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    Tuesday, May 8, 2018

    What are the best options to learn programming free as a teenager learn programming

    What are the best options to learn programming free as a teenager learn programming

    What are the best options to learn programming free as a teenager

    Posted: 07 May 2018 06:53 AM PDT

    I am a 15 year old guy. First time writing here! So this is my thinking right. For a couple of years I was searching around /r/beermoney and /r/WorkOnline to find some kind of way to make money legally. I didn't find anything and I thought about learning programming. Being this young, however, is kind of difficult for me to find something online. So does anyone from here have a suggestion on where to find programming courses online for free? Or am I asking for too much?

    submitted by /u/Shadow022
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    Which interface to use for Python?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 07:00 PM PDT

    Hello guys, Which IDE do you guys recommend for Python coding?

    submitted by /u/Bulgarian_Lord
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    Why don't torrents require port forwarding?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 07:42 PM PDT

    This is a simple question I've struggled with for a while.

    I've made several chat programs and file transfer programs and inevitably I either need to open ports or get a server to play middle man.

    However, torrents are peer to peer and require neither of these things.

    I guess I'm perplexed as to why they seem to play by different rules than the rest of the world.

    submitted by /u/yaxamie
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    Waiting to get some money in to buy something to start learning to program in earnest. What can I do in the meantime to get a starting foothold in programming?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:00 PM PDT

    Top pretty much says it all. I'm definitely interested in programming, I had to give my laptop to my dad (long story, he needed it to work and get some money) so I'm currently without anything right now and will only probably be able to get something next month. In the meantime! I'm currently using grasshopper which is okay but I feel like I'm not getting enough exposure. Do you guys have any other ideas on what I could do while I wait? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Justagiantpopsicle
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    Is Lambda Function Just A Syntactic Sugar?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 10:58 PM PDT

    I'm learning about lambda function topic and examined some examples from several languages. As far as I understand, lambda function is just a syntactic sugar, I don't see any difference if I use a lambda function or I just use a plain function.

    Could this be depending on language implementation?

    submitted by /u/rosmianto
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    I've been working on the same problem for 12 days. Every day. Can someone that knows PHP give me a hand please.

    Posted: 07 May 2018 10:51 PM PDT

    Okay, I'm creating some software for my small business. I'm just trying to create a skeleton, I have all the plans drawn out, database schemas planned, etc.. All I have to do now is the actual PHP and the CSS.

    The only problem is, my PHP is not submitting the code to the MySQL db. I've tried at minimum, 300 times, altering the code slightly every time. I broke down and I need help.

    These links go to Imgur.

    This is the client side form

    ignore "sexsex", it's how my friends and I say success. Yeah, dumb, I know.

    This is the database set-up

    This is the SQL code

    These photos show the set-up for the client-side form

    I'm 1000% ready for someone to tell me I'm doing some simple, stupid thing wrong. I spent 12 hours once doing this same thing, and I didn't have any reference to the database in my code. I'm used to stupidity over long amounts of time.

    I'm off to bed for the night, but I will respond to questions ASAP if there are any.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    Bash Renaming...

    Posted: 07 May 2018 10:12 PM PDT

    Hey. So, I am trying to rename two files, by appending "test" to the end of them.

    This was my process:

    steven@steven-GL753VE ~/junk $ ls

    file2 lsout.txt

    steven@steven-GL753VE ~/junk $ rename * *test

    Bareword "file2" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (user-supplied code).

    steven@steven-GL753VE ~/junk $

    Although it clearly isn't working. What is wrong with my logic?

    submitted by /u/StevenC21
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    [Noob here] How to make an HTML/CSS/JS "front end" that uses Python to web scrape and display the results in a nice way

    Posted: 07 May 2018 12:27 PM PDT

    Can someone just point in the general direction I'd need to go and research as to how to do this? I've learned web scraping from that "automate the boring stuff" book and I know basic HTML/CSS/JS. I want to make a basic site that can web scrape and use all the python stuff in the background and then display it and be interactive HTML/CSS/JS GUI.

    submitted by /u/rko1985
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    Am I going in the right direction?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:33 PM PDT

    I'm still in UNI, but I'm cutting back on my hours and starting a full time job. Luckily this job has a lot of downtime, computer Operator. I finish all my homework, and I have loads of extra time for learning different languages. In school I've only done discrete mathematics, C# intro-intermediate (polymorphism etc), I've learned a little ruby, HTML, CSS, JS, C++ and worked with MySQL a little bit. I wouldn't say I'm above intro in any of those, but with google in my holster I feel like I can do personal projects.

    If you were to design a web application what would be the first things you do? Where would you start? The HTML? The rails/Database? I start getting a little lost when it comes to this part

    submitted by /u/stuckInForLoop
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    I have one summer before graduation. Help me spend my time efficiently.

