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    Saturday, January 13, 2018

    Programmers who spent time studying art + modeling (3d/2d) and was able to bring out high quality result, share them please?

    Programmers who spent time studying art + modeling (3d/2d) and was able to bring out high quality result, share them please?

    Programmers who spent time studying art + modeling (3d/2d) and was able to bring out high quality result, share them please?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 05:23 AM PST

    I hear many times that programmers have trouble making their own arts and end up making request to proficient artists to do the modeling for them. This can be done I guess, but I wish to bring about what I have in my mind on my own and learn the skills for my personal satisfaction as well. Currently, studying to be mobile developer for stable income but on the side, I wish to do game dev and learn the art side as well.

    can you guys share your portfolios or maybe images of your models?

    submitted by /u/yowawa123
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    Scene switch window for Unity (open source)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 01:37 AM PST

    A different kind of asset than what you usually expect from me; a scene switcher window for Unity. It got annoying quite fast to switch scenes for a project I was working on, so I created this custom editor window which lets you do just that.

    It displays all scenes included in the build and when clicking one you'll instantly switch to it. Feel free to expand on the code, it's public domain (is that even applicable for code?). Here's a screenshot and you'll find the code on:


    Just save the file and place it in /Assets/Editor/

    submitted by /u/KenNL
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    Regarding Steam Curator Connect from a Curator (x-post IndieDev)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:13 AM PST

    I am a content creator who produces review titles, with a reasonable Curator presence who receives around 10 offered games per day. I wanted to give a few pieces of advice in the hopes that you can make things easier for both of us, through a sort of herd understanding.

    • Please don't send keys for giveaways. We cannot give away the keys. There are two reasons for this.

      • In order to accept a key, you have to assign the permission to a Steam Group Role (Member, Moderator, Officer, Owner). This means I have to essentially limit one of these roles exclusively to one person, constantly shifting people into roles, in order to accept your free game, or alternatively just hope in the good nature of humankind not to steal keys not designated for them.
      • Steam directly says this is not something they want to see in the current Curator environment. To quote: "Can I use Curator Connect to run giveaways or contests? No. Games sent through Curator Connect are intended as review copies and should only be activated on Steam accounts that are intending to consider the game for purposes of review."
      • If you really want to do a giveaway, a simple Google search (or clicking into the Curator themselves) will give you a way to do that 99% of the time. You're probably selecting me thanks to my social statistics. Curator shows Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Facebook and a website address. You can find a way to contact me directly.
    • You should include a message. You are selling your game to me, and if you include nothing I will assume you didn't hand select me for curation. Instead, I assume you searched for tags that matched, then threw me a key in the hopes I might care to make a review. I am a video critic (which is really easy to see, and probably why you contacted me) and I'm going to decline most games because I don't have the time. This is especially bad for you, because now you've lost the chance to have me make a video about your title as well as add a review to the Steam system.

      • I can guarantee I will read your message. You are front and center in front of me. When you don't send anything, I see "From the creator:". If you don't care, why should I?
      • That message should be customized. Yes it takes a few minutes. Do you want quality curation that leads to ROI, or are you giving away free games for the hell of it?
    • A few minutes searching through a Curator will tell you a lot. You can see what types of games we critique, what kind of depth we go into, if we're producing ancillary material (written or video), whether we've already reviewed your title, and more. If you send me a game, addressed to me not my channel name, that you're sure I will like because of a few minutes research, I will probably play it. If I like it, I'll promote it.

    TL:DR Don't send giveaway keys. Include a customized message. Consider doing some light research.

    submitted by /u/MoriartyHPlus
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    Jonathan Blow: "It is now very hard for indie games on Steam. Most games just get released and disappear with hardly anyone noticing."

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:13 AM PST

    Looking for advice on what game dev job positions I could look for

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 11:31 PM PST

    Hi, I've been trying to work on a game on my own for a while now while working a full time job. While I would very much like to work on my game full time, I think the financially safest option for me is to keep doing it on the side. However, I would also like to quit my current job and do something gamedev-related.

