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    Thursday, February 24, 2022

    Just turned 28, need a career change and programming seems like a good choice. How hard is it starting from scratch. learn programming

    Just turned 28, need a career change and programming seems like a good choice. How hard is it starting from scratch. learn programming

    Just turned 28, need a career change and programming seems like a good choice. How hard is it starting from scratch.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 04:41 PM PST

    Just had my 28th birthday and desperately need to change my career path, I currently work on machines in a factory making about 28k but there is never going to be any chance of progressing here so now seems like the time to go. The only problem is I know next to nothing about programming, I am very willing to learn and have been looking at different online courses. Realistically how long do you think it would take from starting to learn to be able to successfully get my first job in the Industry? How much will not having a degree impact any future job opportunities?

    submitted by /u/Sangomans
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    Is it normal to develop a severe inferiority complex from reading Reddit?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 09:16 PM PST

    "Hi, I'm Steve, I literally taught myself programming from knowing nothing in 3 months and immediately got a job making 300K a year, now I switch jobs every 3 months and get a 50% increase every time! Also my job is fully remote and really easy and I only need to spend 10 hours a week actually doing any work, so I use my spare time to get a second job so now I make twice as much!"

    submitted by /u/Mustfun
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    A better way to learn. Mentoring request and mentoring offer.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 05:17 AM PST

    Over my journey I have come to realize one of the best ways to deeply understand something is to try and teach it (rubber ducky is getting sick of me).

    Though for a beginner this can feel dangerous as you don't know what you don't know. However I think the general second opinion, fresh eyes and a louse social contract of not wanting to let the other person down, far outweigh the potential negatives.

    For these reasons, I was hoping to find someone who is farther along than me that would be willing to mentor me over the next couple months, and I would also be willing to pass on this good faith to someone not as experienced as I.

    So what is my current situation? I am a self-taught web dev with minimum schooling on the subject. Since then, I have completed CS50x and I am about half way through The Odin Project's JavaScript Full stack course. At this point I can create anything in the front end using vanilla tools, and can throw together a basic REST API on the backend. I still have very far to go though to become hireable. Oh, and I'm Canadian.

    TLDR; For anyone that would like to mentor or become mentored, upvote and post it in the comments. Hopefully we can all help eachother.

    submitted by /u/NotZeldaLive
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    Closing an 11-month, unemployed chapter of non-stop grinding

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 07:24 PM PST

    Hey Reddit, first post here. I have a question that i'd like to ask the active community and gather some thoughts on.

    tl;dr I self-taught, then bootcamped, then worked for the bootcamp, and finally started getting offers 5 months after graduating. Now I'm torn on who to start my career with. Can skip to the next TL;DR for my targeted point of discussion.

    To share a bit of my background & relay my success story going into programming:

    I quit my 4 year-career in restaurants to break into the tech industry with a role that would allow me to actively contribute to human development. I chose restaurants because I didn't want to study. Though I really enjoyed being able to learn and be a part of the crazy orchestra that it takes to run a restaurant. Going into it, it was my passion. One day, I woke up at work wondering "what kind of impact do i want to have on the planet before i die" I realized that restaurant salaries would never cut it unless I started an extremely popular chain of restaurants.

    I started getting ads for bootcamps & before you know it I was taking prep courses for Thinkful and Galvanize/HackReact. I decided to take a leap of faith and just go for it, these bootcamps were promising $60k/year "guaranteed or you dont have to pay" (these are the lowkey bullshit ISA's. as a 1st generation immigrant, they were my only avenue but be weary about accepting these terms. Some bootcamps don't care about overwhelming you with debt after graduation and the "dont have to pay part" is very finnicky, as you can imagine.)

    Anyway, I quit my job and developed a full-time study habit of teaching myself web development since, according to Google, that was totally viable. After 3 months of full-time, unguided, & erratic work, I succumbed to Imposter Syndrome & decided to enroll into General Assembly's software engineering immersive. Only going through the course did I realize how much I learned teaching myself, because the course was much easier for me than for a lot of others. After I graduated, I was invited by GA to become a part of the instructional team for a cohort before I landed a contract with an NYC-based startup.

