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    Wednesday, May 2, 2018

    MIT lecturer Ana Bell discusses the best books to learn computer science and programming (2018). learn programming

    MIT lecturer Ana Bell discusses the best books to learn computer science and programming (2018). learn programming

    MIT lecturer Ana Bell discusses the best books to learn computer science and programming (2018).

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:48 PM PDT

    Ana Bell, lecturer in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, chooses the best books to learn computer science and programming.


    submitted by /u/FiveBooks
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    Which programming principles actually do more harm than good?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:00 AM PDT

    Which programming principles actually do more harm than good?

    submitted by /u/plegm
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    I am presenting at a middle school career day on programming - What are some ideas I could get excitement in / tip of the iceberg learning in 45 minutes?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:39 PM PDT

    I am a software engineer focusing on web and mobile applications. A friend asked me to come give a 45 minute presentation to her 8th grade class on what I do for work and how it is a great career path. I don't have any background in teaching but excited to go talk about it. I was hoping to find some ideas to not bore students with. I have access to white boards as well as google slides.

    submitted by /u/jellopretzels
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    [ FREE ES6 E-BOOK ] JavaScript ES6 for beginners free ebook

    Posted: 01 May 2018 05:56 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I just finished writing an ebook about the new features of ES6. You can follow this link to medium ( https://medium.com/@labby92/free-e-book-javascript-es6-for-beginners-9553f8d3a91c ) where you can find all the information you need (what's the content, where to download it for free, where to contribute to the repo) or you can read it here (https://www.scribd.com/document/377638910/JavaScript-ES6-for-Beginners).

    This is my first ebook but I want to continue writing (the next one will be about ES7,8,9) so all the feedback I'll get from this one will help me write more.

    I really hope you will find it useful, if you have question please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/Labby92
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    Bachelors degree and 0 experience

    Posted: 01 May 2018 04:50 PM PDT

    So I graduated with a computer science degree last may (2017) and have been working as a help desk analyst for a couple of months now. Problem here is I want to work as a software developer since I feel like I've been going nowhere in my current job. I know languages such as Java, C#, python, sql ,powershell etc. as well as a little front end web development though I'm not particularly great at any of them. I didn't do any internships and all the projects I have are just old school work. I have never worked in a development group and have no formal work experience in the field. I guess my question is, what kind of projects should I be working on in my spare time to practice, and in a way emulate, the skills required to land an actual dev job.

    submitted by /u/heroinbob91
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    Github exposes some Passwords in plaintext

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:08 PM PDT

    If you use github, check your email as your password may be being stored in plaintext:

    Hi there,

    During the course of regular auditing, GitHub discovered that a recently introduced bug exposed a small number of users' passwords to our internal logging system, including yours. We have corrected this, but you'll need to reset your password to regain access to your account.

    GitHub stores user passwords with secure cryptographic hashes (bcrypt). However, this recently introduced bug resulted in our secure internal logs recording plaintext user passwords when users initiated a password reset. Rest assured, these passwords were not accessible to the public or other GitHub users at any time. Additionally, they were not accessible to the majority of GitHub staff and we have determined that it is very unlikely that any GitHub staff accessed these logs. GitHub does not intentionally store passwords in plaintext format. Instead, we use modern cryptographic methods to ensure passwords are stored securely in production. To note, GitHub has not been hacked or compromised in any way.

    ... plaintext!

    submitted by /u/Reeveo
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    [homework] [MySql]Been bashing my head against this problem for 4 hours. Managed to solve the two individual parts as separate queries, but can't bring them to work together.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:46 PM PDT

    So I have 5 tables I'm working with. I need to return all persons who are participating in a specific running contest, and return the total miles each person ran between given dates.

