is still a totally insane estimate right? I'm willing to renegotiate if it is too high and told them this, I always strive to be as fair as possible but am still fairly new at doing this professionally and these estimates are always so hard to make accurately. Also note that I live in a country where $2500 is considerably less money than in the states, for reference, the lowest paying jobs are about $2000 a month after taxes and these $2500 are before taxes and I'll end up losing about half of it.

    I really need some input on this as I'm pretty confused by this whole situation, thank you all!

    submitted by /u/8bitpenguin
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    Comprehensive List of All Kinds of Resources for Freelance Web Developers • r/FreelanceProgramming

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 09:44 AM PDT

    What CSS methodology do you use and why?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2018 10:27 PM PDT

    acss, bem, oocss, smacss, etc.

    submitted by /u/delusionsofmorality
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    How to Choose the Best Static Site Generator in 2018

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 11:33 AM PDT

    How do you make an animation like this?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 04:01 AM PDT


    The animation with the circles flowing out, Is there a certain way of doing this? I know css and css animations but this looks more advanced!.

    submitted by /u/vospit
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    How the modern containerization trend is exploited by attackers

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 05:12 AM PDT

    Polly.JS | Netflix new library for recording and mocking HTTP requests

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:19 PM PDT

    Converting site to October CMS

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:29 PM PDT

    I am managing a site for a non-profit and want to set them up with a CMS. I have chosen to use October. The site is mostly "static" pages, basically PHP files with sections glued together using includes. We do have one section on the home page that is driven from a DB and one other page that is filled with content from another table.

    Would it be best to build this as static pages or broken into separate parts in October? Anyone know of any tutorials on converting a site to October? The only one I've found is for a blog and it isn't helpful.

    The site is http://www.hccm.org The dynamic section is the Events section and the dynamic page is http://www.hccm.org/pantry_list.php

    submitted by /u/MrBaseball77
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    Powerful IoC container for Javascript, Inversifyjs

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 07:35 AM PDT

    How many hours would this task take you? It took me 20.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 05:44 AM PDT

    Lately I have been wondering how good of a developer I am but since I do not yet have any developer friends, its hard to measure myself. Considering the work I have outlined below do you think 20 hrs of work is reasonable for this? I charged 25 USD/hr so the cost was about $500.

    I recently built a support ticket system for my clients site and it took me about 20 hours of work to finish it. The site is built with code igniter and has 3 kinds of accounts.

    Users looking to buy a service from an advisor

    Advisors which sell services to the users

    Administrators who manage the site and the users and advisors accounts

    I had to edit the dashboard for each of these three user types and add a link to the support page which I was building. For the user and advisor support page, they first see a table of the support tickets they have submitted thus far including names, the last message sent, and the support ticket status (open or closed). On this page they can submit new tickets, or click a current ticket to be directed to a chat window between them and the administrator assigned to the ticket. The chat allows them to message the advisor real time and uses long polling to check for incoming messages.

    On the administration side, I had to add the link to their dashboard for managing tickets. The page they are directed to shows a table of support tickets, open or closed. They can click a ticket to be taken to the control panel where they can message the user if the ticket is open. The admin can also change the ticket status (open or closed), change if they want to be assigned to the ticket, and also keep some notes about the ticket for other admins that the user cannot access.

    I have also set it up so that when a new message is sent the user or admin will receive an email notification containing the message. The user also gets a notification email upon creating a new ticket.

    TLDR: I created a support ticket system for 3 kinds of accounts on the site, buyers, sellers, and admins. The buyers and sellers can raise issues and chat with the admins in real time. The admins have their own control panel for additional control over the ticket. This took me 20hrs.

    Here is a gif demo of what I have done (admin side only). https://twitter.com/daydevelops/status/1001870392372482049

    Thank you, PI

    submitted by /u/pineappleinferno
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    Typography Resources / Inspiration

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 09:56 AM PDT

    I've always felt that typography was my biggest weakness when it comes to design. I typically use web fonts (ie. Google Fonts, TypeKit) but building a type stack through their interface can be a little bit of a let down.

    Are there any good preview tools / websites / plugins for trying various font pairings inside of a realistic setting? I've seen some tools for color scheming which show a mock website and allow you to modify the content until you find a scheme you like.

    Are there any recommendations for a useful tool which could help me select better font combo's?

    I've googled and haven't really found anything too helpful.

    submitted by /u/trollfromtn
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    Building a responsive image - How to create a logo that responds to its own aspect ratio

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 06:47 AM PDT

    What local web server do you guys use for development?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:02 AM PDT

    Image Inconsistencies: How and When Browsers Download Images

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 09:07 AM PDT

    What does domains which have https://www6.domain.com imply? (www6) is the issue.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 12:32 PM PDT

    https://www6.fm###es.se/ Domains like these have www6 ro www1 like numbers? How to get that and why do usually some not so legal sites have such?