    That was a trip in itself, I was thrown into this pool of tickets with minimal description and an emphasis of working independently. I was overwhelmed & flustered & I ended up having to quit for my own emotional health. As much as it was a loss, I took what I learned & refocused how I would tackle my job search in the new year. I did this by finding a mentor, rewording my resume, starting a new side project, and applied aggressively to junior roles. If they had "junior" in the title, they also had a message from me on LinkedIn. I needed to be hungry & I needed to be competitive when I had the chance to be in front of them. Keep in mind, I graduated in August and casually applied to jobs without networking out of fear of being an inconvenience. By January (5 months past graduation), I had a maximum of I would say 5 phone screens, no technical interviews. This revamp of my material, getting feedback from devs in the field, shifting my focus from strictly learning to now building, & putting myself in front of people to get noticed; all of this work had a direct affect to the overwhelming activity I received in the last month of my job search.

    The only reason I really shared my story I guess is just to show that as long as you don't give up, what you seek is inevitable. I was unemployed & extremely nervous about the choice I made but after 11 months, I'm extremely proud of being in the predicament I'm in today:

    TL;DR (continued)

    I've been extended an offer as a DevOps Analyst Engineer for an NYC bond-trading company, which I couldn't help but take as soon as they offered. When I was going through the interviews, I remember curveballs about microservices, systems design, etc that I just had 0 clue about & was transparent about lacking the knowledge but complimented that transparency with a rebuttal of my thoughts on what I thought these terms went. So I thought I bombed the interview just to find out I was chosen. Super excited, especially about DevOps because it sounds like Software Development's next level. I'm just really appreciating the "big picture" view of of engineering that is DevOps. Rather than being a tool or specialty, it's a mindset on how to take ownership of your code while developing tools that make your life easier and allow for seamless integrations and faster deployments.

    The only problem? I'm in the final round of a JP Morgan hackathon in 2 days and at the second round (first was technical assessment) of interviews with McKinsey. So, after 11 months of hard work and no responses, I somehow landed next/final round interviews for 2 of the most prestigious companies in the world, while landing the offer I've been waiting for all this time.

    My question is ... what do i do?

    Like I mentioned, I'm really into DevOps, I think the need for these engineers and skillsets is going to explode over the next decade and wouldn't mind getting my foot in the door.

    However, if I get offers for these other companies, I would really hate to turn them down. Especially as my first entry-level job into software development, it would be unbelievable to have either of these names on my resume, especially if they ended up offering more money.

    But I've already accepted the initial offer. I'm an ass for starting & quitting and i would feel like an ass if I went back to them asking for money because of offers from these other companies. It's a pickle man and you guys are welcome to berate or share your thoughts below. This is my first interaction with the community so I'm very eager to see the reactions to this post.

    Either way, thanks for coming to my ted talk, I hope everyone who read this has an excellent rest of their day!

    submitted by /u/yeezick
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    What IDEs would you recommend for C and C++ learners?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 02:56 AM PST

    I got Visual Studio, VSCode for choice, are there any other handy IDEs to start with?

    submitted by /u/JKimu
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    Reverse-engineering pseudocode--a good way for beginners to learn?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 11:55 PM PST

    Not sure if I worded the title correctly in order to get my point across--I'm a first year (second semester) CS student trying to solidify my foundations in Java.

    What I have been doing while reading the examples of code in my textbook is writing comments in pen to the right of the code, basically breaking things down to make sure that I understand them.

    These are NOT the same comments I would write in actual code, they're more to help me make connections in my brain as I'm reading through examples.


    Scanner inputfile = openFile(filename); 

    next to it I'll write: this line of code is attempting to open the file by calling the openFile method, found below. The openFile method will return null if the file doesn't exist, and scan if the file exists.

    Then I will page down to the openFile() method and write little comments next to that method in order to connect everything together to see how the pieces of code work together.

