• Breaking News

    Sunday, June 10, 2018

    About to release a game for a 40 year old system: Unreal Tournament demade for Atari 2600 / Atari VCS...

    About to release a game for a 40 year old system: Unreal Tournament demade for Atari 2600 / Atari VCS...

    About to release a game for a 40 year old system: Unreal Tournament demade for Atari 2600 / Atari VCS...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:54 AM PDT

    As the title says :) It has been in the making for the past 5 years (as the main programmer/creative mastermind had to go and have a life and get married and have children, ignoring his own deadlines, pfrsh!) : Unreal Tournament, "demade" for the Atari 2600 / Atari VCS.

    As massive fans of the first ('99) version of Unreal Tournament, this adaptation is a labour of love: obviously dropping the third dimension, but attempting to remain as true as possible to the original including CTF and Deathmatch game modes, all original weapons and power ups. Team play is supported, as a matter of fact you do need a friend as it is multiplayer only.

    Those interested can get the game from the official UT2600 site and either download a binary for their emulator / actual machine or play it directly in their browser (the latter also supporting net play if you can find a friend crazy enough to join you!). As the composer of the soundtrack I also wrote up a little post on the challenges you face when trying to write music for such a crude piece of hardware, for those interested.

    submitted by /u/igorski81
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    YSK Lynda is fully free if you have a participating library card.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 07:29 PM PDT

    Saw a sign at my local library, was very surprised we're a participating library, check out your local places and find out! They have a ton of game design and development courses, as well as many others!

    EDIT: Instructions: Go to the sign in part of their site, put in the site of your library and log in with your info.

    submitted by /u/justhereformydaynews
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    I'm putting together a "must-have-linux" game bundle site. Thoughts or questions?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:13 AM PDT

    My purposes in posting here are to elicit feedback, and (hopefully) get a list of people who want to submit their games. Games would be in the form of steam-key with a linux version being an ABSOLUTE MUST for any game listed.

    As it stands I am considering a monthly bundle ( purchasable for 6 weeks) of 4 games for $2.99. I think the flat, slightly higher pricing, and the linux compatibility will be enough to generate hype/ a market for this.

    Edit: chose AMA for flair, feel free. Was a tossup between that, META, and ANNOUNCEMENT, figured AMA is the best fit for now.

    submitted by /u/Jerrimu
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    How can I break into the industry

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:11 AM PDT

    I recently graduated with a CS degree from a fairly respectable school, and landed a job with a software firm. Since I've started work I've realized that it's incredibly hard to work on something or with someone I'm not passionate about and inspired by.

    Game development is something that I am extremely passionate about. I developed several games while I was in university. One of them was even eventually published to steam, and while it was not super successful, I am still very proud of it.

    I attempted to apply to local game development companies, but didnt hear back from any of them. I live in Georgia so notable ones include HiRez, Tripwire, etc. This surprised me because due to my school, internships and projects I had a lot of success with non-game development related companies.

    I have experience mostly in Unity, but I am starting a new project in Unreal since larger studios seem to prefer it.

    What else can I do to increase my chances at getting a job in this industry?

    submitted by /u/writersblocc
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    What's the worst game design advice you've ever heard?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 06:57 AM PDT

    Convince me doing TDD?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:11 AM PDT

    So I have been reading about TDD some more and I'm still in the blue as to how this helps me in anyway except that it helps me sink in even more time writing tests. I understand TDD will make you think about how to structure and code towards your problem better and I can see some use cases. However, I think games are too complex and dynamic to benefit from TDD. I did a tiny bit of TDD and I just cannot see the benefit of it when I develop games.

    With a basic app you have a clear goal and are creating a mostly static environment, a game has so many things to test at specific points that writing a test will be more of an issue then writing the actual code. Let's take the ball collision of a simple pong game, in it's collider method I would just reverse it's horizontal velocity if it collides on top or bottom or otherwise inverse Y. Testing just this gets already tedious, I need to place the ball in the proper position, give it a angle and velocity and then test for the correct behavior. I need to do this 6 times, for each of the screen edges and vs the paddles. And then there is this funny thing that I already know my method is working, otherwise I might have reversed something and I just go over that piece of code again, since I keep my methods small and abstract this is no issue at all.

