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    Friday, May 4, 2018

    Beginner programmer podcasts? learn programming

    Beginner programmer podcasts? learn programming

    Beginner programmer podcasts?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 12:18 PM PDT

    I have a labor job and for several hours a day I'm able to listen to whatever I want. Is there any resources via audio that will further the extent of my programming learning? I know it's a difficult ask because programming is very hands on but I have nothing else better to do. Right now for class I'm going through Starting Out with C++ by Gaddis so I know the basics but am not yet proficient.

    submitted by /u/starvingprogrammer1
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    C++ Struggles (Please help)

    Posted: 04 May 2018 11:06 PM PDT

    Man, am I mad. I just failed my first college computer class (C++). I tried so hard to study just none of the information would retain. Learning arrays, threads, functions, input file/output, ect...(I will list them) not only with my textbook but using Udemy and YouTube as helpers didn't seem to help either. I want to learn C++ really badly but just cant grasp the knowledge of how it can actually work and use it to program something. I want to make things, but I don't know what to make.

    Here are the things I understand:

    Pre-processors (iostream, cmath, thread, ect...) - I understand what the libraries do in terms of adding
    tools(classes/functions) that do specific things.

    Variables (Boolean, int, double, float, constants, ect...) - I understand that these are special to C++. For example in JavaScript you don't have to worry about memory with variables like you do with these. Yes, I understand that bytes are stored in memory with variables.

    Input/output - This is as basic as it gets in programming. getline, cout, cin are your best friends. std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;

    Classes (VERY BASIC UNDERSTANDING) - I know that these are used to store data more cleanly. Instead of using a long algorithm in a big program multiple times I can make a class to store that algorithm/data so that way I don't have to use it 2x, 3x, 4x in a program. I can just call it in the main function and not have to waste memory. I understand that it has 2 sides to it; public and private (by default it is private unlike a struct). Public data can be used to call later in the main function while private data is not allowed to be called upon (I believe).

    If / else statements - If statements are used to determine if the statement is true and if true, executes the* if statement. If the statement is false it executes the else statemen*t.

    Here are the things I would like to understand:

    Threaded/multi-threaded - Lets start with how I think threading is supposed to work. I think threading is just basically used to execute multiple classes in different times (I might be wrong). I know that concurrent computing is very important with threading as well. I understand that 1st thread = 1st process, 2nd thread = 2nd process, ect... But with multi-threaded the threads share the memory unlike in a single thread process?? That is about all I know.

    Functions - Yeah I've tried googling them, looking at text book for examples (mostly void examples). I understand that int main, classes, and even strings are functions/classes but in order for me to understand it I have know how it works and why.

    Arrays - I think these are just multiple variables (think). For example this is how they look int example[8]; This would be holding 8 integers and they would be 0-7. I know these are used most of the time with for loops to make looping through data easier (im not good with any loops).

    Loops - Ive tried using for loops before but never got the basics/simple concepts of them. Really need something that teaches simple content for loops.

    I'm going to go ahead here and end it because I don't want to keep adding to the list. Please don't down vote i'm just looking for some help (first post as well). I really crave to learn and some of its just not sticking. Any advice would be helpful! Thank you for your time and to all people to who respond (if any).

    submitted by /u/jacksonstonee
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    Good resources for learning CS in general

    Posted: 04 May 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    I'm a high school student planning on going into CS in college and I was wondering what some good online resources like courses or certs are that would help me learn CS.

    submitted by /u/telephanakus
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    Wannabe Hungarian programmer - Will there be a "language barrier"?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, i've been reading some guides for a while now, i am a 19 years old student from Hungary. I would like to learn to program by myself. I have found "The Odin Project", which happened to be pretty understandable for me, i read the basics and but i am afraid if i get too deep into programming and start with the actual lessons i would hit plateau real quick because of my language. Even though I have a C1 language exam, I'm not sure if i will be able to get myself to understand coding. What do you guys think, will i be able to learn coding if i am hungarian? Will there be such thing as a "language barrier"? What are your suggestions for a not fluent english speaker? What are your thoughts, would the Odin Project be good for me?

    submitted by /u/Perklunt24
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    Should I refactor this code to be DRY or would DRY be overkill in this situation?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 10:19 PM PDT

