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    Friday, February 2, 2018

    DEAR VALUED CONTRIBUTORS -- FRIDAY RANT THREAD FOR February 02, 2018 CS Career Questions

    DEAR VALUED CONTRIBUTORS -- FRIDAY RANT THREAD FOR February 02, 2018 CS Career Questions


    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST






    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - February 02, 2018

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 11:08 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Apparently sometimes companies WILL do right by you

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:20 AM PST

    I am a big critic of corporate treatment of their employees, and typically am the one advising employees don't trust their employers further than their next paycheck.

    But I also think people could use a bit of hope in their career and in humanity. So quick story about my day yesterday.

    I accepted a new position 1 year ago as a Big Data engineer. It was outside of my experience, but a great chance to grow into a new field.

    Being primarily an architect I spent my first couple of months working on the architecture, getting best practices and processes established, and an estimate of cost in place. Unfortunately, once some higher up executives had a more solid grasp of the scope problem at hand, they balked. A couple of months later the company changed direction and I suddenly found myself stuck overseeing Ukrainian developers implement front end web apps using node.js. I was still making a lot of money for just not doing much, an I was not nearly as effective as I usually am, which was pretty depressing. Despite really strenuous effort on my part, I can honestly say I've contributed very little to the company in the past six months. I've strait up had zero tasks beyond code reviews for the last month, and have been scrambling to invent work for myself so that I could hit my one year mark.

    Long story short, I needed to sit out the year doing work I hated that didn't advance my career and being unable to significantly contribute to the companies bottom line. It was pretty miserable. 3 weeks ago I started putting out resumes, and made my employer aware of it.

    Yesterday the VP of development arranged a meeting after our team lunch. He informed me he had been concerned about the position his decisions had put me in. So he was letting me go so I would have time to put my full effort into my job search, and had arranged for 2 months severance. He had waited until just after my 1 year anniversary so it wouldn't look bad on my work history, and until the first of the month so I would get maximum benefits, but let me go so I wouldn't have to waste my PTO on interviews and could cash it out. He gave me a letter of recommendation and told me he would provide a glowing recommendation if I listed him as a reference. And instead of being escorted out by security, which has happened every time I've been let go, I was given time to pack up and say goodbye to anyone I wanted to.

    Had they waited a week I would have used up my PTO in interviews while trying to balance a job search with a full time job, and obviously not gotten severance.

    In 15 years with 10 different software companies, this is honestly the first time a company has gone out of their way to do right by me, and one of only 3 times they haven't actively tried to screw me over.

    Don't get me wrong, I still advise assuming companies will try to screw you. But corporate needs haven't completely wiped out the human element in business yet.

    So my hats of to you DDM. You've restored a bit of my faith in humanity.

    submitted by /u/riplikash
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    Second semester freshmen looking for some advice on internships/co-ops

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:54 PM PST

    As the title says I'm a second semester freshmen in university majoring in computer science with a minor in mathematics. There's a career fair coming up later this month and I'm trying my hardest to get some "real CS work" under my belt to build my resume. Are there any tips/pieces of advice you all could share to help me get there. I'll make a list of some things I've done/played around with if that helps at all.

    • HTML/CSS (Working on my own personal website that links to all my social media, nothing crazy)
    • Took an introductory JavaScript course in high school
    • Created a self signed certificate using OpenSSL and setup an https server with node.js
    • Taking a C++ course this semester that hasn't been very challenging (yet)
    submitted by /u/BWright_98
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    If you are feeling burnt out and its your first job, your company probably sucks.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:32 AM PST

    Long story short, I'm early in my career. I started out at a small company and it was a constant grind. I felt pressured to produce more all the time, even when my velocity points were relatively high I got comments about improving. I ended up going in early and leaving in late and my only break during the day was a 15 min lunch at my desk. This shit lasted 8 straight months. I got tired of it and felt burned out, weighed my options and found that my only real choice was to look else where. I got burned by having an offer rescinded after I left that job but 2 weeks later I got an even better offer. My new company has a fair amount of work, +-2 hours flexible daily work schedule. Everyone is nice and kind. The pay is actually 20% more. There is no drama at all. The atmosphere is relaxed, what is expected of you is clearly defined.

