• Breaking News

    Monday, February 5, 2018

    How you can train an AI to convert your design mockups into HTML and CSS web developers

    How you can train an AI to convert your design mockups into HTML and CSS web developers

    How you can train an AI to convert your design mockups into HTML and CSS

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 05:23 AM PST

    Website Sameness™ article from CSS-Tricks - What do you guys think?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:53 AM PST

    Google dedicates engineering team to accelerate development of WordPress ecosystem - Google's partnership with WordPress aims to jump-start the platform's support of the latest web technologies -- particularly those involving performance & mobile experience. And they're hiring WordPress experts

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 01:59 PM PST

    White Paper is a theme built keeping content in focus and is best for writers/developers who also like to share code with their essays.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:07 AM PST

    Easiest way to implement Smooth Scroll without Jquery

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 01:08 PM PST

    The effect I want to achieve: https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/tryit.asp?filename=tryjquery_eff_animate_smoothscroll

    But I really don't want to add in the whole jquery library for only this effect. Any alternatives to do it in vanilla js?

    submitted by /u/storyofedd
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    Keeping the footer at the bottom with CSS Flexbox

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 12:39 PM PST

    Getting Started - Finding Clients as a Software Freelancer

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 07:52 AM PST

    DJ Online using Spotify with this new WebApp

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:36 AM PST

    Testing For Responsiveness

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:41 AM PST


    I'm testing for responsiveness using Firefox/Chrome dev tools but when I view the site on my phone (iphone 6s), it doesn't render the same at all. Can someone point me to a reliable and accurate responsive testing tool? Much appreciated!

    EDIT: OS system is Linux

    submitted by /u/mcmaster-99
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    Designing Mobile-First Will Make Everyone's Life Easier.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 04:14 AM PST

    I've inherited a RoR web app codebase that was very poorly implemented. The designer had only provided one size "web" mockups to the contractor they'd hired to do the initial html / css... and of course now I'm trying to go back through and make these rigid and fragile pages into a modern responsive site.

    The designer is still coming up with changes on the fly to make things fit "above the fold". We have a behavioral scientist on our team who insists that everything be spoon fed to the user (not a bad idea), so I'm pretty much trying to fill every page, make sure every button is immediately visible, etc. I've BEGGED the designer to go through and try to squeeze all the things she wants on one page inside a 375 x 560 artboard so she can see just how difficult it is for me to implement what she's asking for. "Oh, wow... I didn't realize how tight this would be!" she said, after doing exactly one page.

    This is just a rant and a word of warning. Strongly encourage (read: force) your designers to think through mobile layouts in the first place... for the sake of your sanity.

    submitted by /u/_wilm
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    HubSpot Canvas Design System

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:48 PM PST

    RSS Editing/Curation Question

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:41 PM PST

    Hey folks, i put this in the beginners thread but didn't get any responses so maybe someone in the general sub will have some thoughts ...

    Here's what I am hoping to accomplish: I would like to take a handful of RSS feeds, mash them up into a single feed, then edit that feed to remove certain articles, and have that "cleaned" RSS feed passed along to mailchimp so it can be sent out as part of a daily digest.

    The reason I'm looking to do this is that a number of sites post on the same topics and I don't want the people who receive my newsletter to have to read the same content multiple times over. Think of this as a variant of what Techmeme does.

    I know that I can use something like RSSMix and RSSUnify to create a streamlined feed; however, in order for me to curate the outputed feed - i would have to download that feed. Open a text editor - manually chop out things - and then save it - upload it - and push it back out as a new RSS feed.

    Surely there is a better way. Furthermore - am I even going about this the right way or should i be trying to do something else to accomplish what i want (a daily email of curated posts from a variety of news sites).

    submitted by /u/whoisstewiegriffin
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    Someone buy the domain I need but they are not using it but expires in three months

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 03:21 PM PST

    Hi, I have a business and I can't have a .com domain with my business name because someone buy the domain 10 years ago only to sell it (they are not using it) and its really expensive but I've check and the domain expires in three months.

    What can I do? surely they have a bot rebuying the domains, Can I buy it before it expires (one day before)?

    Also to which company do I buy the domain, because the current owner of the domain sells domains but I don't want to buy the domain to them (when and if it expires of course) Can I buy it with someone else?.

    submitted by /u/Fransebas
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    Am I wright to focus on web development?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 09:15 AM PST

    I find web development interesting but my learning and "career path" has really been a complete mess so far and i don't know if people would be wondering well why didn't you go into ... area of development or if id be wanted more in other areas of development with my current skill set.

