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    Tuesday, May 1, 2018

    Why is the pop up overlay still allowed? Ask Programming

    Why is the pop up overlay still allowed? Ask Programming

    Why is the pop up overlay still allowed?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:34 PM PDT

    Why is this still a thing? For those of you that dont understand what I'm talking about, its a popup that happens on websites once you scroll down a certain distance, or mouse over something, or click in a specific area of the screen. You will get a popup... just like the good old days before adblock and popup blockers. I understand that there might be some 0.0000001% of websites that use the popup overlay for a legitimate reason. But everyone else uses the popup overlay just as an annoying popup or advertisement. Why the hell is this still allowed, and why hasn't it been blocked yet. I have tried every popup blocker, and auto overlay remover extension out there, and there are still some sites which they dont work on! Someone please tell me there is a solution...

    submitted by /u/Raishun
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    How do I make my work more efficient?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:59 PM PDT

    At my work, it has been my boss, a girl who works on social media and me, the only programmer. We have around 30-40 clients. I recently got a classmate to work with us and I am looking on how to make the office more efficient.

    • 90% of our websites are made in Wordpress. 1 is made with Java and 2 with Laravel.
    • We have just started using Github.
    • What project management apps do you recommend? (Asana, Basecamp, Trello)
    • How can we manage project proposals? Any you can recommend?
    • How can i fix error reporting from all the sites? Right now our workflow is client calls boss telling them something is wrong, boss telling me to check that the site is not working ( not giving specifics), me asking for specifics, 3 hours lurking in the code to find out that WordPress just needed more memory.

    Any other suggestions will be most appreciated.

    submitted by /u/wombit12
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    What language uses the most random "rand" function, and how do they differ from one another?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 04:27 PM PDT

    WORDPRESS: What are the options for updating or refreshing The Loop client-side?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 07:38 PM PDT

    I have a wordpress index page with The Loop pulling posts, filtered by category.

    I'm trying to allow the click of a button to refresh The Loop/re-load the php, and change the filter/ category.

    However, I'm confused by the various options I have to achieve this as most online sources have completely different methods. Though they mostly seem to involve Ajax.

    My question is, threefold:

    Is using Ajax+Jquery/JS the only way to achieve this (refreshing the Loop)? Or are there alternatives like RubyRails/Django/Node, etc. or other approaches? Obviously Ajax seems like the way to go, but as I am still learning I just want to know my full options and the full scope for future reference, and so I don't regret not doing it another way.

    Also, what is the best way to go about using Ajax to accomplish this? The easiest method I found online seems to be using a simple Jquery/Ajax post call to a php file containing the new loop, and replacing the old loop with the new loop. But as there are so many approaches out there, I'm wondering if this is ideal.

    Finally is there also a way to send some sort of variable to that php file/new loop? Again, I want the user to select a category and filter the new loop with that selection, so I would need the new php code to somehow receive/detect the user's selection.

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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    How does wolfram alpha compute this?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 01:07 PM PDT

    Calculation with very large numbers: here

    I don't think its possible for a computer to actually store the answer to this calulcation in memory. Does it approximate it somehow?

    submitted by /u/graciousgroob
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    Problem with encoding

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:20 AM PDT


    So, this is the beginning of my program which includes Turkish letters. It runs perfectly fine on Linux when I convert it using Pyinstaller. However, when I run the file on my Windows XP virtual machine, it's a nightmare: https://i.imgur.com/eEQyT9E.png

    So what can I do about this? I tried all sorts of encoding methods including iso-8859-9 and windows-1254.

    submitted by /u/thusspoketheredditor
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    Recommendations for Scripted Hex Editing?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:34 AM PDT

    I've recently started planning out idea for a personal project. I don't think I need to explain specifics in order to ask my question:

    Given that I am looking to create a script or program in order to edit a file, where most of my knowledge of the file's data and what/where I would want the script/program to modify is based on Hex offsets and values, are there are particular languages or methods that you would recommend?

    For example: Say I know I want my script to modify 16 bytes of data starting at offset 1BFF50. My script would generate the new bytes and overwrite the existing data at that offset. The new data would be generated programmatically. My script would also most likely have to read the data to follow pointers within the hex code to modify other bits of data (with the assumption that the script already knows where the pointers would be located).

