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    Wednesday, February 28, 2018

    Which language can I study for 3-5 hours a week and become somewhat proficient in 3 months? learn programming

    Which language can I study for 3-5 hours a week and become somewhat proficient in 3 months? learn programming

    Which language can I study for 3-5 hours a week and become somewhat proficient in 3 months?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:13 PM PST

    Hi all, I have about 3 months before I graduate, and I want to add a language to my Resume.

    Currently I am decent in using R and SAS for Analytics and a novice with SQL. I am a beginner at Python. However I believe Python has the best opportunities.

    Given that I have about 3 months and can dedicate only about 3-5 hours a week, which language would I be able to get the most use out of in such a short time frame? I will be learning the others eventually, but I want to be strong in one before I graduate.

    submitted by /u/DaveUA
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    How do you go about designing programs?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

    I've been learning code from almost a year now I went through a phase of learning syntax and then the fundamentals and basic building blocks of programming(functions, loops, if/else etc) and now I'm at the point where I am trying to figure out how to put all the pieces together to program a Tic Tac Toe game. So I was wondering how ppl go about designing programs, what is the thought process or techniques you use? Is it worth it to spend some time mapping it out on a piece of paper? I'm referring to software architecture on a way smaller scale. Any tips or advise would be great. I'm not even sure if this is the right sub reddit to post this.

    submitted by /u/UntouchedDruid4
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    Is `cd`ing to the directory better for the hardware if I'm accessing many files deep down?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:14 PM PST

    I would like to know if cding to the directories any "kinder" for the hard disk than using the absolute paths from somewhere else when I read ~10k files.

    I have a hard disk drive with VFAT file system, where I store 40k .jpeg files along with 100k other files as backup. The file structure is very messy, so I finally decided to write a script to help me. It should gather the exif datetimeoriginal field from all the jpeg files and store them as a text file, so that I can find any picture by date taken.

    Now, the image files are scattered in directries like:

    /Ubuntu/Pictures/Aug2011_Kyoto/ /backups/camera/SDCard01/11Apr2014/DCIM/100CANON/ 

    (I feel embarrassed.) Now, I already have the complete list of file paths. Thus I can either access the files using the absolute path (/U/P/A/IMG_001.JPG), or I can cd to the directories (Aug2011_Kyoto) and access files they contain. Given that each directory can contain 3~4k files, can either any better (e.g. less burden to the hardware) than the other? I have little knowledge about how filesystems work, and I wasn't able to disprove the idea that changing directory might make it somewhat closer when accessing.

    I'll be coding on linux and access the hard drive via USB cable.

    submitted by /u/kamakemono
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    Thoughts on self-learning vs CS degree

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:10 AM PST

    What do you guys think of self-learning vs a formal CS education? I know there are pros and cons for each. For instance, a formal education will help you to have grounded theory and it also weeds out bad programming habits. On the other hand, self-learning means that you are able to learn at your own pace, and being able to learn what you want to learn. The reason I am asking this is because I have recently been enrolled in a basic programming class, but I somehow feel that I am very slow to pick up stuff. What I mean is that, I understand what is going on, but trying to translate it into code can sometimes be quite difficult for me. This has kind of dampened my mood towards programming, and led to quite a bit of stress. Hell, I am spending more time on 1 programming assignment than the rest of my other university modules this semester per week. I just feel that this is not a good way to learn in the long term. What do you guys think, both about my situation and the question I posted in general?

    submitted by /u/redditmaster21
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    CS is difficult.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 01:30 AM PST

    I'm currently taking my first ever computer science course in college right now, and its an intro to java class. I'm interested in majoring in CS, and I really want to learn how to code. I can read code at an OK-ish level (I'm definitely still a beginner as it's only been 1-2 months of me learning.) However, when I have to write code my mind just goes blank. Sometimes, I don't even have an idea as to how to start writing. It's really causing me to stress out because it could be something I understand when I see the solution, but the second I lose my guide I'm useless. This only makes me question my abilities and whether I'm actually going into the correct field. I want to make this work, but no matter how much I study, when it comes to writing code I feel like I don't think intuitively enough to come up with solutions. Does anybody else feel like this? Or has anybody else felt like this? There's always this constant feeling of being lost. I sit and I think, but nothing ever comes to my mind. I'm definitely not ready to quit just yet, but damn CS is difficult.

    submitted by /u/adstrafe
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    Has anyone attended Coding Dojo? Reviews

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 06:37 PM PST

    Is it worth the 15k they want for there 14 week boot camp?

    For those who attend what program (language) did you choose to learn and did it help you land a tech job?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/SpareTech_O
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    Some advice between practicing JS/Web and Python

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:50 PM PST


    So, I have a bunch of free time at work right now, and I want to use it to beef up on my (minimal) programming skills.