    Thus far, I've been trying to make 3D action games, and that's the sort of work I want to go into. I think that I have potential for design, programming, or 3D animation, but I fear that I don't have enough experience in any one of those things to be desirable.

    I'd like to think that my work speaks for itself, but even if I have the potential to make something on my own, I'm not sure what sort of position I should look for or if I can reasonably expect to find any.

    For reference, here is a video of a prototype I've been working on.

    submitted by /u/Feyntan
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    I made an online calculator that may be useful for game developers

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:12 AM PST

    When I was learning game development and experimenting with small hobby gamedev projects I wanted some sort of a mathematical scratchpad. A tool where I can perform quick calculations or define some functions and save them for later use. Something easier to use than GNU Octave, Scilab or Maxima and faster than Wolfram Alpha. So I made a simple online tool for myself, but I thought I would share it here, just in case someone else could find id useful: https://clcalc.net

    Cl Calc uses minimalist command-line interface with commands history (up/down) and autocompletion (Tab). It's based MathJS library which offers quite a lot of functionality. You can generate permanent links to your calculations log (link button on the left panel) or to a single command (link button on the right side). You can also enable TeX pretty-printing (T button on the left panel) which is especially useful when working with matrices (example).

    Here are some examples:

    The project is completely open-source and available on GitHub. It is fully static (nothing is ever sent to the server) and hosted through GitHub Pages. Any bug reports, suggestions and PRs are welcome.

    P.S. Hopefully quaternions PR will be accepted in MathJS soon. Then will also have quaternion as a supported data type in Cl Calc as well.

    submitted by /u/thealik
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    Screenshot Saturday #363 - Glorious Photography

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 08:05 PM PST

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Throughout the process of making your game, what is something you regret doing "the fast way"?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Just found out the game idea is boring. now what?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 11:22 AM PST

    the game is simple: a nested doll pop out from a bigger one and you have to tap exactly when it is landing so the next doll inside will be able to pop out. otherwise you break the doll.

    like this

    sounds simple but it is boring just to tap endlessly. So I thought about turning it into a platformer and design levels. However I really think I need someone's other perspective on it. what do you think? how can I improve it and make it more fun to play? what would you suggest to do?

    I don't want to enter the cycle of starting a game and never finish it..

    Please help me

    submitted by /u/redditrabbit222
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    I'm researching about progression in F2P mobile games but everything that I can find is about monetization. Any tips ?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:36 AM PST

    Hi everyone! I'm doing a lot o research about mobile F2P but I'm most interested about progression/retention/monetization. I've read a lot about monetization techniques, concepts and mechanics. But, I'm having a hard time to find good content about progression. Can anyone point me a good place to get more information about progression in F2P games ? Any tips/Videos/Lessons/Educational content will be much appreciated. Thanks everyone!

    Edit: For clarification, I'm looking for content about how to design progression systems for F2P mobile games. :)

    submitted by /u/biloteiro
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    One Year of Game Development and Design Self-education

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 04:11 AM PST

    tldr: This is a community project to help aspiring solo game developers and designers, through small assignment projects, gain the knowledge and skills required to make a video game. If you are interested in contributing to the discussion, head to https://github.com/Neoflash1979/learn-gamedev/issues.

    The problem with tutorials

    With the number of great courses, tutorials and other learning resources found online, more and more people teach themselves programming. Many will do so with the intent of making video games. But there is much more to designing and making video games than mere programming.

    Animation, anthropology, architecture, brainstorming, business, cinematography, communication, creative writing, economics, engineering, games, history, management, mathematics, music, psychology, public speaking, sound design, technical writing, visual arts AND programming; knowledge and skills in these areas can be invaluable to a game designer/developer. Thankfully, there is an abundance of resources available online that can help one acquire knowledge and skills in each of these areas individually. But for the aspiring solo dev, it's not just a matter of acquiring knowledge in these areas, it's also important to understand how to use all of that knowledge together, for the express purpose of making a video game.