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:33 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I graduate at the end of the year with a bachelors in Computer Science, and I have one last summer before I head off into the real world. I'm looking to add a skill or two onto my resume to increase my marketability, but I'm torn between a few choices here. For starters, I live in NYC, so the tech community here is as diverse as you would think when it comes to different techs, stacks, and languages. I'm looking to get a job in backend development, but I'm down to learn some frontend techs, too.

    I spent the last few years primarily working with C++ and Java, and the last few months working on an Android project. I'd like to delve deeper into Android, but I'm not sure how big of a market there is for Android devs. I'm also considering learning some Javascript/Node.js due to how rampant it has grown and how in-demand it is. On top of that, I'm also considering exploring more Python and Flask/Django to dip my feet in some web frameworks.

    I know I can't really go wrong with any of those options, but I'm trying to narrow down my options as my semester comes to a close so I can hit the ground running.

    submitted by /u/programminghalp19391
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    Help understanding os.unlink()

    Posted: 07 May 2018 08:36 PM PDT

    I am using the os module. To delete all the files with the .txt extension. When I use os.unlink() the files get deleted (leaving the directory empty). Now I got to my terminal to delete the directory (just for practice).. using

    rmdir <file>

    I get the error message

    rmdir: poop: Directory not empty

    (yes I used poop as my practice file names)

    To my question: why would I use the os.unlink method to delete a file, when it is not deleting the data. Just disassociated from the name? In this case is that why the computer says the directory is not empty?

    submitted by /u/carter-the-amazing
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    New to programming and what advice would you give a beginner on which platform to write on?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 11:59 PM PDT

    I've been saving money for a new computer but I don't know which platform to choose. I plan on learning web development .

    submitted by /u/Chavodebrea
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    Getting past meager progress and mental blocks

    Posted: 07 May 2018 08:04 PM PDT

    I am serious about learning programming but am struggling. I am halfway through CS50 but find myself working on the same pset, watching the same videos, and not moving forward. I come home from work with no mental capacity to sit at a computer any longer and think critically. I get extremely frustrated at the lack of growth I feel after months of working on the same shit and it's entirely my fault for not sitting down and working intelligently through topics and problems. I am totally in my head and though I am not losing discipline to restart where I left off, I lack the confidence to make real progress.

    Has anyone hit this wall this early on? Does anyone have any advice?

    submitted by /u/itacorubi
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    Java - conditional expression not behaving as expected

    Posted: 07 May 2018 04:50 PM PDT

    Number x = true ? Byte.valueOf("1") : Short.valueOf("1");


    Why does this print Short instead of Byte?

    submitted by /u/TenderSap
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    [Java] Can't Get User Input While IRC Socket Connection Is Open

    Posted: 07 May 2018 10:33 PM PDT


    Lines 113-116 I am trying to get user input from the console while a socket connection is established w/ a hostname on the IRC network.

    I am trying to get that input so I can write it to the server and send messages! The client functions perfectly beyond this, I am so close to it working as I hoped! Learning the protocol has been fun, but this seems my conditional/logic is bad. Been trying to fix it all day with no luck.

    submitted by /u/tacocat777
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    Looking for Kafka expert to answer some questions about my environment

    Posted: 07 May 2018 12:46 PM PDT

    I have come into working with a Kafka environment which includes a Kafka Cluster and a Kafka Consumer. My questions are around the Kafka Cluster.

    The kafka cluster has 3 directories, each with data populated by remote sensors (producers). The cluster seems to be installed with a tool called ansible. My first question is why would this be used? What benefit does it provide?

    Other questions:

    What is a good way for me to understand what architecture I need? With the amount of data coming in, I think we can put all our data in 1 directory and not 3 like before. This would be easier to manager and I could change this later.

    What is the recommended way to setup a Kafka broker?

    Does the Kafka broker machine need to be it's own instance or is it OK to put a webapp and postgres DB on the same machine (wanting to reduce as much lag as possible).

    We use a Kafka consumer to read from the broker and store data into a postgres DB. This data is then displayed for a user in the web UI. Is this the way we should be loading data into our postgres DB for presenting in the UI?

    submitted by /u/BaubNull
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    Disabilities and Programming

    Posted: 07 May 2018 11:53 AM PDT

    Hello /r/learnprogramming! Sorry in advance for the wall of text, I'll do my best to be brief.

    I'm a disabled combat veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan with a Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The benefits I receive provide for me and my family (food, shelter, etc.), but I'm lacking drive and purpose in my life.

    I'm very competent with technology, and enjoy pretty much all things tech. I'm the person people in my circles go to when something doesn't work, and I'm a great problem solver and understand the underlying "why's" regarding how things work and are intended to work, making the diagnosis of problems enjoyable for me.

    I frequently return to programming as something I believe would be a great hobby for me, perhaps even a profession someday, but have difficulties with traditional learning environments such as classroom instruction or even online courses. Between my brain injury (migraines, difficulty focusing, allocating things to memory for long term storage) and the anxiety and depression I go through frequently, I've had a really hard time focusing on my studies to learn to code.

