• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 3, 2018

    Here's 120 furniture models including isometric renders, all public domain!

    Here's 120 furniture models including isometric renders, all public domain!

    Here's 120 furniture models including isometric renders, all public domain!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:32 AM PST

    Back again with 120 models including chairs, sofas, tables, kitchen appliances, bathroom objects and everything else to furnish a home. Feel free to request additional models or leave some feedback - cheers!

    License: CC0 (public domain), completely free to use in personal, educational and commercial projects (no permission/credit required). Download includes license file.

    Oh also, I'm starting a new "Pixeland" location which is a physical location where game developers can meet-up, share interest and learn stuff (all free). If you wish, you can support it!

    submitted by /u/KenNL
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    The Continuing Saga of "What I've learned in 30 years of never releasing a game..."

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 12:59 AM PST

    Well, it's a new year, it's 2018, and it was just five months ago when I wrote that first post talking how I never releasing a full game, despite loving game development. Since it's a new year, and since some people encouraged updates along the way... I thought, what a great time to do so, just after sashaying into the new year.

    So, first, where am I now?

    Well, I'm still actively building Dymoria, the MMORPG; and in just it's short, few months it's gone through some changes. It started out like this: https://i.imgur.com/AMFTNgC.jpg .... a very basic server test. Then it became this: https://i.imgur.com/FCflb12.jpg .... a simple world where people could log in, chat with each other, and move around. Then it progressed to this: https://i.imgur.com/L54FxG5.jpg .... a world with a few objects. To this: https://i.imgur.com/jUFdwdW.jpg .... and while it's difficult to see what's happening here; that is 2,000 animated, server-side NPCs wandering around the test region. Most recently, I've been working on the resource back end for the crafting system, so, all-in-all, things are going faboo!

    To say the least, the last few months have been fraught with challenges and obstacles in the development of this game, some far more difficult than others, but with sheer determination, grit, no fear of failure, and a little bit of fairy dust, I've been blasting through every obstacle I encounter, and learning my ass off. And, the things I have been learning have been less about programming and development and more about consistency and discipline.

    What things have I learned?

    For one, motivation is a great ignition for passion, but it burns fuel fast. Motivation needs to be cooled and tempered by discipline, so you don't burn out, and you can extend yourself as far as you need. Temper yourself. Sure, you have that great idea... but, don't exhaust yourself on it. For developing Dymoria, I have a set schedule. Mon-Fri, I work on it anywhere from 4-8 hours, but never any more than that. On the weekends, I don't touch it at all, zero, zip, nada, zilcho, regardless of how much I might want to... instead of gorging myself fat with motivation, I savor it, and turn it into a slower, disciplined release that I can feed off. With that, it's becoming a positive habit that I look forward to, instead of dread.

    In those moments when motivation fails you, practice discipline. For me, it's "Just one line of code." That's it. On a day when I feel like I don't want to do anything, I sit down with the resolve to write one line of code... rarely, does it ever end there. One line becomes two, then two becomes a function, and next thing you know, I'm spending hours jump started by that one, initial line. And, on the rare days when it's just one line... good, I've at least moved one step forward. It's also good to have a friend who can go, "Hey, one line!" :)

    Next, take care of yourself first, make time for you. Don't let your project absorb you, don't be your project. If you take care of you, then you can take care of your project. So, get out, have fun, do things you enjoy doing, don't let your project consume you. Be you.

    Finally, if you're feeling down about your project-- look backward, instead of forward. Instead of trying to see where you're not, look back, and see how far you've come. This was an indispensable lesson for me, since much of my coding was server-side and there were many times I never saw any visual results of my work, outside of console output and textual logs. Moments where I just wasn't 'seeing' progress despite making plenty of it. So, I would take time and just look back over what was achieved, instead of grumbling about what I haven't achieved. So, no more, "Wow, there's so much to do I don't feel like I'll ever get it done!" and more of "Wow, look how far I've come from where I started, that's amazing!"

    Break down the impossible into manageable tasks. If you don't know how to do something... well, don't look at the grand scheme of things. Break it down into the smallest components you can. If you want to make a grand space shooter with hundreds of enemies and lasers flying everywhere... start with one ship. Break it down into tasks, "How do I make it move? How do I make it move where I want it to move? How do I make it shoot?" The little things add up to big things.

