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    Thursday, April 5, 2018

    How to make your Software Development experience… painless…. Computer Science

    How to make your Software Development experience… painless…. Computer Science

    How to make your Software Development experience… painless….

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 11:40 PM PDT

    Which area in CS that combines security and algorithms?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 07:31 AM PDT

    I really enjoy algorithms and I wanted to ask if there are sub-fields within CS that intersect Algo with Security/privacy somehow?

    Cryptography is the closest thing I can think of but I would like to know more that I might be missing. (it can either be a known mature subfield or specific research direction done by some)

    submitted by /u/Jenna1_
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    I am working on a project to help college students with their first CS class, and I need your help.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 10:09 AM PDT

    I found a study that says 650,000 students fail their first CS/programming class globally and I am researching what are some of the difficulties students may have, the things people wish they knew, etc. So I created a short 7 question survey that you guys can help me with, the only requirement is that you have gone through your first CS/programming class. Programming Research Survey. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/HotSuccess
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    Is there an approximation or heuristic for every NP-complete problem that is reasonably fast and reliable so that NP-completeness isn't much of a problem in the real world?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 06:24 AM PDT

    I just watched a video of Vitalik Buterin, a co-founder of Ethereum claiming that it's a well known fact that there is a heuristic for every NP-complete problem that allows us to find a solution in reasonable time which is almost as good as ..(an actual deterministic solution in polynomial time?) not sure what he said there, bad audio.

    submitted by /u/atbash_
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    If bitcoin is decentralized, on which node is the 'proof of work' administered?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 04:37 PM PDT

    I have come to an understanding that there is a hash puzzle given to miners to solve.. As there is no central authority of bitcoin, where is this puzzle generated and verified?

    submitted by /u/SiddharthG5
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    HackerRank Challenge: 365 days of code, 730 Challenges

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 09:04 AM PDT


    Found this guy's post on quora about how he intends to do 730 HackerRank challenges across one year. Was wondering if this was a good idea and if the problems on HackerRank are high enough quality to result in a significant improvement in coding skills. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/baconkilla2
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    I've got a theory that I'd like to hear people's opinion on

    Posted: 04 Apr 2018 11:26 AM PDT

    Hey there!

    I'm not sure if this is the correct subreddit for this topic, but I thought I'd post it, and then rather move it to another subreddit if it wasn't deemed appropriate.

    I'm about to complete my first year of a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but there's one question which is sort-of not, at least so far, covered by any of my modules, that I thought you guys could have an input on.

    I've always thought about the concept of having computers inside computers. What I mean by that, is that I'm facinated by the concept of not performing direct calculation on a computer, but rather "simulating a world" in which some simple rules apply, and then use the world you're simulating to make a computer. One example of this would be from the game Minecraft (which I'm sure some are familiar with) where you can use redstone to create wires and simple logic, and if you're doing things correctly, you can set up these to perform simple (or in some cases more advanced) calculations. This means that what the actual, physical computer is doing, is just performing claculations that enforce a set of rules which apply to Minecraft's world. A more advanced example would for example be to have a system simulating electron flow through wires and the nature by which this happens, but virtually setting up these wires the same way a physical computer is set up.

    This is of course a very lossy process, but one that I still find interesting. Are there any areas of computer science that encompass this? If so, I'd love to know about and read up on it.

    What my theory is, is that you could never have a computer running a simulation, and then in the simulation make a computer that's more powerful than the one you're physically using. I'm expecting this to be a theory that's true, because if that was the case, you could just have a "chain" of gradually more powerful computers, meaning any computer could be infinitely powerful. I'm more interested in the computer science related answers to why this was to fail if you tried. And also, it would be very interesting to know how lossy this process is, if it has any practical application, and anything else that's relevant.

    I'm interested in any input regarding this!

    submitted by /u/Hottentott14
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