    Just my 2 cents, some companies simply suck, especially small companies that will try to get the most bang for their buck.

    submitted by /u/compmathist
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    I'm going to get fired tomorrow.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2018 10:53 PM PST

    I got a PIP and stayed despite what everybody thought. I had some hiccups along the way but I really felt as if I turned everything around.

    When asking about my PIP, I didn't get an answer, but was told that I was on the right track. So I decided to trust my boss and keep fighting.

    Now my work queue after tomorrow is empty and the projects that I was kicking off soon have been assigned to somebody else. And there is a pretty suspicious 1 on 1 call with my boss set up at 9 AM tomorrow prompting that I'm at the office and available at that time (I'm mostly remote)

    I don't even know how to handle me knowingly walking to my termination tomorrow morning.

    submitted by /u/Dream_Penguin
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    Getting a reference for my second (chronologically) job

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:49 PM PST

    I'm trying to work out how this is handled. I've only worked one (tech) position ever - who do I ask for a reference for my second job? The team is really small, and the current company is in bad shape, so I feel like asking current people is a bit dumb.

    submitted by /u/NCodr
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    Totally feel like an imposter

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:40 AM PST

    Currently at training for my new job with a bunch other new grads, and I don't feel ready to be a developer. I have had a history of always comparing myself to others, and during this training I've been doing it a lot. I mainly have focused my time on web development. The reason for this post is simply because I'm curious if other developers have felt like this, and if so, how do you conquer the self doubt and gain confidence? I have done a handful of projects in my free time and other bootcamp like courses to boost my skills.

    submitted by /u/trunderman
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    Grad school or not for Embedded/Cyber-Physical Systems? How likely are the job prospects without it?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:39 PM PST

    I'm currently in my last semester of my undergrad years as a math major who's minoring in CS. Oddly enough, I'm doing research in a field related to Embedded Systems and currently taking a graduate course in Real-Time Systems. I didn't realize I'd like the subject as much as I do, and have already applied to master's programs in Statistics as I was really planning to get into a Data Analytics position.

    Now, as late as it is, I've started looking into some CS Master's programs but have noticed that there aren't a ton with a focus on CPS. UCI is starting a one-year track that looks promising, but I'd like to keep doing research and not load up my schedule with getting a master's in nine months which UCI's MECPS program wouldn't allow.

    So, should I continue on with Statistics for graduate school, settle with a generic MS in CS which I'd still need to apply for, or just try to get into a CPS position right out of graduation? Is getting a job without the background of an EE as an undergrad plausible in this field?

    submitted by /u/AlgeKevin
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    What exactly entails in networking?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:01 PM PST

    I see this a lot as advice, to network. What does that mean exactly? I'm having a difficult time understanding how just talking to random people lead to actual jobs/internships.

    I've gone to career fair, information sessions from companies coming to my college, asking professors for opportunities with them or any they know of, career center at my college, asking friends but none of that has lead to anywhere for me.

    submitted by /u/BrolyDisturbed
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    Most Valuable Skill For Undergraduate Internships?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 06:15 PM PST

    I'm looking to maximize my chances for an internship next summer and wanted to know what skill to pick up next.

    • Basic Data Science
    • Good OOP Experience
    • Basic Circuit Experience
    • Languages: JavaScript, C, Python, Java, C++
    • I have barely done any frontend, but can edit HTML/CSS easily
    submitted by /u/I_Ekos
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    Manager kicked me out of the repository at work?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:53 PM PST

    I reverted someone's commit because he committed to production that was not agreed upon by me (regular employee on the team) without any code review done by others on the team. He deleted over 100 of the files I created, which is a lot in Android development. I guess he told the manager that I reverted his change and the manager revoked my privilege to the repository. I still am not fired but I don't have access to it. I've tried to message the manager but no response. There is no way the manager even understands the code since I reverted it and had my privileges revoked like five minutes after the inflammatory commit. I have no idea what to do except look for other jobs since this manager obviously does not like me. I've tried to reach the person above him but no response as well.

    Any suggestions? Was it okay that I reverted someone's commit if I didn't agree on the large changes like changing all my Retrofit library code to ksoap2-android?