    I understand that having drive and purpose in solving a particular problem is important, and I do believe I have a project or two germinating in my brain that could definitely keep me busy, I'm just having a problem connecting all of the dots in a linear fashion to get my to a point where I can successfully make forward progress.

    Any support, resources, ideas, offers, etc. would be so very welcome. We've all got difficulties in our lives that prevent us from succeeding at times, and I have a feeling that in the great Venn Diagram that is live, a lot of these problems overlap.

    Thanks in advance, I really appreciate the support.

    submitted by /u/bemental_
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    Help with linked lists in C++

    Posted: 07 May 2018 10:01 PM PDT

    So, this is a project about pointers, arrays, and linked lists, and I'm confused on how to implement the link list.

    Write a C++ program to dynamically read into memory a periodic table from a file. Each element will have an atomic number, a name, an abbreviation, and a mass. Your program must include: 1. An Element structure is defined in a header file: Element.h 2. A function get_table that will return a pointer to array of pointers to the elements and the number of elements (size) read from the file /user/tvnguyen7/data/periodictable.dat via a call by reference parameter. This function must read in the data by constructing a linked list and convert the linked list into an array of pointers. The prototype for this function is included in the Element.h file. Return NULL on error conditions. 3. A main program that will sort the table using the element name and print out the elements name in alphabetical order. See required I/O. You can use qsort in cstdlib. 4. Dynamic memory must be allocated and deallocated properly

    So the file format is something like this:

    atomicnumber abbreviation mass name (for all 118 elements starting at 1)

    I'm just confused on how to create a linked list for every element in the periodic table with all the info in the input file.


    submitted by /u/CrypticStevenRSA
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    Communicating from thin client to thick client

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:54 PM PDT

    I have a web application running in a browser. I want to send some information (text) from this thin client to a thick client application running on the same machine.

    I am able to create a lightweight web service on the thick client. How do I get the thin client to access this web service on localhost? Wouldn't "localhost" for the thin client be the web server, not the client machine?

    Puzzled here, would appreciate a little help or pointers. Any other techniques / recommendations to achieve the communication are also welcome.

    Thanks, Steven

    submitted by /u/StevenChan08
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    How do I unit test?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:54 PM PDT

    I usually program in C# and I don't exactly like their unit test. I seen unit testing in other languages and I don't exactly understand them. They seem to more descriptive and I think they start with 'do'. How do they work and how should I be doing unit testing in 2018? My languages are mostly JS, C# and C++ but we can ignore C++

    submitted by /u/ZoMoBloNo87654321
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    C++: Last line of input file repeats twice

    Posted: 07 May 2018 06:06 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm new to programming and can't figure out what I am doing wrong for a school assignment. Basically, I need to read a input file of "student's" scores and get averages based on Male or Female, community college vs University... etc. I feel pretty confident in calculating the scores... I am just having issues reading the input file. I got it to compile(?) but when it runs, the last line of the text file reads twice.

    include <iostream>

    include <fstream>

    include <string>

    include <iomanip>

    using namespace std;

    int main() { string inputFileName; string name, college, sex; double score = 0, maleTotal = 0; int maleCount = 0; ifstream inputFile;

    cout << "Input file name: "; getline(cin, inputFileName); inputFile.open(inputFileName); if (!inputFile.is_open()) { cout << "Unable to open input file." << endl; exit(1); } while (inputFile.peek() !=EOF) { inputFile >> name >> sex >> college >> score; cout << left << setw(15) << name << setw(10) << college << setw(8) << score << endl; } cout << "\nEnd of file reached\n" << endl; inputFile.clear(); inputFile.seekg(0); while (inputFile >> name) { inputFile >> college >> score; if (sex == "M") { maleTotal += score; maleCount++; } } 
    submitted by /u/babob94
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    Learning Lua?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:48 PM PDT

    So I've become very interested in creating some custom skins in Rainmeter. However, to do any of the things I'd like to do, it's looking more and more like I'll need to use Lua scripting within Rainmeter to get this done.

    That being said, what does everyone recommend for some decent online courses to really get a good grasp of the language?

    Bear in mind the only language I've ever really truly done anything in is PHP, so any comparisons to other languages probably won't help me.

    Thanks! :)

    submitted by /u/Bloodlvst
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    I have the AP Computer Science A exam over java in a week. If I take it right now I will barely pass and my teacher is absolutly useless. Help?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 06:01 PM PDT

    I understand all the concepts generally, but not to the point where I can apply it to the multiple choice and Free-response-questions. I try to ask my teacher for help but she is absolutely useless and isn't preparing me at all. I was planning to just grind multiple choose doing a full practice test everyday until the test but I'm not sure how effective that will be. I would greatly appreciate any links or advice you guys can give me to score high.

    submitted by /u/Lxys
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    What notebook is best for writing down code?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 09:36 PM PDT

    I'm trying to use a notebook to write down important coding concepts and critical syntax that I need to remember. Any notebooks that are good for that?

    submitted by /u/HexHasSixSides
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