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    Tuesday, May 8, 2018

    Resume Advice Thread - May 08, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - May 08, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Resume Advice Thread - May 08, 2018

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to ask for resume advice and critiques. You should read our Resume FAQ and implement any changes from that before you ask for more advice.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    Note on anonomyizing your resume: If you'd like your resume to remain anonymous, make sure you blank out or change all personally identifying information. Also be careful of using your own Google Docs account or DropBox account which can lead back to your personally identifying information. To make absolutely sure you're anonymous, we suggest posting on sites/accounts with no ties to you after thoroughly checking the contents of your resume.

    This thread is posted each Tuesday and Saturday at midnight PST. Previous Resume Advice Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - May 08, 2018

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [OFFICIAL] New Rule: College-specific questions now go to /r/csmajors

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:09 PM PDT

    Hello to all! This is an OFFICIAL MOD ANNOUNCEMENT, please hold your undoubtedly worshipful praise until you have read the announcement in full.

    A persistent issue in this sub has been questions that are much more about CS schooling than they are about jobs, such as "Help, I only got into Stanford, CMU, Berkeley, and MIT, please help me decide between safety schools so my life isn't ruined!" We the mods have been somewhat inconsistent about removing these threads, because they're not entirely irrelevant to this sub's focus, and because there wasn't a good subreddit to deflect them to.

    ...until now.

    In partnership with the technically pre-existing sub of /r/csmajors and its previously lone moderator /u/ian421, we will begin deflecting to that sub all questions that are more about being a CS major -- or any other form of CS student, for that matter -- than they are about CS jobs. We have also partnered in sprucing up the sub a bit, so it should be easier on the eyes now. So if you want to ask about how to get started on being Big 4-Ready in middle school, or how in God's name anyone survives Operating Systems without swearing off computers, now there's a place for you to do so! Over there! And not over here! Please, God, not over here.

    Similarly, /r/csmajors will be deflecting any career-specific questions it gets over to this sub. Questions that are in-between, such as about college career fairs, or internships, or "How do working stiffs actually use the stuff they learned in CS classes?", may go in either.

    Lastly, the mod team of /r/csmajors, of which I am now half, will be recruiting a few new mods. More details on that will be announced later this week.

    submitted by /u/LLJKCicero
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    Am I going to hurt my software engineering career by pursing a site reliability engineer opportunity at a Big company?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:04 AM PDT

    I've been contacted recently by a recruiter from one of the Big companies about an SRE position opportunity (I'll give a hint - they have a free book about SRE).

    I'm really interested in operations, but mostly in the engineering side of them, I wrote a management system for a large scale system a while ago and really enjoyed designing and implementing it.

    However I'm worried this might be a really wrong career move for me and I'll get myself forever stuck in SRE (or just waste few years) and maybe this isn't even a good fit for me. I'd like to continue writing code or start managing people who do, not get deeper into trenches. Ideally I'd be probably the happiest working on Google's/Amazon's infrastructure projects - software that powers AWS and Google Cloud, so something like RDS, EC2, ECS, S3, BigTable, BigQuery, GCE etc. Or possibly something like a compiler/OS project.

    From what little I have read, SRE seems like 24/7 troubleshooting with some occasional automation tasks, so kind of Test Automation Engineer, only with operations.

    submitted by /u/ivanthescientist
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    First job out of college - got fired after 6 weeks

    Posted: 08 May 2018 01:06 PM PDT

    I posted this just a few days ago.

    So they fired me, saying I wasn't doing well enough and was unable to work well without help. I'm don't really have any specific questions here, just a little lost about where to even go next. I'm worried that this is the wrong career for me, lasting a mere 6 weeks is pretty bad going.