    There is a plethora of tutorials available online that will guide you from A to Z on how to make such or such a game. In the process you will acquire a certain amount of technical knowledge, and that's great. But you won't really learn about the process of designing and developing a video game. The same can be said about the numerous lists that tell you the type of games you should be making, and in what order, for the purpose of learning game making; first you make a Breakout clone, then you make a Tetris clone, then you make a Mario clone, then you make Wolfenstein 3D clone, etc. Again, this kind of advice will help you progress in certain technical skills, but you won't have learned all that much about the process of designing and developing a video game.

    Making a video game is about decisions. When you follow tutorials, or clone an existing game, the decisions are largely already made for you. To really learn to design and develop video games, you have to build them, from scratch, on your own (or with a friend or two). All aspiring game dev/designer realizes this at some point and so sets out to build their first game. Their REAL first game. One where THEY have to decide, design and build EVERYTHING. And that's where everything goes to sh*t.

    Making video games is hard

    You see, making a video game is hard. I mean, REALLY making a game, from scratch. It is a daunting task and it can be overwhelming. So naturally, you turn to Google, and you learn expressions like "scope", "minimum viable product", "rapid prototyping", "find the fun" and "start small". All those two minutes videos and articles are very enlightening but in the end, it's still quite hard to understand how to keep a small scope when you have never REALLY made a game and you are invariably imbued with grand game-making aspirations. How small is small? What aspects of game making should I focus on? How many hours should I invest in making that first game? Those are just a few of the questions that an aspiring game dev/designer might have.

    Despite all the great resources out there for learning all the bits and pieces involved in designing and making a game, there is a complete void in terms of helping aspiring dev learning to put it all together in a progressive, manageable, way. What we, aspiring self-taught devs, are missing is a guide. Something that will guide us, progressively, on our game making path. Something that will help us focus on the right things, at the right time, while we progress on our learning journey – "yeah, maybe you should leave researching the use of Octrees in collision avoidance AI for later and first focus on figuring out how to make that white ball go from point A to point B, Phil".

    What we really need are assignments, with deadlines and requirements. Oddly enough, if you Google "game making assignments" you will find a few examples of exactly what we need, but only for board games, or children Phys Ed games. Here is an example: http://www.cobblearning.net/kentblog/files/2015/11/Project-27w5me1.pdf.

    This is exactly what we need. Exercises that help us focus our creativity and give us a set of guidelines, requirements and constraints. Allowing us to make MOST or at least MANY of the creative and technical decisions that go into making a game, while at the same time ensuring that we keep the scope small and that we focus on a few new concepts/skills. Every assignment would, gradually, expose the learner to new and more advanced concepts/skills, expanding the scope a little, culminating in a final, 2 to 6-month-long assignment where the learner is really making a game he can be proud of and call his own. Alas, this resource does not exist. At least I haven't found it. So, let's do something about it.

    I propose that we create an open-source project on Github and create a "Game development and design self-education" curriculum. Basically, a list of game making assignments that would guide an aspiring game dev through the process of learning the required skills, methods and processes required to put a game together. The onus would be on the aspiring game dev to find the resources needed to learn the creative and technical skills required to meet each assignment's requirements. If you are interested in contributing to the discussion, head to https://github.com/Neoflash1979/learn-gamedev/issues.

    submitted by /u/Neoflash_1979
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    Bit Blaster XL-like steering, and how to implement it

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 10:05 AM PST


    I do hope that this is appropriate for this sub by the way, if it's not, let me know!

    I've started working a little game and have run into a problem. It's a 2D, top down space shooter and I want good controls. If you ever played Bit Blaster XL, that is exactly what I want. The ship is always moving forward, and you can only steer left and right. When steering left and right the ship doesn't turn instantaneously but instead smoothly turns in a circle. Here is a random video of some gameplay so you know exactly what I'm looking for

    I've found some code snippets which involve acceleration and velocity vectors but I have a hard time actually implementing it.

