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    Tuesday, May 1, 2018

    Pure CSS Francine - 18th century-style painting in CSS web developers

    Pure CSS Francine - 18th century-style painting in CSS web developers

    Pure CSS Francine - 18th century-style painting in CSS

    Posted: 01 May 2018 06:25 AM PDT

    I did some patterns and illustrations which you guys can use for free

    Posted: 01 May 2018 10:10 AM PDT

    Introducing .app, a more secure home for apps on the web

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:54 AM PDT

    Custom domains on GitHub Pages gain support for HTTPS

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:25 PM PDT

    Master the World of ReactJS – Issue #3

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:40 AM PDT

    1-week front-end bootcamp suggestions?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:18 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm an experienced backend engineer who's looking for more front-end dev experience. I'm typically a self-learner, but would like to take a very short bootcamp class focusing on React to get my learning started. For the record, I'm also looking at this as a travel/networking opportunity, and I acknowledge that it's impossible to even skim the surface of the world of front end development within one week. Here are two examples of what I'm looking for:

    https://www.codecamps.com/ - Las Palmas, Spain

    https://reactjs.academy/react-redux-graphql-bootcamp-lisbon.html - Lisbon, Portugal

    I'd like to know if you have any other recommendations, as I'm on the West Coast of the US so travel is a bit expensive to Las Palmas or Lisbon.



    submitted by /u/LobbyDizzle
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    UI Kit Generator (Bootstrap + Sketch export)

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    Advice on my WordPress site.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:48 PM PDT

    I am making a blog to help people pursue coding in Python.

    I want to make it as good as I can. Please give me advice on areas of improvement for my blog site. Thank you very much !!!


    submitted by /u/PythonGod123
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    Question about Email through GoDaddy/G Suite

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:23 PM PDT

    I'm posting this here because I think it's more of a domain thing than a G Suite thing. Basically, I've got registered on GoDaddy which is pointing to G Suite so that I can use their platform (I only use Gmail). I want to be able to cut the subscription, so I'm thinking I could just unsubscribe, set up a new mailbox with the same address (eg [myemail@mydomain.com](mailto:myemail@mydomain.com)) and forward it to my primary Gmail so that I'm not paying the subscription to basically forward email. This would work, right? Am I missing anything? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/bnimbla
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    Radio buttons on form not returning value

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:58 PM PDT

    I made a form and I can't figure out why the JS file isn't passing the values(If that is even where the breakdown occurs) of the selected radio buttons to the PHP file. The email I receive upon submit just returns those fields empty.

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated, I'm not sure how to proceed at this point.

    PHP: https://pastebin.com/6gRuCEED

    Javascript: https://pastebin.com/p2fW0ZM1

    HTML Form: https://pastebin.com/k5AEqu2g

    submitted by /u/onlyslavesobey
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    Made a website for a client, but it is not showing up in search results.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:11 AM PDT

    I have made a few websites using Squarespace before, and I have never had issues getting it to show up when people search for it on Google. Yet, this recent website I created with another (and also very new to website development) freelancer, does not show up on Google.

    Is there anything in particular you can tell is wrong with this website? I have tried making Google index the site etc.


    Even if you write "jehansen.no" into Google Search, you wont find it. What can I do to make it show up when searched for? In particular I want it to show up when people type in my clients name or his company name, which is the same.

    submitted by /u/The-Respawner
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    Temporary job ideas as a stepping stone to web development

    Posted: 01 May 2018 10:41 AM PDT

    Hey there. I'm moving to San Francisco at the end of June to attend a well known coding boot camp so as to jump-start my career as a dev out there. I've been doing freelance web development here and there for a while during my time at university as a full-time student and have been a barista at Starbucks part time on top of that as well. I graduate soon and could use all the advice I can get.

    I'm probably only going to be able to get 30 hours per week tops at Starbucks for a pay rate of roughly $10.80/hr. This, combined with my intent to save up for a deposit and cost of living expenses in SF, creates a need to acquire a second job, as freelance work is not reliable enough to bring in the kind of money I need around here. Short of seeking out longer term junior developer positions here in SC, what are some good temporary employment options for a budding developer with a bachelor's degree (that isn't a STEM degree)?

