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    Thursday, March 29, 2018

    Interview Discussion - March 29, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - March 29, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - March 29, 2018

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - March 29, 2018

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 12:07 AM PDT

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Do I have a job? What the heck is going on here

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 09:14 AM PDT

    I accepted a written job offer 2 weeks ago for a large, fortune 100 company. The offer was dependent on me passing a background check, which I have passed, and received some on-boarding documents, a welcome to the company email, etc. My start date was today.

    Since passing the background check I have e-mailed/called my HR contact at the company only to receive no response. Same thing with my hiring manager.

    I am currently in the building where I am meant to be employed, but I do not have any employee identification so I am unable to access the area of the building where I am meant to be working. I have spoken with the receptionist but she has been unable to get a hold of my hiring manager. I have been here for several hours now, basically playing with my phone.

    I have completed all the generic pre-employment forms (i-9, background check stuff, etc.) and have backed out of other offers/interviews in lieu of this one.

    ./cscareerquestions, what should I do? Do I even have a job?

    update1 My direct manager is still unavailable according to HR, they are going to go through his manager and try to get an update for me.

    update2 Was told to go home and they will get in contact with me. There has been very little transparency with what is going on, guess I will try again tomorrow.

    update3 My potential manager has left the company, and my position is no longer needed on the team. They (manager's boss) are looking at other teams that I can interview with and continue with a new offer. While unhappy with the situation, I will interview with any other teams presented and go from there.

    update3edit I will be speaking with a lawyer tomorrow (I am in NY) to see what options I have moving forward. I also have sent e-mails to previous employers where I rejected final interviews (only 2, but better than none) to see if they are willing to give me an opportunity.

    Depending on what the lawyer says and how the company moves forward, I may end up removing this post, and that is also the reason I am not doing "name n' shame" just yet.

    submitted by /u/kriskindle
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    Favorite hidden Github gems for prep?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 03:25 PM PDT

    My go-to when prepping are these:

    *Good overview of DS: https://github.com/kdn251/interviews

    *Easy to view leetcode questions sorted by topics and solution is provided: https://github.com/kamyu104/LeetCode

    *Everything System design: https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer

    Anyone find anything else that is good?

    submitted by /u/freqs123
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    How do you know when to job hop?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:15 AM PDT

    Are there any major signs that you outgrew a job or that there is little to no chance at advancement?

    submitted by /u/RocketMarauder
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    People with CS degrees who don't work in CS - what do you do, and how did you get involved in it?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:20 AM PDT

    I hate computer science and I want to get out of the software industry, but it feels like it's the only thing I'm qualified to do. I have a bachelor's in CS and some work experience as a software developer, and the thought of doing this for years or decades more makes me nauseous.

    I see a lot of stories about how people break into software development, but comparatively fewer about getting out of it. I worry that people who fit this description wouldn't still be hanging around on /r/cscareerquestions, but it's worth a try.

    submitted by /u/ayc667
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    Bootcampers that DID get the job, what's your story?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:39 AM PDT

    I finished a bootcamp in NYC a month ago and haven't even had as much as a phone screen after sending close to 100 applications. I've heard back from around 30-40%, but it's always a no.

    What did you do after bootcamp to get yourself into interviews? Once you got the job, did you feel like you were prepared and could keep up? Especially if you didn't have a previous STEM background.

    submitted by /u/-endjamin-
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    Recruiter contacted me saying that a former coworker recommended me. I think recruiter is lying. Is this common?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 08:15 AM PDT

    A recruiter contacted me stating that a former coworker of mine at a previous employer recommended me for an opportunity. This sounds fishy for a couple of reasons:

    • I was the only software dev at my previous employer.

    • There were only six people total at my previous employer and I only keep in touch with one of them. I'm pretty sure he would've let me know in advance if he was recommending me to a recruiter.

    • I can't imagine why any of my coworkers at my previous employer would recommend me anyways, they don't need the referral fee and they know I have no trouble finding a job.

    Is this a common tactic from recruiters? To lie about a source of a recommendation as a way to get their foot in the door? I had another recruiter do this years ago and when I asked who made the recommendation, he said he couldn't say. I already have a low opinion of recruiters, so I wouldn't put it past them to do this.

    submitted by /u/GolfSucks
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    I need opinions on my school’s BA program

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:25 PM PDT

    My university recently started offering a BA in CS. The only prereq is precalculus in order to get into the program. here it is Can I have opinions? Does this look like respectable coursework for the industry? Or should I go for the BS which requires Cal 2 and physics w/ cal lab?

    submitted by /u/cslifebih
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    I really suck at LeetCode even with practice.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:08 PM PDT

    Example: I've seen the balanced braces problem a million times. I know you need to use a stack, or if it's only one kind of braces, then you can use a counter. I've done the problem many times, including practicing it in-person at a meetup. Yet today, I couldn't figure out how to code it at all.