    I would be very grateful for either some good tips and explanations, or some pseudo-code. I develop in JMonkeyEngine if someone's curious.

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: Oh, and thank you to whoever designed the Flairier bot! It slipped my mind that I needed to do that.

    submitted by /u/Synapse_1
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    How do you deal with making something and realizing that you will have to rework it almost completely or scrap it later?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:33 PM PST

    This is a common problem for me. For a recent example i was practicing making animation blend trees in unity, got it to work quite well and was ecstatic before i realized that i will almost certainly have to scrap the whole thing to make it work once i have made more progress with the game. And that was just one example, as it happens constantly to me.

    submitted by /u/Laktoosi
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    What does a game developer do?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:54 AM PST

    Like many of you, I program, but I am thinking that game development is much more than that. Its figuring out whats fun, figuring out what the player is thinking and messing with that or somewhat predicting what the player will do and guiding them that way. Like with portal, they specifically plan out the levels in such a way that you naturally figure out what to do without explicitly being told. So what else should I learn if I want to get into game development? How to tell stories? Social engineering so I can predict the players actions?

    submitted by /u/Lougehrig10
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    The best book on game programming you know.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:26 AM PST

    I've been interested in how games are made ever since I started my computer science studies. It's fascinating to me how I had a hard time trying to make a simple guessing game in java, while there are very impressive games being made with java.

    I like old games like grand theft auto vice city and old school runescape. I'm really curious about all the techniques that go into making those kind of games, from the first line of the engine code to the animations and 3D models.

    I was wondering if anyone here knew a very good book that discusses all of these things (or most of them) in detail. Any recommendations are welcome.

    My goal is to be able to make these games without any help from others. I know that games are actually made in teams, but I mean to understand every tiny part of the production process of such a game. I don't think my computer science study will teach me how it's done in detail. So I hope I could read something about it.

    submitted by /u/LiamShreds
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    Protecting my game name

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 09:10 AM PST

    Hey r/gamedev! I've been a lurker for a while and am finally embarking on my first full game! I'm making it in my spare time (for iPad), so it may take several months up to a year, even though it's a fairly simple concept.

    My question for y'all is about legally protecting my game name. I have the perfect name and want to make sure it's not taken. Frankly, I was really surprised when a google search returned nothing (not just game names. Even under movies, cartoons, books, web sites). It's a fairly simple combination of very common words (like angry birds), and I am anxious about losing the name.

    Any advice on how to proceed securing it? Do I need to file a copyright or trademark? Can I do this so far out from a finished product? Anything particular with registering a name with Apple/iTunes Store? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/IAmANobodyAMA
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    Looking for RTS UI design patterns. I've got an idea, is it crazy?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:53 AM PST

    Some background information first. I'm working on a Space 4x/RTS, because the game I want to play doesn't exist. I'm using C++,DirectX11, and DirectXTK. Think similar to Aurora4x, but full screen, multi monitor and multithreaded with more units, real-time, real-size, and a few other caveats. Now I don't know if anyone here has played Aurora4x, but it's quite involved and detailed. There's over a dozen windows, most of which that have dozen tabs. So I need to build a robust UI. And that means I need to do something... else.

    Sofar it's been going okay. I've got a UI up, and it can do some small things, (scrollable dropdown menus are a bit of a pain, but whatever). It's just that my click contexts are build directly into my engine, and I've got a global variable to input that's checked in half a dozen places. This isn't feasible long term. But hey, I learnt about something called Design Patterns a couple of weeks ago, maybe these can help me out. Sofar I can't say I've found one for UI development, but it's gotta be out there, right? Right? Heh.

    Its got to support left, right, and mid clicks, as well as scroll wheeling and click and drag on the map and some menu contexts. The last is a bit difficult.