    What is the meaning of that number in www6?

    submitted by /u/Kaori_iu
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    Looking for an alternative to the YelpCamp section of Colt Steels Web Dev BC

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:50 AM PDT


    I've reached the point up until where I am about halfway through the YelpCamp project, which has actually been great and I would love to finish it, but...It's so outdated now that I'm having problems getting it to work by following the videos. It seems like almost every lecture toward the end has "notes" before it explaining what you have to do to get it to work right.

    TLDR it seems like I'm spending half my time cross referencing notes with the video and then having to troubleshoot/ask questions than I am actually learning about building the app. Today, once again I am waiting on answers because I've literally just got frustrated and pulled their sample file from GitHub, replaced their file with mine in the app, yet it is still not working....

    I still need to learn how to add a comments section, authentication and deployment.

    Is there another course that teaches that using the same stack?

    submitted by /u/V1nnyV1nc3nt
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    [Video] Chrome UX Report - The State of the Web

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 03:19 AM PDT

    What’s one programming language you suck so much at, it almost made you quit programming all together??

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 04:05 PM PDT

    Weird problem: How to get rid of zoom AFTER search result (form field - not always!)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 05:10 AM PDT

    Dear all, I have a special zoom problem. Only on mobile devices (and only there, unfortunately not in chromes DEV console within mobile testing).

    The problem is the following:

    1.) Open algopools.com with your mobile device

    2.) Type in the search field please Hashim or better Qub - Important: You have to search for a value, which its result shortens the whole table smaller than your device height (the error occurs NOT, wehn you search for example for X11 because the table height is higher then your device display)

    3.) As this error occurs NOT in Chromes or Firefox dev consoles I can't check it correctly

    I don't want to set user-scalable=0 because disabling user zooms on a properly designed site is generally still a bad idea.

    The error is not understandable for me. Can someone check this please and help me?

    After some research: It could be Apples autozoom. But the solution for this (set initial scale to 1 and user scale to 0) solves not my problem. I am in the opinion now, that my search table has an error?

    Very kind regards in advance,


    submitted by /u/joshivince
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    Release Management in growing teams: suggestions?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 03:29 PM PDT

    So, we're a tech based company, 2-3 core web products, and over the last 12-18 months undergone massive growth. We've gone from 3-4 devs to currently 12 and more work/demand than we can keep up with still..

    We've implemented team leads and a lot of processes. We've even got a tester on staff now, which is fantastic.

    We're using FreshService and Jira to manage tasks, and git for source control. We're following features branches -> release branches -> production.

    The big problem were facing is post-release bugs. Testing is only done on individual features; there is no "whole" or integrated testing. Some of these products interact and releases aren't being timed together or even considered. Right now, basically each Dev works a ticket and then targets a release for it, with no responsibility past that point, or care.

    So we're having a lot of cases where one product pushed a chance to production, but the other side of it is being worked by another device and not ready yet, or failures when integrated, even though the specific changes passed testing.

    The issue really seems to be a lack of oversight. My question is, where does this belong? Is there a name or methodology or concepts I can be googling to try to understand and be part of the lead bringing in?

    Right now as the 2nd longest standing employee in IT, I'm the "fix it" guy, but I'm spending more time fixing these messes than getting my own work done, and it's crushing me, so I have a vested interest in solving the problem!

    submitted by /u/VIDGuide
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    Wes Bos Node series on https://learnnode.com/ recommendation.

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 03:29 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am contemplating purchasing this course from Wes Bos on Node, and was wondering if you guys recommend it to a semi new Javascript learner. I finished building a web app in Laravel that used database and had authentication. I am thinking about building a fashion blog for my city and I didn't want to do it in Laravel again; mainly because I want to challenge myself with javascript and get better at it. I am also very focus on front end/back with Javascript since I already built an app with PHP and mysql.

    Basically I want to take this course to learn how to build a fashion blog with authentication so that I can post, and have friends create username and password so that they can also post. that being said, will Node and React be good tech stack to build such thing?

    thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mxcomtj
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    First QA Volunteer Gig - Advice Needed

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 03:29 PM PDT

    I wanted to pair my learning to code with some real world projects, so I volunteered to help on a non-profit ReactJS project as an end-to-end QA.

    I haven't done it before, but I'm excited to get some exposure to the development cycle, and it turns out the project owner works for a company I'd love to work for some day.

    I don't want to mess this opportunity up, so I'm hoping you all can help provide some typical "boundaries" for a QA so I can avoid coming across as an asshat.

    What tips/advice would you offer to a first-time QA to help stand out?

    submitted by /u/Beermedear
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    Whats the best site to upload an image and link to it via <img src?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 09:13 AM PDT

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