    At work, IT will not allow anything to be installed (ala Python) if you are not in the Development group. So, I could read about it for hours a day, not do much(tried an online IDE, didn't seem to work well). When I get home, I have a little man to take care of, and after he hits the sheets I am beat. So, I wouldn't get to practice more than a half hour to an hour, and that would be with less than clear thinking.

    I could do JS/Web all day, but nothing that would require any kind of backend/db/anything. Only with whatever comes standard on Windows 10.

    Not planning on becoming a programmer, just want the skills. I would like to make some neat things for my son and maybe spark his interest(he enjoys the hour of code at code.org).

    Just throwing this out here to see what thoughts people may have.


    submitted by /u/crystalblue99
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    Youtube API setup with Node errors

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:44 PM PST

    I'm following along with the youtube docs getting started with node. https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/quickstart/nodejs I have the client_secret.json in the working directory file downloaded however I'm getting this error when launching

    > mason@lubuntu:~/Desktop/chentabot$ node quickstart.js undefined:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at Object.parse (native) at /home/mason/Desktop/chentabot/quickstart.js:42:39 at FSReqWrap.readFileAfterClose [as oncomplete] (fs.js:447:3) 

    line 42 refers to this section of the code

    // Check if we have previously stored a token. fs.readFile(TOKEN_PATH, function(err, token) { if (err) { getNewToken(oauth2Client, callback); } else { oauth2Client.credentials = JSON.parse(token); callback(oauth2Client); } }); 

    and it seems that it's using the json file called youtube-nodejs-quickstart.json when its defined earlier on the sample. I can not however find this file or the path its located on my system.

    var TOKEN_PATH = TOKEN_DIR + 'youtube-nodejs-quickstart.json'; 

    Any idea on how to proceed? For context I ultimately want to be able to use this api to update and remove videos on a public youtube playlist.

    submitted by /u/quadreon
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    On the readability of Lisp and the Lisp derived languages

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:32 PM PST

    Hello, this isn't a question but more of a discussion point - I'd like to hear what people think about this. I was first introduced to Racket last semester when I started my CS degree and I'll admit that while it wasn't my favorite thing in the world, it did really help me to understand things like recursion more fully than if I started the degree in, say, Python. But one of the biggest "advantages" of languages like Racket, Lisp, and Scheme is their readability, according to my professors and the internet whenever I searched the topic. I never understood this sentiment, and here's an example of a simple function in Scheme. It just takes the two given numbers and multiplies them with the second number added to two, then divides the result by the second given number, and then adds five.

    (define (f x y) (+ (/ (* x (+ y 2)) y) 5)) 

    Now here's the same function in C++

    double f (double x, double y) { return x * (y + 2) / y + 5; } 

    In Scheme, there's a big problem that I see that make this harder to read than the C++ version. It's the way calling functions is implemented on even basic arithmetic


    This may be an English thing, but when I think of applying a function like multiplication onto two numbers, I'll think in my head "x times y" not "times x y." So there's my first gripe in readability, in the C++ code it's easy to say exactly what's going on because my natural language translates pretty directly into C++. And this just gets more complicated to read once you're calling functions to determine the inputs of outer functions, it becomes hard to follow. I just don't understand why Lisp languages are heralded for being so simple to follow compared with C style languages. To me languages like Python and Java are much much simpler to follow and understand what's going on, when I'm looking at a Scheme function you need to consciously look for the inner most functions and work your way out to see exactly what's happening.

    submitted by /u/fauxpolitik
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    I need help understanding and writing arrays or whatever this is.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:01 PM PST

    So I've been studying for my C programming test and ive reached arrays ( i think ) but i have no clue on how to even approach understanding or writing this

    "We have a multidimensional array declared as such: int m[3][2]={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; What is the mathematical matrix defined by the array m[3][2]? Also, what are the indices for the array element 4? (or if m[i][j] is 4, then what is i and what is j?)

    Similarly, if we have an array that models time as the following, float t[100]; If N is the size of the array, what is N? Write a program to assign t[100] the N values that starts from 20 seconds and steps every 2 seconds i.e., the values would be 20, 22, 24, ….. (hint: using for-loop).

    I'm not looking for someone to copy paste me an answer but instead to explain it like I'm five.


    TL;DR Help me understand the prompt in the middle. Pretend im 5

    submitted by /u/C-A-S-O
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    Programming or on-the-job terminology?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:43 PM PST

    After working for a while I find there's still constantly words I come across that I don't know or just vaguely understand. Is there a good generic list or dictionary out there? Doesn't have to be just programming related, vocabulary seen on the job is good.

    To give examples: Sink, SOAP, Spike, CoA, CDN, singleton, SUT, etc

    I would like to learn more, but can't really find a list.

    submitted by /u/Aruffle
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    Need help finding a project (more dets inside).

