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    Thursday, February 1, 2018

    Interview Discussion - February 01, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - February 01, 2018 CS Career Questions

    Interview Discussion - February 01, 2018

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to have discussions about interviews, interviewing, and interview prep. Posts focusing solely on interviews created outside of this thread will probably be removed.

    Abide by the rules, don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted each Monday and Thursday at midnight PST. Previous Interview Discussion threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - February 01, 2018

    Posted: 31 Jan 2018 11:07 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Self-taught developers, how do you respond when companies ask about schooling?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:45 AM PST

    A company is asking about my education background. I am a self taught developer who has taken courses in algorithms/data structures, programming languages, AI, relational databases, design patterns, and a few other things online and already applied them in my previous job.

    submitted by /u/Cscq1029
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    We did it.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:29 PM PST

    Just wanted to say thank to all of your guys' help and support on here. I got my first offer for a full-time SWE position as a non-cs degree. Couldn't have done it without you guys.

    For all you out there still stressing, don't give up hope. If even I can pull it off, you can too. Keep your head up.

    Thanks guys!!!

    submitted by /u/somescienceshit
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    Anyone done the Target summer internship?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:34 AM PST

    I got an offer from Target for a 10 week program this summer. However, there seems to be very little information on what interns do there. To anyone who has done the internship program:

    1) Did you like it? What were the best/worst parts?

    2) What technologies did you use?

    3) What percentage of your fellow interns got return offers/what were the details of the offer?

    4) Anything you can think of to prep for the internship?

    submitted by /u/TMAZ4life
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    I've been documenting my manager. How do I bring the documentation to hr?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:39 PM PST

    Do I just email hr with my report or ask to meet and then show them a copy of my report? Could I ask to be transferred to another tech department?

    submitted by /u/CuriousEntry
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    Spring Internships

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:35 PM PST

    I'm thinking about taking a semester off from school during my Junior spring because I'm currently ahead with course work, and I'm curious about spring internships. Do many companies offer spring internships (especially the big names people frequently talk about here)? How do they compare to summer ones? I know it's early but around when do applications for spring internships go up? As many companies are accepting interns for the summer around January(ish), would that mean I would ideally have a different summer internship lined up even before I start in the spring? Are spring internships harder to get than summer ones?

    Sorry for the block of questions - I've just suddenly had this idea to take a semester off, and I'm not finding that much information online regarding spring cs internships. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cssummerintern1324
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    Difficult co-worker is making my days miserable

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:36 AM PST

    Most of the people on my team are older than me and have much more experience than me. I wouldn't say I'm too "junior". I've had a job before this for a year working at a stressful startup wearing multiple hats. So I'm not completely clueless. I'm also never scared to admit that I don't know something so I'm aware of my level of knowledge. I work hard to learn more everyday.

    With that being said I have this extremely loud and vocal co-worker. He has opinions and he's very loud about them. He constantly follows me around on our company's chat system (and I think he does this to everyone not just me) to the point where I have no idea how he gets anything done if he's constantly on the chat. He almost always comments on my work, something I said, set up etc and it's never positive. He pulls my code apart during reviews even if I didn't ask him for reviews. He somehow sees my PR and leaves many comments on it. I'm open to feedback hence why I ask someone to review my PR who is familiar with that codebase and sometimes it's him ... sometimes it's someone else but he still comments on it.

    At this point I feel like he doesn't trust me because I don't have much experience and I'll be honest it doesn't feel good. Everytime I say something or post something I expect him to correct me and I almost don't want to talk at all. I've been very polite this whole time because I think he's more experienced and I respect people who are older and have more industry knowledge than me.

    I don't want to go to my boss for it because I don't think he can do anything and also I don't think "I don't like this guy" is a valid issue to have. I just want to learn how to deal with this. It's affecting my productivity and morale. I don't know if I'm supposed to be more polite, less polite? quiet ? loud? talk back? Today I'm just trying to avoid him unless necessary to see how it goes. Help?

    submitted by /u/CulturalManufacturer
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    Study abroad for CS major?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 09:36 AM PST

    Is it worth it to study abroad for CS? I go to a top CS school right now, so some people have told me that it isn't worth it because anywhere I go abroad won't have the same quality education. I agree. However, in general, academics aren't the reason people study abroad and I am still leaning towards it. I'm worried that I may be behind, however, compared to my peers if I choose to study abroad. I'm only a second semester freshman, and while I'm enjoying my classes, it does feel a little..depressing because of my workload. I just feel like one semester off, enjoying myself in a different country, would be something I look back as a positive experience, hopefully.

