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    Monday, March 12, 2018

    Free, Livestreamed Javascript Classes/Course learn programming

    Free, Livestreamed Javascript Classes/Course learn programming

    Free, Livestreamed Javascript Classes/Course

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm thinking about putting together a free, livestreamed course on Javascript programming, going from "Hello, World" to a full-stack app with popular and fresh technologies (React, Apollo, GraphQL, Prisma).

    Also included would be Fundamentals of UI Design, so that the app you build during the course isn't straight out of the 90s.

    All students would have access to direct feedback on their work, as well as realtime Q+A (hence the livestream).

    Would this be useful to you? If not, what type of course/classes would be of interest?

    EDIT: PM me your email if you'd like to receive details on the course in the coming weeks!

    EDIT 2: Is 9PM EST a convenient stream time for you? If not, what time is convenient?

    EDIT 3: 9PM EST stream time is for when the course begins, not tonight! Details on the course will be emailed soon.

    submitted by /u/hoodsy
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    Humble AI Bundle

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:01 AM PDT

    Switching Career Fields

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 07:32 PM PDT

    I am considering changing careers and am interested in IT and computer programming; what advice do you have for someone who with little to no programming experience who is looking to build their knowledge and skill set? What languages and platforms would you recommend learning from? Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated!!

    submitted by /u/MrButtMuncher
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    Must Read Books ?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:56 PM PDT

    I'm a software engineer student and i was wondering what are the best book you recommend/read and that are "must read" for every programmers/software engineer ? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/JeSuisQc
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    Best machine learning algorithm to predict sleeping schedule?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, I have a machine learning project I want to implement in python, but I'm unsure about which algorithm to use.

    • The idea

    I have a pretty unusual sleep hours, and I want to use machine learning to try to predict my upcoming sleeping schedule.

    I have data about when I go to bed and wake-up for the last 5 months (although I wonder if using too old data is really efficient). This data is actually from my local network: thanks to /r/pihole I can keep track of every time my devices make a DNS request. As when I sleep I make none (I disconnect my devices), I can extrapolate it to get some rather accurate data (I checked them manually over a few weeks, and it seems to be alright).

    • Tentative approach

    I was thinking about organising the data in that way:

    [[ day, hours, minutes, seconds, time_since_last_query, IsSleeping ]] 

    (the data array would then have one item per second, or maybe per minute, second might be too much)

    Then I'd feed this into a random forest algorithm (presumably from Scikit-learn) and extract the model etc.

    However I have the feeling this approach could be suboptimal, as I think the model could make use of knowing the state of the previous second (or minute) to make more accurate predictions, and I think that a random forest might not take that aspect into consideration. What could be a better way to approach this problem? More generally, am I approaching this problem correctly?

    TL;DR: I want to predict my sleeping schedule, but I am unsure about which algorithm is best suited


    Edit: following a quick search about time series, I read about Hidden Markov, ARIMA, and RNN, any suggestion about these?

    submitted by /u/Vaglame
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    Best C++ IDE and Compiler?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:11 PM PDT

    Hello all, sorry if this question is too simple but I'm going a bit crazy trying to figure this out. I've been learning C++ at school for a while now and was thinking about trying my own projects. At school, the way we code is with a virtual machine and servers and all confusing stuff I do not understand yet (we use emacs and g++ on a linux OS I think). However, when trying to find a way to do this on my computer (Windows), I'm getting so lost in trying to find a good tool and getting lost in how to use everything. Thank you very much for the help.

    submitted by /u/9FE2BF
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    Need an extra pair of eyes to check a bit of C# code for some input.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:22 PM PDT

    Hi, first time Reddit-poster so bare with me please :)

    I have some code that need an extra pair of eyes. The code calculates the cost of a vehicle that passes a toll over a given period of time, and consists of the code below (so far anyway).

    Errors? Improvements? Refactoring? Need Unit tests? Suggestions?