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:25 PM PST

    I study at a branche called ( Systems and Networks Admin) I was forced to take if I wanted to get anything close to programming.

    Now most of the proposed projects are "classic" network ones like setting up a DNS server or managing a WEB server but me and my friend are trying to take an app dev approach and actually make an app of our own that people can actually use.

    We studied C, C++, JAVA, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP (and a bunch of networks and server basics). All of this in 2 years, so we barelly scratched the surface, but as someone who loves this I believe I can find more help on the interne.

    I barely have 2 months so I am really lost and scared to start something I can't end in time.

    Should I just settle for some of the simplisr projects and just get done with it while I work on a real project in my private time?

    Or maybe you guys can think of some small projects that will be a challenge and help me expand my knowledge.

    I am really serious about programming and thinking of it as my future, if you have any general tips for a startup please feel free to add them :)

    submitted by /u/WinterRise
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    How do I do unit tests for methods that insert into a database?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 04:17 PM PST

    What am I asserting after an insert operation?

    submitted by /u/proboardslolv5
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    Should I create a database for my needs?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 03:25 PM PST

    Hey all,

    I am an EE student almost done with school. I am trying to get into Software Engineering so I am learning as much as I can about everything software related.

    At my current job, we have LOADS of data stored in Excel files. I literally mean we have production reports for every day/month/year. I would like to learn databases/SQL/MySQL/etc to help out my current job and also to increase my knowledge for future endeavors. So, if I want to analyze some numbers spanning long periods of time, opening and closing a thousand Excel spreadsheets with a thousand thousand sheets in each is not practical (okay maybe that not much but still). I figured learning databases would be a good skill to learn and also it would really help my coworkers run reports or analyze data.

    Where do I start? I have been researching online but so far I don't really understand where to start from where I am and get to the database I need. Also, I guess I am looking for a way to import all the existing Excel spreadsheets to the database, since I can't see my company changing away from Excel anytime soon. Hopefully I can get your thoughts on this.


    ninja EDIT:

    Another example: I have this folder. Inside this folder is a list of subfolders where each subfolder represents a vendor that we buy from. This means: Subfolder1 is VENDOR1 and Subfolder2 is VENDOR2. Inside each subfolder contains MANY Excel docs and each Excel doc is a PO which has parts, price, etc about each invoice/order.

    I would like to see about creating a database of this so we can analyze our spending/budget.

    submitted by /u/Vynist
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    [C, parallel programming] What does this line of code do?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:36 PM PST

     static double a[BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); 

    I'm trying to use simd SSE to speed up matrix multiplication. Using loop unrolling and what not. However, I can't find any good tutorials on simd SSE for C.

    For example, what is the difference between these two lines?

     vecA2 = _mm_load_pd (&a[(k+2)+i*BLOCK_SIZE]); vecB1 = _mm_loadu_pd (&B[k+j*lda]); 

    One says _mm_load and another says _mm_loadu... What is the difference between load and loadu?

    When doing matrix multiply should I just be using the simd SSE interface? Finally, how can I be sure how the memory of the two arrays are aligned?

    submitted by /u/Okmanl
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    Navbar help

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 08:06 PM PST

    I was wondering if anyone had a tutorial about how to add icons such as a search icon, menu icon, setting icon ... To the navbar. I'm trying to make one like the Google docs or a material design way.

    submitted by /u/Lol_Its_Maxwell
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    Should I start working on my app idea for a game/story approach to fitness right away, or work up to it? I am worried that by the time I finish developing the app, technology will have advanced to the point I can't implement it.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 11:32 PM PST

    I have an idea to create an app that I think would make me money, and fullfill me spiritually. I have no coding knowledge though, and am worried that by the time I finish the app phone technology will have advanced to the point that my code is useless and won't work.

    So I have an idea to do an app, or series of apps where I make fitness into a game/story. It was inspired by this app called Zombie Run (that I don't have the room on my phone to try out). In zombie run you follow a story line and you run or walk and eventually it says zombies are nearby so you have to speed up or be killed. Basically I want to make a interesting story. Where a person has to become a super hero or a fairy, or complete some kind of quest. I haven't figured out which story line I want to do yet, and I figure once I finish one app I can start an another story. I figured I could do the art myself, or commission someone.

    I want to see if I can do the same run/jog pattern as in zombie run. I also figure I'll do things to have them beat bosses/enemies/advance in magic training/whatever. For example, they have to do jump jacks for 30 seconds, and they enter in how many jumping jacks they did and they advance if they met their individual minimum, or the strength of their attack is based on how many they did, ect.

    submitted by /u/DisruptedMatrix
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    Learning programming for the fun of it [ linux ]

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 12:15 PM PST

    I have always wanted to get into programming, but not because it could land me a job, mostly as a hobby. Playing zachtronics TIS-100 i have grown fond of doing things the hard way so i was wondering:

     Is there any computer science / general lecture about the concepts behind logic and programming ? Is there a point in getting into assembly or C as a hobby? Should i look into some modern languages that could be easier to get into and go from there ? 