    Anyone got any advice, or ever been in a similar position?

    submitted by /u/Fpjooc
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    Working in the CS field has made me completely hate programming

    Posted: 08 May 2018 08:00 AM PDT

    I used to love to program in high school and college. After class I would go home and be eager to work on apps and web design. I even enjoyed doing problems on LeetCode and Hackerrank. 1 year into a job in the CS field, and I have lost all this passion for programming I once had. Nowadays, the last thing I ever want to do when I come home from work is program. I am only 1 year in and I'm already this turned off by the field. I'm wondering how I'm going to be able to do this for the rest of my life. How do you guys deal with it?

    submitted by /u/RockAndHODL
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    Is it normal to feel depressed after graduating?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 10:36 AM PDT

    I just graduated last Friday with a CS degree from a pretty good school, but I have felt depressed ever since the ceremony. After the ceremony I just slept all day even though my friends and family were there. Here I am a few days later and I still feel the same way. I know I shouldn't feel this way because I have accomplished so much; I have a job lined up and the school recognized me at an awards ceremony and showed off some of the projects the faculty really liked. It feels like I'm missing something, but I don't know what it is. I don't doubt myself being able to perform at my job, but there's just something making me feel... off. I've talked to all of my friends who I graduated with and they are all really happy, and I'm happy for them, but I feel like I'm alone in feeling this way.

    submitted by /u/WeededDragon1
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    New grad over-idealizing full-time employment?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 02:21 PM PDT

    I'm graduating in a few days, and I'm not going to miss college at all. I am super psyched!

    In college, there was always this black cloud hanging over my head and following me around everywhere. This black cloud consisted of homework and projects to get done, and exams to study for. This black cloud would be there during evenings, weekends, and even weekend evenings. Now as a full-time employee, I can own my life after 5 PM and on weekends. I can watch Netflix shows or play guitar or read fun books on Tuesday night without guilt or messing up my academic performance. Screw you, black cloud!

    In college, I've always had to share an apartment (or even a bedroom) with a roommate. One roommate would intentionally sleep on the living room couch despite having his own single bedroom. Another would never use headphones despite my constant requests and play loud music and action movies/TV shows at 11 PM on a weekday night. Another was clingy and would get upset if I didn't involve him in every single social outing I went to. Now that I finally have a full-time job with a good salary, I can afford my very own 1-BR apt/studio with no roommates! YAY!!

    Now that I am done with college, no more college group projects where I get penalized for others' laziness! This_thread hits the nail on the head regarding college group projects.

    To be honest though, I'm a little taken aback by my own "Good riddance!" attitude towards college. Also, although I really had a rewarding experience at my summer internship where I worked hard (8 hours a day NOT including the lunch break) but was actually building cool shit...perhaps I'm extrapolating too much to what a full-time job is like. OF COURSE internships are going to be nice and chill; the employers WANT you to work for them after you graduate if you're good (uh, what was the point of internships again?).

    So maybe this is a grass is greener kind of thing? I saw the other thread about the guy who started hating programming after doing it 8 hours a day.

    submitted by /u/green_grasss
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    CTCI 16 week study guide - Final thoughts?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 03:40 PM PDT

    Can someone make any closing suggestions on this 16 week plan for Fall?

    1. Big O review, Problem Solving Approaches (e.g. Brute Force), and Strings/Arrays (e.g. Rotated arrays/Needle in a haystack/Rotate a matrix)
    2. Recursion (e.g. Towers of Hanoi/Longest Univalue path in BST)
    3. Linked Lists (e.g. Loop detection/Merging/Reversal)
    4. Stacks and Queues (e.g. Minimum element in stack/Sort Stack/Queue via Stack)
    5. Sorting and Searching (e.g. counting sort/binary search)
    6. Sorting and Searching cont'd
    7. Trees and Graphs (e.g. Check balanced/Random Node/Check if Tree is Subtree)
    8. Trees and Graphs cont'd / Path finding (e.g. Dijkstra's, A*, BFS, DFS )
    9. Trees and Graphs cont'd / Path finding cont'd
    10. Object Oriented Design (e.g. Deck of Cards/Parking Lot)
    11. Using Data Structures to build more complex Data Structures(e.g. Priority Queue or LRU Cache)
    12. Bit Manipulation (e.g. Binary to String/Conversion)
    13. Dynamic Programming (e.g. Maximum Subarray/Best time to buy and sell stock)
    14. Dynamic Programming
    15. Further problem solving using Data Structures & Algorithms (e.g. DP/building complex DS)
    16. Python specific data structures/Big O costs/trivia (e.g. deques/namedtuples)
    submitted by /u/CTCISemester
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    How to get into Investing Banking / Finance Field as a Software Engineer.