    So, these are the things I've learned in my first months of full-time game development working on this beast I call Dymoria. I don't have a single regret so far, and I definitely don't regret tackling something as large and complicated as I've chosen to tackle; the MMORPG genre. If I can complete this monster on my own I will have such buff development discipline and mental muscle that I'll never shy away from any other game I might ever want to make. And if, for some unfathomable reason, I don't get to the finish line... well, I've still stretched my development capabilities well beyond where they were just 5 months ago. However, short of death or losing body parts in a freak software accident... I don't see myself stopping at this point. After all, looking back, I've come so far... ... why stop now?

    I'm fulfilling a dream, and despite being much poorer for it, I'm much happier with direction because I am finally doing something I've wanted to do instead of something I've 'had' to do. I, honestly, don't know where I'm headed, and not knowing the future can be scary, but... it's where I want to be, rocketing into the unknown. Hopefully, I'll see some of you on the way to your destinations too! :)

    submitted by /u/Lillani
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    Free legal AMA, with your pal, VGA! Come ask anything that your heart desires! (xpost /user/videogameattorney)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:39 AM PST

    Building A Racing Game With Your Own Engine

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 02:25 PM PST

    6 months ago I quit my job to make a game, solo, without any programming skills. The demo is out now – Here’s what I’ve learned!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:01 PM PST

    Before I begin, I should point out that I live in a country with a very low cost of living, and I'm pretty young, so a lot of the things I've done make sense for me, but might be "bad advice" for people in other situations. That said, a lot of other things should apply to most people making a game! Also, I haven't made the next big RPG single – handedly. It's a side scrolling 2D (story driven) adventure game, and the link to it can be found at the bottom of this post! Anyway, here's what I've experienced and learned during the past 1 year.

    1. (A very long) Intro:

    I'd always wanted to make video games, but since the game industry was completely non-existent in my country at the time, I decided to do something else. I chose Architecture, and within a year I knew I didn't like it. During Architecture, I fell in love with film making. I made a lot of short films and music videos during those 5 years, and intended to enter the film industry after graduation. Which I did, and worked on a TV show for a few months, and I realized I hated the process of making films. But that taught me a lot about myself – I realized I was happiest when working indoors, on a desk, preferably in front of a screen, and with (preferably) a small team. Making films was none of that, which is why it didn't work for me. I still wanted to tell stories, and emotionally move people, but I wasn't sure anymore which medium would work for me.

    So, I decided to work a regular 9-5 job in a small architecture firm so that I could take some pressure off myself and figure things out. Again, I learned a lot. This was intended to be a temporary job, so that my next risky move could be a lot more well planned out than my failed film adventure. I realized what I needed was financial freedom, so that I could spend most of my time creating something using my medium of choice. I was now beginning to get into the entrepreneurial mindset, and was thinking of a product/ industry to start with.


    Another friend in a different location was unsatisfied with the 9-5 life as well, and we decided to team up (Around October 2016) He suggested we make a game (he'd be the programmer, I'd do the art and story) but I thought that was too risky if our aim was financial freedom. From all I'd heard, video games are a bad idea if you want to earn money and be stable. But then I suddenly realized that I didn't have skills in any other business - I couldn't start selling mattresses or offer some service - I know nothing about those and it would take me years to learn anything.

    Video games were actually the best bet for me as, without realizing it, I had learned a lot about design, analysed them for fun, and knew a lot of what was going on in the industry. Making an indie game had also become far more accessible than it was in 2010 when I'd given up on my dream. Also, my experience with films, music and other art forms, along with my need for creative self-expression meant this was the perfect line for me to get into. It also allowed me to fulfil the need for which I wanted to make films: Move people emotionally and hopefully change their lives.


    We got started, but my friend wasn't super committed (also, we were in different locations and he was giving exams for higher studies) For me, it was everything. I needed to do this so I could switch from a job I didn't care about, to doing art full time. We stopped communicating, and after a month of no contact (December 2016) I took it as permission to go solo.



    • Have an EXTREMELY dedicated and reliable team, or work alone:

    It is far better to work alone than to have team members you can't rely on. If they're only half into it as you, and if they've got other things going on for them, chances are they won't work as hard as you might need to on an indie game, especially for very little short-term rewards. This is obviously a bigger problem in tiny teams which consist mainly of friends teaming up to make something in their spare time. It's deadweight that can drag you backwards – get rid of it and you'll be much more efficient. (He did pass those exams though, and got into a good university. He's also helping me spread the word about the game, so all's good between us! ;) )


    • There's always a way:

    After this, came the biggest game changer, that allowed me to make a game by myself without any programming knowledge. I switched engines, went from Game Maker to Unity, and got myself a shiny new asset that allowed me to do this: Adventure Creator.