    TL;DR: What's a good temporary job for someone with a competent level of programming knowledge/experience who is trying to get into web development in the future?


    submitted by /u/fedoral__agENT
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    Web Design and Development Process: How to start your web project right

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:20 PM PDT

    Django and React Native

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:00 PM PDT

    I just started building a web app that I want to later extend to iOS and Android. Django is my back-end of choice due to its built-in admin portal and my familiarity with Python. I am somewhat familiar with React and thus React Native sounds like an ideal front-end to fit my needs.

    Is this an optimal combination? Or am I asking for trouble? I'm open to suggestions. Assuming I stick with Django and React native: Is there a way to easily extend Django view templating to iOS/Android via React Native? Or should it all run though Django Rest Framework? I ask because I am inclined to build the web interface first using view templating (again, something I'm already familiar with) and later move to mobile with minimal code duplication.

    submitted by /u/danielorf
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    Any plugin developers around here? (i.e. Wordpress, Shopify, Chrome, etc.)

    Posted: 01 May 2018 01:27 PM PDT

    Hey folks, who of you considers him/herself a plugin developer and runs the plugins as a main or side-business?

    How do you scout for new opportunities / product ideas?

    What information about the platform or competition would be useful to have for your current or future projects?

    Looking forward to hear your thoughts!


    submitted by /u/uxpatric
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    Day #1 of a newbie programmer

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:55 PM PDT

    Well, not sure if this kind of posts is allowed, but I will still type it as I found out that it will be great to do that while I am on my learning cycle.

    So today I started learning programming. I am 24, with a shit career, trying to find myself and to find the right career. Currently I am away from my homeland, away from the safe territory and lack of good meal that is actually cooked and taste good. Away from my girlfriend as well.

    Little intro: Before I have decided to relocate from Croatia to Sweden I used to work in a marketing sector. Since marketing started to be more of a joke with the shitty community, I've decided to escape the country due to the bad situation in every aspect you look. Now I am in Sweden, freezing my but and working 11 hours a day on a construction site for not so much money, but hey, it's better.

    I've seen some things, worked in the Ireland and I was introduced to the programming, but never actually sticked to that. Yesterday I was drinking some beer and thought about what the f am I going to be? Getting job here in marketing is bit tough, and my thing is not to stay here forever, so I was looking for a thing that will allow me to travel, yet work from wherever I want. Everything lead to the programming.

    I did some research and decided to go with JavaScript. Now I am sure a lot of people will argue my choice, but this is what it is and my short term goal is to land a job till the end of the year as a Front-End, Full Stack or some other position that requires JS. I believe that it is possible, even if you do the hard work such as construction, and this will be my vent every few days to sum up and share my path of becoming something in this world.

    For starters and newbies, as I am, do a little research of what you actually want to learn. There are people out there that know which language is for what so they can help you. For example, you want to make video games? Awesome, you go on the Google and ask "programming languages for making video games".

    Now this sounds funny, but you will be googling a lot on your path to become programmer. That was the second lesson of a course I have bought on Udemy. (Will say which one if someone is interested)

    First was a little bit about how Internet and Browsers work, brief history and beginnings. It's actually funny to see how fast shit hit the fan in this industry and how far programmers are going each and every year by creating more and more stuff. Also I have learned something that is called algorithm, but actually right now I see no point of using it, nor I understand it. Believe I will understand it after few months when I will have an actual example to follow.

    Third thing is communication of a computer->isp->server->computer. Now this is where it gets funny. For each and every type of web site you have a dedicated IP, as well as every device connected to the internet. So when you type google.com, that translate into a series of numbers that goes to ISP, who bill you for using Internet, and that goes to the closest (google??) server from you and tells to server: "Right mate "", this fella "" called you". And boom! You get your google.com displayed, because the server sent you files on your request. Actually it sends you group of files (HTML,CSS and JS + the others depending on the structure) which your browser then shows as a beautiful google.com page.

    After you get the communication, you will have a lot of things to understand, but that will do the trick for the beginning.

    After that you'll probably want to start to code, and you can't jump on JS without knowing of HTML/CSS.

    What's HTML? It's a skeleton of the website (and HyperText Mark Up Language) and CSS will make your site fancy to an eye (Cascade Style Sheet). JavaScript is a part that will make site interactive, but I'll leave it for the later.