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:09 PM PDT

    I'm currently a student majoring in Comp Sci at university. I was wondering if anyone has advice on how to get into investing banking or finance field as software engineer. I've tried getting an internship as a engineer in finance companies but I had no luck getting an interview. The response I was always getting is that my skills do not match their position. Does any have any kind of advice of what kind of projects I could possibly create to build up my resume over the summer and what kind of languages or skills I should master ? I know lots of companies in finance deal with lots of data, so python is a plus also any data visualization skills, and good problem solving skills.

    submitted by /u/jaxxpl
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    Do the H1B1 salaries that companies post include things like benefits/bonuses, or is it base salary?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 01:27 PM PDT

    There have been some H1B1 postings hanging in our office for SE jobs that have salaries listed at the bottom. Some of the salaries are insane for a SE (not SE2 or senior etc), and it's been a discussion of a few people in my office. I was afraid at first that I was getting severely underpaid, but it seems there are many with the same concerns. Does anyone know if the salaries posted are just the base, or includes other things as well?

    I found some more postings on the public h1b1 site, which says "Base Salary", but i'm not positive if that's accurate. Looking at just my location to to take region into account, I see a range of salaries, but there are some SEs making much more than me and other SE2s that I know if it's just base salary. Here's the site i'm referencing, just without it filtered down to my location for anonymity's sake.


    submitted by /u/whatthesalary
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    Employers, what kind of personal projects do you look for from college grads?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 03:24 PM PDT

    And also, feel free to share projects you did after college

    submitted by /u/asdfrewq15
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    Fired after 5 months at a new company. Looking for advice and feedback

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:20 PM PDT

    Wow, my first ever post on Reddit.

    5 months ago, I left my software development job at a large insurance company to move to a new city and start a job at a small, but well-respected tech company. I really loved the place too. The engineers I worked with were some of the smartest, and most talented people I had ever met, and I learned a lot from them.

    Last Friday, after just under 5 months at this company, I went to a regularly-scheduled 1x1 with my manager (a senior software engineer who worked on a different team) when someone from HR walked in. My manager then simply said that it hasn't been working out, and that they were terminating me. HR did their thing and that was it. No exit interview either.

    I was the least experienced software engineer at the company. On my quarterly evaluation, I was rated as an "average performer" which, while not being the lowest score, is still something that should be improved. Two weeks ago, during another 1x1 with my manager, he even told me I was improving in the areas mentioned in the quarterly review. For this reason, I at least thought they would keep me on, at least until next quarter's evaluation.

    I'm not sure what to think anymore. The company has been shedding jobs; down from 163 the day I started to 131 the day I left, so I'm starting to think my termination was financially motivated, which I can totally understand. Or I'm just overthinking. I had a good relationship with my manager and my team. My work got done on time. It just took my a little longer than everyone else. Again, they all had way more experience than me.

    I was hoping the community here could help answer a couple of questions:

    1. Is it possible I was let go due to company finances, and the fact I was the newest, and least experienced engineer was the reason I was let go? According to people I've reached out to since I was let go, the turnover rate on the engineering team has always been pretty high

    2. What do I tell prospective employers? The company is well-known in this city, and the fact that I was there for only 5 months will raise some questions.

    Any answers, advice, or feedback would be tremendously appreciated. I really do love software engineering, I want to stay in the field. It's just been hard few days, and some words of wisdom would do me some good.

    submitted by /u/Nightfire915
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    Kicked out of UW Seattle for non-academic reasons. Advice?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 11:34 AM PDT

    Hey guys.

