• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 7, 2018

    BitPotion - Free 4x7 Pixel Font

    BitPotion - Free 4x7 Pixel Font

    BitPotion - Free 4x7 Pixel Font

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 06:22 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'd been playing around with drawing a custom typeface for some work I'd been doing, and felt like working it up into a free, releasable font last night. It's a lot of fun to take some time off here and there to work on nice little pieces like this!

    It was inspired by other small pixel fonts like Heartbit2 and m5x7, with an emphasis on making the characters taller on the lowercase, and thinner in general, with a bit of charm packed in where I could!

    It's currently only available in .ttf format. But I'll be adding a bitmap version either tonight or tomorrow.

    It is now available as a .ttf and as a bitmap (.png + .fnt)!



    Link and License

    You can find a link to the asset in the comments (to avoid having the post auto-removed).

    It's available under the CC BY-ND license, which reads as follows:

    This license allows for redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to you.

    Thanks, I hope it's enjoyed. Please feel free to leave me any feedback.

    Edit: To whoever tried to purchase it (the transaction failed because some out of date info on my end), thank you very much! The gesture was more than enough!

    submitted by /u/Pixcel_Studios
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    What game do you think should be the "Hello World" for 3D game development?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 02:17 AM PST

    Recently someone posted that we shouldn't tell people to recreate Pong as their first game, and a lot of the replies were that they're the "Hello World" of game development. So along those lines, what game would you suggest a newbie to recreate that'll give them a proper feel of 3D game development. I mean, of course, one way to go about it would be to implement simple games in 3D like Roll A Ball tutorial of Unity, or to implement 2D games like Pong or Breakout in 3D space. But is there something better, something that should be the "Hello World" for 3D game development?

    submitted by /u/heyredditors
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    Do I need to trademark and copyright everything in my game?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 06:48 AM PST

    Do I need to register legal trademark and copyright for everything in my game? Like the name, the fictional characters, name of my studio, name of myself, etc. I keep wanting to make games but all of these Legal Things keeps making me scared and stressed about pursuing what I really want to do which is make games. May you guys please advice me?

    (This is a serious question.)

    submitted by /u/ReallyTaken
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    How efficient is the core game loop in modern fighting games that support rollback based netcode?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:17 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I think most of you are familiar how rollback based netcode works. You can play with a constant input delay and even if you haven't received the inputs from your opponent yet, the game tries to guess the inputs continues the simulation, but when the inputs are finally received, the game rolls back and resimulates up until the current frame with the correct inputs. The resimulation runs many iterations of the game loop in one frame until it has catched up to the current frame.

    Many fighting games that make use of rollback based netcode such as GGPO have a really efficient update loop, since hurtbox-hitbox collision detection is easy to calculate and most fighting games don't have physics calculations.

    I would like to know how efficient one iteration of the game loop is (maybe in milliseconds a processor takes to run one iteration). If you have concrete numbers for a specific fighting game, I'd appreciate it if you can share it here!

    I'm asking because I'm currently making some sort of fighting game and want to know how far I have to optimize my game loop.


    submitted by /u/FMProductions
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    My friend and I built Craater, a platform to connect devs and influencers and would love your feedback!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 07:32 AM PST

    Hey /r/gamedev , I'm Mac, and together with my friend Justin we've built Craater (https://www.craater.com/). The goal of Craater is to help game developers connect with influencers who can effectively market your games. We've just recently launched in alpha and would love to get feedback from as many developers as possible, both on the idea and our execution.

    We enable influencers to directly sell your games to their audiences and provide you with extensive data about who is playing and selling your game. Influencers receive a portion of each sale they drive, while you still receive a higher revenue split than other platforms.

    We'll be hanging out in this thread for a few hours answering any questions and replying to any feedback you may have.

    submitted by /u/TeaGuns
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    AI and Games- A channel devoted to the study of AI through the medium of Video Games

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:22 PM PST

    "Game development is easy"

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 01:43 AM PST

    Recently I've had a friend of mine tell me that game development is easy and you make heaps of money sitting on your arse all day. Now this is coming from someone who work in the automotive industry.

    Anyway I was just wondering what kind of challenges you have come across in the process of being a Games developer.

    I personally have been told I can't do it, that I am lazy and that I won't make any money. I've also had the issue of needing to sell my computer halfway through development because of needing money to buy food, have been a week without sleep and lost friends due to no social interaction for a couple months. This is just a couple of mine, what are yours?

    submitted by /u/MizziahPendulam
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    Non-combat RPG gameplay opinions

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:29 AM PST

    I am developing an RPG that is not combat focused but does have elements of actions games. I need opinions on how to create a fun gameplay loop.

