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    Sunday, June 10, 2018

    Anyone have the github repo that was full of tutorials to literally do anything? Think it was posted on /r/programming learn programming

    Anyone have the github repo that was full of tutorials to literally do anything? Think it was posted on /r/programming learn programming

    Anyone have the github repo that was full of tutorials to literally do anything? Think it was posted on /r/programming

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:02 AM PDT

    Thanks, i have lost it but it was a really great read and loads of content.


    Some other great repos mentioned that shouldn't be unnoticed. Will compile list below. #1 is the repo i was after myself.

    1. Learn to build your own anything
    2. Project based learning
    3. Interactive programming books
    4. Hack with github
    5. Programming books this is awesome btw
    submitted by /u/no1survivalist
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    Time complexity question

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 09:54 PM PDT

    I have a time complexity question. I primarily use JS.

    Let's say I have an array of objects that I'm looping over with a for-loop. Within each object, if I were looping over another array within a property, what would be the time complexity?

    edit: Would the time complexity be O(n*m)?

    submitted by /u/hotpopsicles
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    Binary Tree - Insert and Delete Big O worst case: why O(N)?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 04:36 PM PDT

    Hi guys!

    So, I'm looking at this guy here, which we've all seen: http://bigocheatsheet.com/

    Average case for insert and delete on a binary search tree, log(n). No problem: if the tree is balanced, you only have height log(n), got it.

    But the worst case on Insert and Delete are O(N). How can that be? Worst case means the tree looks like a Linked List, and THOSE operations are O(1) on the same chart (I'm assuming because the search for our value to delete is O(n) for the linked list, and the operation to delete is just tying pointers to the adjacent nodes again. Can anyone confirm?)

    tl;dr: Why are Insert and Delete worst case O(n) on Binary Trees?

    submitted by /u/RedRelics
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    What languages do I need to start working towards this?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:08 PM PDT

    A long time ago, I made a web-based online text game in PHP using MYSQL as the database. It's been many years since then and I have been trying to research what I need to learn to create something similar but a bit more modern tech-wise.

    Example of a game that seems more modern: https://www.zapoco.com/

    All i'm asking for is a hint in the right direction, PHP seems a bit antiquated nowdays for this sort of thing.

    submitted by /u/Zhoir
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    I need to somehow create a website which takes data from a Google Sheet and displays parts of it

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 06:22 PM PDT

    I have a Google Sheet, which links to Google Apps Script and it pulls data from a cryptocurrency exchange API every one hour.

    As you can imagine, one row an hour adds up, and after running for 20 days, for me to see the latest data, I have to scroll down a lot

    I would like to make a simple minimalistic website that displays some data fields from the Google sheets (total earned, daily earned, etc.) and also pulls the last few rows from the sheet and displays it. I want the website style to be simple and nice like this (www.preev.com). I have no idea how to begin, especially pulling data from the sheet into the site. How do I do this please... thanks!

    submitted by /u/Favoura
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    How dangerous is it to put a project on github which uses some content (logo, icons) which I downloaded without paying?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:19 AM PDT

    Title. I used some stuff that I'm not allowed to. No one is interested in my github, I just use it to save my projects.

    submitted by /u/bsp952
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    How to go about making a drone build

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:46 PM PDT

    First of all, I'm new to programming and have very little experience with it outside of basic arduino stuff and messing around with a raspberry pi. Now, I'm not completely aware as to how difficult building a drone from scratch with practically no experience can be, but I'm willing to take the time and effort to finish this project. Now, despite my ambition, I'm lost as to where to start. I have access to a Raspberry Pi B+, an Arduino Uno, and a 3d printer, but I'm lost as to what to use to accomplish this task. I don't necessarily have a budget for this build, but I'd like to keep it relatively cheap, and use what I have at my disposal before I buy anything. If anyone could lead me in the right direction, it would be heavily appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/afellowinternetuser
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    How should I take notes while learning Python?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:41 PM PDT

