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    Friday, June 15, 2018

    Are there any online games that can teach me Python and Java? learn programming

    Are there any online games that can teach me Python and Java? learn programming

    Are there any online games that can teach me Python and Java?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:05 PM PDT

    I feel like my Python and Java skills are trash. I am constantly looking up how to do basic stuff. 😔 I learn best by playing games anyway. I blew hundreds of hours of my existence on Smash 4. I am looking for a coding game that's addictive, fun, and can sharpen my coding skills. At this point of my life, if I am going to blow hundreds of hours into video games, it might as well be something beneficial.

    submitted by /u/SteamboatJesus
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    What to do when I realize I don't want to program anymore? Or am I doing the wrong type of programming?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 08:10 PM PDT

    Sorry, I know this isn't really related but, I have come to the realization that I don't want to be a developer anymore. I graduated from a bootcamp a few years ago and worked as a junior developer for a couple of years (also teaching kids programming during the summer). I joined a startup as the CTO a year ago and did some web development/hiring/project and product management as well as filled all the gaps. Honestly I'm pretty burnt out from working 10-20 hour days.

    I've realized my personality doesn't match being a programmer. I can't handle continually writing errors and things not working/breaking and am unable to get away from my code. Even when I walk away/take a break I'll continually overthink everything or run it as a sub-process in the back of my mind while doing something else and get compounded stress.

    I've looked into netsec/pentesting/white hat hacking and it's interesting but I wonder if I'll run into the same levels of stress? Or if there's something else I can transition into, I'm completely lost. Looked into product management and there's nothing out here in Hawaii..

    submitted by /u/careerhelp2018
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    Sources to help you learn

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 02:26 AM PDT

    Hello, everyone.

    I am posting this as these are all of the sources I have that will help me if I am interested in a topic and want to explore it. I have used some of them and others are just sitting in my book marks. I thought I would share these so that people can have a reference on where to go if they want to learn something.

    I just learned about Microsoft Virtual Academy, so I haven't explored the courses yet, but they have a search function and a filter system so that you can look at courses that they offer through difficulty. From a glance they have courses for Python, Java, WebDev, and SQL.

    I pulled this off of a saved post I had. A UIUC Professor's Notes are basically text-book sections based on the topic. Some of the topics have attached videos, scribbles (his notes), or problem sets. The course is separated into three sections: A Foundations of Computer Science section (turing machines, DFA's, CFG, etc.) Algorithms (BTS, Graphs, BS), and P vs. NP. I do not see how this is all in one course, but I guess that is why I am not in UIUC.

    I use this one regularly, the edX courses in my opinion are useful. From my experience you can audit a majority of the courses and choose to pay for the certificate later if you choose to which is neat. They have courses from a wide-range of topics and universities.

    I used this one primarily for my math courses,MIT Open Course Ware. From my experience the course's notes are amazing, but I have used this for maybe 2 or 3 upper-level math courses, but I am attaching the computer science section which includes undergraduate and graduate level courses. All of the courses vary on their level of features. The courses have lecture notes, videos, exams, online textbooks, or problem sets, or all of them. I do recommend looking up their math courses as getting a stronger foundation in math never hurts in the CS field.

    Haven't really given this one a look-around, but I know AI and Machine Learning are gaining interest so here are the links to free programs Microsoft offers: AI-School and Machine-Learning Crash Course both which should be free.

    This one might be known, but Khan Academy has a few courses that go over computer science and computer programming. Never really used KA for computer science, but their math category has always been a great tool for me.

    Unfortunately this last suggestion is only for those that attend IL based universities. I-Share is something that I believe is available to all IL based universities that allows you to request books from other colleges and they will deliver the book to your local campus library, or a nearby-ish location. You may want to ask your library if they offer something like this or see if your uni-library has other resources they offer that allows you to get access to material they don't have. I was just able to get "Clean Code" and "Refactoring: improving the design of existing code" through this service (for free!).

    If you have any other sources feel free to post them, or if you have any reviews on anything I have linked, positive or negative, I would love to hear about them.

    submitted by /u/thats-ah-fine-bya-mE
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    Is learning Java through modding a viable option?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:00 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I'm not a completely new programmer, but I'm far from an experienced one either; just looking to expand my skillset.