    Thx in advance :)


    using System; using System.Globalization; using TollFeeCalculator;

    public class TollCalculator {

    /* Calculate the total toll fee for one day * @param vehicle - the vehicle * @param dates - date and time of all passes on one day * @return - the total toll fee for that day */ public int GetTollFee(Vehicle vehicle, DateTime[] dates) { DateTime intervalStart = dates[0]; int totalFee = 0; foreach (DateTime date in dates) { int nextFee = GetTollFee(date, vehicle); int tempFee = GetTollFee(intervalStart, vehicle); long diffInMillies = date.Millisecond - intervalStart.Millisecond; long minutes = diffInMillies/1000/60; if (minutes <= 60) { if (totalFee > 0) totalFee -= tempFee; if (nextFee >= tempFee) tempFee = nextFee; totalFee += tempFee; } else { totalFee += nextFee; } } if (totalFee > 60) totalFee = 60; return totalFee; } private bool IsTollFreeVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) { if (vehicle == null) return false; String vehicleType = vehicle.GetVehicleType(); return vehicleType.Equals(TollFreeVehicles.Motorbike.ToString()) || vehicleType.Equals(TollFreeVehicles.Tractor.ToString()) || vehicleType.Equals(TollFreeVehicles.Emergency.ToString()) || vehicleType.Equals(TollFreeVehicles.Diplomat.ToString()) || vehicleType.Equals(TollFreeVehicles.Foreign.ToString()) || vehicleType.Equals(TollFreeVehicles.Military.ToString()); } public int GetTollFee(DateTime date, Vehicle vehicle) { if (IsTollFreeDate(date) || IsTollFreeVehicle(vehicle)) return 0; int hour = date.Hour; int minute = date.Minute; if (hour == 6 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 29) return 8; else if (hour == 6 && minute >= 30 && minute <= 59) return 13; else if (hour == 7 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 59) return 18; else if (hour == 8 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 29) return 13; else if (hour >= 8 && hour <= 14 && minute >= 30 && minute <= 59) return 8; else if (hour == 15 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 29) return 13; else if (hour == 15 && minute >= 0 || hour == 16 && minute <= 59) return 18; else if (hour == 17 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 59) return 13; else if (hour == 18 && minute >= 0 && minute <= 29) return 8; else return 0; } private Boolean IsTollFreeDate(DateTime date) { int year = date.Year; int month = date.Month; int day = date.Day; if (date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) return true; if (year == 2013) { if (month == 1 && day == 1 || month == 3 && (day == 28 || day == 29) || month == 4 && (day == 1 || day == 30) || month == 5 && (day == 1 || day == 8 || day == 9) || month == 6 && (day == 5 || day == 6 || day == 21) || month == 7 || month == 11 && day == 1 || month == 12 && (day == 24 || day == 25 || day == 26 || day == 31)) { return true; } } return false; } private enum TollFreeVehicles { Motorbike = 0, Tractor = 1, Emergency = 2, Diplomat = 3, Foreign = 4, Military = 5 } 


    * Vehicle.cs *

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace TollFeeCalculator {

    public interface Vehicle { String GetVehicleType(); } 


    * Motorbike.cs *

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace TollFeeCalculator {

    public class Motorbike : Vehicle { public string GetVehicleType() { return "Motorbike"; } } 


    * Car.cs *

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace TollFeeCalculator {

    public class Car : Vehicle { public String GetVehicleType() { return "Car"; } } 


    submitted by /u/AlexanderDX7
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    How would I check to see if a word sounds like a verb even if it isn't spelled correctly in Python?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 05:07 PM PDT

    I'm using Python and the discord.py to make a dumb Discord bot for fun similar to the DadBot that will respond to someone's message if it has a word that ends with er in it by saying [word] I barely know her! so if someone said something like "The hackers at this hackathon are pretty smelly", the bot would respondHacker, I barely know her!

    The only problem is the word without the er needs to sound like a verb. If someone said something like "that man is a monster", the bot shouldn't respond since monst doesn't sound like a verb. Another weird case is if they use soccer because socc isn't an actual verb or word but sock which is sounds like is. Is there a way around this? Or a way to check the word with the er tacked off is close to a verb?

    I was thinking about using NLTK for sure because it seems super useful, but I think that would only solve half of the problem, and still wouldn't catch the words that aren't actual verbs but sound like them.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Also I don't think this violates the bot tutorials since it's a discord bot and not a reddit bot, but feel free to delete if it does violate that rule.

    submitted by /u/NateKurt
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    [C] - Segfaults at the last moment, a question about code that runs but doesn't.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 08:28 PM PDT

    Greetings and bienvenue, I've encountered quite an odd error in my program as I was writing today. I receive a segmentation fault at the last possible moment. Or rather, when I compile and run the code, I get a segfault. However, when I run the code through a debugger (gdb in my case), I'm able to run from line 1 of main to main's return statement with no issues. However, when I try returning from main and thus ending the program, I get 0x00007fff0001d800 in ?? (). If I try to go further, I get the error "Cannot find bounds of current function." Which, I must admit, is quite odd and perplexing. Part of me wonders if this is a result of using object code generated by codeblocks, but that wouldn't make sense as it just uses gcc as its compiler in the first place and thus wouldn't add any sort of weird stuff into the object code (or... shouldn't, at least).