    The premise:

    The game is single-player. The player plays as a shopkeeper. They must find items to sell and use for crafting better items to sell to improve their shop. Shoppers are all NPCs living in the town. There is a plot in which the town is being attacked and needs the player's shop to sell them very high quality gear. So there are monsters and dungeons in which the player must explore.

    My problem is that I'm struggling to find a fun gameplay loop for this premise. I don't think it makes sense for the player to engage in a lot of combat as a shopkeeper. That ends up making the game kind of Harvest Moon-like. However, there are monsters and dungeons and that's more Rune Factory-like. I feel like I'm searching for a solution somewhere in between.

    What I've got right now is a system in which the player can use magic to scare off and mildly damage monsters. They can not use any kind of weapon. They can hire local adventurers to follow them for a day into a dungeon and fight the monsters for them. I can't decide if this is fun. The player ends up being at the mercy of an AI adventurer who honestly isn't the best programmed AI in the world. And I think it will get boring watching your AI fight the monster AI while you wander in dungeons looking for loot.

    Do you guys have any thoughts or other games I might look to for inspiration? Thanks.

    If you're curious, here is the website: http://www.shopkeeperhero.com

    submitted by /u/breakspirit
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    I'm a programmer that needs some help understanding design/level art workflows for Unity & blender

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 04:07 AM PST

    I'll start by saying that I have enough of an understanding of Blender where I can tackle fairly simple models. And I've been using Substance Painter to paint said models.

    I'm having trouble wrapping my head around making environment art though.

    I think the problem I'm mostly dealing with here is scale. I'd like to build a fairly big level for my multiplayer game in Unity with stretched cubes, and then art it up later. My levels are ~50x50 meters - not massive, but they're fairly dense environments with lots of hallways, platforms, etc.

    This presents a couple problems: I don't really know of a very good workflow going from Unity to Blender. Also, building out a whole level in a single Blender file seems...crazy? maybe?

    Should I just be breaking the environment down into lots of small parts to be modeled in separate blender files, then painted separately? Ideally I'd like to keep stuff atlased when possible, so idk if this is another workflow consideration I should weigh or if I should just use something like mesh baker in unity to smoosh everything back together when it's done. My experience with mesh baking in unity has been a little disappointing with some mixed results.

    Should I just make everything hyper modular and tile the heck out of it? This feels really constricting, and would require a ton of planning I'd think, so I'd like to avoid this as much as possible!

    Any pointers/guides/video series/etc would be helpful, thanks :D

    submitted by /u/robochase6000
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    Viability of Entity Component System Pattern

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 10:51 AM PST


    Couple friends at my school and I signed up for a "Software Engineering Team" competition, which we then found out was a cruel ruse to trick us into doing game development: after signing up, they dropped it on us that we have to make a platformer adventure game. I should note, we are not game developers in any way, shape or form; in terms of application development, I mostly do C#/.NET development, using WPF for Windows and Xamarin for mobile. I would never have signed up for it if I knew they were actually talking about gamedev, but here we are.

    Anyway I'm now determined to do it properly, because I figure if I have to do gamedev, I'm gonna come out of it with code I can be proud of. I'm familiar with MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) from .NET, so I'm looking for design patterns to apply to this stuff. We're using XNA Framework (I know it's deprecated... but it seems the simplest framework out there) and writing in C#. I reimplemented a simple platformer game I found online with no design patterns, and am now trying to rewrite it cleanly. In researching for this, I found the Entity-Component-System design pattern, which looks very attractive to my architecture-obsessed mind; especially because I have been sold on the value of "prefer composition over inheritance". However I have some questions on whether it's viable for us to use ECS, although first I have some just regarding my understanding/implementation of it.

    C# has the obvious inheritance system, which I understand ECS tries to minimize use of. It also has features like interfaces, which implement that concept of "contracts". My thought for using interfaces in that platformer was something like having the Player object implement the IMovable interface, which declares the Velocity property, and the UpdatePosition method. Interfaces are also where C#'s implementation of composition often comes from; a class can have a field of type ILogger, where ILogger defines a Log(string) method. Thus that class can put any type of logger in there: a logger to a file, a logger to some database, a logger to a web service, etc, as long as that logger implements the Log(string) method. Admittedly I haven't used interfaces a ton in my projects so far, but I understand the concept and value.

    However I'm not seeing if/how these interfaces could apply to the ECS pattern. All the implementations I've found mention an Entity base class with a collection of Components within it, and a bitmask stating which components that Entity has. Then each System looks through the list of Entities and only operates on the ones that have the required Components. These concrete implementations were in C/C++, but that seems pretty archaic, and I don't feel like it uses a modern language like C# to its full potential. Is there some other implementation of the ECS concept that 'fits' C# better? Particularly I'm looking for somewhere that interfaces fit in; I'm not seeing it at the moment.

