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    Saturday, January 6, 2018

    Found a nice 404 page web developers

    Found a nice 404 page web developers

    Found a nice 404 page

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:15 PM PST

    [X-Post /r/javascript] Today is Leftpad 2.0: pinkie-promise pulled from NPM

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:02 PM PST

    A little under a year ago, the package "leftpad" broke NPM builds all over the world because the author pulled it from the public repository.

    The same is happening today, for "pinkie-promise". The author's NPM account (@floatdrop) was deleted, opening opportunities for malware in all the packages he's written.

    Dependent builds include Ionic and (in my case) node-sass.


    submitted by /u/Jodiug
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    NPM Registry: Many packages are disappearing all of a sudden

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:45 AM PST

    JavaScript Projects of the Year (2018)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:11 AM PST

    Getting files from clients is hard, so I created a web app to make it easier!

    Posted: 05 Jan 2018 09:23 PM PST

    Web App: https://requestix.com

    Clients love to email me files scatter-shot. Sometimes they swear they sent me something that I never got. If I'm lucky, they'll use Dropbox, but then I get a bunch of files named like "file00001-new-final.pdf" with no context as to what they are.

    Requestix lets you create buckets with specific details for each file or document request. Your clients add files to the buckets and you can set status to "Accepted" or "Returned" depending on if the file meets your requirements. Notifications and reminders help nudge your client to get you everything you need on time. This web app is still in early beta. Feedback appreciated!

    Features coming soon:

    • Clients will be able to upload files using a secret link, no log-in or sign up required
    • Discussion tab on each request list
    • Contacts will be tracked in a dedicated contacts section
    • Invitations will be tracked in a dedicated invitations section
    • My landing page will actually look good once I have time to re-do it :)
    submitted by /u/rubblebath
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    AngularCLI Down: The Return of LeftPad. A bunch of NPM packages just went to hell due to dependencies on a russian dudes deleted account.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:38 PM PST

    A whole bunch of packages depending on stuff published by floatdrop just broke. Awaiting for a fix. Seems like even the NPM team is in on it.

    Glorious thread: https://github.com/npm/registry/issues/255

    NPM status report: https://status.npmjs.org/incidents/41zfb8qpvrdj

    submitted by /u/patrickoliveras
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    Does a client care what platform you build their site on?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:06 PM PST

    So I have a client who sent me a reference link to a site that they like and they want their brand new site to look similar it as far as layout. I know that I can write the content and design this site on Wix easy. They don't want any crazy custom features or unique functionality. Btw this business sells water heaters. The client says that we wants the site hosted on Bluehost or something similar. So my first thought was oh okay WordPress. But to find a theme with a similar layout and then jump into and maybe have to jump into the code and tweak it idk if its worth the time/risk. When freelancing Web Design/Development is it good practice to let the client know what platform its on? or do they really not care as long as it's a pretty, functioning site?

    submitted by /u/UntouchedDruid4
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    My buddy built a webapp to make looking for issues to contribute on Github easier.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2018 05:08 PM PST

    Architecting a web application with a Single Page App front end, a REST API, nginx and remote databases.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 10:59 AM PST

    I want to build an app for paper trading stock (pretending to buy it and seeing how you do). This is mostly for learning, so I am experimenting with some specific technologies not necessarily because they are the best tool for the job, but because I'd like to use them. I am looking to get some opinions on this basic design.

    Here is what I am thinking:

    1. nginx reverse proxy in front of everything in production.

    2. Separate back end, front end, and nginx repos that all deploy master straight to prod.

    3. 3 remote postgres databases. 1 for prod, 1 for running tests, and 1 for development.

    4. Front end will be made with React and I want the code to be server side rendered to make it SEO friendly. (Maybe use tree splitting? A little unclear of how this works)

    5. Node and Koa or Express backend that responds to /api requests with JSON

    Big Questions: 1. How do I develop locally without CORS problems.

    1. How do I set up environment variables to connect to different databases based on 'prod', 'test', or 'local'.

    2. What are good places to deploy this sort of configuration? (linode? digital ocean?)

    3. Do I get different hosting services for nginx, backend, and front end, or can all the repos live on one 'droplet' or something? (I'm a little confused about managing those boxes, resources would be great!).

    4. Should I use Docker for local development? Should I use docker to deploy? Why or why not?

    5. I'll probably use gitlab for Continuous Integration.

    submitted by /u/sambigelow44
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    Acquiring technical skills is simple, what about the non code-related skills that you need to cover a position of say a CTO?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 09:41 AM PST

    I am talking about decision-making, resources management and other skills you will need to advance in your career.

    I am a mid-experienced developer and I feel like I am lacking in some of those skills even though I want to learn them.

    submitted by /u/pontiacks
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    Is there a way to pull social sentiment data from Twitter, Reddit, etc about specific keywords and hashtags?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:09 AM PST


    I am looking for a way to pull social sentiment data for keywords and hashtags from Twitter and Reddit.

    For example if somebody posts about a stock:

    Sell Apple Stock --> Negative Sentiment

    Buy Apple Stock --> Positive Sentiment

    Apple Stock --> Neutral Sentiment but counts as mention

    Are there existing tools or methods to facilitate this, given how complex human language is?

    Thanks for your help!

    submitted by /u/westwindone
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    Checklists for Web developers.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 11:13 AM PST

    Listing number of years experience with a technology: count only commercial or include personal?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 05:27 AM PST

    When listing the number of years of experience you have with a technology in your CV, are the years "amount of time spent commercially/in a job with this technology" or does it include "amount of time learning/creating personal projects with this technology"?