    Is this worthwhile or am I focusing too much on the examples in the textbook instead of writing my own code?

    submitted by /u/HilltopHood
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    C++ stuck on somethiing simple

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 04:13 AM PST

    Hello everyone :) I wrote this little satire program that rates a mans 'datability' on a dating app. It keeps a score tally as you answer differnt questions. Everyting appears to go smoothly until the last part where it asks you the bonus question about your car. At that point, it seems that the value of the variable 'score' gets messed up and always becomes 1. Hence, giving the user a terrible rating every time. I'm sure this is something very simple and I am just new and ignorant. Anyone care to chime in and tell me where my code is screwing up? Thank you!

    #include <iostream> #include <cmath> // Necessary for use of ceil expression #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { system("color fc"); // Change color of background and characters // Define variables to be used double score; // double, char, and string types are used in this program char height; char money; char body; char kids; char house; char personality; string title; char car; score = 0; // User starts out with 0 points int scoreOver100 = (score > 100); // variables representing different score ranges int score100 = (score == 100); int score90 = ((score >= 90) && (score <= 99)); int score80 = ((score >= 80) && (score <= 89)); int score70 = ((score >= 70) && (score <= 79)); int score60 = ((score >= 60) && (score <= 69)); int score50 = ((score >= 50) && (score <= 59)); int score40 = ((score >= 40) && (score <= 49)); int score30 = ((score >= 30) && (score <= 39)); int scoreBelow30 = (score < 30); // Introduction to the user cout << "Are you a man who want's to know if he stands a chance in the brutal world of online dating?\n"; //intro for user cout << "If so, take the following quick quiz and get your 'datability score' right now!\n"; //intro for user cout << "Your 'datability' will be determined on a scale of 0-100.\n"; //intro for user cout << "It's quick, easy, fun, and guranteed accurate! Know your worth and get out there tiger!\n"; //intro for user // Height question 25pts cout << "\nHow tall are you?\n"; cout << "\nA Under 6ft."; cout << "\nB Over 6ft\n"; cin >> height; cout << endl; switch (height) { case 'A': case 'a': score = score; // equal break; case 'B': case 'b': score = score + 25; // tall add 25 break; default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, or B. Start over and try again.\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl; // Money question 20pts cout << "\nHow much money do you make?\n"; cout << "\nA 40k and uder\n"; cout << "\nB 40-50K\n"; cout << "\nC 50-60K\n"; cout << "\nD 60-80K\n"; cout << "\nE 80k and up \n"; cout << endl; cin >> money; switch (money) { // This program makes use of switch expressions case 'A': case 'a': score = score; // 40K and under equal break; case 'B': case 'b': score = score + 5; // 30-40K add 5 break; case 'C': case 'c': score = score + 10; // 40-50K add 10 break; case 'D': case 'd': score = score + 15; // 60-80K add 15 break; case 'E': case 'e': score = score + 20; // 80K+ add 20 break; default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, or E. Start over and try again.\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl; // Body type 20pts cout << "\nHow would you describe your body type?\n"; cout << "\nA Skinny\n"; cout << "\nB Average \n"; cout << "\nC Fat\n"; cout << "\nD Muscular\n"; cout << "\nE Jacked\n"; cout << endl; cin >> body; switch (body) { case 'A': case 'a': score = score + 5; // add 5 for skinny break; case 'B': case 'b': score = score + 10; // add 10 for average break; case 'C': case 'c': score = score; // equal for fat break; case 'D': case 'd': score = score + 15; // add 15 for muscular break; case 'E': case 'e': score = score + 20; // add 20 for jacked break; default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, E, or F. Start over and try again.\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl; // Kids 15pts cout << "\nHow old are your kids?