    Also there's the question of whether I really should be going this hardcore about design. We have a little more than a month until it's due, and the only code we have is the platformer I cloned (stupid, stupid us!). To my knowledge, my teammates don't really have a ton of experience with OO concepts, which is why it's more my responsibility to design the "framework" that everyone's code is going to fit into. So I don't have a ton of time to learn and practice with these design patterns, because everyone's waiting on me to give them something to start from.

    So, the two questions that stem from that: one, could my teammates, with fairly limited OO experience and knowledge, work with an ECS based architecture? And two, coming from desktop/mobile development with MVVM, can I learn ECS and design an architecture based on it in time for us to write all the actual stuff, within a bit over a month? If no, can I do some sort of hybrid architecture that will give us 'clean code' while not taking forever? Or have we just put ourselves in an impossible position?


    submitted by /u/disgruntledJavaCoder
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    Creating an AI for the board game Risk

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 10:50 AM PST

    Stylized Melee Pack For Unity Assetstore

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 07:45 AM PST

    I want to build games and work in the gaming industry but I wanna teach myself,what’s the best starting point?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 07:38 AM PST

    I'm sure these are asked a lot so if there a thread or sticky please send me that way.

    I have no knowledge of coding or programming and want to learn something to possibly get my foot in the door of the gaming industry. I just don't know where to start.

    submitted by /u/TigerCharades3
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    How did Nintendo make games for the SNES/N64 and what principles from that can be applied to modern gaming?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 09:46 AM PST

    I recently played Kirby Dream Course on a friends SNES Classic and it was a really fun game. Reminded me of some mobile games but it was just more enjoyable than any of those that I played.

    Something about the colour design to the way the level progression works made it stick to me.

    Can anyone explain the process Nintendo would have to go through to make something like that?

    Did they make it in C and manually do the pixels and movement?

    How can I develop something similar to this to play multiplayer on a mobile device?

    submitted by /u/brownix001
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    Alternative mechanics for JRPGs?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 08:14 PM PST

    I'm working on a JRPG-style game, with turn-based combat, but I feel the old menu system isn't really an engaging way to play, so I was hoping someone could suggest an alternative.

    submitted by /u/long_roy
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    Video Game Scaling

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 12:18 PM PST

    Guys, I am trying to experiment and make a simple game... But I can't wrap my mind around scaling it to work in the game. Does anyone have any advice on how to scale your building and military troops to look realistic enough in the game? I will also code it in Unity and build my models in Blender.

    submitted by /u/Wartark
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    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 12:15 PM PST

    FREE INFEKTION SAMPLES Raw Access Virus TI samples that leave plenty for processing and ideal for Neurofunk and Drum & Bass but also useful for people wanting high quality samples for their productions!


    Add your name and e-mail and we'll send over a link immediately so you can get your hands on this limited edition Mikro Pak.


    All the best – DIMINISHED AUDIO

    submitted by /u/RichardCresswell
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    The Rendering of Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

    Posted: 06 Jan 2018 12:24 PM PST

    Modular Abilities + Effects - How to Structure?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 08:21 AM PST

    Hey all,

    I've been toying around with an idea for a bit of an experimental game I'd like to put some hobby hours into, but I'm running into a little bit of a wall that may cause major problems down the road. For the most basic gameplay, the player's character can "equip" a wide variety of abilities, all doing different things. For example, one ability may be a simple punch where the character punches an enemy, another may be launching a fireball, and another may be to throw an enemy way up into the air. The problem I am running into is writing the reactionary code for the player and enemy characters to run when they come under the effects of said spells. The goal for this is being able to add many more abilities to the game without having to pick through the spaghetti code that would result from a non-modular system.

    So, my question: How can I write each player ability and how the enemy characters will react without hard-coding massive 'if' statements to determine which effect something is currently under? Say the player uses the throw-into-the-air ability and the enemy is tossed into the air for N number of frames. How can I structure the code so that it can run its full length of ability and reaction without being a huge headache?

    Originally I had thought that maybe I could write functions to handle each ability and reaction, then assign each player and enemy affected by the ability to the functions and it just continues to run them until the effect ends? Is there a better way to go about that?

    I had difficulty expressing my idea and problem here. Please let me know if it's not clear enough.