    This is the complete code if you'd like to see it: https://pastebin.com/ALQx4KLX

    In essence, functions look very similar to this:

    async function mutatePresentation(object, {facultyId}) { const faculty = await Faculty.findById({_id: facultyId}).exec(); function getPresentation(_id) { const presentation = faculty.presentations.id(_id); if (presentation === null) { throw new Error(`DoesNotExistError: Presentation of id ${_id} does not exist`); } return presentation; } return { async create({newPresentation}) { faculty.presentations.push(newPresentation); await faculty.save(); return faculty.presentations[faculty.presentations.length - 1]; }, async update({_id, newPresentation}) { const presentation = getPresentation(_id); Object.assign(presentation, newPresentation); await faculty.save(); return presentation; }, async remove({_id}) { const presentation = getPresentation(_id); presentation.remove(); await faculty.save(); return faculty.presentations.id(_id) === null; }, }; } 

    The only thing that changes is the entity. For instance, the example function above is about presentation mutations. Other examples are for different entities.

    I have heard of the DRY principle, and I used to follow DRY religiously until I've ran into situations where too much abstraction can lead to even more code mess.

    I want to know what the community thinks about this situation. Should I keep the functions as is or should I abstract them?

    submitted by /u/SilverFreedom3
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    Coding Bootcamp vs. Internship vs. Job (Need Advice)

    Posted: 04 May 2018 06:37 PM PDT

    Here's the situation. I'm a current high school senior who's probably going to pursue computer science/mathematical and computational science at Stanford and as a career. I'd say I'm pretty fluent in both Java and Python as I've taken two years of Computer Science in High School (have scored a 4 on AP Comp Sci A exam and currently taking IB Computer Science exam). I'm not perfect, but I'd say I could easily pass a first-semester college computer science class (like Stanford's CS 106A). Last summer I also worked for six and a half weeks in an intensive research setting at a university where I helped develop a Python program using Anaconda that the members who work in the lab will use extensively in the future for analysis and data processing. In addition, I'm learning how to code in Scala for my senior project and I hope to learn C++ or JavaScript or maybe SQL before I head to college.

    Right now I'm at odds with my parents who are pushing me to spend my whole summer at a coding bootcamp. From what they've heard from my relatives who work at big tech companies in Silicon Valley, bootcamps are the "secret passageway" to landing the top jobs at companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. There is no doubt that I want to land one of those jobs/internships during my summers in college. However, I'm a little hesistant. From what I've read on the internet and Reddit, bootcamps seem to be more useful for those without programming experience and those who do not have time to get a CS degree in college. Although money isn't a factor in the decision for me, it does seem like a big waste of money for me to go to an intensive, 12-week bootcamp where I'm just reviewing things I may already know and will probably learn in college. That's not even to mention that my whole summer would essentially be taken up by the bootcamp. But other places online do seem to show that bootcamps really can give a leg up in the super competitive job hiring process, and I'm willing to do nearly anything to separate myself from the pack.

    My other alternatives for the summer are working at a summer camp at my high school or potentially taking a coding internship with a financial company (my preferred option).

    What do you guys think? Is it worth it spending my summer at a coding bootcamp? Can it really give me an advantage in a year or two when I apply for an internship at Google or Facebook? Or should I work at my school, make some money, hone my programming skills on my own and relax a little more before I head to college? I'm open to all suggestions.


    submitted by /u/cardinal2700
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    How can I work on becoming more computer literate?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 07:56 PM PDT

    A couple of years ago I started learning software development through self-teaching. Before that I wasn't very computer literate. I was able to get hired as a Data Analyst over a year ago and have since worked my way up to Database Developer. I've learned a lot but I think along the way I've missed some steps and still need to work on my computer literacy skills. I would greatly appreciate any advice anyone has for how I can work on becoming more proficient with computers. Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/4programming
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    How can I learn about other fields in programming besides work and what do people usually do to find the time to do it?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 11:18 PM PDT

    I learn a lot at work but it is mainly C# and JavaScript. I like C# but to be honest the way I use it at work is pretty boring. I would rather use .NET Core than what I use at work.

    I want to learn outside of work but I just don't know the best way to do it. For instance I was learning about web scraping with python but then I started over engineering by trying to come up with a good design and just got bored because I wasn't seeing results and my program was becoming bigger and bigger.

    I also want to learn about other web frameworks besides asp.net mvc and web api. I'd like to learn about vue, angular, Go, ios and android.