    A Short Background (you honestly don't have to read this if you don't want)

    I started learning programming by teaching myself Python about 3.5 years ago. I did that for a year and got discouraged by lack of real progress then spent the next year not coding at all. Reinvigorated myself and spent the next 1.5 years teaching myself Ruby and JavaScript as well as learning the Rails and React frameworks. My big projects so far have been: a fullstack website (which is an MVP clone of a somewhat popular used clothing marketplace) and a pure JavaScript game drawn in canvas(basically a faster paced clone of Space Invaders).

    Actual Question

    So the real question I have is in the title. I've always been a huge gamer and with the (albeit limited) background I have with programming, would learning Java by modding be a good approach? I've always had some difficulty using a lot of the common websites to learn programming due to lack of motivation at a certain point. However I feel that learning it while playing around in a medium I really enjoy would really hold my attention if it would be possible.

    submitted by /u/throwaway482743
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    Hey all, any websites to recommend as an alternative to HackerRank for a budding programmer?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2018 12:32 AM PDT

    So I have just started learning the basic syntax of Python, C++ and Java via Sololearn and CodeAcademy a month ago and have been using HackerRank as a way to test my own skills. I would just like to ask is there any other websites similar to HackerRank that yall will recommend, or websites in general to learn programming (I have been looking for places to learn C but seems rather limited based on what I have found - best been CS50 on youtube)

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/LucriaDeEclipse
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    During an interview, I was asked to create a recursive algorithm for a problem, then find the recurrence relation for the number of steps given a certain input. Is there a general method for finding the recurrence relation for recursive algorithms?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 03:30 PM PDT

    I've found this page discussing it a little bit but it's not verbose enough for me to understand what is really going on and the thought process.


    edit: this answer on stackexchange is pretty good actually https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/301068/how-do-you-find-a-corresponding-recurrence-relation-for-some-random-algorithm

    submitted by /u/Octagon_Time_Machine
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    When I submit a html/js form I made using GET, theu URL uses '+' for space instead of %20. How do I change/decode this?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 09:20 PM PDT

    I've tried using replace (no results) and I've used the javascript decode uri function. Is there anyway to just make the form submit using %20 instead of +? if not, what's the easiest way I can remove those +s? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/smoke4sanity
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    Any youtube channels with a personality like ChillyTomatoNoodle?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 08:50 PM PDT

    For any language. I find most youtube channel tutorials to be pretty simple and boring.

    submitted by /u/Hajimanlaman
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    Excercises to try and grasp recursion?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:19 PM PDT

    I'm learning recursion next week and I'm trying to get a better understanding of it. Any suggestions? Website, book or anything?

    submitted by /u/Hiesenberg_White
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    In OOP languages, how do you know from where to begin?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:15 PM PDT

    I'm looking for some inquiries from anyone with some experience with OOP projects.

    How do you know where to begin with your project?

    I'm asking this because as someone new to OOP concepts and designs, I decided to start a console-based battleships game project in Java, and while I know that I want to use multiple classes to make use of everything from what I've learned, I'm stumped and can't figure out how to begin.

    How many classes should I make, what concepts do I need to design, should I simply put most of the stuff in a single class or do I break it down into very small pieces or do I put everything in a single class file etc... are all of the questions going through my mind while I stare at the white void which is my empty compiler screen.

    submitted by /u/vulk21
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    Is it a bad idea to use React/Angular to create intensely-animated sites?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 09:09 PM PDT

    Based on your experience with developing sites with a lot of fade-in fade-out, slide-in slide-out, parallax, is using React/Angular kind of tools counter-intuitive? Or no difference at all?

    submitted by /u/letstryusingreddit
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    What are your tips for familiarizing yourself with a new code base you want/need to work on or contribute to (i.e. an open source project)?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2018 12:44 AM PDT

    Most people ask about how to program in general or about fundamental concepts, but once you're past all of that 101-type stuff the conventional wisdom is to just magically start contributing to a new project.