    So you go there and download Sublime Text 3, you can Google out which one you want, it's not so important which one you'll use.

    First line you will use is

    <!DOCTYPE html/>

    That actually says to your browser: "Right mate, I am an HTML5 website, so be kind and show me on the browser as a HTML5, not any other HTML".

    After that the browser says: "Yeah right mate, thst seems fair enough!".

    Then you need a dramatic opening <html> and closing </html> tag where you will obviously go with the HTML flow.

    Inside <html> be sure to implement tags like <head> and also inside <title> tag you can say My first website</title>. That will actually be seen in your tab section in browser. Close the tag</head>. Proceed with building a <body>. Now this tag will show on the website space. You can include a lot of things such as paragraphs, lists, tables and everything. I decided to put the unordered list (ul) and put in a few fruits with their images using <img src=""> tag be sure to close the </body> and </html> tags.

    Now on upper <p> paragraph, you see how I did this. I basically started few hours ago and made up my technique to memorize tags. Pretty solid for a day. And remember to close the tags.</p> There are exceptions to the rule, so you can try to <br>eak the page to show the next line in a next line. (Sloppy explanation I know, but it's my 3rd language, so bear with me.) Browsers need instructions as better as they can and they so they can do the job as best as they can.

    And today I actually created a website and learned something. It's not a new Facebook, but it is a huge leap for me.

    Now great thing is that I learned at the first day a lot of things and actually things are working. I am feeling extremely comfortable with the command so I hope it will go well. Unfortunatelly I had to stop, cause wake up time is tomorrow 5am, and will be off the computer till 7pm, but I will be taking notes and typing new things as I am learning.

    submitted by /u/Vaartan
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    For a portfolio, should I code from scratch?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 06:49 AM PDT

    I am wishing to break into Web Development for my next career move and am working on building a portfolio.

    When making example websites, should I code from scratch with HTML to show my HTML/CSS skills or should I use a tool like WordPress, etc, to build those websites for me?

    submitted by /u/DankMrSkeltal
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    Deploy your static website at every pull request

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:43 PM PDT

    Firefox Health Dashboard

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:30 PM PDT

    Should I switch from Web Dev to native Mobile App Dev?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:08 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I wanted to get feedback on this, because I'm not 100% sure if I should go for it. I've been coding for Web for years now and would say that I'm a professional (do mostly ReactJS these days). Do you think it would make sense to switch to native Mobile App development (Android, I'd say, which I'd start from scratch) or staying and growing in Web would be a better option?

    Would be nice to hear your thoughts and maybe experience if you went through the same thought process. This is kind of job related, so I might need to switch jobs if I decide to stay in Web (which wouldn't be a big deal).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/quietbits
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    gridtoflex.com - Flexbox fallbacks for popular UI solutions that use CSS Grid.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:55 AM PDT

    Recommendations on a lightweight PHP eCommerce CMS.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:26 AM PDT

    I've been doing eCommerce development for over a decade, and haven't found an eCommerce system that really jives with me yet. Most of the popular non-hosted ones, like Magento feel overly clunky -- like the Wordpress of eCommerce. And the hosted ones feel limiting, especially for a growing client who is going to ultimately want customization beyond what they offer. The couple lightweight ones I've seen don't seem very well supported. For non ecom, I prefer working in a lightweight CMS (like Craft or Fuel) or a lightweight framework (like CodeIgniter) paired with an external CMS (like Contentful). I'd be open to either style for an eCommerce. Suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Red_Icnivad
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    codepen froze with chrome.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:12 AM PDT

    Codepen site wont load on chrome for my sign in. Have I been blocked for a dodgy loop or something?

    submitted by /u/ox-
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    [Q] Looking for a specific site regarding web security basics

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:02 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I remember there being a site that taught simple security basics (XSS, CSRF etc., SQL injection). If I remember correctly it was specfically build to guide developers and made heavy use of icons. It was a rather modern looking page as well.

    I thought that I had bookmarked the page, but unfortunately I didn't. It has been a while since I last visited the site. I just wanted to get a quick refresher on a few of those topics, but I can't remember the name of the site and could not find it via google either.

    Does anybody have an idea what page I could mean?

    Thanks in advance


    submitted by /u/On3iRo
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