    Solution: Well, for my menu class, I've got the following psudocode:

    class MenuClass{ public: getGuid(); getType();//Type of menu getAABB(); virtual register(GUID, AABB); //Registers with the listener Class unregister(); //Unregisters from the listener Class virtual RenderMenu(); virtual RenderText(); virtual ~MenuClass(); virtual Right/Mid/LeftClick(); virtual Scroll(int); virtual Hover(); virtual Keyboard(wchar_t); ... protected: int GUID; int TYPE; RECT AABB; } 

    And then a whole lot of inheriting classes, one for each type of menu object, like Button, Checkbox, Radio, ScrollV, ScrollH, etc, etc. Next comes my GameState Class, where I've got:

    class GameState { public: lookup (GUID, type_of_list); ... private: //VPtr = vector Of Unique Pointers //"Entire Entity Lists" VPtr WeaponsFireClass //\ VPtr UnitsClass // |->Entire Lists of Entities, all sorted with respect to GUID, newest objects having a higher incremental GUID. VPtr MenuClass // / VPtr SelectedEntities //-> List of all selected Entities //Visible Stuff: //VVwPtr = vector of a vector of weak pointers, I need the extra Vector to split the lists up per monitor VVwPtr weaponsFireClass VVwPtr UnitsClass VVwPtr MenuClass VVwPtr SelectedEntities int ClickDownGUID, ClickUpGUID; //with a fake unit GUID being created if nothing was selected, used for multiple selections vector<RECT> mapsize //used to control the background map size on each monitor. ... } 

    Lastly, comes the listener class. This is the new design pattern that I want to follow, where only the listener has to listen and check input.

    class Listener { public: register(GUID, RECT) unregister(GUID) clickResultType InputCheck(); private: currentGUID; GUIDHoverTime; vector <RECT> AABB_WeaponsFire|Units|Menu; //Multiple types of objects can be searched through, fairly easy to thread. vector <GUID> GUID_WeaponsFire|Units|Menu; //Also there's a priority of Menus > Units > WeaponsFire. } 

    The idea is that The gamestate will create the entities as per needed, and each will get a successively higher GUID. They will then be added to the "Entire Entity Lists". If the visibility check for that frame changed from false to true, they will be added to the respective visible lists. They will also be registered with the listener. If it changes from true to false, they will be unregistered. If an entity is deleted, it's GUID will be searched for in each possible list, (binary search), and it will be removed from each that it appears in.

    Each GameState Update, the Listener will do an InputCheck, where it will go over the RECTs, from highest GUID to lowest GUID, checking to see if the cursor is within each RECT. If it finds a true one, it'll return a clickResult, an object that contains the GUID of the RECT, as well as the type of click. Say, in this case, it's a right click on menu GUID 23423.

    Gamestate will then find the location of the GUID of Menu 23423 in VPtr MenuClass, and will then call the appropriate virtual function of that menuclass item. So if Menu23423 was in position 56 of the VPtr MenuClass, it'll call MenuClass[56]->RightClick(), and a dropdown item will become highlighted on the next frame.

    So, does this make sense? Or am I completely insane? I know there's spots for improvement, like possibly some sort of filtering action for the RECT checking in the register class, and making sure that all the GUID lookups are binary searches, and likely even others.

    I'm also not sure what to do for click and hold selections. My best guess is to create a fake unit whenever a click is detected, and draw a box from that unit to the current position of the cursor while it's held, then upon release, make a special call to Listener to return a vector of all GUIDs in the area.

    submitted by /u/ChrisPikula
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    I want to be freelance unity developer. What do need to know?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 08:31 AM PST

    I've been using unity for 4-5 years. I know intemidate c#. I am an undergraduate studying Game Design. I've been attending game jams since i knew how to use unity. I love making games and i need some income to continue my school. I'm planning to use Hubstaff, Upwork like sites. Do you have any tips? Is any of you guys are freelancers? I suppose you're getting paid by hour. How many hours is a medium sized job? And who determines this? Customer or you?