    This is preventing me from getting unemployment. Everyone these days seems to be asking LeetCode. A few days ago I applied for a warehouse company, and what do you know, they gave me the balanced braces problem among two other ones.

    I can know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript like the back of my hand, but can't do LeetCode to save my life. I keep reading how it's all about practice, but that doesn't seem to apply to me.

    submitted by /u/mkpxx
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    When is a good time to look for an internship?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:52 AM PDT

    I just began my third year towards my CS degree. I know C++ basics and am learning at a steady pace, but I don't feel I could be of any real use to anyone yet as a software developer. I feel that I could learn a TON from being around people doing it, but I don't know if someone would offer me an internship mainly for that.

    I'm looking for a summer internship, but considering my lack of advanced skills, I'm not quite sure what to aim for. Any advice? If I want to find a paid internship, I assume I should aim lower at something I could actually contribute to?

    submitted by /u/cmmndq
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    Top 10 Tips on being the new employee in tech) (Video in post)

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:44 AM PDT

    This is one of my favorite SWE YouTubers next to Jarvis and Mayuko. He posts a video a day (usually) and I thought today's would be really useful to the people in this sub.


    submitted by /u/MurlockHolmes
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    Waterloo (no co-op) vs Cal Poly SLO

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 09:02 AM PDT

    Currently my top two choices are between Waterloo Computer Science without co-op and Cal Poly SLO Software Engineering. As a Canadian citizen, I would like some advice on choosing between the schools. My goal is to end up in California because that's where my family will be moving to (however, we started the green card process rather recently and I might be over 21 when they get it). I am willing to suffer a couple of years for my goal.

    Price: Because Waterloo's CS tuition is crazy expensive for a Canadian school, Cal Poly will be only around 80k CAD or 60k USD more expensive overall (all four years included). While this isn't a small sum, I can still reasonably borrow this money from my parents without crippling debt. However, the price is definitely something to consider.

    Internships: Unfortunately, I didn't get into Waterloo CS with co-op meaning that I won't have access to their big database of jobs. On the other hand, I can always find my own internships and just follow the co-op sequence (I have no idea how tough this will be though—from the students I've talked to, many did alright through applying outside of Waterloo's database). With Cal Poly, I'd have an F1 Visa which should give me authority to work in the US. Could that mean it will be easier to intern at companies that pay well and make up for the price difference?

    Student Life: I haven't visited these schools yet (I will) but from what I've heard, Cal Poly wins hands down for both weather and things to do.

    Reputation and Networking: From my research, Waterloo seems like a favourite of Silicon Valley employers but Cal Poly is right there in California.

    Out of these factors, can anyone provide a professional experience since I'm just a high school student who has access to reddit. My other offers were UCSD data science, UCLA math of computation, Waterloo Math with co-op, u of t, and UBC. I'm not considering the UCs because they're 80k CAD a year and Waterloo is a better choice than other Canadian schools

    submitted by /u/1100H19
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    For those who started your career as a freelancer, how did you compete with others who had experience?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 02:46 PM PDT

    Did trying to be honest screw me over during this company's coding challenge?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:40 AM PDT

    It's a really long story so I'd appreciate it if you stuck with it. If not, no worries, this is partly me just venting anyway.

    A company I was interviewing for gave me a coding challenge. I only had a week and because I'm still working another job, I barely had enough time to submit it before the deadline. So there was bound to be mistakes that I overlooked, and there were.

    The person interviewing me had trouble compiling the code despite it working fine on my end, so I asked if I could make a second submission to include a file that opens the GUI without needing to compile the code. I said I'd only make changes as necessary to do that (I didn't know how to at the time), and that I'd report any code changes. He seems like a pretty cool guy from the interview and email exchanges we've had and he said yes, and he gave me extra props at the end for me going the extra mile to help him get it working.

    This was when I picked up on a lot of the mistakes I didn't catch originally. I could've fixed a lot of the mistakes here and submitted a better project. But I didn't because I told him I'd only make code changes necessary to do the runnable .jar (turns out I didn't need to make any code changes). What I did instead was update my README file acknowledging these mistakes. I had the mentality of "well if he does get it working and sees the second submission is different, that might look bad on me." I also googled his problem for him and the solution I found for him got the code to compile so at the time this think kinda reinforced it further to me that I made the right call.

    Anyway he ended up not choosing me for the position, and he explained after I asked what I could do better that I was his second choice but the first person had a slightly better project and that put him over the edge. And from the rest of that email he sent I got the feeling he didn't read my updated README even though I said I updated it and requested he take a look.