    Has anyone here studied abroad as a CS (or similar) major? Was it worth it? Are there any programs you would recommend?

    submitted by /u/Conleyne
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    Companies reluctant to hire me due to my current highly interesting job

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:22 AM PST

    Sounds weird, but the job I have right now is highly interesting/good. ML/GPU learning on massive real time data sets. I've been on a few interviews recently and employers are highly put off by my current role. I could downplay it, but it really is a problem. "Why would you ever want to leave?". I have been in this position for 4 years, I just got rejected by another start up where I am clearly qualified. Has anyone experienced this? Is this common? I get excited talking about the stuff I work on and it always results in apathy from the other side. Is this a tell that their job isnt that good?

    submitted by /u/corporate__slave
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    Will a Programmer Analyst Co-op position help me get a Software Developer job after graduation?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:12 PM PST

    There aren't too many software dev jobs posted on our job board but there are a few programmer analyst positions. I'm not entirely sure what the job consists of but it seems like a mix between support and development

    submitted by /u/SumTingWong59
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    For those who got into cybersecurity from software engineering, what did you actually do?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:25 PM PST

    For a little background, I've got a bachelors in computer engineering, almost five years of experience, and am working towards a masters in cybersecurity. I have a relatively comfortable six-figure job and feel pretty successful for my age (27).

    Recently I became very interested in the topic of cybersecurity and have been exploring how I might move in that direction. My experience is primarily in embedded systems.

    What could I do with this? How would I get started? Basically, what are the paths I might take to develop my career?

    submitted by /u/charlesloganxavier
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    Is the average San Francisco new grad salary/compensation really THAT high?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

    Sure I understand that the cost of living is high. But I constantly see people on CSCQ saying that the average new grad base salary (not compensation) in SF is $110k. Wtf? A handful of friends and I all got offers in the $80's and $90's. Only 1 friend of mine got $110 base.

    submitted by /u/sfcssalaryquestion
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    What it's like to intern at Splunk?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 04:30 PM PST

    What is the interview process like at Splunk for summer SE intern position? What should I expect?

    submitted by /u/fonduekiss
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    Has anyone looked into working abroad after graduation, particular in Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan)?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:38 AM PST

    What have you found regarding salaries, language barrier, etc. Just curious to hear people's insights.

    submitted by /u/ayeandone
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    UT Dallas vs University of Rochester for CS Major

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:03 PM PST

    International, HS Senior student here. Including Scholarships and Financial Aid, UT Dallas might be cheaper by 7-9k/year since I got AES Distinction. I have plans to pursue MS/PhD in the future.

    UT Dallas: cheaper, better weather, better location (it's Rochester vs Dallas/FW lol not even close imo), more known for its CS. However, it has MUCH worse student life, no school spirit, and more of a research university. idk if I really care about this or not since I'm kinda a sociable person but I'm also willing to sacrifice that "college experience" for better future career opportunities.

    UofR: a much more reputed, high ranked private university with smaller class sizes, better student life, better academic, comparable CS department.

    I'm not sure about the recruiting in both schools. Overall, UTD seems to be a better choice but I'm scared I wouldn't be happy at the school. I am really confused and don't know for sure what will be best for me. Any suggestions, advice regarding the matter will be highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/swaggydhl
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    How to negotiate part-time salary as a full engineer after working as an intern?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:36 PM PST

    I'm interning for an early stage startup and I picked up things very quickly and am now almost on par with the other developers here. They want me to come back as a full-time engineer but I still have 2 years of school left. I was thinking about working part time and they said they were open to it. How would I negotiate my salary? I'm currently making 54K, and I think their upper limit on full time is somewhere around 100K. What would be the best way to go about negotiating this?

    submitted by /u/Mon0001
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    Where is the best place to go for architecture feedback?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:43 AM PST

    I recently started my first large-ish open source project.

    I've had to refactor it twice already to be as modularized/well designed as I'd like, and I'm worried I'll have to do it again to make it truly extensible (expose more APIs, etc).

    Where do you look for architecture/system design for open source projects? I've read Design Patterns and Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code and am pretty familiar/have implemented most of them at some point in time, but I'm just not sure if I'm using the best/most modern ones for what I'm trying to achieve.

    It's written in Python, and I was thinking of just contacting other people that have done large projects in the language. Does anyone have experience with looking for design review in FOSS projects?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/JonLuca
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    Hiring managers, interviewers: What are some good personality/behavioral questions you like to ask?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 07:11 PM PST

    What are some of your favorite behavioral/personality/work ethic type questions to ask candidates? I know about the usual ones: Tell me about yourself, tell me about a weakness, tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a co-worker, etc. Not saying these are bad questions, but I would love to hear some that are not as common, so the candidate might not already have a planned response for. Interested in questions that give you more insight into either them as an employee or how they'd fit in with your team.

    I'm not really looking for technical questions (algorithms, data structures, OOP, etc.), unless they can provide more information on the above. I'd prefer to leave that stuff to my co-workers, as most of the people I'll be interviewing will be much more senior than I am and I'm not that technical myself as I'm not a dev, but QA (manual). (I will be interviewing developers, but I think for me, I would be interviewing more for cultural fit.)