    And lastly, where do you get the persistence of doing it continiously ?

    submitted by /u/sonicadept
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    I don't understand why the bounds aren't correct

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 05:16 PM PST

    I'm making a program of a face where its eyes can track the location of the mouse but must stay within the bounds of the eyes. I'm not sure why the bounds aren't correct and the pupil can go outside of the eyes' radius. Currently only doing a single eye to try and make sense of it.

    Also, the code isn't perfect (or anything near) right now, but I'm prioritizing getting the concept down.


    I can't keep the eyes inside the actual eye radius.

    submitted by /u/godlikebearkiller
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    [Java] Only certain key presses registering

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:57 PM PST

    Wondering if there is something obvious I'm missing. Everything was working great until I tried to add more Key events. Besides WASD, any other key I try doesn't register. I put print statements and they don't show when I press. Not sure if I'm overlooking something or maybe its some sort of issue with the custom classes I'm using. Thanks for any help.

     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { Entity dolphin = getEngine().getSceneManager().getEntity("myDolphin"); Camera camera = getEngine().getRenderSystem().getRenderWindow().getViewport(0).getCamera(); switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_A: cameraX-=1.0f; //prevent camera/player getting too far from dolphin //while(cameraX <= dolphin X value + 40.0f// if(cameraX == 0.0f){ cameraX= 0.5f; } camera.setPo((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ)); camera.renderScene(); //curve = curve.add((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX,cameraY,cameraZ)); //camera.setRt(curve); System.out.println("cameraLeft"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_W: //Vector3f curve=camera.getRt(); cameraZ-=1.0f; if(cameraZ == 0.0f){ cameraZ= -0.5f; } camera.setPo((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ)); camera.renderScene(); //curve = curve.add((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX,cameraY,cameraZ)); //camera.setRt(curve); System.out.println("cameraForward"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_D: //Vector3f curve=camera.getRt(); cameraX+=1.0f; if(cameraX == 0.0f){ cameraX= 0.5f; } camera.setPo((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ)); camera.renderScene(); //curve = curve.add((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX,cameraY,cameraZ)); //camera.setRt(curve); System.out.println("cameraRight"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_S: //Vector3f curve=camera.getRt(); cameraZ+=1.0f; if(cameraX == 0.0f){ cameraX= 0.5f; } camera.setPo((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ)); camera.renderScene(); System.out.println("cameraBackwards"); break; case KeyEvent.VK_J: //Vector3f curve=camera.getRt(); cameraX-=1.0f; if(cameraX == 0.0f){ cameraX= 0.5f; } camera.setRt((Vector3f)Vector3f.createFrom(cameraX, cameraY, cameraZ)); camera.renderScene(); System.out.println("cameraRotateLeft"); break; } super.keyPressed(e); 
    submitted by /u/Datchcole
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    Translating ideas into code

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 07:10 PM PST

    Hello fellas I am a first year CS student and so far I have been ok with small projects on Processing that is an API of java.I used to try stuff and experiment to understand how the language works because it seemed basic enough and it was beginner friendly. However recently we have started doing Java and making mini projects to learn the language. We use Eclipse and to me this is a big jump from Processing although some elements remain the same.My problem is that I understand how to solve a problem but get stuck when I am trying to code it. How can I improve my translation of the solution into code?

    submitted by /u/Leptonz
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    Can you delete nodes in a LinkedList using just one pointer in C?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 10:55 PM PST

    Hello, so I want to know if it's possible to DELETE an entire list, using only a single pointer. I can't seem to think of why this would work, because 1) we're passing in the head pointer by value, and 2) whatever we do to that value of the head pointer will only change in the function we passed it in, but it won't change anything from where it was called.

    Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ansonplusc
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    I am just learning python, I am a bit confused. How do I import a file?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:58 PM PST

    Ive looked up many ways to do it but if someone could explain a bit better than what I read it would mean a lot!

    submitted by /u/TheDyylan
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    Help with circle draw program

    Posted: 28 Feb 2018 09:57 PM PST

    import processing.core.PApplet;

    public class DrawingThings extends PApplet { float[] xCoords; float[] yCoords;

    public void setup() { size(600, 600); xCoords = new float[50] yCoords = new float[50] for (int loc = 0, loc < 50; loc++) { xCoords[loc] = (float)(Math.random()*600); yCoords[loc] = (float)(Math.random()*600); } } public void draw() { background(220); ellipse(xCoords[0], yCoords[0], 100, 100); ellipse(xCoords[1], yCoords[1], 100, 100); ellipse(xCoords[2], yCoords[2], 100, 100); } 


    submitted by /u/QxUAS_op3-3
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