    I won't blame you for being skeptical about an asset that allows you to "bypass" programming, but it's worked for me. I do plan to learn programming later (for my next games), but for this game, Adventure Creator is perfect.

    We see a lot of people on this sub that want to make a game but don't have a team to work with, and many artists that need programmers. Common wisdom suggests an artist can't make a game by themselves, but if you dig deep, there are solutions! There's always a way, and if you really want to make a game, you'll make that damn game.



    Preparing to quit the job: From January 2017 to May 2017, I worked on the game in the evenings and during the weekends. The plan was to quit my job after I'd completed one year. I built up my savings and continued my small side business - selling t shirts online on Redbubble. I mostly spent that time learning the software and writing the story, and designing the game. This was a difficult time – I was extremely tired after my job, and I also had a lot of chores to do around the house with my flatmate (cooking, cleaning, buying groceries etc) I had also gone through a breakup during November 2016 (around the time this game was being thought about with my friend) and that affected me for many of the months that followed.

    I remember one evening in March 2017, I suddenly couldn't do anything, and just dropped myself on the sofa. I told my flatmate that I had no energy to even eat dinner, and I didn't want to move. I did absolutely nothing that night, and I fell asleep hours before my usual time, without eating dinner.


    Progress after that day was quite slow, I guess I had burnt myself out. The general malaise continued for months after that, and my productivity, motivation and desire to make art fell to an all-time low.

    I was still excited about quitting my job and working from home though, so that kept me happy. I kept making tiny amounts of progress on the game, while also trying to fix whatever I was internally going through. For the next few months, I dived into the trenches of my psyche and identified a lot of issues with myself, and faced a lot of my flaws and fears. I read a bunch of good books, found people like Jordan Peterson and Alan Watts, and came out of that period a hundred times stronger and wiser. I also read a lot of postmortems on this sub, and that inspired me a lot.

    On 31st May 2017, I quit my job. Woohoo! It was gonna be tough figuring out how to work by myself, but it was gonna be good. Then came June, and... I lost all my data in a hard disk crash. I lost everything I'd worked on in the engine, but worse, also the complete story and script. Cue another phase of depression. I came out of this one quickly though, and accepted I had to rebuild everything, and make it even better this time. Lesson learned: Back up your data!!



    From August to December 2017, I got into flow, figured out my way of doing work, and got a lot of good work done. It's been 50% heaven, 45% forcing myself to get back to work, and 5% lying on the bed staring at the ceiling and wondering if I'm doing the right thing (The figures are possibly a little optimistically skewed, but oh well)

    2. Here's the core of what I learned during this period of working as a full time solo dev:


    • Understand your strengths, and make something around that:

    This may be obvious, but it's worth stating. If you're an artist, make a game with good art as its highlight. If you're a good writer, make a story driven game. You get the idea.


    • Understand yourself, and why you want to make a game:

    Game development can get hard, especially if you're working alone and earning nothing while the rest of your friends are. You might feel like you're falling behind, and these thoughts are a feast for your fears. (Also, don't compare your life to anyone else's. Just… don't do it) It comes down to understanding yourself - Do you want to make games because you enjoy playing games? Or do you want to make games because you're a creative person that loves spending hours working hard on projects anyway, and you love video games as well? Video games are a medium for creativity, and all creative work can feel laborious, frustrating and demotivating at time. And yet it's more frustrating for any artist to not do that creative work. Understand yourself and figure out what you're into, and making games can be great.


    • Don't always make programmer art, if possible:

    This is something specific that I learned while working on my game, and might not apply to all games. My characters were represented by white circular sprites in the beginning and levels were quickly drawn lines and boxes. The more more I worked on my game while it looked like that, the more worried I felt about it. I then made some good art for characters, implemented some color theory, and added in animations. And just working on it everyday while it looked like that was a great confidence booster, which is really important when developing a game!


    • Your social life will probably suffer:

    I guess this is true for anyone that works a lot of hours by themselves. It can get lonely, although it's turned out to be less of a problem for me than I'd expected. I've tried to keep this in check by meeting my friends once a week, and it seems to work for the most part. If possible, I'd definitely like to work with a great team next time, to beat the loneliness problem.