    Here are the main columns between the 5 tables


    here is my query that returns the people enrolled (5 of 7 people in the database)



    002 Cathy Smith 003 John Lee 004 Omar Shariff 005 Pundla Gupta 006 Sally Ride 

    Here is my query that sums the total miles ran between the start and end of the contest


    RESULTS ( LOG_ID and RUN_ID happen to match up as far as which runner owns which log)

    001 9.00 002 18.90 003 18.90 004 21.30 005 13.70 006 21.30 

    This second query totals everything correctly, but I can't get this to happen for only the people return in query 1 as a single query

    I'm at a loss. I feel like my biggest issue is trying to make a connection from ENTRY to RUNNER, REGISTRATION, and CHALLENGE. The only common column between them is RUN_ID and I cant figure out how to make the jump to LOGBOOK to link them all

    submitted by /u/NoOne0fConsequence
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    At What Point in the Development Process Should I Add Spring Security as a Dependency?

    Posted: 02 May 2018 12:00 AM PDT

    I can't really find an answer to my question anywhere else (except a vague sentence in the Spring Security documentation), so hopefully this is the right place to ask.

    Basically as the title suggests, I'm curious when I should be adding Spring Security as a dependency on my RESTful API? The documentation says:

    "It is important that the application is designed with security in mind from the start. Attempting to retrofit it is not a good idea."

    But in one of the example applications they say:

    "Before securing the application, it is important to ensure that the existing application works... the application runs without security, we are ready to add security to our application."

    So if I'm starting a new project, and I know that eventually I am going to use Spring Security (more specifically OAuth2), should I leave the dependency out at the beginning and write all of my tests with no authentication just to make sure all my endpoints work correctly? Then once they all work correctly, add Security and then go back and change all of my tests so they use authentication? Making sure that I'm "designing with security in mind from the start."

    Or should I add Spring Security as a dependency from the very beginning, making sure all my tests initially use authentication? No need to go back and edit them all?

    I'm curious what the best practice might be here. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ThatsRightBud
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    Would doing a Udacity course (intro to comp science) side by side with a Codecademy course be better than just doing the course alone?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 05:36 PM PDT

    I took the intro to computer science course on Udacity, and it's been good so far. It teaches you the language python while teaching you core concepts of computer science. Out of curiosity, I started Codecademy's python course, and felt like it would be a good resource to uptake while doing the Udacity course as I will be able to make sure I know my stuff. Would doing these two courses side by side be better than just doing the course alone, or should I focus all my time and attention on just the course?

    submitted by /u/roboprogramming
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    Android UI design tutorial

    Posted: 01 May 2018 07:20 PM PDT

    Are there any latest tutorial sites or videos that i can refer to for learning Android UI design. The tutorials i found are all 4 or 5 years old. Appreciate the help

    submitted by /u/lowkenge
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    Project Euler problem 14 - C#

    Posted: 01 May 2018 10:01 PM PDT


    Here's my attempt at a solution to Project Euler's problem 14, which is listed here:


    At first I tried using recursion within the Sequence method I've written, and that didn't work because of a Stack Overflow. So I've tried this new path using the while loop, and my code works, to a point... it stops at an infinite loop at 113383 every time and I'm not sure why. If anyone could provide some insight as to what's wrong with my code/what's going on I'd greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/Galvnayr
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    Express route handling so that GET /configs/allconfigs doesn't go to GET /configs

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:56 PM PDT

    kinda like how the title says. I have handlers for GET /configs and GET /configs/allconfigs. When someone does a GET /configs/allconfigs they are instead making a request to GET /configs and the only way for me to redirect them is by checking req.path and then next(). What is the most elegant way to solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/Lambotherambo
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    Racket Power-Set Function Without "map"

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:55 PM PDT

    I am trying to figure out how to do the code below (calculates the power set) without using "map". This function takes in a list as an argument and prints out the power-set in sorted order. The code below prints the power set, but not in order. How could I do this, but without using the "map" function?