    I just can't shake the feeling that if I had fixed all the problems I found and maybe just mentioned that I fixed them in case he did notice, that I would've been hired. Ya know like a "I know I said I wouldn't do this but hey, better to ask for forgiveness than permission" type deal? I can't shake the feeling that me trying to stay true to my word screwed me over.

    I'm sorry my post was so long but thank you so much if you read all the way up to here and I'd appreciate some insight. Do you think I messed up? Do you think if I wasn't so uptight about maintaining integrity and doing only what I said I'd do, that I'd have a job now? Or am I overthinking things and nothing I could've done after my original submission would've changed anything?

    submitted by /u/iamquitecertain
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    I need to demo the web app tomorrow but there are several bugs

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 06:11 PM PDT

    Hi, so my manager told me to demo the app tomorrow to him and the backend dev, so that they can see the app and test scenarios then we'll put it on a server for QA to test.

    Unfortunately, I've been working a lot of overtime this week and there are still bugs/things breaking. I'm so tired, I don't think I can finish making it bug free tomorrow.

    My manager has asked me today if I can get XYZ done tomorrow and I said yes because lately, he hasn't really care about my opinion. He would ask out of politeness but not really care if I said I need more time which I indicated earlier this week and he kind of refused albeit he pushed up the internal demo to tomorrow.

    For the most part, the app is functional, just some of the things he wanted to see tomorrow I don't really have time to implement.

    Should I shoot him an email or just wing it tomorrow? How can I perform demo without tearing up tomorrow? My manager has a dark sense of humor and tends to say things like "You're fired" or "So and so is just making excuses", so sometimes it gets to me albeit I'm sure he's being sarcastic/joking.

    submitted by /u/comp342
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    Got a job offer but for less than glassdoor salary

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 04:57 AM PDT

    I am 20 months (12 month internship, first job out of college ) into my current job, got bored wanting to switch got an offer from a decent company, the offer is already 60% increment of my current package but the average on glassdoor is 100+%, of my current, thing is i can happily accept the current offer, but any tips on how should I go about negotiating it towards the glassdoor avg. this is bugging more because I know of batch mates who got placed from campus and are making that 2X amount, and quite frankly I think i am better than some of them at least.

    submitted by /u/kamakmojo
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    Should I just accept my offer?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 04:07 PM PDT


    I was given an offer last week, and throughout this week I was trying to negotiate with them. I asked about stock options and if they could extend the deadline two days ago. However, the recruiter said she'd ask the hiring team about that and they still have not responded. The offer deadline is today. I called the recruiter and asked for a status update and she said she'll check tomorrow (even though the deadline is today). I asked if she could guarantee if the offer will not be void tomorrow, and she said "yeah just wait on it". Is this believable? Should I just take the loss and accept my offer as is?

    submitted by /u/273_Degrees
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    BS degree required

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:44 PM PDT

    I've seen plenty of companies that write bs degree required in computers science. Does that mean they don't accept ba in computer science?

    submitted by /u/333qwe
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    Has any worked at Home Depot?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:40 PM PDT

    There have been a few posts on Home Depot but they didn't reveal very much information.

    The salary is very competitive and the technical practices seem very modern, but their insistence on pair programming is a bit concerning. Do they really enforce 100% pair programming, or is this just something they say in interviews? I am person who actually likes pair programming, so I wouldn't mind even 50% of the time, but sometimes you just need to be alone with your thoughts.

    Any other general thoughts about things such as culture, benefits, etc?

    submitted by /u/fjaskldfj
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    Does Wayfair drug test?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:32 PM PDT

    Haven't burnt the greens in a long while but thinking about doing it to celebrate with the homies.

    submitted by /u/devils_cabbage
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    Am I wrong thinking that I am "settling" if I get a web development job as someone with a CS degree?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 03:39 PM PDT

    I am graduating with a CS degree in a few months, I currently have an internship turned part-time web development position, the pay is mediocre, the atmosphere and company are great though imo.

    I feel like if I stay there after graduation I am not living up to my potential. I am not a 4.0 student, but I know my shit and I feel like since I have a CS degree I'd be wrong not to pursue a SWE position somewhere. For one, the pay would be higher, I feel like it'd be more challenging(in a good way) and there is probably more potential in the long run for growth/salary.