    • Passive income is a life saver:

    Especially if you plan to quit your job! I think it's much safer, financially and sanity - wise, to have some source of income coming in every month, as opposed to living off your savings. Not only does it make sure you're not gonna burn through all your savings, but it also keeps you feeling good about yourself. The "I don't even have a job omg what am I doing with my life, is this the right thing to do?" attacks will happen much, much less frequently. Selling designs on Redbubble was my source of income.


    • Marketing is hard: They weren't lying, it's hard to get word out about your game. I'm still trying to figure this one out. Wish me luck.


    • A lot of fears holding you back never actually come to be:

    I was worried about the upcoming discussions around what I do for a living, when meeting new people or old friends. Surprisingly, most people have been supportive my decision (even family and elderly people)


    • The way you work might be unusual:

    In the beginning, I followed a lot of good practices – Made a daily time table, gave myself specific work hours, started work early in the morning, weekends off, mailed myself each day's progress etc. Eventually, I realized none of that was working for me.

    Now I get up and I don't start work until about 1030 in the morning. Keeping it simple, I write down/ refer to my agenda for the day and just start working. I stop for meals, gym and for when I feel like taking a break. I realized my best work happens between 9-12 PM, so I don't force myself to stop at night. So, the way you work might be different from what's usually suggested. Try to listen to what your body and mind is telling you in terms of this, and try to follow that instead.


    • There will be some very, VERY good days:

    I've had many days during development that can basically be described as heaven. Those days are full of energy, meaning and fulfillment. This is the reason why many of us decide to do this, to make a game. You're in complete "Flow", and all you can feel is euphoria. I caught myself smiling for no reason on some of those days. This state happens more often when the challenge of the task you're doing and your ability to handle the task are at a perfect balance. Check out Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book "Flow" to read more about this phenomenon (It's an excellent, life-changing book btw)


    • There will be many shitty, meaningless days:

    And that's OK. Both heaven and hell are allowed to exist in your life, it would be naive to expect it to be good all of the time! Ride the rough times, and acknowledge them. Some days, about once a week or two, I just don't have the energy or enthusiasm to work on my game. I start the day off trying to work, but realize it's just not happening. I then spend some time on the bed, do other things/ do nothing and begin to feel even worse about it. It's all a part of the process though, but it's useful to know why it happens.


    • Most procrastination days happen due to a lack of a clear agenda:

    I noticed that most days that I lacked motivation happened because I hadn't planned out what exactly I was supposed to do or work on that day. It would be a very vague task, which I'd mess about with, and then get demotivated because nothing was happening.


    • Getting back to work:

    Two things get me out of this feeling - one is, watching video game related videos - either commentaries/ analysis on why someone thinks a game is great, or how it changed the industry etc, or even "making of" features of games. This gets me quite motivated to work on my game. Another thing that is probably the purest solution to all this is - get back to work

    If I can just figure out what I should work on, and force myself through the painful first minutes, I'm able to catch momentum. Then I often realize that the only thing stopping me from working was me, and the assumption that "I can't work today".

    Of course, if you continue to feel terrible despite that, it might be because you really do need a break. This is rare, but if it happens, I take it easy for the rest of the day and don't work if I don't feel like it. This usually goes away in a day or so.

    Also, here's a great video that I go to when I get thoughts of giving up: Go all the way - Charles Bukowski


    • Catch the balance between procrastination and burnout:

    Working too much causes burnout, working too little causes depression. Burnout also resulted in me not being able to work, therefore working too little, and getting depressed about it. Add to that the previously mentioned things about no social life, no relationship, no job and an unreliable income, there was plenty of stuff to for depression to latch on to and keep me there.

    So be aware of this, and keep a balance. Try to have other things in your life, but don't slack off too much - because productivity usually relies heavily on momentum.


    • The most important thing – Take small daily steps over long periods of time:

    This is what has allowed me to get a lot of work done. Just keep working, and try to make tiny amounts of progress if you don't feel like working. It all adds up over time. This might be more relevant to solo devs facing a mountain of work in front of them, and this is definitely what allowed me to get things done. Small daily steps over long periods of time.


    • Is it worth it?

    Only you can answer that for yourself. I'm not sure how all this sounds, but someone might ask "Why put yourself through all this? What makes it worth it?" For me, it feels so much more meaningful and fulfilling than the alternative. I find it really hard to work just for the money, to earn and survive, if I don't believe in my work. I realize I'm fortunate to be young, supported by my parents and not be weighed down by any loans or debts – and if a situation is holding someone back, I respect that.

