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    Wednesday, May 2, 2018

    Learning OS and networking basics Computer Science

    Learning OS and networking basics Computer Science

    Learning OS and networking basics

    Posted: 01 May 2018 05:50 PM PDT

    What resources can help me learn OS and networking basics in 3 days? I understand that's not really feasible, but yeah, please help.

    submitted by /u/goddamnitimsputid
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    A community for homebrew CPUs?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:38 AM PDT

    Hey there everyone! I've been working on a homebrew CPU of my own for a while now, but despite my best efforts, I can't find a community of people doing this same thing. From what I can tell everyone either does it independently, or posts educational videos to YouTube (Ben Eater). Does anyone know anything about a community for tinkerers such as my self? PS. I'm sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this thing, there are so many and I'm never quite sure where I should post things.

    Edit: I love how many people are saying that I haven't actually tried and are snarky about it. It's in the description. I've tried so many types of wording to find a community and nothing's come up. That's why I've come here.

    submitted by /u/PlatinumNinja72
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    Need Some Advice About Handling a Quite Confusing Assignment Grade

    Posted: 01 May 2018 11:48 PM PDT

    Backstory: I've been in this database programming course this semester and overall it has been a pretty easy ride. I come from a background of SQL and general programming experience and have used these skills to advance in the course. I have never had a problem with the professor, and overall felt like we have become quite close (I've had him for 2 years). He is also leading a research project next semester so I decided to go above and beyond on the final project to try and impress him. The result was, well, horrid. He gave me a 50/200 and this grade will actually mean I have to take the course again.

    Here's what I submitted: https://gist.github.com/AustinLMayes/7f5863b8c8e9f934573390594b66f536. I submitted this along with some sample code to run the functions and received this as a response

    50/200 Austin, you've made this very difficult to grade. First, the instructions clearly state you are to create four stored procedures. While it is interesting that you used an import/export package, you didn't follow instructions. As an IT professional it is important that you work within the boundaries set and not go rogue. Also, I did a cut/paste of your code into my SQLDeveloper and it won't run, it gets errors stating "imp_expt.stringarray" must be declared. So, you didn't provide me the any setup instructions.

    The MGMT documentation is very terse and of little value to a manager. It is important that you document in terms of the business. There is so much more to say here. There is a long way to go here.

    The TECH documentation could be several pages long. Even though the imp_expt package is used, it wasn't documented. So I have to go figure it out, which is not the objective here. Also, how does one handle the REGION check constraint.

    Bottom line: you didn't follow instructions and you provided code that is not documented and does not work.

    Some of the comments just don't make sense to me. I tested the code extensively and as you can see, it has ample documentation.

    Do you guys think I was in the wrong here, or do you think I should appeal?


    submitted by /u/AustinLMayes
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    Los Alamos team takes on decomposition and load balancing for exascale computing

    Posted: 01 May 2018 08:34 AM PDT

    High vs Low registers

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:27 PM PDT

    I am drawn again to ask for a little understanding from r/compsci I am studying ARM processor assambly code and the datasheets describe 17 registers. 13 general purpose and 4 status registers.

    What is the difference between low registers R0~R7 and high registers R8~R12?

    Disclaimer again: professor has terrible resources.

    submitted by /u/TheChaosPaladin
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    Best CompSci books

    Posted: 01 May 2018 12:07 PM PDT

    What are some of the best intro books?

    submitted by /u/mckinnonresell
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    10 years since C.S. degree...forgotten tons of Math, worth re-learning?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 10:11 AM PDT

    So it's been about 10 years since i've graduated with my C.S. degree. And i've been doing test automation (QA) for the past few years. I did ok in college....not fantastic, and i've been spending the past year really re-learning a lot of Programming Stuff (Just to refresh) since a lot of algorithms/DS/etc... i've forgotten about and that's going pretty well.

    However one thing i've forgotten a ton about (since no-one at work ever uses) is a lot of the math from college. I mean Discrete Math/Calc/etc. It's just not something I or really anyone uses around me (Web -Dev shop). Is any of the MATH portions worth re-learning?

    I did pretty decent in most of the math classes in college, so obviously at one point I knew it. And I can understand algorithms and data structures worth re-learning since that *can* be useful in your daily job....but I feel like re-learning a lot of the maths from my C.S. curriculum wouldn't lead to much payoff?

    Is it normal to forget these things after college? Is it worth going back and relearning it?


    submitted by /u/mercfh85
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    What is the minimum number of replicas required to get correct results in a reasonable time for active replication with synchronous and asynchronous group communication?

    Posted: 01 May 2018 09:10 AM PDT

    Hi guys, Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this.

    I've been struggling to find an answer online, I am trying to find the minimum number of replicas in order for a client to get correct results every time from an active replication array when there are n number of faulty replicas, while using synchronous group communication. I am then trying to find the minimum number of replicas required if the same system used asynchronous group communications to always get the correct answer in reasonable time.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/oliver366370
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