    Many thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Reposted from r/gamedesign as they said this would be a better place for it.

    submitted by /u/Pyrohair
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    What do you think of this game I'm thinking of? Is it something you'd play?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:54 AM PST

    So I'm currently conceptualizing a 2D PC top-down shooter game (using this type of perspective) in which players are thrust into a procedural maze with really low visibility and limited resources. Players would only be able to see clearly within a certain radius around them—outside of the radius the maze's walls blur out and monsters are invisible.

    The game isn't the type of shooter where the players feel overpowered and entitled. There will be scare resources in the maze, and players would have to rely on monster drops and chests for resources and to be able to craft items. The game is meant to have an atmosphere of insecurity and uncertainty, ergo the low visibility and limited resources. Players also won't be able to tell what's in chests or bonus rooms until they open the chests or enter the rooms. There could be good loot, or a dangerous trap.

    Most of the weapons won't be ultra-strong OP weapons, and the really good ones won't necessarily be easy to some by. Most weapons would have opportunity costs for using them.

    I also want the game to have a good co-op mode, such as weapons that work better when used in conjunction with other weapons, or rooms that can only be entered when two or more people do something at the same time, or bosses that can only be defeated if team members work together and play different roles. This could be made even more interesting because I plan to implement different types of modes, like capture the flag or battle royale or deliver-the-package (where players are meant to work together to get to a point in the maze).

    So to sum up (TL; DR), here are the pillars of the game:

    1. Limited Information - Players aren't completely aware of their surroundings or what's in store for them. Visibility is also low

    2. Underpowerment - Resources are not in abundance and the players don't feel overpowered. Almost every decision has an opportunity cost, from where you go to what you craft to what weapon you choose.

    3. Co-op - The game fully supports co-op, with special features being put in place to make teamwork a must if 2+ players play in the same maze.

    What do you think about this pitch? Is this something you think you'd play? What do you think about the pillars, and what are you most excited about?

    I'd really appreciate some feedback, this is going to be a tough project so I wanna get it right!

    submitted by /u/Wiggleman45
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    Looking for some opinions on a slightly odd question

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:47 AM PST

    I've spent the last year learning everything I could get my hands on relating to game design and I'm starting to get to the point where I feel I've got a reasonable level of understanding. I've followed and completed a few "learn to make your own game" courses and whilst helpful for gaining a greater understanding I've not found it quite up my street. But I have discovered the part I love is the breaking down and the creation of game concepts.

    I've had an idea running around in the back of my head for a number of months and I was hoping to get some feedback regarding whether people see it as a workable business concept. My intention being to self fund a small team for a year or two. I'm from the UK but am considering looking for 2-3 other people to move and live with in a European country with a lower cost of living where we would work on a game. I would cover rent, expenses, food ect and provide a small wage to cover non essentials. The payoff for the team being everyone would own part of the company and we'd share in the success (or failure) of the project. I've done something similar with my current company albeit with fewer people and it's been great for moral and motivation.

    I don't intend to do the hands on stuff myself, I've can do some basic coding but its really not my forte so would want to be more focused on the other elements of the business. I've got a background in law + business and I've been running a company that develops 3rd party software for League of Legends for the past 5 years which has been relatively successful. So I feel I've got something to add to the team.

    What do you guys think? I'm keen to avoid doing anything exploitative and it's really quite important to me that this arrangement would be fair to all parties. Could you see people being interested in doing this?

    submitted by /u/_LSI_
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    What do modern 3D games use threading for?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 11:18 AM PST

    I have skills to be a "game logic" coder, and I have a job interview for this next week, but what I'd love more is to work on a game engine, including graphics. Job ads for this require multithreading experience, of which I have only the very basics.

    I'd like to learn this in my own time, but focus on the kinds of multithreading used in 3D game engines.

    I'm aware of the following uses:

    • using a worker thread, to do e.g. a pathfinding update in the background. That this has the advantage of clear code even on single-core. The worker thread can work for many seconds before it delivers its result to the main thread that has been running at 60fps all the while.
    • non-blocking IO.
    • putting the gamelogic on one core and the rendering on another.
    • performing heavy calculations in parallel in the time of a single game frame. E.g. blurring a big image.

    I think all of those can be done with just 2 simple concepts:

    • void launchThread(function f)
    • class mutex { ... void lock(); void unlock(); ... }

    Is this so, or am I missing something?

    Note: I work in C++.

    submitted by /u/qx12
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    How mobile games use iconic characters?

    Posted: 07 Jan 2018 07:20 AM PST

    for example a character that is in some shape but the design is very familiar without mention any reference to the original.


    the shape and the no-name character seems to stand out of the copyright issues.. am i wrong? how can one to use famous characters in his game without being a AAA ?

    thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/redditrabbit222
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