    We don't have Gerrit or do pull requests for code review, but I don't think it would have made a difference here since he probably would he revoked it anyway.

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway5678
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    How large is the job market?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:12 PM PST

    High school senior right now, thinking about actually getting a job *specifically as a software engineer. At this point it looks like im not getting into one of those top tier cs schools, and I'm wondering what I can do.

    Two things: i. I've heard from teachers that the cs field is "growing exponentially" yet i hear from people trying to find work that "nobody is hiring, fuck me."

    ii. experience > schooling. regarding experience, im planning to start coding projects, building my github portfolio and then gunning for internships.

    I don't really have any mentors around me currently that I can ask for thoughts on these points. So, I'm here on reddit. What's your experience?

    submitted by /u/frigidds
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    Running a software business killed my passion for what I do. Is there coming back after the love has died?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:22 PM PST

    I've been working for various tech/software companies for the past 18 years and in 2010, I decided to go into business for myself. I used to love programming, but I learned the business side and the development side are entirely different beasts. Aside from subcontracting a few small projects, I've done it all myself. I started small, picking up whatever projects came my way. But I learned that getting contracts that are actually worth the amount of effort and stress are extremely rare and highly sought after by my competitors. All the 'low hanging fruit' that my business advisors told me to go after instead all turned out to be bad financial decisions since none of them wanted to invest in the money required to do it properly. And dont' get me started on actually getting them to pay in a timely manner since there are no labour laws protecting my income.

    I absolutely loathe the environment of this profession. It's enough to turn any person insane. I'm financially worse off than all of my friends and colleagues and I work twice as hard as any of them. I've had clients threaten to sue me because I wouldn't cave to their unrealistic demands half way through a project. I've had clients call me up just to scream obscenities about me and my software because they couldn't bother to look for a button. I've had them withhold payment because they wanted to see how many extra 'could you just...'s they could get from me. I've had them call me in to a meeting half-way through a project so they could intimidate me with their entire management team and demean me and my work to get a better deal. I've had them accuse me of logging in without authorization and threatened to call the police on me. This is a terrible business to be in and I no longer think that anyone can be in it for any length of time without losing something of your sanity. I've burned out more times than I can count, but I've never been able to stop because I've always been playing catch up with bills.

    But I don't have the education or experience in other fields. I'm making enough to survive on, but I'm the furthest thing from thriving right now. I can't even bring myself to learn new things any more because it's all in service to furthering a career I've come to hate. I wish more than anything that I could rekindle the passion I had when I started, but I'm overwhelmed by the knowledge of how awful this line of work can be. It seems so naive to actually get excited about it. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to this?

    Is it possible to come back from this kind of place? Has anyone been down this road and turned it around? I'm not that young any more and already loaded down with debt, so going back to school isn't as much of an option. Is it better just to leave it all behind and start a new career path?

    submitted by /u/flandig
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    Cyber Security advice

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 01:17 PM PST

    I am currently a junior in college getting my bachelors in computer science. I want to get in to cyber security side of computer science. Is there anything you guys recommend I can start studying on my own to get into cyber security? It seems that every internship I have applied to only want software developers/engineers.

    links/resources are highly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/xmoRDoRx
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    BSCS not needed for Front End Developer?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 04:47 PM PST

    What's up reddit! So I just got my BSCS last semester and I've been thinking about what kind of job I would have. Ideally I'd like to be a front end developer that builds and focuses on UI/UX. For some reason I've been seeing the pay for entry level developers on Indeed to start as low as 30k. This is not common especially in Dallas. Am I missing something here ? Are these jobs for people that got a quick certificate to learn css, html, and javascript ? If this is the case should I go the back end route since I know SQL, JAVA, C++, C ?

    submitted by /u/python93
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    For you software devs/engineers, do you memorize code?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 05:51 PM PST

    Title pretty much sums it up. I've been doing Android programming for about 5 months now but I find that I keep having to go back to The Google to look up how to do things like, show a notification. For those of you with more experience or are already in the workforce, is this something that you/other developers face? Am I just not retaining information very well?

    submitted by /u/ctcuff
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    Do unfinished/abandoned projects negatively impact the perception of my GitHub profile?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:56 AM PST

    To clarify, I have plenty of finished projects, although most of my daily contributions are attributed to the private repos of my employer.