    When I looked up the error online, I found an issue with the declaration of main. But... as far as I know, int main(void) is pretty much the standard declaration if command line arguments aren't being used, even in the C99 standard.

    I've pasted the code here if you're curious in having a look.

    submitted by /u/accountForStupidQs
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    Constantly trying to figure out what to do next.

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:28 PM PDT

    Currently a 3rd year in a US college where comp sci is just mediocre to good. I love and am super dedicated to cs but feel like class work alone won't put me above peers. At the same time I find myself constantly swamped with cs work and uni requirement course work. I'm trying to find time to expand to projects, new languages and new concepts but I don't know which I'm supposed to do and in what order. How do I make a plan for what I need to learn next and then after that and so on. I'm not sure what to google to get a roadmap of cs. I'm most proficient in c++ and python but am well aware there's a ton of information I'm missing in c++ but I don't know how to search for that.

    I'm always fine with putting the time into studying but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be studying. I love graphics, should I continue learning OpenGL? Should I learn some language or framework that recruiters like to see? Should I just do leetcode and hackerranks? Expand c++ knowledge further?

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/100721
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    I can help with programming and want English in return

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:44 AM PDT

    Hello! I'm new to reddit and I'm sorry if it's not recommended to post something like this. I'll be glad if you direct me to an appropriate resource.

    I'm a JavaScript developer and have a few years of working experience. Also I have worked with some other languages.

    When I was learning I always wanted to have someone who could help with it.

    Now I'm learning English and I want to have practice. So I thought: it might be a good idea to help someone with programming and get some speaking in return.

    Please tell me if you think that is a bad idea and why. If it is not - I'll be happy to try it.

    submitted by /u/int15h
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    If I'm changing a value in a while loop over and over, would it be good practice to just make it a field?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 03:50 PM PDT

    I've lived by this thought process as a programmer for a long time, that reserving a single memory address for a constantly-changing value was a good idea. I wanted to confirm it here, despite my numerous searches.

    I'm using Java if it helps your answer.

    EDIT: An example.

    So, say I'm using an API, where the entry point starts a timer. The timer calls this method constantly:

    public void periodic() {} 

    What if the period was 500ms? Then I'd be creating a new local var each time it was called:

    public void periodic() { double x = something.getX(); } 

    Is it better to just make it a field, since it's changing constantly anyways?

    submitted by /u/FlashDaggerX
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    Learning Javascript after HTML/CSS?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 12:12 PM PDT

    I taught myself to code with HTML/CSS about 10 years ago, I never really pursued the web design/dev field as a career, but I still occasionally make websites and enjoy the coding/texting/development side of everything. I have been considering getting back into this field after seeing the salary ranges in my area are much higher than the field I am in now (sales). I mostly build sites with Wordpress so I am somewhat familiar with PHP as well but I still end up googling stuff most of the time when I run into issues.

    Anyway, I have been thinking about pursuing Javascript, but I honestly have no idea if I would be wasting my time or not, or if there are better languages to learn?

    I signed up for The Odin Project and I plan on going through the web dev and javascript programs as soon as possible, assuming this is the right direction to go in. I am also checking my local community college for classes as well but since I work full time that might not work.

    Without a CS degree, is becoming a junior developer within 12-18 months possible with my current skill set? Are salary ranges typically accurate on sites like Glassdoor? Here in Phoenix it ranges from $45-$80k it seems, which is already more than I make now on the low end.

    submitted by /u/87AZ
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    Twit/NPM Twitter Bot

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:33 PM PDT

    I am currently having a problem with a bot i am making. I am not sure how to upload videos greater than 30 seconds to Twitter using Twit. I keep getting the error, "Not valid video".

    submitted by /u/chidiu98
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    Made a web scraper for SomaFM Top 30 charts. What do you think?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:29 PM PDT

    Python 2.7 Tkinter code review/tips for improvement for a hobbyist programmer

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:13 PM PDT

    How can I improve my code? I always wanted to learn how to make great, readable high quality code but I have no idea how to achieve that.



    submitted by /u/MandrakeOfPeace
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    How would I go about doing a Lexer in Datalog?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:13 PM PDT

    Like creating my own Lexer rules but in Datalog. Sorry I have no idea how to use datalog.

    submitted by /u/raginpsycho
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    Are MS SQL Database Developer Jobs going away?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:49 PM PDT