    So, long story short:

    I was a sophmore at UW planning to apply to CSE. I had a 3.96, good projects/experiences, and had a great chance of getting in. However, at the end of winter quarter, a friend and I played a prank that we thought was just in good fun, but we ended up getting in big trouble with the school and they decided to kick us out.

    I have been pretty bummed/depressed about this. It's frustrating to have busted my ass to get into CSE only to get kicked out over something stupid. However, I want to make the best of the situation, and I'm trying to figure out what to do. There is nothing on my record at all, so I should have no problems applying to other schools. My goal is to ideally get a job out of school at a big company like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, etc.

    Should I go to WWU or WSU? What are their CS departments like? How is recruiting for CS majors at these schools? How do their grads do in the job market?

    Should I take a gap year to establish residency in CA and apply to UCs?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    In the meantime, I've just been doing some freelance work online and learning things on my own.

    Edit: The UW was generous enough to allow me to leave the university with a clean record. No one outside the UW will know about the incident or being kicked out. It will appear as though I simply left the university.

    submitted by /u/pharmaskier
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    Recruiters/HR people, do you email before calling a candidate you're interested in?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 10:09 AM PDT

    If you don't, you probably should. I've been on the job hunt for well over a year now and, as a result, I get mostly spam calls from Indian recruiters looking to fill tech jobs that don't exist. It's not worth answering my phone for random phone numbers.

    From my experience, I usually get an email first but I don't know if all places are like this. I've probably missed out on opportunities because I didn't answer my phone.

    submitted by /u/Brodysseus1
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    Working as a Programmer Analyst at a University Research Lab.

    Posted: 08 May 2018 06:01 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I have an opportunity to work at my University's research lab after I graduate this May. I have been working in this lab as a Student Programmer for almost a year now, so I have a fair idea of what I am getting into. But I still do have a few doubts I am an international student doing my Masters here in the United States. Getting a job for me after I graduate is challenging, especially one that can sponsor me. Also, I am not in a great state of mental health but I am recovering slowly :). I have really thought about this opportunity and here is what I feel about it, but I would really love your advice on this.


    1. I would be working on fulfilling projects funded by the Department of Defense. This lab works a lot on Machine Learning, VR, Computer Vision for the benefit of US Army soldiers & veterans and also projects on human affect. My goal is to work on Computer Science and its benefits on mental health, and I think this is one step closer.
    2. The benefits given to an employee working at a University are really great. Especially the PTO and tuition waiver for classes related to the work you are doing. I could mould myself even more as I work here.
    3. The lab seems to be a chill place to work, which would help me since I have been fighting depression and anxiety. I can keep track of my health. I have seen people having a good time in this place.
    4. Good location, a very well known University means a great opportunity to network and attend conferences.
    5. Easy Visa Sponsorship (No Lottery System for non-profits)


    1. Lower Pay compared to the typical Software Engineering job.
    2. I will probably be the one doing everything. Documentation, Design, Coding, Prototyping etc, in some projects here.
    3. Funding situation can change anytime. even though it is really stable now.
    4. A too relaxed work environment can bite back, especially for young developers like me.

    The pros really align with me, when it comes to my mental health and the fact that I am curious about every damn thing in computer science and want some learning flexibility. But I still have a few questions in mind that I have been searching answers for:

    1. Will working in a research lab decrease my chances of working in an industry setting e.g. a normal SE job, if I decide to leave after a few years?
    2. Is being responsible for the whole process(from documentation to development) too much for someone who is just starting out?
    3. If I work here, what kind of things should I keep in mind, so as to make my work align with practices in the industry?