    So who does TDD for games? My gut says this isn't even widely used at AAA studio's. Is there any reason I should apply this method for myself and how would that help me?

    submitted by /u/CtrlAltDelerium
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    I thought it was time for a new trailer for our VR/Non-VR mixed multiplayer game, worked hard on this one. Would love some feedback.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:10 AM PDT

    Armory 3D Character Animation Tutorial

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 02:03 AM PDT

    8 months of development in 5 minutes

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:19 AM PDT

    Bastion - How to Design an Atmospheric Video Game

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 01:42 AM PDT

    What programs do you use to make the sounds for your games?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 02:13 PM PDT

    Hello, aspiring gamedev here. Already have a work in progress, with everything pretty much thought out; graphics, assets, etc.

    Except I have overlooked one thing: sound. I have no experience with making sounds and I do not know where to start. I know how to apply it and how to play it, but I don't know how to create it. I don't want to buy sound assets, as that might be a even harder task (finding the website, contacting the owner, etc)

    So I thought I could do the sound design myself. What is a recommended program for generating sound assets for a game? I already know a few ones that can make bit sounds, but I am looking for something more modern. What programs do you, as an indie developer, use to make the sounds for your games? Or,if not, a great library of assets?

    I figure programs out easily, so learning it is not a problem. Are there any preferred sound creation programs among indie devs? What are the options that I have and what is, in your opinion, the best one, and why?

    submitted by /u/Electroyote
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    Share my STEAM games data, About traffic and wishlists

    Posted: 09 Jun 2018 10:37 PM PDT

    My game is now on the "coming soon" page of STEAM,

    I didn't do useful marketing, so it was all STEAM natural visits.

    Here is the data:


    VISITS:1877 wishlist:555 ratio:29.5%


    VISITS:1400 wishlist:239 ratio:17%


    VISITS:951 wishlist:178 ratio:18.7%


    VISITS:653 wishlist:149 ratio:22.8%


    VISITS:716 wishlist:152 ratio:21.2%

    Let me test first,See if this post survives....

    submitted by /u/IceSitruuna
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    Why do online games lack certain physics (ie characters feel 'detached' from the ground)?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 10:59 AM PDT

    I notice that every multiplayer game - MMORPG's, co-op, etc - including warframe and Elder Scrolls Online, and Destiny, tend to have this free-floating, detached sort of aspect to the character models. In a single-player game, your PC character seems to walk or run more convincingly. The feet sort of 'connect' to the ground and can interact with other surfaces more convincingly. Is there no way to introduce that to online games? It's one of the reasons online games tend to lack immersion for me.

    I was really excited about Elder Scrolls Online when it first came out because Skyrim was the first open-world RPG I had ever experienced (and I believe the first to take it to that level universally). I was like "wow...if I could interact with other players in this very environment, that would be amazing."

    Elder Scrolls Online did a better job than a lot of other MMO's at the time it was released in that it kept the same UI designs, stylistic elements and sound effects that should've, in combination, given the same experience and atmosphere as Skyrim. But it was still off. The player doesn't connect to the surrounding environment. The feet often shift around, or animations don't make sense because they don't really move according to the surfaces they're touching. You know?

    I'm wondering if any programmers out there can tell me why.

    submitted by /u/MassEffectMoviePls
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    How to load metal shaders into BGFX?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 09:06 AM PDT

    I am new to Metal and I am trying to learn to create a basic renderer using BGFX that uses Metal.

    I am trying to use metal shading language for vertex and fragment shaders:


    vertex float4 vertexShader(device float4 *vertices [[buffer(0)]], constant float4x4 &mvp [[buffer(1)]],uint vid [[vertex_id]]){ float4 pos = mvp * vertices[vid]; return pos; } 


    fragment float4 fragmentShader(float4 in [[stage_in]]){ return float4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); } 

    However, when I load the shaders using bgfx::CreateProgram(vertexShader, fragmentShader);, I get the following error:

    ../../../src/bgfx_p.h (3544): BGFX WARN Invalid shader signature! ver116. ../../../src/bgfx_p.h (3544): BGFX WARN Invalid shader signature! fra103. ../../../src/bgfx_p.h (3797): BGFX WARN Compute shader is invalid (vsh 65535).