    So i'm a beginner to programming and I'm trying to learn Python off of both codecademy and a book, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python and I'm learning the very basics. Now i'm curious how I should take notes effectively. Should I read something then jot it down or write as I read? How?

    submitted by /u/govea2000
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    Is it practical to have a main job and then freelance on the side?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:41 PM PDT

    Just curious on your opinions on this subject.

    submitted by /u/Klekto123
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    Tips on diving into browsers design and programming

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 11:14 PM PDT

    I'm interested in diving deep into browsers and how they work. Mainly interested in browser and rendering engines, although would like to understand the network layer and painting as well. I was wondering if there are good books to ease the process or code walk throughs or chrome or other browsers that can aid me while starting. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/aboelken
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    What can a programming beginner accomplish?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 01:30 PM PDT

    I wonder what problems a person will basic programming skills can solve.

    What can the most amazing achievement be for someone who has learned to code for a short time?

    submitted by /u/shiningmatcha
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    Any advice for gaining motivation to learn again?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:26 PM PDT

    Learning electron, node and all those libraries. I feel like I'm endlessly learning fundamentals and not making much projects. I'm not at a level to really create a good project, and it seems like there's always just a problem or I'm just typing exactly what the tutorial says. What do I do?

    submitted by /u/LawlessWalrus1
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    Are there guidelines on working with an API to a library coming from a dynamically typed language in a statitcally typed language?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:58 PM PDT

    I am working with the excellent library [JSON for Modern C++](https://github.com/nlohmann/json). The library is of course statically typed, with STL-like access.

    Are there guidelines/patterns for working with a dynamically typed construct like JSON through a statically typed API?

    submitted by /u/TertiaryBlob
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    How could I write a Bash script that would automatically open a new Sublime file in a specified language?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:11 PM PDT

    Pretty specific question. I'm wondering if it's possible to write a command that opens Sublime with a flag that specifies a certain language.

    Like I have a subl command already, I'd want to do something like subl -ruby and have a new file open with Ruby already selected.

    I know I can simply touch a new file with the appropriate extension, I just wanna try this for the hell of it. Is it even possible?

    submitted by /u/okdenok
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    5 best websites to learn programming

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:41 PM PDT

    If you're new to coding, you'll be pleased to hear that there are a ton of great resources on the web to help brand new programmers learn the craft. In fact, some of the best programmers in the industry are autodidacts with no formal degree in computer science.

    Teach yourself the foundations of programming and prepare for your first coding interview using these five websites made for learning programming.

    1. Codecademy
    2. Code Avengers
    3. Khan Academy
    4. Treehouse
    5. Udacity

    Source - https://blog.codegiant.io/5-best-websites-for-learning-programming-b7e8ebe9ff79

    submitted by /u/codegiantio
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    Troubles with margin-right.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:12 PM PDT

    I've started learning HTML/CSS today and I'm having a bit of a problem when using margin-right. It just won't work and to be completely fair I'm not sure why:

    HTML: https://ideone.com/EBrwXJ

    CSS: https://ideone.com/CM08fT

    What I'm trying to achieve: https://imgur.com/p4ahhMg - basically want the Lorem Ipsum to be within the margins of the "Leading News Website"

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/Muchkeler
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    Designing a website with only moderate experience, where to start?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 04:09 PM PDT

    Hi everyone. I've had an idea and a bit of dream for a long time now. Essentially, I plan to have a website that scrapes information from a website or two (or even some database), passes the information through an algorithm I came up with, and then returns some rankings. My question is... where do I start?
    Personally, I've really only done a bunch of projects in University in Python, and then a handful of projects for school in MATLAB. Certainly nothing that complicated. Maybe this could help me start from somewhere but I'm certainly lost on where to begin

    submitted by /u/triplevanos
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    Why do we need AJAX to update a web page without reloading it?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:14 PM PDT

    From W3S, the following are some of the benefits AJAX brings to the table:

    Update a web page without reloading the page

    Request data from a server - after the page has loaded

    Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded

    Send data to a server - in the background

    I agree with all of them, however, I am don't see how the first point cannot be achieved with just vanilla JS. As far as I know it is not possible to trigger an event handler without an event taking place in JS. So, in order to request data from the server a user would have to create an event by clicking a button that would trigger the event handler, which may be an AJAX call, which would update the web page inside the callback function. However, this is possible using the raw XMLHttpRequest object, sure you will lose the asynchronous feature and the UI will be blocked, however, after the response is receive, it is possible to update the web page, without refreshing it.

    What I am essentially getting at, is when is there a need to refresh a web page when not using AJAX? If possible could you provide such an example?!

    While writing about the first point, I actually don't see how the second and third points also cannot be achieved with just vanilla JS. You could just put what is you need to send/receive in the window.onload function. Why are these considered one of the key feature of AJAX, shouldn't they be features of JS instead?

    Maybe, I just don't see it, because of my little experience. Hope to see some feedback on this.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/CheBurashka_GG
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    C# Looping Summation Theory Question

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 09:43 PM PDT

    I recently started to learn C# (first language I am learning) and am a little confused by looping. One of the problems I am working on is basically a summation problem. You are to have the user input 2 numbers, say 1 to 50, and a loop will run begging at 1 and ending at 50 while adding all the numbers. I was able to it figure out eventually but had a question along the way. If i were to put the total=total+start; after the start++; I would end up a number that is 1 greater than what the user input (say they input 1 to 50 i believe it would go 1 to 51). I think i may know what is causing it but I would appreciate some insight from others!

    Thanks in advance! :D

     //Get user input from 2 text boxes in order to sum all the numbers between the two. //startBox is the begging number, while endBox is the ending number for inputs //If they put in 1 to 50 it should come out to be 1275 int start; int end; int total; total = 0; start = Convert.ToInt32(startBox.Text); end = Convert.ToInt32(endBox.Text); while (start<=end) { total = total + start; start++; /*total = total + start; THIS ADDS ONE MORE Number that what is being input so if i put 1 to 50, it will actual do 1 to 51 */ } resultLabel.Text = total.ToString(); 
    submitted by /u/Indefinit3Official
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    Where To Go From Here?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I hope this post is appropriate for this sub. I'm about to enter university this fall and have recently become interested in AI and machine learning. I read the book Life 3.0 and really liked it and am now part way through The Master Algorithm. I'm also just starting to learn how to program which I have been enjoying so far. So my question to you guys- As somebody that might want to get into this field what should I be reading or doing so that I can more deeply understand this subject? I feel that right now I barely know anything and that there is so much more than it can offer. Any suggestions on where to go from here would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/OreGus
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    This may be a stupid question in regards to learning python versus VBA

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 09:20 PM PDT

    I have been wanting to learn one of the two on a lower level for data science reasons as a member of healthcare. My understanding is that python will be superior in pretty much every way, but I feel like I would never be able to have python installed on a hospital computer, nor be allowed to use any private information on a personal computer with python. Obviously there is de-identified patient information, but I just feel like for this reason, excel and VBA would be better? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but I've been so hesitant to learn one before I run into a brick wall. Would it be better to learn a completely different language? I know many/most biostasticians use SAS but that is absurdly expensive.