    ; Code ;

    (define (subsets ls)

    (if (null? ls) (list null) (let ((others (subsets (cdr ls))))

    (append others (map (lambda (a) (cons (car ls) a)) others)))))

    ; Initialization ;

    (subsets '(1 2 3))

    submitted by /u/machine123e456
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    [Homework] How do you determine hit and miss rate after executing x86 assembly code?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:46 PM PDT

    This is not really homework as I do not have to submit it but nonetheless I kept the tag. I have my final coming up, and this was a question on the practice final that I'm trying to understand both my professors and TA will not provide help as classes are closed and they are not providing office hours or responding to emails (Professor forward me to TA who said they were busy). I kept the code at the end and my questions are in the beginning for more clarity.

    Using the givens I know the set size is 4 with 2 index bits and the offset is 3 bits.

    From tracing the code, I believe it is a program that is finding 5 factorial. However, I am a little lost as to how this relates to caches.

    From what I am understand, the opcode would be the instruction and the registers would be the data to use in the unified direct map cache. My intuition is that the mov instruction in line 3 will read the data from the register into register ecx. Would this be a cache miss since the cache is empty and would that imply that line 4 is a cache hit or is ecx still not read into the register? Furthermore, would I have to covert the address from hex to decimal to know where to evict? Lastly, do the opcode instructions (mov, cmp, jle, etc.) affect the cache?

    The question gives a unified direct map cache with a capacity of 32 bytes and cache block of 8 bytes. The assembly code is running on a 32-bit x86 architecture. Before execution, the cache is empty and the content of register eax is 0xAA08 and the memory content is 5. Below is a simplified version of the code that does not affect the problem.

     [...] mov (%eax),%ecx mov %ecx,%edx <loop>: cmp $0x1,%ecx jle <end> dec %ecx imul %ecx,%edx jmp <loop> <end>: mov %edx,(%eax) [...] 

      Thanks for all the help in advance!

    submitted by /u/Azure24
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    Best way to learn Power Shell?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:12 PM PDT

    So in 1 month I am competing in the Skills Canada National competition for Information Technology. The coarse I am currently finishing doesn't teach us powershell in any way; we learned entirely through GUI. The problem is that the competition is entirely in PowerShell.

    What books or websites would be good to at least get me up to a basic understanding within a month?

    submitted by /u/TheBigHoss
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    Grokking Algorithms Book? Anyone read?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:31 PM PDT


    Has excellent reviews, and i've been looking for a "Refresher" on this kinda stuff. I dislike that it's in python..but nonetheless has anyone read it? It even says it's aimed at C.S. grads looking for a refresher!

    submitted by /u/mercfh85
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    Why is it called a pull request instead of commit request?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 03:16 AM PDT

    When I was new to git, the concept of pull request confused me a lot because it sounds like you're asking for permission to clone the repository when in reality you're actually asking for the repo owner to merge your commit.

    Why is it called a pull request?

    submitted by /u/Blueberryroid
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    Best tools/resources to learn SQL

    Posted: 01 May 2018 05:35 PM PDT

    I am a marketer who has learned some pretty simple SQL to write queries. I have a decent grasp on the basics and have written some good sized queries (my most recent being over 100 lines). But I need a lot of hand holding and don't have the best understanding of things like concats and multiple group bys.

    I have always been a person who benefits from courses and structured learning type deals (rather than googling). Any suggestions or tips? I am pretty narrowly interested in query writing.

    submitted by /u/kathythesecond
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    Simplest way to connect a form to a remote database?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:16 PM PDT

    Literally just need to make a website that has a form where users can fill out a form and have it stored on a remote database.

    Was wondering what this would cost me approximately and what tools you guys recommend.

    submitted by /u/MultidimensionalFry
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    Helsinki Java MOOC course exercise 94 issue.

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:53 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I'm having a bit of an issue that relates to the automatic feedback from this course. I have successfully executed the code and it does what it is supposed to but TMC is unhappy with it.

    Here is my code.

