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    Friday, December 1, 2017

    DEAR VALUED CONTRIBUTORS -- FRIDAY RANT THREAD FOR December 01, 2017 CS Career Questions

    DEAR VALUED CONTRIBUTORS -- FRIDAY RANT THREAD FOR December 01, 2017 CS Career Questions


    Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:08 PM PST






    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Daily Chat Thread - December 01, 2017

    Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:08 PM PST

    Please use this thread to chat, have casual discussions, and ask casual questions. Moderation will be light, but don't be a jerk.

    This thread is posted every day at midnight PST. Previous Daily Chat Threads can be found here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Some CS advice for new grads

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:28 AM PST

    Companies will not be loyal to you. Always look out for yourself.

    My company recently had layoffs and let go of a few senior developers, one which has been there for 30 years. All they get is a thank you for your service and a small severance package.

    So when you feel like leaving your job for x reasons don't feel like you owe your company anything making you stay. Chances are that when it's crunch time they won't be there for you.

    submitted by /u/blaw023
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    How to make the most out of hackathons?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:10 PM PST

    I'm about to go to Major League Hacking Local Hack Day tomorrow. This is my first hackathon as well. As a recent grad, what can I do to make the most out of it careerwise?

    submitted by /u/ROGER_SHREDERER
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    failed 4 on-sites, looking for some insights

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

    I currently have a Dev job. I graduated with an undergrad in Comp Science in 2015. After 2 years working in my current company, I'm looking around now. And from Dec, 2016 to now, I had 4 on-sites. The reason that it's spread apart is because... the phone interviews+ online coding challenges take time. So to get to on-site, it usually take 1 month. And also I'm not actively applying is another reason.

    After my most recent failed on-site (which happened 2 days ago), I think my issue is.... the company see me as an experienced hire (which they are correct that I'm not a fresh grad). But my past 2 years at my current company, people see me as junior dev. Give me a lot of fragmented tasks. And a lot of front end task. And my current team operates in the way where the DBA does DB. The middle tier guy does middle tier. The tester tests. so even when I ask 1 teammate, the teammate will reply "I don't know how that parts works. because ABC works on it."

    When I go onsite, I think I do well in the coding/data structure questions in the morning session, but when the afternoon comes, and they start asking me System Design/ Architecture/ Testing questions, I begin to show weakness.

    Any advice to fix this problem where companies see me as an experienced hire, but I'm not exposed to those system design processes at work? Or maybe my assumption is totally off?

    (The reason that I think my coding skills is relatively okay is because I do rounds of phone interview where the person can see what I'm writing, and I pass those rounds. Including Google Phone interviews.) Looking for advise because I think the longer I stay at my current firm, the more experience other firms expect. But my current team doesn't really help me to understand the bigger picture.

    For people curious of which 4 on-sites that I failed: google, blackrock, 2 sigma, goldman.

    (edit: I tried to have phone conversations with start ups, they normally end with "we are looking for someone who can do C# or a particular language. And I don't think I'm arrogant because apparently failing at all these on-sites doesn't boost self confidence. And makes me question whether I should consider a career change.)

    submitted by /u/macaron2017
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    Two Sigma Halite AI Programming Competition.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:56 AM PST

    Hey, Two Sigma hosts an AI competition called Halite (https://halite.io) every year, running from October 23 to mid January. This is this second iteration. of Halite. A subsection of hackathons is hosted online for specific top schools https://halite.io/hackathon-and-events. If you are one of the top scores for your specific event ,you get flown out to SoHo Manhatten Two Sigma headquarters to compete with other players from top schools, Additionally, you get a guaranteed on-site, skipping the introductory interview process. I just wanted tell people for next year. It seemed not a lot of people are doing it.


    submitted by /u/DAVE437
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    I'm having a lot of trouble in my CS course and I'm at a bit of a crossroads here.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:37 AM PST

    Hey all. This semester (first of sophomore year) has been hell for me. Over the summer I went through some shit and it kind of bled into my life at school. I'm doing really bad in 3/4 of my classes but the one I'm most worried about salvaging right now is Computer Science. This course is really hard for me and I've already seen a friend switch majors because he just couldn't take it. We're learning complex data structures, formal language and even lexical analysis (but not for compiler design, for a calculator). Last semester we were learning basic java and some practice with GUI. And now this. Everyone I talk to says that I have really great opportunities ahead of me, but if programming at a job is anything like programming at school then I simply can not do it. I love coding but the University is really making me hate it. And if I fail this course I have to wait until the next fall semester to take it which means my computer science degree will be put on hold for a semester which would really make me reconsider. I realize that part is my fault but I feel like if I really, really wanted to do this for the rest of my life that maybe I would have had more motivation in the course. So say I do fail this computer course. Is it worth it to sit down and reflect, find my drive for computer science again and go back next fall and be better, while also being a semester or two behind? Or should I just switch majors? The only other thing I think I might find interesting is law and that will cost a shit load of money.

