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    Tuesday, February 6, 2018

    Font Awesome 5 Free is now published in its GitHub repository web developers

    Font Awesome 5 Free is now published in its GitHub repository web developers

    Font Awesome 5 Free is now published in its GitHub repository

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:38 AM PST

    Why does it seem to be the normal design to provide the "sign up" screen first and the "log in" screen second?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 07:14 AM PST

    Most sites I visit nowadays start with "sign up" fields that include login/password. I have to click a link to "log in". Far too often I am just in a hurry and I put my l/p in the sign up screen and hit go, and it tells me I already have an account - please sign in "here".

    I feel like this is poor design, but I see it far too often.

    Is there logic behind this that I'm not understanding? Surely popular sites have far more users logging in every day than they do signing up every day.

    I really ask because I have a site that has a login page and a sign up page, and I'm wondering if there's a good reason to swap how I handle things. I present the log-in first, and a sign up link at the bottom, which seems more logical to me.

    Just two examples, stack overflow and myfitnesspal.

    submitted by /u/impediment
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    Audi UI components in CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and HTML

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:17 AM PST

    Angular vs. React vs. Vue: A 2017 comparison – unicorn.supplies

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 04:57 AM PST

    Solo developer asked to build corporate website - how much work am I in for?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 05:12 AM PST

    Hi, I've recently been hired as the web developer on a marketing team for a multinational corporate (hardware manufacturer). Through the interview process I thought they wanted me to help improve their existing website and backend (custom) CMS. It is clear now that they want to build a whole new website from scratch (probably a good idea, their current one is terrible), with a large rebrand of the company.
    I am the only developer tasked with it (there is an IT team, but they handle in-house tech issues, server management etc).
    The only people to help are the people on the marketing team (copywriters, SEO guy, visual branding girl), no dedicated developers/designers.
    Functionally the website will require a CMS (for posting new products, updating career page etc), handling firmware downloads, customer product registration, tech support requests, multi language localisation. Luckily no ecommerce, just links to product resellers.
    I don't know what their timeline is yet (they haven't told me, despite asking) but I'm guessing it's not long enough.
    So I have two questions:
    1) How long should this take 1 person (who is also assisting design), assuming you went with the fastest method - probably throwing down a CMS like drupal/wordpress etc. I have been developing for 3 years.
    2) Any recommendations on tech to use? My background is in custom web apps using Laravel/jQuery - with some experience in node and vue.js. I have almost no experiences with CMSs (other than those built myself). I am currently thinking using a headless CMS and so I can worry about the front end in a modern comfortable environment. Any recommendations here?
    How boned am I?

    submitted by /u/ramboforyourthoughts
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    What does "knowing Javascript" entail?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:51 AM PST

    People talk about "having to be proficient in javascript" to start working, or "knowing enough javascript" to the point where someone would be ready to start learning React. But what do those even mean?

    I feel like one could say they know Javascript after they know the following: DOM manipulation, Loops, functions, arrays, ES6, etc....

    ...As much as someone could say they know Javascript if they know every single topic out there in Javascript. Closures, prototypical inheritance, regular expressions, etc.

    For instance, right now I'm working through the Javascript assignments on Free CodeCamp. I've managed to solve most of the basic algorithm quizzes in ~5-6 hours, and I'm almost finished with the calculator project. If I know how to build a calculator I could say I know Javascript, just as much as I could say I don't know Javascript, because there's so much out there still for me to learn. I just wish there was some "assessment" that determined how ready I was to move on to other technologies

    submitted by /u/MyKneeKindaHurts
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    Welcoming Progressive Web Apps to Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge Dev Blog

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:14 PM PST

    I'm lost af with JavaScript design patterns, help me

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:11 AM PST

    Hello! I have been studying how server-side frameworks like Laravel work to understand what is a good way to organize code and follow best practices.

    For educational purposes, I'm building my own PHP MVC framework (you can check it out here, and give me some advice about it if you want!) and I think everything is kinda clicking so far.

    But when I started thinking about frontend, I got lost. I really don't know what is a good way to structure JavaScript code. I have been reading about MVC in the frontend and it seems like modern applications don't follow that pattern. Instead they are built using components, models...?

    The main question is... what would be a good way to start writing the frontend for my application without using frameworks? As I'm currently learning, I want to build 1 or 2 apps before jumping into frontend frameworks, but I'm stuck and overwhelmed. I need someone to point me in the right direction.

    When it comes to building SPAs, the concept is pretty clear: write a backend system that serves an API and use it with a cool frontend framework. But how to proceed when instead of a SPA, you want your backend and frontend to be the same app and still have some cool interactivity using JS and AJAX? Like a news site or a blog where comments are sent without reloading the page.

    Should I just stop trying so hard and just learn Vue/Reack/Angular? I have experience with JavaScript and most of ES6 features, but my ruin is that I write spaghetti JS code and I barely use classes. I really wanna change that.

    I hope I make sense. I'm writing this while feeling overwhelmed because I've been reading a lot without reaching any conclusions. I guess I just need a little help to keep going.

    Thank you so much!

    submitted by /u/drakkenuvz
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    Was tasked with choosing a new tech stack and decided on React after 5 1/2 years in AngularJS. Here's why I chose React

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:12 AM PST

    How can I programmatically listen for new emails in my gmail account? For a node app.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:46 AM PST

    I have to implement this functionality for a client where

    He receives an email with some content he's interested in (a link). Then my program does some things with the link and it's done.

    I need to programmatically listen for new emails on a gmail account and check to see if that email is of interest.