    Main Class

    import java.util.ArrayList; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Phonebook phonebook = new Phonebook(); phonebook.add("Pekka Mikkola", "040-123123"); phonebook.add("Edsger Dijkstra", "045-456123"); phonebook.add("Donald Knuth", "050-222333"); phonebook.printAll(); } } 

    Person Class

    public class Person { private String name; private String phone; public Person(String name, String phone) { this.name = name; this.phone = phone; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public String getNumber() { return this.phone; } public void changeNumber(String number) { this.phone = number; } public String toString() { return this.name + " number: " + this.phone; } } 

    Phonebook Class

    import java.util.ArrayList; public class Phonebook { private String name; private String number; private ArrayList<Person> phoneBook; public Phonebook() { this.phoneBook = new ArrayList<Person>(); } public void add(String name, String number) { this.name = name; this.number = number; this.phoneBook.add(new Person(this.name, this.number)); } public void printAll() { for(Person hello : phoneBook) { System.out.println(hello); } } } 

    As far as I understand the code in main creates an instance of "phonebook" using the constructor and then uses the "add" function to create three person objects and add them to the phonebook arraylist. This is successful, I am just unsure as to how to make TMC like it because it displays the error message:

    "Class Phonebook only needs object variable of type ArrayList<Person>, remove the rest"

    I just cannot understand what they want me to do to my code. I've tried modifying the phonebook constructor by defining the Arraylist underneath instead of making it a private class and referring to it as this.phonebook but that leads to a null pointer error. I'm pretty stuck.

    submitted by /u/Mingablo
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    [JS]Getting random images from flicker

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:52 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get some random images from flickr inserted into my webpage.

    The code I'm using is:

    <html> <head> <title></title> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ var keyword = "white man"; $.getJSON("http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?jsoncallback=?", { tags: keyword, tagmode: "any", format: "json" }, function(data) { var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * data.items.length); console.log(data.items.length); var image_src = data.items[rnd]['media']['m'].replace("_m", "_b"); $("#out").append("<img src='"+image_src+"' width='10%'/>"); $("#out").append("<img src='"+image_src+"' width='10%'/>"); }); }); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> 

    There are several issues.

    Firstly, if my keyword string is more than 2 words, the code just won't run. Tried putting in an array separated by commas, but didn't work either.

    Secondly, there are substantial differences between what a flickr search provides and what this public photo api provides. There are less items(see the console logged data.items.length), safe search is not activated so i keep getting unsavory content, and I see quite different images than in your average search.

    Is there something I can modify in the code to obtain what I need? Should I be using a different api?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/emergenthoughts
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    Why are HTML elements rectangles?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:43 PM PDT

    Why don't we have triangles also?

    For example, bootstrap makes use of the grid layout where elements are squares, but why can't we have it so that its a row of triangles instead of squares? Each square could be broken into two or more triangles, depending on whatever we want to achieve.

    Like with bootstrap, you can define the column width which will allow a certain number of squares/elements on that row.

    submitted by /u/_hxdes_
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    Ruby instead of Python for scripting ok?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:45 PM PDT

    Am applying to jobs that require scripting skills. These aren't straight up development jobs but more like data/analyst roles with companies in other industries. They all say that applicants need to know Python. I am pretty good with Ruby (not Rails) but know nothing of Python. Is Ruby an acceptable alternative or am I gonna really need to just suck it up and learn Python? If so, how big of a change am I in for?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/succulent_dude
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    To those who self taught code , especially Odin project , how long till you were actually coding ?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 02:30 PM PDT

    I've made the decision to learn coding for multiple reasons but I try to take my process day by day and commit to 10 hours a week , roughly it's 1 hour a weekday and 5 on weekend .

    It's time consuming I'm sure all you know but I'm still on part one ( about 2 weeks in ) on the project and I'm having problems with something I'll trouble shoot for 2 hours and figure it out and boom that day is done , I've done this awhile and I haven't actually coded yet , just downloaded a bunch of stuff .

    I guess I'm asking is this common ? Spending 20 hours and still not actually learning coding ? Have people had these experiences ? I'm really interested in responses because it's sometimes very demotivating, even though I'm still putting in the time .

    Thank you for reading and support.

    submitted by /u/Kodder99
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