    On that note... if anyone here in QA wants to give suggestions on QA specific questions to ask developers, that would be great too! (I'm the only QA and all the developers have been great to work with, I'd like to keep it that way.)

    submitted by /u/JrInterviewer
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    What to do after gaining some experience?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 06:41 PM PST

    I'm roughly 2 years out of college now. BS from one of the top CS colleges in the US. I've worked in SV since I graduated at a company that has a solid engineering team but not a Big N. I've decided that I don't particularly enjoy the industry that this company is in and I want to move on.

    I think long-term I don't particularly want to make a career at a Big N, but I would like to make a move or two while I'm young and spry that will set me up better later in life. The company I'm working at now has probably tripled in size since I joined, and I really liked it when it was smaller / less corporate, and my impact was greater.

    I guess I'm looking for philosophical / life advice here. Now that I've got experience and a degree on my resume, does having a "big N" on my resume really help at all? Or in general, is name recognition in your work history a predictor of future employment?

    submitted by /u/redsauce
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    Ex LargeN intern searching smaller startup Bay Area internship, can't get foot in the door due to non-US citizenship even though I can arrange own visa. How do I connect to smaller companies?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 02:23 PM PST

    I'm really interested in doing a backend / full stack internship at a smaller startup in the Bay Area this summer or fall to experience startup culture, having previously interned at larger companies such as Amazon and Deloitte. I feel my resume is fine (https://imgur.com/a/PzeSe), but the idea of having to deal with visa paperwork scares companies. I can arrange and pay for my own J1 student visa with an external sponsor (who takes care of visa paperwork, health insurance, and basically all of the other hard work) as I did for an internship previous summer, requiring virtually zero effort from the host company.

    However, as I'm currently abroad and have only a few contacts in the area I'm really having issues connecting to the smaller companies. As I'd love to experience the startup vibe I'm considering a wide range of options and have tried Angellist and dozens of other cold applications, but without success. Any tips would be fantastic!

    submitted by /u/intern_summer
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    Have any new grads looked into working FT remotely at a 'good' company?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:31 PM PST

    I don't mean living somewhere cheap and doing freelance work. I mean working full time as a SWE, Data Scientist, etc, and getting paid well for it with benefits.

    One remote friendly company that comes to mind is Zapier. Looking to see if there are any other suggestions, especially for new grads.

    What have you found regarding salaries, communication, career growth, etc? Just curious to hear people's insights.

    submitted by /u/ayeandone
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    Before anyone says "it's better than nothing", what exactly can I say about my internship if it isn't related to my major of CS?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:44 PM PST

    So basically I'm doing an internship currently and I plan to be here for a long time (4 years) and I do work that is more related to MIS than CS. It's stuff like physically setting up equipment like workstations, imaging laptops, running CAT 6 cables through ports, and pushing out programs to download for users to use (Im not building the programs, I'm simply just allowing the user to access them). When my future employers ask about the internship, I can explain what I did but does it look bad that it's not really CS related?

    submitted by /u/goprincetontigerss
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    What's the most important concept or algorithm a job seeker (intern) should know inside and out for a developer position?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 05:28 PM PST

    I'm a sophomore CS student, and my background is predominately based in Java. If you had to choose one concept to reinforce before entering the field what would it be?

    submitted by /u/MonochromaticPanda
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    What do you think of real-time group chat? (Slack, HipChat, Teams, etc)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:48 AM PST

    My team is considering using one of these persistent group chat services to improve communication. Right now the team is co-located at the same site, but distributed between different floors (for odd reasons).

    I've never used anything like Slack in the workplace before but have heard all about the pros/cons. Curious about other people's experiences, tips on integrating group chat effectively, even opinions on the best app to use. We have some freedom in choosing to use and how.

    submitted by /u/chibogtime
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    Getting to senior management

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 08:09 PM PST

    What is frustrating you when you are trying to grow in your career and become a senior leader or an executive within your company? What do you wish the company or your direct manager would tell you about how to move up?

    submitted by /u/Highlevelwisdom
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    PIP - quit now or then?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 01:59 PM PST

    I've been placed on a PIP and will leave the company in a month at the latest. I've been interviewing, but don't have much time and energy to devote to it since I still need to show up at work. Work feels even worse because my teammates (who aren't told of the PIP) are noticing that I'm working slower.

    I'm wondering if I should just quit now, so I can devote fully to interviewing. However a big concern is that recruiters will see that I'm unemployed, and this is only my first job of school, for two years. How do I explain the unemployment, and how would it impact my job applications?

    What do you recommend: interview during the PIP or quit now and then interview?


    submitted by /u/leavefirst
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