    But I know which one I'd choose when purely comparing the struggle of following a dream (and the sacrifices that come with it - being poor for years, losing social standing, fear of failure) vs going for the safer, more stable option of a job I don't like. Both come with pain and difficult times, but one of them comes with moments of euphoria and fulfillment. I worked a job where I earned money and was doing something similar to my friends, but that life had no goal, no meaning. It was always on to the next day, rinse and repeat. If you're able to keep a day job that you enjoy, and make a game during your spare time, then that's perfect, and maybe I envy you ;) But that didn't happen for me. So figure out your situation, be logical and practical as and when required, but just don't follow the path that gets created between all the things you fear and want to avoid.

    Another interesting thing I noticed -If you actually do like the process of your work, the sacrifices and the hardships don't really hurt. People (including me, before I started) get scared when they hear about how difficult and frustrating making a game can be, but the thing is, even when you go through all these situations which are technically difficult, it doesn't feel bad. The hard times feel like they're worth it.

    So, in a way it's an empowering struggle over a draining and depressing sense of safety and comfort and wondering "is this all there is to life?" It's one life, and yeah that's a very cliched thing to say but it's so true. You're gonna die someday, and then none of it will matter, so you might as well go out there and do what you want. Heck, thinking about your death might make you realize that gamedev isn't what you want to do either! The important thing is to think about all this and get rid of fear, if that's what's holding you back.


    If you read all of this, thank you! I tried making this as short as possible (but didn't really succeed)

    The [Updated!] trailer for the game can be found here. The link to the demo can be found in the trailer's description. I'd love to hear your feedback on it!

    submitted by /u/huntingmagic
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    No Real Alternative to Tiled Map Editor?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 07:29 AM PST

    I've googled and everything, but it baffles me that there simply is not a single 2d level editor besides Tiled. There are millions of 2D games - RPGs, platformers, action games. I can't believe that all the devs have been building a custom level editor for all those games.

    Or am I missing something, and is there a better level editor than Tiled?

    submitted by /u/hepari00
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    How Much is the Front Page of Reddit Worth for Game Developer?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:38 AM PST

    Shaders tutorials in one place

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:34 AM PST

    Should I do an early release?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:21 AM PST

    So I have been working on my game Pixelot for a while now, and I'm wondering if I should do an early release on it after the first 3rd of the game is done, or just suck it up and not release it until the end of the year / whenever I can finish it. It's an rpg, so the game takes a long time to develop. What do you guys think? What have your experiences been with early releases?

    The game is targeting both mobile and desktop

    submitted by /u/iceberger3
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    Bullet physics and multiple threads

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 06:59 AM PST

    I am trying to use the Bullet physics library (for collision detection only) and ran into an unexpected problem with thread safety.

    It appears that I cannot do btCollisionWorld::convexSweepTest() in parallel without getting garbage results. I found this post that support my findings.

    Does anyone have any experience with this and possible solutions? To me it seems like a rather obvious use case to do multiple sweep tests on the same collision world in parallel.

    submitted by /u/markus_zzz
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    Game resource loading questions

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 08:18 AM PST

    How are you handling resource loading? Do you preload everything on start or do you load / unload as needed?

    Also, how're you referencing your resources? For example, are you assigning a string / int ID to each image, sound, etc... ?

    submitted by /u/Gannicus94
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    What is your Gamedev Goals for 2018 ?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 06:03 PM PST

    I really recommend that you use this time of year to take look at where you have been and where you want to go with your games. You can do this by writing up some goals. As the old cliche goes, without a goal you can't score.

    But watch out because poorly framed goals can just make you feel crappy because they are actually impossible to accomplish. Here are some tips for making goals that will actually help you achieve what you want. One, make the goal something you have control over. Don't say "Earn $1 Million selling games" because even if you try the hardest there are so many factors that are out of your hands. The problem is that they are not goals, they are results. See "Win an IGF award." Two, avoid goals that are hard to measure: "Be more creative" or "be a better game designer." How will you know you are done with that or whether you did it?

    To give you and idea of what I consider actionable goals, Here are mine:

    Keep writing a twice-a-month column about running a bootstrapped game studio - I have been completely bowled over about how much positive feedback I have received since I started posting in November. I will keep that momentum up and keep posting.

    Release 3 games this year - I am leaving mobile games and will be publishing on Steam in 2018. I am going to hit it hard too with 3 back-to-back games.