    I'm talking about existing repos containing school projects and abandoned side projects - half finished or of crappy quality because I was a rookie programmer.

    I'm also talking about experiments that probably aren't of the highest quality but that may show my curiosity and attempts at skill development. For example, I've never shipped an iOS app but I wrote a shitty basic one from scratch to help me test Firebase integration with our API. Would that get a "oh cool" reaction or a "well this guy sucks"?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/mannotbear
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    My job is killing me but I'm afraid to quit it since I don't feel good enough for anything else

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 10:00 AM PST

    I'm looking for advice from someone who can understand and guide me.

    I have around 2 years of on-paper documented work experience but I have been coding for a few more years on my own projects. I've been seriously coding for more than 5 years. The short professional experience I have makes me feel like I'm fraud.

    1 year ago I started my second serious software employment. A cloud company hired me to build a self service system for their cloud environment.

    Through that year, I had my development environment become unavailable for 2 months due to hardware failure(!) To not stand in place I built an emulator/mock of their infrastructure to be able to keep developing (after which they thought I'm some kind of programming god, which I'm not...)

    Till this day I do not have a staging environment and there is nobody to click through my application to catch the bugs that I miss. The development environment is DIFFERENT than the production one (I'm talking about the API's endpoints behaviours differing between the two environments). So even if I build something that works 100% in my development environment, something small sometimes breaks after deployment.

    When I inherited the project it was made in jQuery and some homegrown ridiculous PHP framework full of holes. On my onboarding I've decided to do a complete rewrite. Since they wanted it in PHP, I rewrote the application in Laravel. The front-end is built using React.js.

    Even though I didn't get proper environment or resources, I managed to build a fully functional and super fast application in around 11 months. When comparing it to other existing solutions on the market, it blows everything else speed wise out of the water (I'm talking about it being instantenous on the front due to Virtual DOM and a lot of caching/micro optimizations I've developed both in the back and front-end).

    The most technical guy in the company, and the only other developer is praising my work on every corner and saying how amazing it is.

    My boss hates me because he sees that my project is a failure because I did not build a complete cloud solution with payments in the 10 months I had (as a solo developer with no extra resources).

    All the other employees, who are IT staff and think they are qualified to judge(but have no development experience besides simple scripting), think my project is not a good work. The do not get how hard it was to create something like this. They complain that for example, there's a typo somewhere in text and see it as an example of subpar work. The do not understand I probably spent the past 2 week dealing with some obscure network virtualization API errors that you can't even google for since it's so niche and only managed to make it work recently not leaving much time for polishing.

    To develop this thing I had to learn a lot about cloud computing, virtual networking, distributed architecture. My codebase has tests both for the front and back-end (only a few hundred because of the super tight deadlines). It works. The company started using it internally as the core of their daily work.

    The tool I've built lets you:

    • Create and manage virtual machines. You can spin up a VM with an OS of your choice really quickly.

    • Create and manage advanced networking scenarios for your virtual data center ( networks, subnets, routers, load balancers, firewalls )

    • Create, manage, attach, detach virtual hard drives.

    • Create advanced firewall rules ( blocking/allowing traffic by protocol, source, destination, ports etc...) and apply them to only selected machines.

    • Manage SSH keys for ssh'ing to the VM's.

    • You can perform various server management tasks from the browser ( access the console, reboot/shutdown machines, attach networks, turn networks off, create virtual hard drives, apply firewall rules...)

    • You can set up a VPN that lets you access your own private network from outside... then you can add users/set their passwords. My application then prepares an installer that lets you use the vpn quite easily.

    All of this WORKS.

    Even though the technology I used is still PHP, I enforced type-hinting everywhere. I use traits, composition, inheritance, interfaces etc. Everything is reasonably decoupled. I consciously implemented the domain logic (talking to the network virtualization, cloud orchestration) as completely separate from the framework logic. I still feel like a fraud and not a good developer.

    I feel like I am forced to stay with this company and I feel like I am not good enough to get a position higher than a junior due to me working professionally only 2 years.