    I studied a split 3 year physics degree not knowing what i wanted to do when I chose it and not wanting to take a gap year as the tuition fees nationally where going up 3 fold the next year and also as i'm dyslexic even more so then so I though at least it doesn't involve much writing.

    In my second year I developed an curiosity for programming as i was living with com sci students and and wanted to be able to do what some of them could but between my degree and other things found no time or energy to really learn about it then. Then I moved back to my parents in a rural area with high unemployment, passed my driving test had a few unskilled and temporary contracts that where quite hard to get, did some maths tutoring. Imbetween the contracts and a lot of failed applications. I started going through a range of tutorials like half a game in Python and a machine learning course, I stopped that as I then had a my first contract come up full time and focused on that and excel and VBA in the evenings as they used excel sheets, then SQL as it was listed with VBA and excel related postings then i started to think excel was out of date and basic technology in tech terms and thought id try mobile development as that was lucrative and looked more interesting so I tried Unity as my understanding then was it was cross platform and thought i could use the same project for Android, Ios and desktop. I ended up uploading a few things to a gaming sight that now arn't even supported anymore but wasn't aiming to go the direction of game development as so many people seem to want to make games out of passion or in the hopes of a big hit so I thought id likely struggle even more focusing on that than other areas.

    I then had brief work experience and a number of failed interviews after that I stopped applying thinking i need to focus more on applicable skills ,

    improved my web sight, started using Linux, learnt to use git , contributed / contributing to an ongoing robotics project someone started in a maker space i found and joined near me helping with the web interface ,logic and code for the arduino, reskined an open source web game only useing html, css and js though. It did use jquery but i didn't seem to need to change any of that. I'm also working with a group from a charity as one of the coders to develop a game in unity as I already knew the basics of the platform reasonably well and id have more experience working on a team project.

    I'm also wondering if i should start applying for web dev jobs now my skills are a bit better but I have big gaps to explain while iv been learning and doing projects and due to my lack of direction i'm far from an ideal candidate. I'v worked hard but iv really lacked direction/insight/been pretty lost.

    I like working on projects , creating and learning things and talking about code and i think front end web development is the nearest path to turn that into employment or a liable income of some form? Sorry for the rant it's just not something that's easy to open up about with people you know/to admit my weaknesses , uncertaintys and unemployment is something many people look down on you for. It's always an awkward topic if it come up at tech meetups and a conversation killer.

    submitted by /u/Really-a-dolphin
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    ES6 tips and tricks to make your code cleaner, shorter, and easier to read

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 10:48 AM PST

    ReactJs project ideas for portfolio?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 02:16 PM PST

    Recently laid off as an analyst, looking to transition to becoming a dev. Are bootcamp courses actually practical for this/at all respected by employers/etc?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 08:15 AM PST

    I previously have tried making the transition before when I was between jobs, and while I did make progress, I think that a structured course like an intensive course/bootcamp would work better for me.

    I'm considering taking a 12-week one in NYC which covers alot of full-stack aspects such as JS, Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, Angular, etc (especially curious about Ruby on Rails -- still in demand these days?). I just would really like to know people's real thoughts about this kind of thing, because obviously the last thing I need in my life right now is to waste $15k for something that won't help me make the career transition. I of course will not be only relying on a course, but seeing as this is a big part of my potential "plan" I would love to know what all you guys in the industry think.

    submitted by /u/Cypher760
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    I'm a designer/front-end dev and I've been asked for a simple full stack project. What and how should I learn?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 01:49 PM PST

    I'm a full time designer, and a few years ago I got into web development, mostly front end projects with HTML/CSS/JS. I'm not an expert front-end developer but I know my way with it.

    Today, one of my clients asked me to develop a full stack website which I believe should be quite simple. To sum it up, it should have a login/register form, with facebook/google integration (no need to register if you have fb or google) and then a submit form with a few inputs.

    According to the data in these inputs, they should get saved in a database for a contest. Before saving it, it should compare some info with the current database and if it has certain matches, it should be added more times (to have more chances to win the contest, etc). Every 100 submits, the user gets a popup saying he won a prize and should get saved in a different database.

    He asked me if this database can be exported daily to an Excel, but I'm not aware how complex this is.

    To round it up, I'm not a full stack developer but I want to learn how to develop projects like this. I was wandering, instead of pitching the job to a full stack, learn it how to do it myself as the deadline is very far away still.

