• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 27, 2017

    Former ".dev" local development users- now that Chrome makes that TLD impossible, what did you switch to? web developers

    Former ".dev" local development users- now that Chrome makes that TLD impossible, what did you switch to? web developers

    Former ".dev" local development users- now that Chrome makes that TLD impossible, what did you switch to?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:31 AM PST

    I've heard .local, .test, .d3v, .localhost, starting with dev.*, and others. Is there any clear winner that developers can agree upon?

    submitted by /u/dangoodspeed
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    Looking for some quick and dirty feedback on my personal portfolio!

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:10 AM PST


    I've been working on a few of my small personal projects and have been slowly updating my personal site to showcase them.

    I just wanted to get a bit of feedback on how I could improve my portfolio.

    My website is here:


    Yes, I did start from a template. The template can be found at:




    Thanks for the amazing feedback guys, really appreciate it! Fixed the following:

    • Remove head bobbing (RIP)
    • Removed individual colour scheme of experience and projects to make it consistent
    • Fixed pooplot link
    • Reduced box shadows
    • Sped up scroll time when navigating from top

    Will investigate setting projects to greyscale and removing that filter on hover.

    submitted by /u/smelly_foot
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    How to keep track of users locale/language

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 08:25 AM PST

    Hey there. I'm a software developer, but don't really do any website work usually. Just trying to help a friend out and googling was not helping at this point.

    I'd like to implement a language selector of some kind which could change just the words of the website, or could change content all together. First of all, how do I keep track of which language they selected? I was thinking of adding a prefix (eg de.mywebsite.com vs mywebsite.com) but I'm not sure thats a good way and will that de.mywebsite.com carry over when they load a new page? And then, how would I check that to deliver content? I guess some simple javascript? Is there some much easier way of doing this that I'm missing?

    I'm trying to piece a lot of things together with web dev stuff, so getting the full picture and the best way to solve it is a bit tough. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! Also, if there is a better place to ask this, let me know.

    submitted by /u/Alecyte
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    Girlfriend is a web developer, looking to set up a simple website where she can showcase her portfolio/dev skills for her birthday present

    Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:50 PM PST

    So my girlfriend is majoring in web development and had expressed interest in creating her own website to showcase her projects and CSS skills.

    My idea was (for her birthday) to buy her a domain name (firstnamelastname.com) and then set up an account where she could upload her own CSS themes and stuff to the website. Ideally she could link it on job applications, etc as her portfolio.

    I already bought the domain name through Google Domains but now I'm struggling where to go next. How do I actually set up the website itself? I know I need a hosting service, and I'd prefer one that actually lets its users customize their website with code. Where do I go from here? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    edit: she has experience with both CSS and HTML

    submitted by /u/littlehawk9
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    I posted my portfolio a few weeks ago and it got some pretty negative feedback. I've since revised it and want to know what you guys think

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:10 PM PST

    [Pen/Tutorial REQUEST] "Mouse Parallax"

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

    Hello guys! I would love to learn how to do this "mouse parallax"(Please scroll down to see). Thank you so much.

    submitted by /u/LyraStark
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    Radial thumb menu with dominant hand detection

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:30 AM PST


    This is a little something I've been working on for awhile. It's basically just a proof of concept. The idea is to keep the menu easily accessible for the user no matter which hand their device is in. The CSS for the actual menu is a little wonky but it works alright.

    I think it poses some interesting questions about user experience as far as right/left handedness. Any ideas/thoughts/improvements/feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/miniversal
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    What should I learn for web dev in Ireland?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:23 PM PST


    What languages should I focus on for web development in Ireland.

    I love JS, and I'm getting very good a node. I feel like I should add something else like PHP/C#. I'm not a designer, but I love building stuff.

    Any advice

    submitted by /u/andremac96
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    How do you stay informed with latest frameworks, standards and trends?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:49 PM PST

    I've been doing webdev for a long time and often find myself playing catch-up on what's available / possible / recommended from a webdev perspective.

    What proven methods do you use to stay current?

    submitted by /u/ctorx
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    Free Web Hosting + Github Pages

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:30 PM PST

    I use github pages for my site. I wanted to add some php for forms, and that sort of thing, so if it goes down it's not too big of a deal. Should I use 000webhost for my backend, and have it go offline for an hour every day, or should I use something else, but be slower and less reliable? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/scratchyone
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    Fresh Developer. Issue with responsive media queries using CSS Grid & Flex.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:14 PM PST

    Any idea on why my 768px media query styles are overwriting my 320px styles? I'm new to development and practicing with CSS Grid and Flexbox. Hopefully my code isn't TOO messy or redundant.

    I was breaking it into modules but moved everything to a single css file until I figure out what causes the issue. The mobile styles are at top and I started the medium breakpoint below the initial styles.

    Originally I didn't have a 'mobile' breakpoint at all since I chose to do mobile first and grid outwards. But in the link to the code, there is currently a mobile breakpoint in place.

    The idea is to have a basic one column layout for mobile, a two column layout for the medium breakpoint, and then whatever for a desktop breakpoint.

    Below is a link to the code and the medium breakpoint is currently just commented out.


    Thanks in advanced to anyone that can help. I'm sure it's something small I'm overlooking.

    submitted by /u/nilo-jxn
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    Multi language portfolio site

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:28 PM PST

    I would like to ask if some of you that has a multi language portfolio site? What would be the best way to approach it? My native language isnt english, but i dont necessarily want only to reach people in my country for work.