    I have not tried applying for other jobs and I'm torn every day because I don't think I'd get to work on something as advanced as a cloud management system on the other hand the situation at work tires me every day because I get no recognition for what I'm doing. The pay is also good (though definitively not that much better than average).

    I'm really confused about all of this.

    submitted by /u/adrpamin
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    My current startup feels dysfunctional

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 11:11 AM PST

    I've been working at a startup for about 5 months now. It's my third job, after working at another startup for 1.5 years. It's actually a good job by most metrics, I make ~$115k while working in downtown San Francisco, and the company is doing well with a long runway remaining. There are better jobs out there, but I can live with these facts.

    Things started off great - the team seemed nice, the company (still) has vision, and the technology side of things was exciting. Very quickly, things have fallen off.

    It became very clear to me that the quality of work done by the team, prior to me, was incredibly lacking. No documentation, no useful comments within the code, duplicated logic, security flaws, and bottlenecks galore. It's bad enough where I'm honestly shocked that none of my coworkers seemed to have issue with it.

    For example, I just updated some old APIs which were taking 12 seconds for a response, to take a fraction of a second. I did so in a way which seemed incredibly trivial (using aggregated database queries rather than joining everything piece-by-piece, which was resulting in thousands of database round-trips). But for some reason, my more senior team members seemed to not care or believe that this bottleneck could be solved, until I simply took care of it and presented them the proof. This was for an API call used on our primary app, which all of our customers use. Funnily enough, our CEO finally complained about this issue on the day I had already decided to fix it.

    The one coworker who was willing to hear my grievances, and also the only developer who I find to be a great team member, just surprised the team by announcing his departure. When I first joined there were 5 developers, and now there are only 3 (another was laid off within my first month, which was already an ominous sign).

    Another issue that I have, is that our engineering team is too pussy-whipped to be honest with our CEO. Our company is small enough that our CEO tends to join our standup meetings, and he can be a somewhat intense (but honest) person. Just this week, a designer who was blocking my progress on a task asked me to essentially lie to our CEO, about whether or not I was still waiting on the design. I did, but it's left me feeling incredibly disgusted with him and the kind of culture this represents. For a small company, I don't see how there is any room for office politics or dishonesty. What's worse, is I don't want to go directly to the CEO with this grievance because the CTO was well aware of the lie too, and he also seems too afraid of our CEO to be honest with him. They would rather lie about deadlines and deal with the fallout of possibly missing them, than be honest upfront. If we don't meet this deadline, the consequences now fall on me.

    Being here has made me question a few things. It's made me question if I am more senior than I originally realized - my coworkers are all former engineers from Google, Yahoo, and other big companies. I don't see how I'm running laps around them with finding bottlenecks and refactoring our codebase. I actually lead an entire project already, which impressed the team enough that I've been asked to restructure our old projects to the same architecture.

    It's also made me question if startups are really for me. My last startup was full of incredibly competent people, but we were underpaid and overworked. My current startup pays me well and doesn't overwork me, but there is another layer of stress from just dealing with the various incompetencies of the company.

    I know I should stay here, as it would look bad for me to depart multiple startups in such short time. But I feel like I've been misled about the quality of this company, even if unintentionally. I really like my CTO/manager (despite him being afraid of our CEO), but not the way the engineering team is run. I'm not sure if I'm really in a position to impose major change in that regard, as I'm the youngest member of the team at 25 years old.

    I feel somewhat stuck. I want to be professional, but I see the writing on the wall. I think there's an opportunity to prove myself and receive some form of promotion with the departure of our Senior Developer, but the company is already looking for a new Senior Developer. Had I been here for more than 5 months, I would argue that I'm more than capable of filling that position.

    Is it wrong of me to start looking elsewhere? Even though I've marked myself as not actively seeking positions, I still get plenty of emails from AngelList and linkedin because of my resume. I think I could find a job fairly quickly if I left (it only took me three months last time, and I spent much of that time taking a breather from work).

    Thanks for the advice. I understand that most of the blame falls on me, for accepting this position. I have a professional obligation to the company, but part of me wants to sever that obligation and move on.

    submitted by /u/Vilos92
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    How much would I need to make if I move from full-time salaried to contractor?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 02:18 PM PST

    I am currently making $130k/yr as a full-time employee. I get 3 weeks vacation, $401k and benefits. I'm applying for a contract-to-hire position. It does not pay vacation or $401k but it does provide medical, dental and vision insurance. About how much hourly would it make sense for me to submit to get an equal deal as where I'm working now?