    After looking on job websites (Indeed, Dice, Simplyhired, Monster) does there seem to be less and less Microsoft SQL Server jobs available? People who conduct database work, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS items type things. A lot of companies are looking for someone who can utilize Both C# with database. Is my presumption true, is this where the job market is going more full-stack? Or how are people in solely database Development holding up? I already know DBA role is becoming less in demand extinct, with automated self-managed database cloud, RDS, Saas. Now I am wondering where Database Development role is going.

    submitted by /u/JamesThomas4592
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    How many hours do you guys code everyday?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:29 PM PDT

    I code around 2 hours everyday. Do you think that is enough? I am a senior in high school. I try to do it everyday but some days I do miss it due to school and other stuff. I do want to get better at Programming.

    submitted by /u/Vinua
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    Computer engineering undergrad, hate programming

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 06:59 AM PDT

    Hello all, firstly sorry for posting this here, I don't know if it's the right or wrong sub but I'm kinda at a loss for more time than I should have.

    I started my undergrad in 2010, and I'm still here. I have about 1 year in terms of subjects to do left, but it's been like that for maybe 3 years? or more.

    Thing is the subjects left are all in need of programming. I know a tad of course, but I don't like it. It frustrates me when I can't get the logic right, when I can't figure out why it isn't working and when there's a problem I can't solve and I've been on it for a decent time, I put myself down, like "I'm in this fucking course for 30 years and get this easy shit right". I know it's not helpful, but it's automatic and I can't really control it. I'm on the point that only thinking that I'm going to deal with those subjects this semester causes me anxiety and mild panic (yes I take meds). I'm already looking after psychological help inside the uni.

    After all that what am I asking then? I want to like programming. (Actually on my first semester I was quite good? and liked it). Of course there are resources all over the internet, I've researched a couple of websites, but they're all either advanced or for someone who's starting.

    Is there any idea of how I can get to like programming? Not necessarily online courses, but if it's it so be so.

    footnote: I want to finish this course. I'm gonna finish it, and I'm gonna finish it this year. So I need to do something about this mindset. Should I post this on other sub?

    Also feel free to PM me or anything, and thanks for any help I really, really appreciate it.

    Again thank you all

    submitted by /u/Hachumi
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    Programming a Browser Based persistent universe (Campain of the Cosmos)

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 11:41 AM PDT

    Hello /r/learnprogramming

    With a fellow redditor /u/SnowtekTV we started our investigation to Campain of the Cosmos bring back to life.
    It's an old Browser Based game that sadly died in 2007 because of an hardware issue that partially corrupted their database.

    Hopefully on the WayBackMachine we are able to read really complete guide that explain how the game used to work in depth.

    After reading it a few time I've a pretty precise idea about how to implement everything, the game is pretty simple.

    However, I'm not sure how this kind of game handle time. This one in particular work with 'ticks' of one hour and everything is updated at every fixed hour, so I can imagine it was implemented with a crontab updating ressources/building/army/income.

    But how does game like O'Game handle real time ?

    submitted by /u/Eloiole
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    Brand new to this! What should I learn 1st?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 10:10 PM PDT

    What's up everybody? I'm here because I've recently ( a couple hours ago ) decided i want to teach myself coding with a little help of course.. I want to be able to make apps and websites.. My question is this... where do I start? There is soooooooo much out there! But rather than getting overwhelmed I thought I would take it one step at a time and start with the basics... any suggestions? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/rewiringneeded
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    Any good resource on setting up work environments?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 01:07 PM PDT

    Programming and building projects is one thing. But setting up work environments has been the most irritating part of my experience on this journey and it's what made me switch to linux away from Windows.

    As a result, I feel unmotivated to start learning things and building projects because I already predict my work environment isn't going to work. Any resources out there that show you how to build a clean, organized work environment for a project? I'd love tips on how to come up with the tools your going to need ahead of time, the database, deployment, server, etc.

    submitted by /u/MetroidAndZeldaFan
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    Can I write a method for a class that expects an object from a superclass, and then feed it subclass objects?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2018 09:48 PM PDT

    (This is in Java)

    If I have a superclass called Animals, and I write a method called "bleh" in ANOTHER class called AnimalDatabase<T> that does something like:

    animal.bark = 4; animal.meow = 2; animal.moo = animal.meow; 

    Can I use that method with Animals' subclasses?

    Can I create a AnimalDatabase object

    AnimalDatabase<Dogs> d = new AnimalDatabase<Dogs>(); 

    and do something like


    And it would work for the Dogs objects, even though they aren't objects form Animals class, they're objects from Dogs class which is a subclass of it? Thanks

    submitted by /u/LILGUNSHOT
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