    Nobody really ever talks about how to get to the point where you can actually contribute, though.

    submitted by /u/tagus
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    [C#] Unit testing questions for my project from O'Reily's Head First C# book

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 07:46 PM PDT

    Hi! I recently finished with a beginners project from the Head First C# book where you have to create a gambling / betting simulator. The book doesn't cover unit testing but I'm aware of the practice and wanted to do that for my project as a learning exercise. A few questions came up for me and I'm hoping someone can help me understand the right approach. Here's my code:

    Question 1: Is it better to write a unit test for a class method in it's simplest form (example A - line 109-132), or in the way that it's implemented and intended to be used (example B - line 137-165)? You'll see in Example A (simplest form) I just created a Bet object directly in the test, whereas in Example B (implementation form) I created a Gambler object which created a Bet object and then test that the Bet.Payout method works through the Gambler.Collect method.

    Is it a better approach to test only the functionality within the class/method without any dependencies on other objects/methods? I think so but I wanted to try both and am not sure what the rule of thumb is.

    Question 2: How do you setup a unit test's arrange section that depends on objects only created at run-time, such as the controls on a Form? I wanted to reference specific fields/methods from Form1.cs when setting up my test but can't, so I added references and created empty objects to satisfy the test (see line 23 and 24 where I create a radio button and label object)

    Thanks in advance. This is more of a code review question I suppose, so let me know if there's a better place to ask.

    submitted by /u/guardianofmuffins
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    (Java) Having trouble with an array of nodes that supports a generic value

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 11:26 PM PDT

    I have a project for a class where I need to make a hash table using an array that can be instantiated with a generic value type. That part is simple, and I can make that work. However, another requirement of this project is that the hash table must also have linked list functionality in insertion order so that one could dump every entry in the order it was inserted. Separate data structures won't work because another requirement is O(1) run time for add, get, and delete methods.

    The best way I can think to do this is to make an array of nodes. Those nodes would hold a String key, generic data type value, and pointers to previous and next nodes. So when something is added, it's hashed, added to the table, then connected to the previous entry Node pointers.

    What I have here compiles with no errors, but immediately crashes at instantiation of this class. I get a ClassCastException and I have no idea why. Everything I find online says to not use an array for this, but rather an ArrayList (and for humor, ArrayList works perfectly fine). But I have to use a regular array because I'm required to also implement resizing capability.

    Also sorry for formatting, a couple of the lines are over-indented.

    public class HashTable<V> { private Node[] table; private int capacity; private int size; private Node head; private Node tail; private class Node { String key; V value; Node prev; Node next; private Node(String key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; prev = null; next = null; } } public HashTable(int capacity) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Node[] typecheckTable = (Node[]) new Object[capacity]; table = typecheckTable; this.capacity = capacity; size = 0; mod = capacity; head = null; tail = null; } } 
    submitted by /u/LimitOfNox
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    Which language is the best to learn for what category?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:27 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning C# because I want to develop video games, and after I get a good grasp on this I want to learn another language for apps and web dev.

    In your opinion, what is the best language for developing apps / web development right now?

    Sorry if this question has been asked frequently, I checked the rules of the sub and I don't think I'm posting anything incorrectly.


    submitted by /u/yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyed
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    Which language is best for me?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 11:10 PM PDT

    Hey, I've recently had a surge of motivation and a great goal in mind. I want to learn a programming language and make an app to help me learn Japanese. My friends told me that Python is good for beginners. If I have to learn multiple languages, I will, just tell me which one is best for beginners. Also, is teamtreehouse a good resource for learning? I dont mind the cost as long as it is good. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/IAMSADWARVENS2
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    Need help with Currency converter code problem

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:50 PM PDT

    I've been working on making a currency converter on my phone in Cxxdroid that's been compiling and working fine. This was during a vacation and I am now back to my home pc and so I copied the code over. I'm using code blocks on my home pc and I am given several errors which confuse me. I want to use my home pc since it's quicker to write code but I don't know what to think of this? Any help? https://pastebin.com/AKrv9Bsc Compiler errors:constexpr not defined in this scope and several lines it says to put ; after double. Also says several of my conversions are undefined.