    submitted by /u/Heisenberger_
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    Is Advent of Code a good practice for algo/ds questions asked by tech companies?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:43 AM PST

    Due to stupid project timelines, I have basically got one free week at work in which I am allowed to do anything. Instead of making a side project, I was thinking of using this time to solve such problems. I can't do LeetCode, CTCI etc because that will be too obvious :-) But I can justify working on Advent of Code to improve my skills.

    Has anyone tried it? If yes, can you tell me if this directly relates to what we see in algo/ds heavy interview process?

    2016: https://adventofcode.com/2016

    2017(just starting): https://adventofcode.com/2017

    submitted by /u/FrontendMaster
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    Process for applying and attaining an internship abroad?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:30 PM PST

    How hard is the process of applying and getting an internship abroad or being placed at the international office of a US based company? For me personally, I think it would be a great experience to try working abroad in China (I was born and raised in California) and experience the tech culture there.

    submitted by /u/lalaiet
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    Anyone here been involved in bootcamps as a job? I was emailed about an opportunity to be a TA for a coding bootcamp, and it pays more than my last job.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:49 PM PST

    Out of the blue I got this email which was on a message via LinkedIn. This didn't come from a typical third party recruiter. They're recruiters for educational services. The TA job is for a series of bootcamps coming up early next year, which are being offered by a well known local university. I want to know what your thoughts are about this.

    I currently have no job, and this part-time job pays more per hour than my last job (I was a contractor), which I found surprising. Has anyone here worked as an instructor or TA role for a coding bootcamp? Should I apply? Is it worth taking, even part time?

    submitted by /u/bcInstructor01
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    What sorts of roles would suit someone who actually enjoys all the data structures & algorithm stuff?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:32 PM PST

    I know the whiteboarding style interviews get a lot of criticism, and it's repeated ad nauseam that people never implement their own data structures / search / sort algorithms, but rather just import one from a library... but I really enjoy my DS&A courses.

    I like being able to see every step that's being performed, and the lightbulb moment when something clicks and suddenly everything runs infinitely faster. I don't really see many jobs about where I'll actually get to do this though... everything seems to be a question of plugging together a bunch of libraries and/or frameworks, with all the interesting stuff abstracted away to oblivion.

    What sort of roles should I be looking for? I'm guessing lower-level, bare-metal programming roles might suit, but I never see them advertised. I'm also an average student from a mid-tier university, so can't really see myself gaining the really interesting roles at {damn_cool_company}.

    Any advice / recommendations / "me too" / "you fool!" / "been there, done that, would(n't) recommend" would be much appreciated :)


    submitted by /u/YUM_BlueberryMuffins
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    How do I get a company to offer deadline time limits set by my University

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:30 PM PST

    I'm an undergraduate senior, and I was just extended a full time offer from a company I was very excited to interview with. For context, I had met and interviewed with this company through my university's career fair.

    While I'm otherwise very excited about the offer, the deadline the company gave me was in 1 week. This has admittedly turned me off a bit, especially since I'm still interviewing with a few other companies.

    I did some investigating, and I found that my university asks that recruiters give candidates at least 3 weeks to make a decision.

    My first instinct is to tell my recruiter, but frankly, I'm not sure what the most tactful way to do that is. I'm also not sure if I should tell my university as well. This seems like a red flag, but I'd like to give this company the benefit of the doubt.

    I'd really appreciate any advice on how to handle this. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DeadlineExtender
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    How to get involved in tech community in NYC

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

    I moved to nyc over the summer for work, and now that I'm more settled in, I'm looking for new things to do and possibly ways to advance my career and also meet cool people.

    I was wondering what's ways (events, meet ups, volunteering?) there are to get involved in NYC.

    submitted by /u/alittlemorebounce
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    Internships in the US as a swede/EU citizen

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:32 PM PST

    I want to work in the US when I'm finished with my degree (just started my masters). And I'd love to try and work in the US for a summer or so before as an intern so I can get a feel for the country and working/living in it.