    Publish a postmortem for all three games.- I believe in transparency because it can help others understand what does and doesn't work. I will share as much as I am allowed to.

    Update my website - It needs it. It was built for mobile games and looking a bit dated.

    Submit a Talk for GDC 2019 - I am always trying to spread the gospel of email lists. Will try to do it live and on stage.

    Provide 1x1 coaching for game marketing -I have been writing a lot but I want to meet with readers. I am going to do some very very limited free coaching this year. Let me know if you are interested.

    So what are you thinking about accomplishing this year?

    submitted by /u/zukalous
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    Fungus for unity, creating an escape the room game

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 07:00 AM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm trying to make a simple escape the room game. I have no prior experience with this.

    I downloaded a plug-in for unity called 'Fungus' which is a really cool story telling plug in and is easy to use. However I don't know how to transition from story to actual gameplay.

    Things like building a room that can be looked around in with interactive objects (Like a pillow that moves to reveal a battery etc) and an inventory where you can collect items and piece them together.

    I know I'm asking a lot.. but can anyone point me in the right direction on how to get going with something like this? I don't really know where to look. Thank you!

    fungus website

    submitted by /u/artexam
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    Real time cross platform possible?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 10:33 AM PST

    Does google play games(android) and game center(ios) allow each player to pair up cross platform in real time? If no, how do we go about to do it? And how do we maintain a leaderboard since they both have separate leaderboards...?

    submitted by /u/Jezza49
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    Largely text based games... a question

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 01:25 AM PST

    I was wondering about games that are largely text base or database driven and how they are made and had some questions. I am thinking about games like Football Manager, OOTP Baseball that have very large data sets but little in the way of conventional graphics and very little or no gameplay apart from clicking menu items and drag and drops.

    1. What kind of programme would you use for this? I am guessing Unity, Godot and the like would be unsuitable for this kind of thing?
    2. Anyone have any experience with largely text/menu based games? Would love to see some examples of your work.
    3. Are these generally harder or easier to make than a conventional game? I know difficulty is subjective but Im thinking about technical ability levels. I a very new gamedev and was considering a text based game as an early project.
    submitted by /u/static_shift
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    How much do you like Game Jams?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:07 PM PST

    So I just registered to a game jam my college is going to be a site of. With this, I got curious about people's experiences with this. It could be about Global Game Jam which is the one I'm participating in or some other one. Hell go ahead and tell me about your hackathon experiences if you want, I'm sure there are entertaining stories.

    submitted by /u/ElGamerBroChris
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    How to make 2D game alone #2. Tools for mobile gamedev

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:29 AM PST

    I decided to make it easy and chose the free of charge engine – UE4. It's a bit tricked-out I can say but if you don't open any extra tabs – it' not gonna be that scary as it may seem first. It also provides a great build-in template for 2D scrollers and especially for newbies, the portal of Epic Games has a few basic guides - which I found extremely useful. The editor itself has pretty much everything for proper mobile game settings.

    You certainly gotta poke around the engine at first but anyways it's much more convenient than to figure out other interfaces. By the way, keep in mind that if your configuration is set by default, you may get a huge size game as the result. But it can be sorted out by a few ticks in right places and as for me, I managed to reduce the size of the game by 7 times.

    Now let me say a few words about the way I make textures. That may sound funny but I literally make/draw (whatever you prefer) everything on my knees in photoshop (using the basic tablet that I have already spoken about). Here are a few techniques I use:

    I am a painter, so I am used to working with real pencils, red chalk and brushes, that's why the most vital tool for me is definitely Brush Tool. Photoshop has some built-in brushes, staring with the ones imitating real brushes and the ones which allow to make some natural basic textures as grass (you can see the way the brushes look like if you click on Brush Presets). From time to time, I change the opacity of brushes, depending on what result I expect to receive – low level of opacity works for backgrounds and transparent structures like water and sky.

    When I get a new object going, I usually start with a sketch – I have to estimate the way it will eventually look like, the perspective and so on. All brushes have some useful functions (Brush panel) where I adjust the shape of the brush. For example, while working on a sketch – I always set up Shape Dynamics – Pen Pressure and Pressure for Opacity should be on - this way it pretty much reflects operating with a real pencil.

    By the way, the most vital part – I always create a new layer when it comes to making a new object – that is how I can transform it afterwards without any damage to the rest.