\n"; cout << "\nA Under 18\n"; cout << "\nB Over 18\n"; cout << "\nC No kids\n"; cout << endl; cin >> kids; switch (kids) { case 'A': case 'a': score = score + 5; // add 5 kids under 18 break; case 'B': case 'b': score = score + 10; // add 10 kids over 18 break; case 'C': case 'c': score = score + 15; // add 15 no kids break; default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, or C. Start over and try again.\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl; // Homeowner 15pts cout << "\nWhat is your living sitiuation?\n"; cout << "\nA You own a house\n"; cout << "\nB You own a condo\n"; cout << "\nC You rent an apartment\n"; cout << "\nD You live with your parents\n"; cout << "\nE You live with friends \n"; cout << endl; cin >> house; switch (house) { case 'A': case 'a': score = score + 15; // add 15 for homeowner break; case 'B': case 'b': score = score + 10; // add 10 for condo owner break; case 'C': case 'c': score = score + 5; // add 5 for apartment break; case 'D': case 'd': score = score; // equal for living with parents break; case 'E': case 'e': score = score; // equal for living with friends break; default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, or E. Start over and try again\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl; // Personality 5pts cout << "\nHow would you describe your personality?\n"; cout << "\nA Narcisist\n"; cout << "\nB Modest\n"; cout << "\nC Outgoing\n"; cout << "\nD Dominant\n"; cout << "\nE Submissive \n"; cout << "\nF Cocky\n"; cout << "\nG Alpha Male\n"; cout << endl; cin >> personality; switch (personality) { case 'A': case 'a': score = score + 3; // add 3 for narcasist break; case 'B': case 'b': score = score + 1; // subtract 2 for modest break; case 'C': case 'c': score = score + 3; // add 3 for outgoing break; case 'D': case 'd': score = score + 3; // add 3 for dominate break; case 'E': case 'e': score = score; // deduct 3 for submissive break; case 'F': case 'f': score = score + 4; // add 4 for cocky break; case 'G': case 'g': score = score + 5; // add 5 for alpha male break; default: cout << "\nYou must pick A, B, C, D, E, F, or G. Start over and try again\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } cout << "\nYour current score is:" << score << endl; // Bonus 50% multiplier question cout << "\n\nIs your score less than impressive?\n"; cout << "\nIf youre not doing well there is one last vestige of hope for you...\n"; cout << "\nYour car.\n"; cout << "\nIf you drive a car valued at over $75,000 you can possibly redeem yourself with a 50% bonus to your current score.\n"; cout << "\nSo, is your car worth over $75,000? Enter 'Y' for yes and 'N' for no:\n"; cin >> car; switch (car) { case 'Y': case 'y': score = ceil(score * 1.50); // This program makes use of ceil expression break; case 'N': case 'n': break; default: cout << "Invalid input. Please start over.\n\n\n"; // Error message return 0; } // Titles based on final score if (score = scoreOver100) { // This program makes use of nested else/if expressions title = "The most desired man on Earth."; } else if (score = score100) { title = "Who said the perfect man doesn't exist?"; } else if (score = score90) { title = "The cream of the crop."; } else if (score = score80) { title = "Better than most but not Brad Pitt."; } else if (score = score70) { title = "The guy she settled for."; } else if (score = score60) { title = "Good for a backup option."; } else if (score = score50) { title = "Don't get to picky."; } else if (score = score40) { title = "Marry the first woman you date."; } else if (score = score30) { title = "You can always get a pet."; } else if (score = scoreBelow30) { title = "Join a monestary and become a celibate monk."; } else { title = "Your classifacation does not compute! Error!"; // Error message } cout << "\nThe final tally is in and your score has been calcuated! \n"; cout << "\nYour official title is: " << "'" << title << "'" << " with a datability score of:" << score << endl; } 
    submitted by /u/HumbleAd4170
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    Learn Buddy/ Odin Project

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 01:17 AM PST

    Hey folks,

    I am searching for a learning Buddy.

    I am working through the Odin Project and my strat is to build a website beside the Project so I / we get some practice too.

    I am at the beginning of the Project and worked through the HTML and CSS foundation now. But I am willing to go a step back. Especially the Git / Github lesson will get my attention one more time anyway.