    Honestly speaking, I write this post because I have friends working in Big N companies hinting me to not work here, but I just want a chill life and a chill programming job with a lot of freedom. I just feel guilty that I am settling for this job since I didn't have to give any technical interviews for it.


    submitted by /u/epicboar
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    Is there anything you wish you'd known before your first internship?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 12:19 AM PDT

    I'm starting my first internship at a decently large company in a few weeks and I'm wondering if there is any general advice you guys have for getting the most out of the internship.

    submitted by /u/blackjack95129
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    Boss humiliated me today, should I quit?

    Posted: 07 May 2018 07:26 PM PDT

    So I work at this white label software shop doing backend development. The company is not a tech company whatsoever in fact I'm the only person there that knows how to code.

    Anyways today I made a mistake that I took ownership of but a mistake nonetheless. I was in the terminal and doing some things with the user table.

    We have a chron job that takes every username/password from all the users (every white label app uses the same user table) stored in a CSV of a spreadsheet and does some network requests to update the user every day.

    Well that chronjob has been fucking up lately and I don't know PHP that well and instead of updating the users, about 500 users were deleted which caused a huge mess with the support team.

    My boss yells at me and tells me that if I wasn't the only person who could work on the software that I'd be fired immediately. I really don't want to go into work tomorrow.

    Should I quit and look for a new job? I'm only two years into my career and I want to get out of this non-tech Bible Belt shithole town I'm in anyways.

    submitted by /u/cscareer-throwaway69
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    How much will job expectations correlate with salary increase, especially after negotiating?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 02:28 PM PDT

    Hi Reddit,

    I'm about 2 years into my first software engineer job out of college and I'm going to be promoted soon. This corresponds to a roughly ~40% increase in total salary.

    I'm also looking towards going to another company in the Bay area to be a bit closer to family. If I do so I'll try to negotiate a higher salary when interviewing. My hope is that I can begin these negotiations after I've received my promotion at the current company, so that I can compound the salary increase even further.

    My major concern is the performance expectation after the large increase to my total compensation. I'm comfortable with the next level expectations at my current company, but if I move to a new one it might be overwhelming, especially since I'm still a junior. Does anyone have any insight regarding how managers tend to evaluate engineers based on their salary?


    submitted by /u/tykemison1
    [link] [comments]

    How to deal with intelligent (smart-ass) colleague?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 04:29 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I am going to be intentionally vague of the details just to maintain privacy. So I work in a small team, on a rather intricate project. I've been paired up with another individual, let's call them A, who possesses a lot of valuable domain knowledge that is quite necessary to get this project off the ground and get it to where it needs to be. So any way you look at it, I have to work with A.

    Here is how I view A. I like A as a friend, he's pretty laid back, chill guy and quite smart. However, I've had a nightmare working with him on this project because:

    a) A is very distracting. We have an open office plan, and I sit right next to A because I have to work on this project with him. Every 5-10 mins he distracts me with something completely non-work related. A is a FUN guy to be around but not when you are trying to concentrate. I try to use headphones to indicate that I'm busy but this doesn't work. A is simply the kind of person that likes to talk / piss around while working, I need stretches of quiet time to get any work done. So there's a fundamental incompatibility here between our work styles that's preventing us from collaborating effectively.

    b) Communication problems. A is a very intelligent person and there's no doubt that they have the expertise / knowledge they claim to have. However, A has a tendency of assuming that everyone else is on his same level and I'd say virtually 80-90% of what he says I literally don't understand. Keep in mind that the environment in this workplace isn't necessarily conducive to admitting that you have missing gaps in your knowledge so I usually just nod my head trying to fake that i'm understanding. What bugs me though is that I'm sure A knows that he is not being understood at all and gets a kick out of it.

    c) A is 'popular' and 'well liked' so I'm finding it difficult finding a way to address these issues that's not going to ruin my reputation in the workplace.

    Has anyone been in such a situation? So far I've escaped awkward, dysfunctional work situations by just switching jobs but id really like to address this somehow. On one hand I feel like maybe I'm just not a good fit for this role. I can barely keep up with A on a knowledge level (however, this is mostly due to the fact that I'm not familiar with this area like he is). But also I can't help but feel that A is intentionally being an ass and gets a kick out of making ppl feel like they are not as smart as him. Part of it is due to the fact that he iis generally unaware / not very sympathetic when someone is visibily struggling with something, and often trivializes problems that may seem 'difficult' to me or others.