    I like actual process of drawing/painting, so I am not a big fan of Pen Tool, I know it's extremely popular among lots of people but you don't really have a perception of painting, it's like a designer work, so I personally use very seldom, only when I need to make symmetric ideal shapes.

    The next tool I often work with is Mixer Brush Tool – first it helps mixing colors and making it look softer and more natural. Then, depending on settings, I also use this tool for making copies of some objects; sometimes it is faster and more convenient than Clone Stamp Tool.

    The most challenging part for me though was working on alien animation. Originally, I didn't think about how I would animate the character, so when it came to actually working on it, I was pleased that the character turned out to be not as complicated as it could be. I mean, all parts of the character were placed on separate layers, so I mostly just modified each part according to the chosen movement via Transform Path – Warp.

    I understand that Photoshop provides lots of other opportunities and in this post I only covered the most popular techniques I used while working on the game. Of course, that is not all I applied and I guess I will speak about other tools and techniques in new-coming posts. If you have any further questions – I will be glad to answer!

    [post gallery] https://imgur.com/a/AGsGo

    First post

    submitted by /u/sKarletVRLD
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    Are Mixamo's animations free?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 09:16 AM PST

    I'm a beginner that still can't animate, so I need free animations to help me out.

    I looked for free animations for a long time now and I finally found Mixamo but the animations on the website are too good to be free, so I want to know if it was actually free or not.

    Can anyone help?

    submitted by /u/M3do_0
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    Composer/programmer for hire

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 11:38 AM PST

    Hello, I'm a music composer/audio designer as well as a Unity 3D developer based in a London Uk. I'm now free to take new projects under consideration. Please pm me for any ideas. Fees for Music are 50£/ minute scored Fees for programming: 12£/working hour

    Here you can find some samples of previous works.

    MUSIC/AUDIO: soundcloud.com/lucasomigli PROGRAMMING: GitHub.com/tallsamurai

    submitted by /u/tallsamurai
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    Making a unity tool

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 01:06 AM PST

    So I was wondering how to make a unity tool because I'd like to get the experience of making one but I don't know what's needed to do it. I also want to make one to try and streamline making levels.

    By tool I mean an add-on to the engine that works on the scene. An easy example would be a 2d tool that let's you place the tiles with some properties. I know it's probably already developed and in the unity store, but like I said, I want to get experience.

    submitted by /u/ElGamerBroChris
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    Smooth reflexive hand to hand combat

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 09:12 PM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I've been thinking of ways to implement a smooth flowing combat system that allows a player to beat on enemies and they will react in specific ways related to that attack (in a 2d environment).

    I've given thought to a tree state machine? So depending on which state the player is in (leg sweep, upper cut, jab, throw, etc) the enemy will react accordingly.

    Are these animations something i have to hard code (animate in cs6 or something) or can they be done on the fly when the game is running?


    Sorry if it sounds a bit confusing.

    submitted by /u/GameDeveloper482
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    2D Game Engine - AGK or GM Studio for a beginner?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2018 11:49 PM PST


    I am trying to decide between purchasing AppGameKit or GameMaker Studio 2 on Steam or both? I've read many reviews, and the Engine FAQ here (AGK is not listed there) but I am still uncertain. Would anyone have a recommendation? Both are currently on sale on Steam till Jan 4th. AGK is 60% off where as GM is 20% off. I have some programming experience, I took visual basic, C++, and Java in college. Here is what I am looking to program which may help.

    I am considering either doing a 2D desktop game, examples being maybe something like Undertales, Final Fantasy 2/3 or Stardew Valley (But a little simpler) or a 2D Android game something akin to Jelly Splash, Flappy Bird or the like.

    Which of the 2 would you recommend? Or would one be better for desktop the other for Android? Or would you recommend something else entirely? While I do not have a lot of money to spend currently, this is something I am looking to pursue and want to buy something wisely that I know I can work with with the realm of my skills.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/FateEntity
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    What do you post on your Facebook page (if you have one)?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 12:57 AM PST

    I'm planning out a social media calendar for our Facebook page and I need ideas on what to post on our Facebook page. For the past year we've been posting on some videos of our games, trivia, game development quotes, and some of our WIP (work in progress).


    What do you post on your game dev's Facebook page?
    Bonus question: How do you convert your likers to try out your game? This is a difficult question especially for pages with a small following.

    submitted by /u/Kyaawai
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    Prototyping Demo with UModeler in Unity.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2018 04:24 AM PST

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