    Thank you for any insight :)

    If I need to ask this elsewhere, please let me know

    submitted by /u/LolBars5521
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    [SQL] is not null and unique the same as primary key?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 03:13 PM PDT

    If I'm creating a table and I'm asked to have a column be not null and unique, what's the syntax? Do I just write "not null and unique"? or should I put a primary key instead? is there a difference? (I'm using the IBM client)

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
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    Suggestions for C++ memory leak detector on High Sierra Mac OS?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 09:00 PM PDT

    Valgrind doesn't work on High Sierra. I know about gdb but it looks really hard to use, I just need something lightweight to tell me if I have any leaks (I need 0 tolerance, even 1 single byte leaked I need to know). Apparently C has some address sanitizer thing for clang, what are some suggestions for what I can use for C++? I compile and run on command line with g++ if that helps. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/eatingpoopinrobarts
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    What is the difference between "->" and "." operator?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 04:57 PM PDT

    When I'm working with pointers in C when do i use the -> and when . operator? I need a detailed explanation.

    submitted by /u/bluealien00
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    How should I go about learning how to overcome my lack of interest, fear of failing, getting easily frustrated and not knowing where to start when I want to build something?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 09:16 AM PDT

    Hi. I did my undergrad in Applied Math. I took some Java and C++ classes in uni, and barely showed up to lectures and passed both with D's putting in the absolute minimum effort. I have no passion for coding. I do like technology and gadgets and computers, but I do not enjoy software-coding-algorithms-etc. I think it's cool, and the more I try to dig into it, the more I appreciate actual software engineers.

    My dream in life is to be a cinematographer/director/actor. I love film, anything and everything that has to do with film. It's just that it's not a viable career path. I was forced into engineering/sciences, and I just went with it. Despite my best efforts to fail out of school, I finished. Now I'm trying to learn enough to become a front-end web developer.

    Why do I hate coding?:

    It's hard. I never really learned how to do it properly. I feel like it doesn't matter where you learn, it only matters how much time you've spent on it. The more you do, the better you'll get. That's it. There's no quick way to get there... and I am impatient, and I feel defeated when I don't know where to start.

    Example: I've been told to build a game of snake using javascript. So, my knowledge of js is basically FCC's portion of js (the very early on) - so I know what arrays are, what var is, etc... but have no idea how to start. Where to start! I tried looking up other people's source code for the game, and I come across a bunch of functions that I don't know anything about, and nobody leaves comments explaining anything! I don't understand ANYTHING. and that is frustrating. How on earth did you do this when you were learning?!

    Why did I even get into this?

    Well, the obvious answer would be money. I do not want to be a developer for the rest of my life. I'm moving to another country soon, and I have no other skills to make money with. (Aside from Photography, but that's really difficult ). It's much easier to get a job as a developer, especially because I already have a degree in a field close enough to CS. I could teach Math, but not where I'm going. (don't speak the language very well) so I'm thinking, just for the next 10 years, I want my main source of income to be something stable so I can save enough money so I can eventually go after what I really want: ACTING, and DIRECTING. I just can't convince myself to do it now, because I have no money. (And, you might say then choose something easier, like be a waitress or sth - but that's not easier. That's almost the same amount of hours and a lot less pay) I also like the idea that after a while, I can work as a freelance developer, or work from home - and that is brilliant for someone who wants to pursue something like acting/directing.

    My main problem is that I just don't really enjoy coding. I think it's cool, I wanna be able to do what this guy does; but I have no idea how to get there or if I'll ever get there. I don't understand about 70% of what he's saying. I get frustrated when I can't do anything about a bug/problem. I don't know where to start with the snake game. I have never ever written a proper program... I don't even know why they accepted me for the internship, I'm clearly behind most people and it's not even imposter syndrome. All the other interns are CS/CE/IT majors and have actual programming experience, and I'm basically self-taught for ONE WEEK. I got a job after ONE WEEK!!! I'm losing my mind, sorry.

    Let me just conclude this by telling all of you programmer that you are super humans. I know not everyone understands 100% of what they do, but... I just don't know how you get to a place where when you see a UI design - you just sit down and start writing code. Or know how to do things, or what functions exist that do certain things, or anything. I just basically sit and stare at my computer, reading stack confuses me even more - and most youtube videos are made by someone with a heavy accent or they don't zoom in on the code, so it's all just overwhelming.

    Sorry for the rant! This will get flagged, won't it?

    submitted by /u/Yeamf93
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