    Some projects i worked :




    submitted by /u/wolderado
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    A better way to force players to interact in a Battle Royale game.

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 04:42 PM PST

    Hey guys, so PUBG forces players together with its circle mechanic, by making the circle smaller and smaller. Anyone have any ideas on an alternative mechanic that forces players to interact besides a shrinking circle/shape?

    submitted by /u/-Dancing
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    Problem with rb.velocity for a rigidbody 2D Unity

    Posted: 13 Jan 2018 07:49 AM PST

    hello, i'm creating a small 2D game, and it keeps giving me the error "no definition for th component velocity" it really pisses me off, here's the script public class Movement_plyr : MonoBehaviour {

    private float speed; public Component rb; // Use this for initialization void Awake () { speed = 10f; rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * speed * Time.deltaTime; float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * speed * Time.deltaTime; Vector2 movement = new Vector2(moveHorizontal,moveVertical); rb.*velocity* = new Vector2(moveHorizontal, moveVertical); //(new Vector2(movement * speed)); } 


    submitted by /u/Vaaleryian49
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    Advertising our Visual Novel

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 05:42 PM PST

    So, I have read quite a lot through tips on how to best advertise your indie team and game but it kind of seems like most of these are more or less directed towards "normal" games. You know, the ones that have tons of gameplay while a Visual Novel has not much or none and focuses completely on storytelling and characters. So I wondered what would be the best approach to advertise a Visual Novel and what to post if there isn't much progress (since I am dependent on our artists and things are slow at the moment). Our first Visual Novel wouldn't have routes (to keep it simpler and it's also important to have one canon for it for later projects) and doesn't feature highschoolers but adults, mostly researchers in an original world. I had the idea that you could optionally click on things in the background which gives you the possibility to find glossary entries to learn more about the world but I dunno how interesting that would be or if gameplay is even needed for that kinda story. I have a lot more ideas for future projects but I want to finish this one first.

    submitted by /u/TrueGota
    [link] [comments]

    Show Reddit: Automatically upload Unity Cloud Builds to Steamworks

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 12:22 PM PST

    How new releases/games on sale are picked for steam "Update News" ?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 06:19 PM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this reddit, and an aspiring gamedev, during my search for how Steam Direct works I found out that a lot of fake games and asset flippers are released by the dozens everyday, and marketing (or having a strong fanbase) is really necessary.

    On my search I came across a question that is really intriguing for me: how is Steam "Update News" new games picked among these dozens of released games? Anyone has the answer? Also..does steam picks randomly the games that will get to be show on "Update News" when there's a discount going on or the devs arrange it beforehand with steam management? Does Steam favor most successful devs in these decisions? For example today there's this game called Dusk on steam Update News... I never heard of it and I'm sure a lot of it's buyers came from it's exposure on the update news. (I ask you to please overlook any english errors, not my mother language)

    submitted by /u/drikoz
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    First project, looking for proof of concept

    Posted: 12 Jan 2018 07:57 PM PST

    Hi everyone. My friends and I have tossed around the idea of a D&D 4e style tactical rpg for awhile, and designed a lot of the mechanics behind it. I've also got pretty lengthy notes for a story.

    Could I develop a 1/2 Visual Novel, 1/2 TRPG in Gamemaker 1.4 without coding knowledge? 2d, low res art. I've gone through the tutorial and have a pretty decent grasp of the drag'n'drop taught so far, but will that be enough?

    If the drag'n'drop isn't enough for a game like that, would I be better moving to a different engine? My friend is a reasonably experienced coder (so I have a resource available for questions) and gifted me a spare copy of 1.4, but I can move to a new engine if that will be easier in the long run.

    Any sort of advice or pointers are very welcome. Even just pointing me towards good youtube videos or instruction manuals. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/iNuzzle
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