    Eventually I intend to make money off of that. I just dont know what to do and often I end up getting bored because the projects I try to make are impossible to do in such a small time.

    submitted by /u/TheDude1009
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    HANGMAN GAME(# of Guesses)

    Posted: 04 May 2018 11:08 PM PDT

    Hi reader. I'm currently making a Hangman game via C program. I've finished mostly my codes about Hangman but I've encountered a slight problem. The user has 10 lives to finish the game. When I give the user a choice to play again or not, the codes for the number of lives won't reset back to 10. So it will continue to reduce to negative numbers. I wanna know how can I reset the number of lives. Thanks. Much appreciated. Here's the code: https://repl.it/repls/DarkgrayFearlessTrial

    submitted by /u/PandeLeimon
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    Developing for Foreign Language Users

    Posted: 04 May 2018 10:56 PM PDT

    I saw a few posts recently here about how foreign developers do coding; that is, do they use their native language or English? The consensus seems to be that most everyone around the globe just uses English to keep things simple and uniform.

    Given this, I have a question about building projects. I have developed a text editor (called MightEMacs) in C and make it a point to keep all error message text, help text, etc. in a header file called english.h. The idea being that the file could be translated to say, Spanish (spanish.h) at some point and that file could be used to create a binary for someone who preferred to use the "Spanish version" of the editor.

    I am now beginning to think that this is pretty stupid idea and not worth the time and effort. Does anyone do this for the projects you create? How important is it that an app have a language preference? Or can everything just be in English and forget about it?

    submitted by /u/italia389
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    Is the Android Path on Pluralsight still relevant?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 10:47 PM PDT

    I want to learn Android programming and have been looking for good video resources. Since I thoroughly enjoyed Pluralsight's Java Path, I thought I'll go for their Android Path. But all the courses in the path are pretty old. The most recent of them all dates back to 2016.

    With Google introducing so many changes with each new release, are these courses still relevant? Should I spend time going through these or pick a updated one like this from udemy?

    submitted by /u/Schrodingers_Cow
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    Trying to figure out Architecture for a Program that Quasi mail-merges, but pulls files from different local Folders each Month

    Posted: 04 May 2018 10:41 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm just trying to figure out what to look for, whether it makes sense to hack away at this problem from scratch, or if there's a solution out there already.

    Basically, I need to send pdf files to a long list of clients (~200-300), where each pdf is unique in page count and content. These clients are listed in an excel spreadsheet and Outlook contacts, and they vary The current method involves sending them one by one after going into each folder, and it's pretty slow.

    Like I said before, I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what questions I should be asking...I keep hearing about hash tables, but haven't delved into them yet. Ideally I won't have to build this from scratch but am open to it if it's necessary. Any thoughts appreciated.

    submitted by /u/horizoner
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    Is there any point in learning Bootstrap 3 when Bootstrap 4 is out?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 01:49 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am currently doing a Web Development course and I have come to the Bootstrap lesson. As the course is a bit older, the Bootstrap version the instructor uses is Bootstrap 3. He does have a note at the beginning saying the differences aren´t big, but as a beginner, I am not quite sure. Should I just skip the chapter and learn Bootstrap 4 on my own or are the differences really not that big?

    submitted by /u/icyfoxlol
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    Best IDE for c++ GUI app development?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 07:46 AM PDT

    I've messed around with c++ throughout my life, by no means a pro. But I've never really messed with anything gui related, other than QT a long time ago. I see qt's entire site has changed and it doesn't appear to be free anymore. What do you recommend for this? Thanks in advance for your time.

    submitted by /u/DoctorLunatic
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    I'm having a hard time understanding the differences between functions, classes, types, and objects. Can someone please help explain them to me

    Posted: 04 May 2018 06:40 PM PDT

    I feel like this is 101 level stuff and I can't figure this shit out for the life of me

    submitted by /u/howtoreadspaghetti
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    Java: Is there a website(s) that explains how java works internally in its entirety?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 10:22 PM PDT

    For example, what is heap, what is classloader, what is this , and that etc.

    Basically its just a website or two that shows how everything works inside java itself

    ADD: Yes I am trying to look, its hard to find all of it bunched up into one place which is probably the most convient

    submitted by /u/Blepmorty1231
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    Creating a simple website in Visual Studio

    Posted: 04 May 2018 09:14 PM PDT

    I was tasked by someone who's mentoring me to make a simple website using Visual Studio. I have the free version, the "community" one I believe it's called.