    Rather than running a script every 15 minutes or so, is there a way to "listen" for the incoming email event? I've been searching for options but can't seem to find something like this.

    Seems odd because I can't be the first person to try and programmatically listen for particular gmail emails?

    I'm assuming things like mailgun or other things won't work for this?

    submitted by /u/bertweaze
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    Can't find a starting point for Javascript/MySQL website. Recommendations please!

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 02:42 PM PST

    I am looking for a boilerplate to create a database backed website in Javascript + (some relational database technology). I have a lot of C# and SQL experience but I am trying to get a website up and running fast. I am having trouble finding a good starting point for modern web dev.

    Basically I am looking for either premade boilerplate code or a good tutorial to get a simple database backed site up fast.

    Ideally I would like something similar to this: https://github.com/ipselon/sdr-bootstrap-prepack. I want to have most of the front end and the connection to the DataBase done so I can focus on implementing my own entities to the database.

    Let me know if you have any recommendations.


    submitted by /u/konieboy
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    Found exploit on premium content site

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:53 AM PST

    I found an exploit on a site that has both a free to view and a premium content section. They hide the premium content by simply doing a display:none with js. Obviously the content can still be viewed. I have notified them on multiple social media accounts, email, and I have called as this is huge for their business model. They just constantly dismiss me. With that, I have made a chrome extension that simple changes the class to display:block. Is there anything illegal in doing so? I would love to share it in hopes of placing pressure on them to fix it.

    submitted by /u/bbrochachofy
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    Simple way to track outbound links?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 09:18 AM PST

    Well it looks like the best way to track outbound links is to replace my universal Google analytics with Google Tag Manager? Is that correct? Anyone got a link or a walk-through on this? My searching has turned up only older complicated stuff that doesn't appear to be updated to the new console/manager...

    submitted by /u/mobyhex
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    Looking for non-Google Analytics recommendations.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:05 AM PST

    I've used Google Analytics in the past, but I know how much data collection and user information is collected. Frankly, I just don't want it. Can anyone recommend an analytics tool that doesn't make me feel like I'm creepily monitoring users on my site?

    submitted by /u/jrobthehuman
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    PostCSS — beyond the Autoprefixer

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:27 AM PST

    Any good videos of building a website from start to finish with explanations along the way

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:54 AM PST

    I think I learn best by watching someone do something and seeing "ah so this thing does that" etc. Any recommendations of such videos?

    submitted by /u/johncenaskategod
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    Benchmarking classic Ruby vs Ruby event machine vs Nodejs: event machine is crazy fast

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 08:38 AM PST

    A new experiment: Browser-based web apps with .NET and Blazor

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:09 AM PST

    Hyperapp + Parcel = ��

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 06:21 AM PST

    Security best practices and Serverpilot - disable_functions, open_basedir, display_errors

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 10:27 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I've done a serverpilot setup and just had a few questions for anyone with the time to answer.

    I was a bit surprised as someone coming from managing my own VPS (admittedly following best practices guides that come from reputable sources) to find that they don't recommend altering their core configuration to set disable_functions, open_basedir, and turn display_errors off (it defaults to on in their config) in php.ini or through other config files. While it's obviously possible to do this myself, I would have assumed these are generally recommended steps for any production app.

    Am I wrong in that assumption? display_errors being defaulted to on (which seems opposite of the default ubuntu php.ini file where it defaults to off) seems like an easy one that could be toggled in the UI as a setting based on whether its a development or production app. Same with open_basedir and disable_functions.

    Their support was extremely kind and responsive, but mostly just said that their default setup works for most people and if I need to go a different route, that's on me. That seems like a fair position to take, but again it just struck me as odd that their default would be considered a less secure setup than what the typical security recommendations are for running php apps.

    /u/jsamuel if you happen to be kicking around I'd be curious if you have a view on this too (and I absolutely flat out admit I have no independant take on this, it's more curiosity based on how I've been instructed to do things vs what I found).

    submitted by /u/hardestbutton2
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    Added https to company website; secondary url is broken, but only on our office wifi. Could use help/advice.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 11:29 AM PST

    I work on a remotely hosted company website part time, and a little while back I added https support. Ever since then, I can access the website just fine from home and on a cellular connection, but one url for the website doesn't work in our office over https.

    To be more specific BearDenMountainResort.com is the primary url and it works fine over http or https on everything we've tried. Bear-Den.com is the secondary url, and we get a Connection Was Reset error when trying to visit it at our office. The server's logs don't seem to see a connection in any way, and I can't reproduce the error outside of the office. Again, the primary url works fine over https and the secondary url does work if I specify http. This would be more understandable if the server was in the office, but it is hosted remotely.

    Notably, I can connect to the site on my home wifi which has the same ISP, I can connect to the site on cellular data, and I was able to connect to it on a friend's phone. Various Is-It-Down type sites all say it is up and running.

    I don't know where to start on finding out why it fails to work in such specific circumstances. I'd love to know if you can access the site, and I'd love to hear suggestions for how to track down this error more concretely.

    submitted by /u/ThoroughlyBemused
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    Good learning JavaScript resources for beginners?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 12:59 PM PST

    I'm taking a course in college for JavaScript currently but am having a hard time grasping the concepts. Does anyone have any good articles/YouTube videos that explain some of the basic concepts in ELI5 detail?

    submitted by /u/paperrmache
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    how can I make the logo a link and the navbar buttons take up the whole area of the bar

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:55 PM PST

    What kind of clients want and benefit the most from performance optimization?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2018 03:11 PM PST

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