    How hard is it for a non US citizen to get a summer internship? I guess the big 4 has the resources to help with visa and everything, but where is the cutoff, which companies is even worth applying to for a summer internship?

    submitted by /u/csSWE
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    What to do about guy at work who won't stop bothering me although I've told him several time to stop?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

    A guy at work bullied me several times. I told him to stop and that it's not funny. He said he's just teasing. I told him I don't like it and not to do it again. He keeps doing it. He's really an asshole. Now he's taken to following me around. He's so creepy I want nothing to do with him. I've told him several time already to leave me alone and won't stop. Should I go to hr or what should I do?

    submitted by /u/needadviceatwork
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    JPMorgan Chase or Fannie Mae?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST

    Hi. Non big-n normie here wanting to work at normie job. I got offers for new grad software engineer/technology analyst (JP's way of saying the same thing) and they're both in the same location pretty much.

    The two main things I'm trying to weigh between is salary and work environment + job security.

    Both seem like bureaucratic financial institutions so likely slow moving/problems with management (as seen in glassdoor reviews). I know literally nothing about Fannie Mae's program but I've heard some good things about JP. I really don't know what to pick because FM has a higher salary (about 6k more and double bonus so in total probably 9-11k more) but I don't know anyone who works there that can give me an honest opinion on what's it like to work there. Also FM's glassdoor has a bunch of angry people talking about recent layoffs so that's not very encouraging. But I guess JP has angry people too.

    Could anyone working at either of these tell me more about the environment and such? Or tell me what you would decide between the two? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/lesserof2banks
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    Is it really competitive in Toronto (or elsewhere) for average recent grads this year?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:10 PM PST

    I graduated with a degree in cs last june. Since then I've had dozens of phone interviews, about 7 onsite, and 0 offers. I would have more onsite If I didn't choke the behavioral interviews at the start.

    No internships, but I've got a good amount of personal/school projects completed. I'm a very average programmer, but I never expected to take 6 months+ to get something. Oh and I've only been applying in toronto, mainly because of personal reasons.

    I just feel like I haven't been able to really prove myself. Any tips/comments are appreciated. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/lultics
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    How screwed am I at this point in the cycle?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:29 AM PST

    I've applied to over 50 places for summer internships. I've had some bites from good companies with coding challenges, but I usually bomb those. There will always be one question I can't solve. The exception was Goldman Sachs where I got to the superday, but then I bombed an insanely easy question in Python because I second questioned myself on something that should have been trivial.

    Thing is, I've been doing leetcode (~40 questions, more attempted) and CTCI and haven't really seen much improvement since I started. I can usually solve those problems, but it takes me hours, and I'm not seeing a speedup which is what I need.

    Worse, I'm worried I'm out of time in general. I'm in a two year post-bacc program, this is the last year I can apply for summer internships before I graduate. We're getting, what, midway into summer internship application season? Most of the big companies are getting close to done, and my city doesn't have a big tech sector for internships (Nashville) so I'm not sure smaller internships are a possibility. I'm currently unemployed and doing temp work to pay the bills, so I've got full time work, plus part time school, plus a job hunt and an internship hunt, which leaves me with very little time to do things like leetcode or projects. I know people in my program who already landed multiple internships offers at big companies, some even already landed full jobs, and meanwhile I'm getting concerned that I'm going to graduate with nothing more than a degree and a good GPA, leaving me in a spot not much better than where I am now where most employers don't bother looking because I have no professional coding experience.

    submitted by /u/ideidk
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    Got an offer from top-tier company that conflicts with the dates of a not-top-tier company I've already accepted. What to do? (More details inside)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:14 PM PST

    A bit more context: I accepted a co-op position starting in January. Usually, co-ops last about 6 months, so Jan-Aug is longer than the norm. I'd like to shorten to Jan-May (5 months). Here's what the offer letter says:

    Your internship [...] is expected to last until August {more specific date}, 2018 however, it constitutes "at-will" employment in that it can be terminated with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of either the Company or yourself, except as otherwise provided by law. The terms of this offer letter, therefore, do not and are not intended to create either an express and/or implied contract of employment with the Company.