    Also just a bigger overall question? Has anyone been in a situation where they were the dumbest one in the room and it didn't work out too well long term? I work with more than a few high iq, intelligent people but sometimes the ego that comes with it is a bit too much and I start wishing I could work with more 'regular' colleagues.

    submitted by /u/maab_
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    US cities with great salary with respect to rent?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 04:24 PM PDT

    Hey guys, what are some of the best US cities to land a software engineering job in terms of salary with respect to rent? I am looking for an entry level position, but would like to know your opinion on what you consider to be top cities to live in as a new grad paying rent and in slight debt with student loans?

    submitted by /u/twintowersrubble
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    Adding blog as personal project?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:58 PM PDT

    Currently working as an entry-level SWE but am very interested in more ML-related work in the future.

    Do you guys think it would be valuable to start writing a blog about ML/statistics/CS concepts?

    I feel that writing one would help me learn and teach others as well. Would it be helpful if I were to add a blog like that on my resume? Let's assume the blog is purely professional and doesn't contain personal stuff

    submitted by /u/agoevm
    [link] [comments]

    Getting a programming job in Canada

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:56 PM PDT

    Hi Redditors, how are you doing today?

    I am a fresh grad from a reputed university in India, and have got a full-time offer from one of the largest retailers in the world. I start from July of this year in Bangalore. We recently made a trip to their campus, and it's quite cool. Also, their development centre in India is one of the largest, and hence, I see plenty of growth there, if I work properly.

    The thing is, I need to move to Canada, due to the tropical climate here that aggravates an ailment of mine. I have started applying to firms in Can/US, but till now, I have got rejections. I have an okayish resume with a 6 month internship at one of the big 4s. How can I make this happen? Also, will mass applying to companies via LinkedIn hurt my future chances of getting hired?

    submitted by /u/pandepra
    [link] [comments]

    Which is more challenging and why: Test Engineer or Site Reliability?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:53 PM PDT

    They might be apples and oranges, but still

    submitted by /u/Bulbasaur2015
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    Can an unsatisfactory internship performance review affect eligibility for rehire for fulltime?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 01:56 PM PDT

    So about 2 years ago, I did an internship for a specific large retail corporation. I did not get a satisfactory performance review due to disagreements I had with my manager. Therefore, I did not receive the full-time offer. Last week, I received an interview and subsequently a fulltime offer from the same company. The offer states that whether or not I receive the position is dependent on "verification for rehire eligibility" as well as drug tests, etc. Because the offer I received is much greater than the pay I am receiving now (about a 24% increase), I am afraid that my performance review from the internship will affect my rehire eligibility. Is there anyone that has had an experience like this?

    submitted by /u/qqtan36
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    Should I stay in school, get a job, or both?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:51 PM PDT

    At my current speed I could attain a MSc level in about 1.5-2 years,

    my schedule is really flexible so I could also get a full time job while staying in school "full time"(2x40hours/week), even if I would probably need to spend a few more years in school.

    So I basically have 2 options:

    -studying 80h/week for the next two years

    -getting a full time job and studying 40h/week for 3-4 years

    What would be the best move?In 5 years, which option would give me the best opportunities/salaries?

    I should probably add that I don't pay any tuition fees, that I didn't take any student loans, and that I'm getting enough financial support to live relatively decently for the next two years.

    submitted by /u/mathings
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    Good starting salary for an entry-level Developer position in San Antonio, TX?

    Posted: 08 May 2018 07:45 PM PDT

    Basically the title. I have a phone interview tomorrow and I'm pretty sure they're going to ask what salary range I'm expecting. I have looked in various places to see what the average is but they all seem to be different. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/smellslikefizh
    [link] [comments]

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