    I want to meet on Discord for 2 x 2 hours in the week e.g. Tuesday and Thursday 6pm-8pm

    and 1 4 hour block Weekends

    I live in Austria, the same Timezone would be awesome.

    (The Austria with the mountains, not the Australia with the roos)

    I speak German and English.

    submitted by /u/13Braunafk37
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    Can I just say how grateful I am for the MDN?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2022 08:21 PM PST

    I'm learning web development and I love reading the MDN. The content is engaging and refreshingly straight-forward. What a privilege to learn from this resource.

    submitted by /u/greysbananabee
    [link] [comments]

    I can't write good code without understanding the black box. I find learning 'good practices' unintuitive.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 03:49 AM PST

    Recently I started hitting walls when attempting to write anything 'professional'. no book explains how a programming language actually works, at least no book that claims to teach a language. most people start out with a ready programming language and start following good practices over time. I tried doing the same but I find my self lost especially with languages like C++ where there are over a hundred ways of doing the same thing, I often ask my self but how does this even look in assembly? why is this practice better exactly?

    like for example a switch or an if statement what's the difference really at the end of the day? doesn't the compiler 'optimize the code' anyways? there are obvious, common sense things like using a pointer instead of copying the entire variable you don't need to understand how the language works (how it looks in assembly?) in order to understand that.

    how am I supposed to write good code when I don't even know how a function even maps out in assembly? im not complaining here but no book for the most part emphasize the point that you probably need to have experience with writing your own language in order for you to really understand and properly use another language. most developers, especially none veterans (who have been there since the early days of computing) that use languages like C#/Java/Javascript/Python seem to be satisfied to just learn good practices and be done with their jobs does any one of them even understand how their own language (that they have been using for their entire career) even works? or how the browser works? am I doing this the wrong way? should I just give up and write however I want until the program breaks and just brute force my way? because most programmers seem fine with that approach.

    submitted by /u/NoDepartment1750
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    Are coding challenges the best way

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 02:59 AM PST

    Hello I am learning how to code through courses and code challenges I learned html and css

    and have finished a long js course so I know quite a bit of the syntax but how to use all the things I know to create or solve problems is hard for me but I have been getting better thanks to challenges but is that the only way is there anything else I can do to help learn how to thinks like a programmer and not just the syntax this is a passion of mine so I am willing to do anything to learn how to build webapps and sites

    p.s I learned almost everything I know through jonas courses in udemy they are long but very detailed

    and thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/ultima-train
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    What language(s) should I learn for a knowledge base project?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 02:55 AM PST

    So, I'm not going into this completely blind, I know programming isn't as easy as learning one language and making X = job done. I work in IT and have a little front-end experience, but nothing to write home about.

    However, I need a knowledge base with a search function, and I want to try building a simple one myself as a little project. I want to learn programming and need something practical to build whilst I learn, ideally something web-based. I just want to make something that knowledge can be added to by numerous users, easily searchable, and presented in an easy to understand manner.

    Hopefully this isn't too noobish of a question! Please let me know if it is and what more info is required. Thanks in advance guys!

    EDIT: I understand that this might be a very standard project that already has a template of sorts, which I'd be happy to take a look at! I just need a foundation.

    submitted by /u/YungTabernacle
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    Best free resources to learn UML diagrams?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 02:54 AM PST

    Hello, my final on software engineering is tomorrow and it includes UML diagrams like use case, class, sequence and activity. I got 60% on the midterms and I'd like to get at least 80% on this exam, but I'm having difficulties finding resources that go more in-depth on the diagrams. It would be nice to have some good practice problems and solutions as well. Do you guys have any such resources that are free?