    submitted by /u/Hydra968
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    I want to make a website that displays a small fantasy hockey league's stats, which are currently kept in a Google Sheets file. What languages should I use to accomplish this?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:47 PM PDT

    I know passable HTML and CSS to code the actual site, but that's the easy part. What languages would I use to get the data to dynamically update to the site from the Google Sheets doc?


    submitted by /u/presidium
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    Adding Hyperlinks to JavaScript arrays?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 06:57 PM PDT

    How do I go about adding links to items within an array? Been working on this project forever but I can't seem to get it.



    var countries =["Afghanistan","Albania","Algeria","Andorra"];


    How exactly would I attach a link to any one of those items?^

    submitted by /u/dkermitt
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    Hackerrank 30 days to code for c++ hits me with “classes” on day 4?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:54 PM PDT

    Maybe a weird question but.... is that odd? I mean I only taken a class one semester and we never mentioned classes, iv found it in my book a few chapters ahead (we ended on chapter 10 and classes starts on 14)

    Is going straight from easy if()else() statement problems on day 3 to classes on day 4 not kinda strange? Seems skipping a lot of essentials like functions?

    submitted by /u/rhoona2
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    SQL (postgres) error/question

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:43 PM PDT

    Hello everyone

    I am trying to make a Reddit clone in node js and started with MySql but am moving over to Postgres (so I can host it on Heroku). One of the queries I have written however works perfectly fine whilst I was using MySql but doesn't work on Postgres.

    let result = await db('posts') .select('users.username', 'users.id', 'posts.*', 'votes.user_id', 'votes.post_id', 'votes.created_at') .sum('votes.up as votecount') .join('users', 'posts.user_id', '=', 'users.id') .join('votes', 'posts.id', '=', 'votes.post_id') .where({ 'posts.sub_id': req.sub.id.toString() }) .whereBetween('posts.sub_id', [lastDate, today]) .groupBy('posts.id') .orderBy('votecount', 'desc'); 

    I have also tried running it as plain Sql without using knex js query builder

    SELECT users.username, users.id, posts.*, votes.user_id, votes.post_id, votes.created_at, SUM(votes.up) as votecount FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id JOIN votes ON posts.id = votes.post_id WHERE posts.sub_id = ? AND posts.posted_at BETWEEN ? AND ? GROUP BY posts.id ORDER BY votecount DESC 

    Whenever I try and run these I get this error:

    error: column "users.username" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function

    Could someone explain what this error message means and what I need to do (or look up) in order to fix it please (I couldn't understand the only stack overflow post I found that actually explained the error).

    Also I want to make a Reddit style comment system where you can reply to a comment that is a reply of a comment that is a reply of a comment. How would this be done without creating a loop and spamming the database with requests?

    Thanks in advanced for any help

    submitted by /u/throwawaymdmaquestio
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    Are there any challenge websites that let you compete against friends in real-time?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 01:38 PM PDT

    I found Codingame's Clash of Code to be quite fun but was hoping any of their other challenges were multiplayer but they all seem to be with bots.

    Are there any websites similar to this where me and a friend could compete real-time on a challenge in any language? Something like first one to finish, less lines of code, etc.

    It's nice to be able to work on the same challenge and be able to see their progress on-screen also.

    I think it would be a good way to help me to drill some of the knowledge I've recently learned into my brain.

    submitted by /u/kiliimanjaro
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    My 1st Java GUI Project (ToDo List)

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 10:14 PM PDT

    Hi guys, currently working on my first GUI project and I was asking myself what's a nice way to display added tasks? Currently using a jTable, but it doesn't look very appealing.. So far the ToDoList is pretty simple. U can set a name,date,time, priority for a task. Still planning to add categories and sorting functions etc.

    submitted by /u/dkcpminer
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    Best habits of a new programmer/developer?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2018 06:36 AM PDT

    I'm just starting as a programmer/developer, just started a CS50 course online and while I have a pretty extensive computer background, I never got into the coding side of things until very recently.

    My question: What are some good habits I should be implementing from the get-go as a developer so I don't need to go back and fix bad habits?

    I know certain things like documenting/commenting on things frequently is important, but what other good habits should I be doing from the beginning that will make lives easier?

    submitted by /u/enigmahack
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