    My question is: Which language/framework is ideal to learn and develop this project these days? If there is a tutorial/class recommendation where a project like this is done, it would be very appreciated. I kinda know some basic PHP but as it's old I prefer learning something new that can help me in the future.

    Hope that was clear enough. I want to be able to solve simple full stack projects.

    submitted by /u/BostonFucktard
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    Craft CMS not integrating in to KeyCDN

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 01:17 PM PST

    I have followed this article https://www.keycdn.com/support/craft-cdn-integration/.

    When I upload an asset and check the source, it ends up displaying my sites URL/http:///pathtocdn. IE - "https://Mysite.com/http://CDNurl.com"

    Meaning the images aren't showing.

    Any ideas as to why it's showing like this is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/dontputnamehere
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    How should I improve?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 01:12 PM PST

    I'm a college student and I just started my first internship. They have me doing mostly PHP right now. I'm doing a lot of research and practice, but I still feel lost, can anyone give me some advice? I feel bad about it even though they hired me knowing I had no previous web development and PHP experience.

    submitted by /u/Wacky0_0Gear
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    Web agency is ignoring/refusing to respond to my invoice

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 12:04 PM PST

    Three months ago I was hired as a subcontractor for a young web development agency in FL. This is all remote work, and the other sub contractors (as far as I know) work in the same manner. I didn't get to do much work with them, due to diagreements, but there are still hours owed that the company is refusing to pay up.

    Most of the disagreemeents were regarding the terms of work and payment. Some of the terms didn't sound very "contract-y", such as, being expected to be on-call during 9-5 and present online at Slack, but not getting paid for it. Also, some work wasn't considered billable. Here's how the terms were stated by the agency owner:

    Payment for the work you do is entirely based assigned tasks. You are supposed to finish each assigned task, and bill hourly until it is completed or until your billed amount hits the number of hours assigned to the task. [the other two developers] or I can create tasks and assign a number of hours to them. You should bill only for coding the task. You're expected to be able to communicate at anytime 9-5 (which could be Slack on your phone while you're doing other things). There is more flexibility on when you code your tasks.

    Self-training, project setup, and other items you might spend time on are not considered billable. We know you don't have all the experience needed to do the work and to make this job possible it's important that you bill correctly and teach yourself the needed skills as fast as you can. We will do our best to keep you working at 40 hours a week. I expect that will be very easy to accomplish. However, no specific number of hours is guaranteed.

    So it felt like "hourly" if you can complete the tasks quicker than the hourly estimates, but becomes fixed-price if you exceed those hours. Btw chit-chat related to work matters didn't even count as billable time. And I had to spend about 10 hours (that I couldn't bill) just setting up a Vagrant and Homestead VM because the application wasn't playing nice with the database when I set it up. I had to get one of the other developers to help troubleshoot it for me.

    He terminated the job when I had been more adamant about changing the hourly setup, and bugging about payments (paying should be a basic thing for a company to do though..) I didn't want to work for non-billable hours, and figuring out how to set things up for their project is part of the work, since they picked me to do the job. I consider that something that's part of what you pay a web dev for.

    I finished working for the agency in the first week of November, we last made contact mid-November, and when I sent him my invoice he wouldn't respond to it. I re-sent him the invoice 2 weeks ago, and the owner still didn't respond. What other steps can I take to find closure and receive my payment?

    submitted by /u/ExitTheDonut
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    CSS Page Transition

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:55 AM PST

    This is a follow up of : https://www.reddit.com/r/webdev/comments/7v36po/need_help_with_pure_css_project/

    I have the button over effect implemented and the icons but now I want to add a page transition, once a button is pressed the transition will be similar to this dribbble animation: https://dribbble.com/shots/3790849-Blockchain-Financial-website-menu-for-Digital-Asset

    I am new to css and am still learning, so if someone can please assist me that would be great!

    Thanks, Conner.

    submitted by /u/xxxGonzo
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    Why do you use a web server instead of serving on 443/80?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:37 AM PST

    I understand in the context of PHP, but I have a personal website that I use predominantly for my resume. I built it in flask, and I'm currently just serving it on 80/443. Obviously there's an advantage in using Apache/Nginx in large-scale applications, but I'm just not sure what exactly it is, beyond logging and concurrency, which should be fairly easy to implement anyway.

    What does using nginx give you over simply serving the application yourself?

    submitted by /u/tuckmuck203
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    Tracy Debugger for ProcessWire

    Posted: 05 Feb 2018 11:29 AM PST

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