    If anyone could help me understand what I got wrong in my midterms, it would be so helpful as well! Please do knock me if you can and I'll send you my work. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Lury1
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    looking for advanced project tips

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 01:47 AM PST

    Hi i currently am looking for advanced project ideas in order to push my knowledge of my stack even further I mostly use ( PHP, JS, AND GO). Anyways to give u a perceptive i made a legal generation websites for will and power of attorneys and a cloud based POS system for restaurant and bar for guests to order via qr code + plus a barrage of small tools in back end for employees and managers. I need something to push my little further but keep coming across articles that i can easily build. So i need a challenge in order to learn more... I looking for long haul projects not something i can do during a weekend. remove if not allowed.

    submitted by /u/cryptographic_
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    Is there a programming name for "tripwire" or "trap"?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 01:42 AM PST

    I'm designing an API specification where one of the functionalities is to set a sort of tripwire for motion detection. Basically, I want the user to be able to call set_motion_tripwire which resets an internal bool to False, and then they can call check_motion_tripwire at any point later to check whether that internal bool is True (which, for this particular use case, would be the case if motion had been detected at any point). Although I've never seen this concept in an API before, I get the feeling it must exist in some unexplored (by me) region of programming space.

    submitted by /u/_4lexander_
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    [Question] Do you prefer multiple videos in playlist of a programming tutorial or you prefer the programming tutorial as one big long video ?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 05:25 AM PST

    I am quite unsure about what to do ? Whether to long big videos or have smaller tutorials focussed on very small topic.

    Would love to know your thoughts.

    submitted by /u/Individual-User
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    How can I install JGrasp IDE on my Chromebook with Linux?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 05:24 AM PST

    I am new to Linux environment, and installing JGrasp is complicated for me since I dont know the commands on using the Terminal. I can use other IDE but JGrasp is the one being required by our instructor.

    btw JGrasp is an IDE for Java.

    submitted by /u/ConfectionOpen8704
    [link] [comments]

    Hey what's wrong with this program? It goes on till eternity.

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 01:17 AM PST

    #include <stdio.h>

    /* reading and writing record of 2 students, their roll no. name and percentage */

    int main()


    FILE * fp;

    int roll;

    char name[20];

    float per;

    int i=1;

    fp=fopen("student.txt", "w");


    printf("Enter roll: ");

    scanf("%d", &roll);

    printf("Enter name: ");

    scanf("%s", name);

    printf("Enter percentage: ");

    scanf("%f", &per);

    fprintf(fp,"%d %s %f", roll, name, per);




    fp=fopen("student.txt", "r");

    printf("Data of the student from the file: ");

    while((fscanf(fp,"%d %s %f", &roll, name, &per))!=EOF)


    printf("%d %s %f", roll, name, per);



    return 0;


    submitted by /u/53XYA55
    [link] [comments]

    Web development Pathway

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 05:01 AM PST


    I just want to ask somethings or the pathway itself that you may suggest in learning Web Development. I already come across some ideas but I still want to ask your personal experiences.

    Profile: BS Education in Mathematics, tech-savy, has basic HTML and CSS knowledge, currently learning Applied Visual Design in freecodecamp . org.

    Thank you in advance! ^_^

    submitted by /u/Lazyy_gorl
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    VSCode - Can it do code completion / syntax for multiple languages?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 04:24 AM PST

    I'm using VS code to write / amend mostly web based languages. In particular, I'm using it for PHP. It works great, but my question is - is there an option that would allow me to have code hints / completion etc for multiple languages? A lot of the PHP files contain PHP, html, css and sometimes JS.


    submitted by /u/FrayBentosCuban
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    Which code is better?

    Posted: 24 Feb 2022 12:35 AM PST

    Code 1:


    <button onclick="styleOne()">click</button>


    let value = {

    bgColor: "transparent", borderColor: "000000", borderWidth: "4", array: "6 14", linecap: "square", offset: "0", radius: "0", 


    function styleOne() { changeImage(value); };

    changeImage(param) { // Block of code. };

    Code 2:


    <button onclick="styleImage('transparent', '000000', '4', '6 14', 'square', '0', '0')">click</button>


    styleImage(bgColor, borderColor, borderWidth, array, linecap, offset, radius) { // Block of code. }

    submitted by /u/Academic-Quality-382
    [link] [comments]

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