    For freelancing i would target mom&pop shops, local shops that only has a badly and hastly built wix site just to be present on the net. Obviously i want to reach them in my native language, but also i would like to work with freelanceing sites like upwork.

    Anyone in similar situation that has a solution? What way would be the best?

    submitted by /u/deznik
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    Can't compile a javascript library with webpack

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 01:56 PM PST

    I'd like to use this library in the browser (without using nodejs): https://github.com/bjnortier/dxf

    And to make a standalone library, I've installed webpack in the repo folder and used the following webpack.config.js:

    module.exports = { entry: './lib/index.js', output: { path: __dirname + '/dist', filename: 'bundle.js' } }; 

    Then I just add the bundle.js script to my webpage, the problem is that the resulting bundle.js doesn't seem to export any of the functions I need from the library, and I really don't know what am I doing wrong since I'm very new to webpack and web modules

    Any help would be really appreciated, even if it's not a definite answer but a suggestion on what to do etc.

    submitted by /u/bloaterr
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    Some clarification on jQuery?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:53 AM PST

    I've been working on learning webdev/dev in general and am going through Colt Steele's webdev bootcamp currently. Just got to the jQuery section and the thought hit me that I've seen a lot of responses while researching things saying that you shouldn't learn jQuery, using jQuery on projects nowadays makes you look bad, etc.

    This bootcamp course is highly recommended in a lot of places, so if jQuery is so bad, why is it taught? As someone who is new to webdev, could I get some clarification from people in the field as to whether or not using jQuery is actually as bad as it is made out to be, and if it is, what a good alternative would be to learn?

    submitted by /u/Xellious
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    recent bootcamp grad - looking for github and landing page advice

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:44 PM PST

    Hello all! I recently graduated from a full stack coding boot camp and am looking for advice on tailoring my personal website and GitHub profile to look more professionally appealing to potential employers. Links are below. Any and all constructive feedback is appreciated.

    BTW: the landing page is a work in progress.

    submitted by /u/Gnumblr
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    HTML Change transparent image background color?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:39 PM PST

    Anyone here now how to change the background color of a transparent image when embedding it using the <img> tags. As i have a image which is just black text with a transparent background. Only issue is its setting the background image to black so you cant see any text only a black rectangle. https://i.gyazo.com/89e76ec71566fe03e857da01eef40ea2.png https://i.gyazo.com/57375cd6649465c12f7529758a3368d1.png

    submitted by /u/_Joosh_
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    Google Material Design: Can you tell me how to achieve this effect?

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:25 PM PST

    This is the direct link to the video: https://storage.googleapis.com/material-design/publish/material_v_12/assets/0B14F_FSUCc01aHJmMm9aR3JvazQ/goodtransition-quickdo-v4.mp4

    Here you can find the video in an infinite loop: https://material.io/guidelines/motion/material-motion.html#material-motion-what-makes-a-good-transition

    I am not familiar with Googles material framework yet. Is this particular effect ready to use within the material web components or is it something I'd have to build myself?

    Bonus question: How would you resolve this effect on a desktop - scaling the card to fixed width and heights?

    submitted by /u/I_smell_a_dank_meme
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    [Wordpress] Clearing the caches of my website for other users' browsers using W3 Cache.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:20 PM PST

    Hi everybody!

    So I've got this website, and I update it very frequently. How can I make it so if I have a major update I want to delete everybody else's cached version of my website? Does the W3 plugin function 'Empty All Caches' do this for me?

    Thank you for the help!

    submitted by /u/ThinkGoodThoughts-
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    Updating state of a parentless component in React – Arun Michael Dsouza – Medium

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

    New Mac user, lookin. For FTP solution.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:32 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    I'm a long time web developer on windows and always used WinSCP as my FTP client specifically for its ability to "live sync" the remote directory with the local changes. So, as I made changes to the php or html files, they were automatically updated on the ftp server.

    I come here to ask if/what are the alternatives to this for Mac OS? I am currently playing with transmit 5 but am unable to get any live syncing to work.

    submitted by /u/Sciptr
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    I am a self taught, boot camp trained full stack developer who after exactly 11 months after getting into programming landed his first dev job. AMA if you'd like.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:08 PM PST

    A lot of people are finding out about the wonderful world of code, I myself included. I've noticed many people are at varying stages of their adventure and even though I myself have a long way to go, wouldn't mind sharing some of what I have learned along the way. I'd love to see other more experienced developers chime in as well.

    edit: By the way I have been working for this startup for about 2 months now.

    submitted by /u/Adios_numero_two
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    New Graduate desperately looking for a job(Web Development), fellow redditors please help.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

    I recently graduated from a masters degree(Computer Engineering). I am looking for a Job in the field of web development. I have been applying to a lot of companies, but I am getting really scared as I haven't been getting any calls at all. Any help is much appreciated. Link to my Resume: https://yadunandan4992dotcom.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/yadu_nandan_resume.pdf

    Lastly,I really apologise for spamming the subreddit with this kind of a request, but I really don't know what else to do.

    submitted by /u/yadu4992
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    Proxy Requests Question

    Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:03 AM PST

    Feeling dumb, using Angular2+. I can do all the calls to my DB on my proxy API, but when I attempt to use a service for a third party web service call, I see the results in my terminal, but I get a 504 Gateway Timeout in the console. In the terminal I get: [HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /api/target from localhost:4200 to http://localhost:3000 (ECONNRESET) (https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_common_system_errors)

    Please help!

    submitted by /u/reallyliketofish
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