    From what I've been looking at initially, something like Python might be an option, if I would be able to read the file in such a way that my hex-based knowledge of the data would still be usable. I also understand that I will most likely need to convert Hex to another format (like binary?) depending on the language I use. Another option could be scripts for hex editors?

    Anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on doing something like this? Language/plugin/library/etc recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Ghostbroster
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    Microsoft Emotion API

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:20 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I have never even tried programming so that's why I really need your help. I stumbled across a neat thing called "Microsoft Emotion API" which detects emotions just from a photo. I was wondering if it's possible to implement this kind of idea into a live video?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Nyuxio
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    Using regex in C

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:17 AM PDT

    I am trying to implement regex in C. I am trying to find, this the '1' in a long string containing this part "INST 1:"

    My regex for this was "INST[:]*" which seems to work on online regex interpreters. What I want is the location of the first or last part of the string inside the larger string.

    I am calling:

    char buffer[256]; buffer = dataRead(); regcomp(&regex, "INST[^:]*", 0); int found = regexec(&regex, buffer, 0, NULL, 0); 

    I have a few questions. Where can I find the value of the first/location location in the string. Can you input a buffer into the regexec() function to scan through for the match?

    I even tried a simple search with "INST" and found 0 matches. What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/khadgarpls
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    Why am I getting NullPointerException? (Java)

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:12 PM PDT

    I've been trying to make a new Renderer class to render my pixels for my engine but I am running into this NullPointerException issue.


    submitted by /u/real_chimps
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    Radiology Resident Wanting to Program a Draft Check Program - Where Do I Start?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:23 PM PDT

    I'll have some spare time next year and I'd like to learn some basic programming skills. Since I could apply it in my field and maybe help out future residents, I was thinking I could try my hand at making a program to check resident drafts vs attending drafts and note any significant changes. We dictate up to 200 studies in our overnight call shifts, so it's not practical to go through all reports to find significant changes.

    For example, I'd like the program to screen for any changes to the report pertaining to reporting an emergent finding. So phrases like "communicated to" or "above findings were discussed with" should be flagged and the resident notified of the change.

    In addition, significant changes to the wording or reports should be flagged. If certain words are added to the report like, "needs followed," or "recommend follow up," the resident should again be notified because it suggests a significant finding was missed (like a lung nodule).

    My question is, how difficult would something like this be to 1. Learn to make 2. Program and 3. Implement (assuming my program/the hospitals would support it)?


    submitted by /u/Occams_ElectricRazor
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    C# passing a list of objects between windows forms

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:13 PM PDT

    I have a form (lets call it form 1) that passes (among other things) a list of objects (new list, nothing in it yet) because i want the second form to add items to it (i have to do this in the second form because I won't know what type of objects they are until its decided by the user in the second form). So i created a list of objects, passed it as an argument to the second form (form2). the problem is, I don't get to the point in form 2 where I will be adding items to that list until a button click event handler towards the bottom of form2.cs. Meanwhile, the reference to the list of objects is in the initial "public form2(list<object>){ }" function at the top. How can i add items to the list later in the program if that list of objects i passed is only accessible in that one function?

    submitted by /u/derek1st
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    Do I need to have a career in IT in order to get into cyber security programming? Can I just teach myself on my own and build my own portfolio?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:08 PM PDT

    how can i monetize "time spent" on website and app?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 01:55 PM PDT

    i have heard this on several occasions .

    1. 3 years ago someone told they make money everytime someone downloads his app/ desktop app for cleaning pcs and makes $ off affiliates

    2. i have heard you can monetize the time spent on your website and app... the guy said every time whatsapp has a new version facebook gets paid for people downloading the update & time spent on app.

    3. you guys know how on FB you can connect it to your instagram account and publish products with the buy link embedded into the post and it takes you to either the fb store or website, he said in using that same style of system you can post from your .com/server to fb and instagram and the actual post becomes monetized for time spent on post (and in fb you get paid for comments and likes because its being considered as happening on the server)

    would appreciate any type of help

    submitted by /u/mrpromolive
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    Hi, does anyone know why i get “Cannot assign value of type ‘NSSTRING’ to type ‘String?”