    What am I missing here? I am new to Metal, so I am a bit lost with how the shader language works (compared to GLSL).

    submitted by /u/GasimGasimzada
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    Porting/remaking a game I made Years ago to Unity

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:30 AM PDT

    So, since I'm just starting out with Unity, and I want to make some sort of game that isn't just the tutorials, I decided that I wanted to take a terrible old game I made and see if I could improve on it while porting it to Unity. The main issue I'm running into is that I'm not entirely sure on how to go about this, since none of the main Unity Tutorials really had much that could help me with this.

    Is there another set of tutorials out there that would help me, or should I even really worry about that for now?

    submitted by /u/TMOTThatManOverThere
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    What is a better game engine for making an mmofps: Unity or UE4?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 08:18 AM PDT

    I have been coding in c# and made a bunch of local games over the past 6 years. I want to expand my knowledge to network based game development and I'm wondering what could be a better engine for mmo games, and why? I am quite familiar with unity, but recently I have heard that games like pubg and fortnite were developed on ue. So is it worth the switch?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/hibnuhishath
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    Question about salary for a Games Programmer promotion.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 07:48 AM PDT

    Hey, I hope this is the correct place to post this - I'm looking for some advice. I think I will soon be eligible for a promotion at my company (in the mobile games industry), and I want to have some idea about what salary I should request/expect. Currently I am a Junior Games Programmer on £22,000, and I will hopefully get the position of Games Programmer, after working for 1 year here. What salary would be reasonable to request with this promotion? Do you guys have any advice for how I should approach the meeting where it will be discussed? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/_ROG_
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    I am a student who needs some advice on what to do later.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 12:43 AM PDT

    Hi all ! I'm a 20yo engineering student in France and I'm at a point in my life where I'm note sure about what to do later.To recap, I'm in my second year at my school (out of five) and the next three years are about thermodynamics, fluids, strength of materials, a bit of marketing I guess, and more...

    But, while I find them all interesting I'm not sure that it's what I want to do later. I'm afraid I'll waist the next 3 years of my life studying some stuff I'm not passionate about just to end up doing a job I might not really like.When I was 15 I did an internship at a game dev studio and I thought it was really cool, they clearly enjoyed what they were doing. I've also tried to get into game development and just testing some basic stuff and I liked it.

    But this time I'm seriously considering programming/game development /project manager not as a hobby but as a career. Therefore, I'm posting this, asking for advice and experiences.I could really use some of those right now.Thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/Wexpy
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    How worthwhile would it be to make a hybrid set of animations for fps games where the interaction doesn't lock you in place?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:57 AM PDT

    Imagine the HL2 moments where you turn valves, but with animations where your hands stretch the further away you get from the valve, up to the point where you let go and put your hands back on the weapon.

    How hard would this be, and would it be worthwhile?

    submitted by /u/Sh0ckF4ct0r
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    Best game engine to start my 2d idea?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 05:06 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm finishing my programming course and I can say that I did not learn anything with it, the only thing I learned to dev was SQL, Fortunately I chose the internship well and in 4 months I learned much more than in the 3 years of school! Now i´ve been doing stuff with React, Javascript, Java, Node and i want to start a project at home by myself! So i wanted to start an Android game, 2d Pixel Style something similiar to "Pou" where you take care of a virtual pet

    I wonder which would be the best engine to start working on something like this!

    submitted by /u/zemmsoares
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    [x-post r/Entrepreneur]Advice for a Game Developer

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:43 AM PDT

    Finding ideas and inspiration

    Posted: 10 Jun 2018 04:21 AM PDT

    Sometimes I can't find any inspiration when working on games. I'm curious about how other people here get inspired and how you keep ideas flowing.

    For example I'm trying to make more levels for one of my games. But having done 50 levels already I'm struggling to come up with ideas for additional levels and level mechanics.

    So how do you get inspired and come up with ideas for your games?

    submitted by /u/JSRF17
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