    I also don't know if I'm right in feeling this way, after all, I've never held a SWE position or even SWE intern, I've always been a webdev intern. Part of me feels kinda "I'll be damned if I went through the courses for a CS degree to do webdev which I could've went to a bootcamp or udemy course for" (Although that assumption may be incorrect) Anyone feel this way and have any input?

    submitted by /u/im_a_salt_lamp
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    Was trying to get an internship spot, I got told I passed the knowledge stage and now there's the "Group Dynamic" stage, is this normal?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:24 PM PDT

    This is in Brazil by the way. First time looking for an internship. So I asked around and the gist of it is, a group dynamic is where suitable candidates get together and then some social activities occur so the recruiters can decide from there who gets the spot. This seems a bit bizarre but I'm really sheltered, what I know from this industry comes mostly from lurking this sub. When I asked my friends they were like "lol, you never heard of those?".

    I'm kind of anxious, not sure if I should go. I'd much rather be interviewed than have some psychological experiment trying to socially shine more than my competitors. Is this normal? Literally never read about something like this here.

    submitted by /u/DumbUnemployedLoser
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    Self Studying into a specialization while working full time?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:22 PM PDT

    Has anyone tried this? I'm working doing mobile dev full time at a pretty good company, and my long term goal if i don't switch is to eventually work on core Android or core React Native at G or FB respectively. This is my backup, but what I'm trying to do is specialize in some field that I find interesting deeper in CS, like AI, deep learning, ML or data science -- I've sort of dipped my toes in these subjects the past few years and I can see myself learning more.

    How feasible is to self-study 3-5 hours/week one of these more specialized fields and then build a career at a top/good company? For example, like Data Science at FB or NLP at Quora or Reddit.


    submitted by /u/QuirkyAsparagus
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    Returning To My Previous Internship For My Last?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:13 PM PDT

    Last summer I was given the opportunity to intern at an AI/hardware company for AI infrastructure. Currently I am interning at a ride sharing company but also under the AI infra team. This week, I attended my former company's convention and was able to see my previous team and manager. They are extremely glad to see me and are basicallly just asking "When are you coming back?".

    I'll admit currently I am not happy with my current internship. My current manager had a 1:1 with me a few weeks ago to confirm that he will not be extending a return offer back to his team (But the hiring process is for the entire company) for the reason that he only wants senior level talent and he considers me to be too junior for his team. In all honesty, I also do not trust my current company's future, especially in their future for AI and deep learning and I defintely see their AI Infra as basically building to keep up rather than building to define.

    This is where I am led to a hard decision with regards to where to go. For sure, I will not be returning back to my current company for a return internship this fall. I might give consideration if they extend a full time offer to me directly if they can find a fit for me on other team. My previous company though, I would really liek to believe that they want me back and there is an opportunity for me there for the same team I was on (I interned there twice in the past with outstanding reviews each time).

    Currently, my decision is really going back to my old team at my former internship, or rather go out and explore for another company.

    From the outside view, and especially with the culture of my school, it all basically says to go out and explore for another company but for me, here are the reasons that I rather not go out and explore and return back

    • My previous company and team are full of industry leading talent, with my manager as the VP of AI Infra
    • Most of the other companies I see that in a way operates at the same caliber only wants graduate students or I am not for certain I can make it, and it is very host matching dependent (FAIR, G brain, MS Research)
    • Finding my last internship is exhausting, I rather have a more "chill" time in my senior year rather than spinning up to prepare for interviews and others
    • I am hoping to convert into a full time offer after I finish this last internship, and hopefully I might start out as Eng2/IC2 rather than Eng1 because of my outstanding performance so far in my internships

    Yet here are the other reasons where I should go out and explore

    • I will not know what other opportunities that might exist out there
    • It is my school culture to go out and explore other companies
    • More possible and better salary negotiation if I have multiple offers
    • I am not 100% sure that there is a return offer waiting for me... although I would like to believe that there is
    • Basically I have given up on my oppotunity to work at a "big 4/5/X", but I say there is already enough prestige on my resume already with the teams and company names?

    What do you think it's the best way for me to approach this? This fall is my last internship and basically that means I am going to aim for a full time offer. Should I return back to my previous employer or go back into the system?

    submitted by /u/zero2g
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    I messed up badly

    Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:12 PM PDT

    When one of my coworkers quit, it left a large gap in knowledge and responsibility that fell on my only other coworker. I wanted to take some of the responsibility so he wouldnt feel so much pressure. It went well until I accidentally deployed a change that wasn't suppose to go out yet to production.

    It caused 5 days of data to be messed up and reprocessing of these 5 days would take another week to finish. Our clients were extremely unhappy and all of the managers met up to discuss if our team was reliable enough or if they should use another team's application. This put my manager and my team in a bad spot.

    I dont want to go to work and have to face the people that I threw under the bus. Not only the mistake but now we all have to work hard and extra hours to fix the messed up days outputs now. Our clients are also doubting whether we are reliable enough to fuel a critical system. I just feel terrible that I let the team down and that I made such a dumb mistake.

    submitted by /u/CapitalPlastic
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