    Apologies if it's a dumb question, I have a feeling it may be!

    submitted by /u/Sheepyu
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    The Origins of the <Blink> Tag

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:51 AM PST

    How to become a freelance web developer ?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 07:31 AM PST


    I'm thinking of building websites for clients to earn a bit of money while I go through my studies (I've been building websites for a few years now so I'm pretty sure I could now work for other persons). But I have a few questions since I'm not really sure how to go about it.

    1) First of all, I'd like to know how much I could earn especially since I wouldn't do that full time (I have to study). I know I could work on these websites about 4/5 hours a day on average.

    2) How can I find clients ? I know that I will probably have to build a portfolio to show my skills, but once that's done, where do I look for the clients ?

    3) If a client meets me, and tells me what about his idea for a website, what should I expect him to tell me about the site he wants me to build ? I mean, should he show up with a fully made template of his site or would it be up to me to propose a proper design ? How accurate should this template be ? Basically, how much work does the client have to provide before I can actually start building the site ? (if my question is not clear please tell me in the comments and I'll do my best to explain better)

    4) Once the website is built, how does the payment take place ? How to make sure he will pay me once the site is done and he now has it ? Should he send me a cheque or pay me with Paypal for example (this is a very specific question) ?

    5) Maybe this will answer the previous question, but should I host the website on a server I rent ? In this case, should I charge him every month ?

    6) How do I negotiate the price ? How to justify this price ? Should I charge him based on how much time I work on his site ? This seems to be the proper way to do it, but... how do I do it ? If I charge him 200€ for two weeks of work, why should he trust me and not think that I'm making the project last longer just to get more money ? Before I start working on the project, how do I do an estimate of the price ?

    7) Since I'm gonna charge the client, I guess we both need to sign a contract. How do I write a contract ? Can I find a fully made one on the internet where I just have to change names/dates/... ?

    I'd be very thankful if you could answer these questions. If you think there are other things I should know, please feel free to tell me ! ;-)


    submitted by /u/to_fl
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    Fantastic resource to learn JS for the Web.

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:40 PM PST

    Do you guys try to learn as many frameworks as possible?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:34 PM PST

    I am currently working as a front end dev, and I want to improve my skills for better opportunities.

    I already know AngularJS and ReactJS. Should I stick with what I already know and focus on computer science concepts like algorithms and data structure? Or should I try to learn Angular/Vue to learn more frameworks?

    Also, I only know PHP and Javascript for programming languages. What do you guys recommend to learn next to learn CS concepts better? My friend recommended Java to me.

    My goal is to work for big tech companies like Google.. Dreaming big!

    submitted by /u/gamesdf
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    [Advice] Why did the eCPM on my web site decreased?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:21 PM PST

    First of all sorry if im asking for an advice in the wrong place, I did not know where to ask for my issue so I thought I would try my luck here.

    I have a web site and usually the traffic during weekends is over 30 or 40 thousands. One problem that I have now is that my eCPM has decreased a lot, 2 weeks a go it used to be between 8 - 11 dollars, now it has fallen down to 2 dollars.

    The number of visitors on my web site has decreased not more then 5 thousand. Could that be the issue?

    I have monetized my web site only with the "instant articles", I do not use google Adsense.

    If anyone has any idea on how to increase the eCPM or what caused it to be so low please let me know.

    submitted by /u/CageMonster
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    JWT Authentication with Angular 5, ASP.NET Core 2 Web API and Facebook Login

    Posted: 05 Jan 2018 07:25 PM PST

    framework recommendations for database driven website

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:01 PM PST


    I have a client who wants me to develop a system for them where they can have an administrator add/remove/edit data through a UI, then have users view this data on a dynamically loaded webpage.

    Can anybody give me some framework recommendations? I was thinking Node/Express back-end with React front-end.

    Just trying to pick some brains and look for tips, thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/iitzTyson
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    HTML Outline extractor

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 02:41 PM PST

    If you are doing web scrapping or WebDriver code developing, and need more focus on the HTML structure than the details, check out the

    HTML Extraction Tool

    By extracting HTML structure as outline, the htmlextract outline will make it easier to analyse the file structure, by eliminating all the glory details out of the way, which is most often needed when doing web scrapping or WebDriver code developing

    screenshot provided right at the above url.

    submitted by /u/maedo
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    Where do you get inspiration?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 03:25 AM PST

    I'm not great when it comes to coming up with a design, so when I'm working on personal projects I tend to look to other sites/designs for inspiration.

    However, most designs tend to have sliders/hero images/etc. And I personally don't like/want these, so I was wondering if there's any websites you guys use for inspiration for design?

    submitted by /u/jordsta95
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    Alternative to dreamweaver(visual editor)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:53 PM PST

    Hello :)

    Looking to make a website for my local community group. It will be something really simple.

    Back in high school I studied media and used dreamweaver. Any free alternatives to that? I don't know any code, so liked the option it had to add some images and make some easy buttons with links in a more visual right click and add things style :)

    submitted by /u/Iaitoo
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    AWS or stick

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 06:14 AM PST

    Hello everyone. So I've been running DigitalOcean with Forge for some time with now and my monthly costs are around £20-30. I was thinking of scrapping Forge and learning proper nginx setup myself so reduce that cost.

    However, I am now considering using AWS for running all my projects/sites. Currently, I'd be running 3 websites but I'm hoping to complete side projects eventually and have them live. We use AWS at work so I have some insight but not enough knowledge yet. I was going to use EC2, S3 and domain/dns management. My main issue is around the cost. Firstly will this cost more than my current outgoings for DigitalOcean baring in mind I may have to upgrade my DO servers eventually? I had got the AWS free tier for a little bit but didnt have time to really use it besides uploading a couple small images to S3 and I found out I started getting charged like $30.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Munch1498
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    ASYNC AWAIT or How To Write Syncronous Looking Code, Without The Wait

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 01:41 PM PST

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