    As I understand, then, it would be completely in my legal right to just walk out and quit right when the other internship starts. Obviously, that's not what I want to do. Therefore, I feel that I have three options:

    1. Contacting my Jan-Aug employer and lying about why I have to leave early
    2. Contacting my Jan-Aug employer and being honest that I'd like to do another Internship (This seems like the best option? How should I write this email?)
    3. Decline the top-tier offer and do my best to leverage my contacts w/ the recruiter in the future
    submitted by /u/cscareer-throwaway
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    How do companies verify overseas internship?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:15 AM PST

    Do they just call them? But they don't even speak the same language.

    submitted by /u/awaythrown12382
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    Exam support and motivation

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:19 PM PST

    Hi For those of you that are about to enter in exams/final projects of a first or final semester just keep this in mind: a grade in a class does not define you.

    It just doesn't. It captures your ability to learn and comprehend challenging material that you may use everyday in your career or never at all.

    Do not let yourself be defined by being awesome in an area and horrible in others so much that you avoid them or always stay in a certain subset of this world we . Challenge yourself and go where you may struggle. It's worth it.

    submitted by /u/HackVT
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    What do you find most important in your career when you're first starting out vs long term?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:57 PM PST

    I'm about to graduate from my schools with a BS in CS. As I look for a job, I'm wondering what does everyone consider important to them when they're first starting their careers? And what changes in importance as you work longer in the field?

    submitted by /u/csvopro
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    Should I take the job?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:04 PM PST

    I posted this at /r/AskEngineers and they said I should post here too.

    First, some background: I am currently in a software developer role at a large corporation that I got into right out of university. My role involves developing various tools to automate or optimize processes in the production line. I've been with this company for almost 3 years, but with this division for only one and a half. To give you a sense of my work situation, the division has between 200-300 employees and my team has less than 10. When I joined this division, I worked hard and learned new skills in .NET and SQL fairly quickly and soon I was able to handle large projects on my own. But while I have been given a lot of responsibility and a substantial raise for my efforts, I feel like I am stagnating and that there isn't much room for growth because there are less than 40 engineers in this division and most of them work in other areas like project management or hardware rather than in software/automation, which is my main focus. Also, I am currently doing a Masters degree in CE part-time so that I can transition towards machine learning (ML) and this company does not have jobs in that area.

    My dilemma: Recently I was contacted by a recruiter who represents a small consulting company. They specialize in using off-the-shelf process automation software to automate a lot of manual work and data processing tasks that are common in industries like banking. There is some programming involved and you can develop some custom add-ons to enhance it. But mainly, it involves analyzing the client's process, figuring out the best way to automate it, and then implementation. Also, you get to travel to see different clients.

    I was initially skeptical because the firm is small, the work felt less technical and more business-focused (not necessarily a bad thing) and it seemed like it also wouldn't have anything to do with ML. But during the interview, the managers and employees were friendly and told me that they had plans to use ML to offer even more value to their customers. Also, at this firm I would be making around 20-30% more (incentives included). To me, it seems like a good opportunity to gain client interfacing skills, travel, and even have the possibility of doing some machine learning work. And the company seems to have a bright future, even receiving awards for their high profit-growth.

    However, what I'm worried about is losing the hard-earned relationships I've built with my current coworkers. Also I've heard that consulting companies often overwork their employees, which would be especially bad for me since I am studying part-time. And of course, there's always the risk that I might be pigeon-holed to working in similar companies (small, consulting field) in the future (tell me, is this risk real?). This is an issue because my eventual goal is to get into innovative tech companies like Google, Amazon, or Microsoft.

    TLDR; Currently at a comfy, low-risk job at a large company. Got an offer at a small consulting firm with a substantial raise.

    What do you think I should do? Any advice would be deeply appreciated.

    submitted by /u/engineeringreality
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    Sophomore looking to prepare for PM internships

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:40 PM PST

    Hi there!

    I'm still not 100% sure what I want to do with my career, but I've recently gotten pretty interested in the PM role. Do you have any advice on how to try out/enter this field? I know that the Microsoft Explore program offers a chance to experience the role, but do you guys know of or recommend any others?


    submitted by /u/lalaiet
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    Should I take an internship if I probably will not be staying with the company?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

    If a company specifically told you that they are looking for interns who will continue with the company once they graduate, would it be wrong to take the internship without having any plans on actually staying? Assuming you have no other internships and just want to secure at least one before graduating so that you'll be more competitive for other opportunities.

    submitted by /u/fruitchaat
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    Struggling with easy leetcode problems in C, should I change language?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:42 AM PST

    I'm a JavaScript developer at my day job, but I'd like to move to a lower level language. I thought doing an easy leetcode challenge in C each day would help me learn, but I find even easy problems like add-binary tough.

    Should I use a different language, should I improve my C skills before attempting the challenged, or should I just power through?

    submitted by /u/hurumphh
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