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:12 AM PDT

    Hi, does anyone know why i get "Cannot assign value of type 'NSSTRING' to type 'String?" I have a scoreLabel, a variable Score and the function in a button should update the score. It looks like this:

    @IBOutlet weak var scoreLabel: UILabel!

    var Score = 0

    @IBAction func Button (_ sender: UIButton) { Score += Score scoreLabel.text = NSSTRING(format: "Score %@", Score) }

    The error is given in the last sentence above! Hope someone can help, I'm new to programming :) thanks!

    submitted by /u/asja000
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    Can someone walk me through an example setup of adding a new feature to an application - how someone goes from line of code to a full application?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 05:31 AM PDT

    For example... what I'm asking about is... a walk through of things like... master branches, feature branches, pull requests, merges, commits, unit testing, integration testing, security testing, deployment... etc...

    Just trying to get my head around an example of how the following happens... there is an application in your master branch, and you want to add a new feature that is simple, what are the typical steps that a developer goes through to do this...

    create a new branch which copies the master code edit the code in their IDE and add the new feature Merge the feature to the master etc etc etc

    submitted by /u/DeVeDeVeD
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    UML - Packagediagramm

    Posted: 01 May 2018 07:04 AM PDT

    Hey, I know this question isn't really about programming but I thought someone might be able to help me (since UML is related to programming) The topic is UML – Package-Diagram. Here is the full task. 1. Package P3 imports Element A (which is located in Package P1) as private.

    1. Package P3 imports Element B (which is located in Package P2) as public.

    2. Package P4 imports Package P3.

    3. Package P4 is not allowed to access Element A.

    4. Package P4 is only allowed to access Element B.

    I have a problem with point 4 / 5 – how do I model this? Is the connect <<access>> or is it <<import>> or something completely different. Here is a screen shot of what I already have. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/MrMemory14
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    Can't see exit case for Coffeescript while loop

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:16 AM PDT

    num = 6 lyrics = while num -= 1 "#{num} little monkeys, jumping on the bed. One fell out and bumped his head." 

    I saw the above code multiple times used in Coffeescript. This may be a dumb question, but where is the exit case? It seems to me that every iteration of the loop decrements num once, but the test condition always returns true since a successful num -= 1 always returns true.

    The returned string has [10..1] little monkeys jumping on the bed. How? Help me please?

    submitted by /u/OrochimarusCthulhu
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    How does the code run in Javascript?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 04:50 AM PDT

    why is it that when I put the code in the browser, it already logs "hello" to the console (even before I click on the element)?:

    const form = document.getElementById("sizePicker"); form.addEventListener("click", console.log("hello")); 
    submitted by /u/Anonymous-Kid-Cookie
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    How can you make a website from scratch?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:13 AM PDT

    Does anyone here know the method of how to make a website from scratch? Is there any way to do it from html or another method?

    submitted by /u/haileym424
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    How to avoid paying 30% fee in stores?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 06:51 AM PDT

    Hello fellow devs!

    Me and my friend are young devs and we made recently our first app. We are now in phase of testing. And I need your help!

    I know there is a way for avoiding paying fee 30% for Google/Apple. Like people will pay for subscription in our page and than they will just log in app downloaded from store. I know "giants" like Uber and Spotify do the same to avoid this fee.

    I know If I will have separated paying system I will have to deal with taxes alone without Google/Apple or I can pay for platforms like Taxamo, which will do global VAT/GST compliance on digital service sales for me too( and it is less than 30%)

    Is there someone who did this and have some experiences? How you deal with VAT/GST? If you are not selling through official stores?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/chybinspirace
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    Will writing console apps in C# teach me how to do things the right way? Seems like a lot of tutorials start with all kinds of console stuff, but people rarely use that thing anymore.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 01:46 AM PDT

    I'm not talking about the very basics, of course the C# syntax and the concepts are pretty much the same outside of console programming. But I'm wondering, should I "master" the console first? Wouldn't it make more sense to go straight into the stuff I actually wanna do?

    Insights and opinions are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/onedayitwillbedaisy
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    Best way to establish communication between a Raspberry Pi and a VPS

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:55 AM PDT

    I have a VPS and a Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is connected to WiFi and an LED. Let's say the VPS is running a simple django web page. When I click something on the web page, I want the LED on my Raspberry Pi to light up. What would be the best way to establish communication between my Pi and VPS?

    submitted by /u/hita111
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