    No sick days. 40 hrs a week. Need to find out about holidays, company match

    submitted by /u/redpillthrill1
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    Moving West after college, need guidance

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:11 PM PST

    Hey guys, I'm currently a student in New York studying information systems. Currently a junior. I completed three internships, and have a few side projects under my belt. I'm basically a full stack developer. I think I will be able to graduate in 2018 winter semester. Does anyone know how difficult would it be to find a job in a city like Salt Lake City, Tucson, Phoenix, or San Diego? Just not LA, or SF. Really want to get out of New York.

    submitted by /u/BlueRiceFarmer
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    I feel like top tech companies want inherently smart people, rather than 'experienced' ones.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:06 PM PST

    What I mean is, there are developers with many years of experience and know a lot of technologies/design patterns/paradigms, and can write decent code. But it's only because they've been doing it for a long time. Sure that's worth something, and mediocre companies want them.

    But for google/facebook/etc, they don't really care much for those types. They want those who are actually smart, even if unexperienced. That's why they give these algorithms questions: people who are truly smart will do well on these, people who are only 'experienced' will struggle.

    It's a true contest of raw brain power.

    submitted by /u/ludiman
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    Is UIUC a good school for CS + Stats for CS jobs?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 08:01 PM PST

    I got into UIUC EA for CS + Stats. I was wondering how this is seen big the big N companies. How does it compare to UCSD and UC Berkeley?

    submitted by /u/j3iej3
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    How to become a blockchain engineer?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 07:54 PM PST

    Asking for a friend who finds decentralized applications really interesting to build.

    How could he find employment as a blockchain engineer and what is the pay like?

    submitted by /u/edge_of_the_eclair
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    How much does undergraduate prestige matter in Computer Science? Is it worth going to a top CS school for a significant amount of debt?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2018 03:28 PM PST

    Okay, here's the situation:

    I got my admission decision to UT Austin today for my major (background: if you're a state of Texas resident, you're automatically admitted to UT Austin if you're in the top 7% of your class, but only to the school itself - not your first-choice major) along with financial aid information from the school. Not only was I not admitted to my first choice major, Computer Science, I was also pretty shocked at how little financial aid the school was offering me. My parent's income is about ~85k and, to make a long story short, we received very little need-based aid and I will probably be indebted anywhere between $40-50k in student loans if I decide to go to UT.

    So not only will I saddle myself with $40-50k in student loans if I go to UT, I will also have to worry about internally transferring to Computer Science from my second choice major, math.

    I do have another option, though. One of my parents is an employee of Baylor University, and because of this, I am offered tuition remission if I attend. This means I'll pay ZERO dollars in tuition, and I also qualified for the Provost's Gold Scholarship - an automatic scholarship provided by Baylor based on SAT scores and class rank, so I probably won't have to worry about fees or room and board either, and even then - the cost of rent in Waco is much cheaper than Austin and I have the option to commute from home for a few years.

    So, basically, I can either attend Baylor University - a mediocre private university - for free (basically, other than books and food) and probably save a decent amount of money from internships, or I can attend UT Austin - a top-of-the-line school in computer science that has very good name recognition - but get saddled with $40-50k in student loans.

    My career plan is to become a software engineer after graduation, hopefully at a Big 4 Company. I have no plans to attend grad school (except maybe an MBA later), so I'm not sure if school rankings in computer science research really matter in my case.

    TL;DR - Just read these questions below

    What should I do? Is it worth attending a top CS school for significantly more debt? Is it even possible to get internships at Big 4 companies if you attend a no-name school like Baylor? How much would going to UT help my search for internships and jobs over Baylor, assuming I make good grades, work hard, and have good side projects in both schools?

    Also, just another question... would going to a conservative Christian university like Baylor hurt my application for tech jobs? Baylor has a reputation for being extremely conservative and religious, and I'm kind of worried going to such a school would hurt my application, especially since tech companies tend to be super liberal.

    submitted by /u/evilkid227
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