    I create an MVC application, and I get to this screen:


    and I'm really not sure what's going on. I suppose I expected to see some code, and somewhere I could write code. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/Galvnayr
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    Can someone explain this FizzBuzz implementation that uses Numbers Theory from Rosetta Code?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:30 AM PDT

    Link to the C implementations for FizzBuzz

    #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) { if (i % 3 == 0) printf("fizz"); if (i % 5 == 0) printf("buzz"); if (i * i * i * i % 15 == 1) printf("%d", i); puts(""); } } 

    I do not understand how the 3rd if works. Can anyone do an ELI5 for me?

    To me it feels a bit like this implementation in javascript:

    for (let i=1; i<= 100; i++) { let output = ""; if (i % 3 == 0){output += "Fizz";} if (i % 5 == 0){output += "Buzz";} if(output == "") {output = i;} console.log(output); } 
    submitted by /u/l0kiderhase
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    Building a PC for mainly programming

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm currently building a pc, but not too sure the power I'd need to "future" proof it. I'm mostly interested in web dev, but would like to have a pc that can handle anything I throw at it(programming wise) (but keeping price low). Does compiling code and whatnot use a graphics card? Where should I put most of my money in? CPU/Ram?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/sadmanonjourney
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    Big O Notation: need some help understanding how to figure out an algorithm's complexity

    Posted: 04 May 2018 01:02 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    So, I understand what Big O Notation means. What I'm having a bit of trouble with is understanding how to figure out some algorithm's complexity based on its pseudocode.

    I've been doing some simple exercises, which I understood, and then I ran into this:

    N,M are ints > 0 L is an empty list for i = 1:N do for j = i+1:M do for k = i:i+j do add k to L 

    Now, I don't even know how to proceed here. The difficulty curve basically spiked and I'm staring at a blank paper. I coded it and tried doing prints in the "add k to L" section to obtain a curve and see if I could "guess" the big O complexity based on that, but to no avail.

    If someone could help me out, I'd really appreciate it (I guess asking for a step by step answer may be too much, but if you could help me understand how you got to this answer it may help me a lot, because the exercises after this one are even harder!).

    submitted by /u/kashiyazu
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    Rust or C/C++?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 04:48 PM PDT

    So I've been programming for about a year now, and started an MSc CS conversion last September. Python is my strongest language, and I'm getting to a decent(ish) level in Java. I feel that one of the biggest gaps in my learning so far is a low-level natively-compiled language, and seeing as I'll have more free time over the summer (and we won't be covering one as part of my course), it seems like a good time to learn one.

    C seems like the obvious choice because it's everywhere, but I've learned a little about Rust and it appears to be quite a nice language. From what I understand, Rust allows you to define stricter rules about how functions can be used, where in C you can't do that within the language, and have to keep everything in your head. That seems like a pretty big advantage to me, but some advice on this would be appreciated. Something I'm quite interested in is trying some embedded systems/IOT programming, and I'm not sure if Rust is really used for that.

    What do you guys think? What are the advantages of having C in my repertoire over Rust, and vice versa? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/abigreenlizard
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    (Oracle SQL Developer) Code colour formatting - most of my code has turned a bright blue colour?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:33 PM PDT

    I can't seem to get the colour formatting back to normal. Even when I paste the code into a new worksheet it remains coloured in bright blue. It really hurts readability and I'm not sure if it's signifying something else?

    How the colour formatting is supposed to look: http://i68.tinypic.com/11lkf9w.png

    How most of my code looks, including comments: http://i66.tinypic.com/3478kn7.png

    Any help much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/HoodSmart
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    Advice on organizing javascript

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I am working on my first asp.net core web app using jquery and bootstrap on the frontend. My javascript files are starting to feel pretty unorganized and hard to follow because I have a lot of these $(document).on("click", "InsertWhateverSelector") floating around. I wanted to try and do some refactoring to see if I can clean things up a bit, but first I was hoping someone might have some advice or tips on handling this. One of the things I thought of was making use of the html data attribute and using something like data-click="" on all buttons that need a click and then using a single $(document).on("click", [data-click]) with a switch statement that called a specific function based on what the data-click value was. Here is a small test project I made that demonstrates what I was thinking.


    Is this a bad idea or could my implementation be better? Would love to hear any thoughts or advice on keeping my javascript clean and easy to follow. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/A3rwick
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    How can I make C# work with an object of an unknown type but it'll be one of three?

    Posted: 04 May 2018 08:11 PM PDT

    For one of my assignments for a class I need to make an ATM sort of thing, and because three types of accounts, the profile object going into the form is one of three. I can pass in a string with the type... but how can I make it work if it doesn't know which it is?

    submitted by /u/VectorLightning
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